Special Learner Programs - Northwest Arkansas Community College (2024)

  • Advanced Placement Programs
  • Honors Program
  • Membership Benefits
  • Off-Campus Civil Service Classes
  • Service Learning
  • Study Abroad Program
  • College Credit for Prior Work or Learning
  • Standard for Awarding Credit - Credit from Prior Learning
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
  • Credit by International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • Digital Learning

On Campus Concurrent Enrollment

Students can earn college credit while in high school on any NWACC location.

Who: Students in 9th - 12th grades
Where: Any NWACC location
Must have:

  • High school GPA
    • 3.0 for transfer or general education courses
    • 2.0 for career and technical classes leading to an Associate of Applied Science
  • Appropriate placement test scores

How to register:

  • Apply for admission online at www.nwacc.edu/CreditApp
  • Submit placement test scores andimmunization records.
  • Activate your NWACC Student account.
  • Complete Onboarding tasks in Workday
  • Schedule an Advisingappointment at https://nwacc.craniumcafe.com/login
  • Register for courses in Workday

For most current and up to date information, see NWACC High School.

High School Based Concurrent Enrollment

(Early College Experience Program)
NWACC has partnered with several area high schools to offer college classes at the high school during the school day.

Who: Students in 9th - 12th grades
Where: At student’s high school or online
Must have:

  • Approval from the high school Principal or Counselor
  • High school GPA
    • 3.0 for transfer or general education courses
    • 2.0 for career and technical classes leading to an Associate of Applied Science
  • Appropriate placement test scores

How to register:

  • Apply for admission online at www.nwacc.edu/CreditApp
  • Visit your high school counselor or advisorfor information on program eligibility, schedule, cost, application deadlines, etc.
  • Submit course selections to your high school counselor or advisor.
  • The high school will send course selections to Early College Experience.
  • Enrollments will be processed by Early College Experience staff.

Career and Technical Programs

(Early College Experience Program)

Who: Students in 11th and 12th grades
Where: At Secondary Career Center locations (Bentonville, Farmington, Don Tyson School of Innovation)
Must Have:

  • Approval from the high school Principal or Counselor
  • High school GPA
    • 2.0 for career and technical classes leading to an Associate of Applied Science
  • Appropriate placement test scores

How to Register:

  • Apply for admission online at www.nwacc.edu/CreditApp
  • Visit your high school counselor or advisorfor information on program eligibility, schedule, cost, application deadlines, etc.
  • Submit course selections to your high school counselor or advisor.
  • The high school will send course selections to Early College Experience.
  • Enrollments will be processed by Early College Experience staff.

Program and Location:

  • Criminal Justice in Farmington and Bentonville
  • Dental Assisting in Farmington and Bentonville
  • Certified Nursing Assistant and Patient Care Assistant in Farmington, Bentonville, and Don Tyson School of Innovation

Advanced Placement Programs

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program of the College Entrance Examination Board gives students another opportunity to pursue college-level studies while still in high school and to receive credit upon entering NWACC. The national AP examinations are offered annually through high schools which participate in this program.

NWACC departments have authorized credit for students who present qualifying scores on these exams:

Advanced Placement ExamNWACC CourseMin. Score
2D Art and DesignART 13335C
3D Art and DesignART 13235C
Art HistoryARHS 10033C
Art HistoryARHS 29134C
Art HistoryARHS 2913& ARHS 29235C
BiologyBIOL 1014or BIOL 10133C
BiologyBIOL 15444C
CalculusMATH 25543C
AB Sub-scoreMATH 25543C
Calculus BCMATH 2554& MATH 25643C
ChemistryCHEM 10543C
ChemistryCHEM 1104&CHEM 11244C
ChemistryCHEM 1104H&CHEM 11245C
Comparative PoliticsPLSC 24033C
Computer Science APROG 11033C*
Computer Science APROG 1003& PROG 12045C
Computer Science APROG 12043C
DrawingART 13035C
Environmental ScienceGEOL 1134or GEOG 1003& GEOG 1001L3C
European HistoryHIST 10434C
Human GeographyGEOG 11233C
Language & CompositionENGL 10133C
Language & CompositionENGL 1013H5C
Literature & CompositionENGL 22133C
Literature & CompositionENGL 2213H5C
French LanguageFREN 20033C
French LanguageFREN 1013,FREN 2003&FREN 20134C
German LanguageGERM 20033C
German LanguageGERM 1013,GERM 2003&GERM 20134C
Spanish LanguageSPAN 20033C
Spanish LanguageSPAN 1013,SPAN 2003&SPAN 20134C
MacroeconomicsECON 20133C
MicroeconomicsECON 20233C
Music TheoryMUSI 10033C
Music TheoryMUSI 1613&MUSI 16314C, 5C
PsychologyPSYC 20033C
Physics 1: Algebra-BasedPHYS 20143C
Physics BPHYS 2014&PHYS 20343C
Physics 2: Algebra-BasedPHYS 20343C
Physics 1: Algebra-Based with Cal AB or BC score of 3PHYS 20544C
Physics C MechanicsPHYS 20543C(*,**), 4C
Physics C, E & MPHYS 20743C*, 4C
Pre-CalculusMATH 12853
StatisticsCISQ 20133C***
US Government and PoliticsPLSC 20033C
US Government and PoliticsPLSC 2003H5C
US HistoryHIST 2003orHIST 20133C
US HistoryHIST 2003&HIST 20135C
World HistoryHIST 1033or HIST 10433C
World HistoryHIST 1033&HIST 10435C

* Students must pass a departmental test receive credit.
** To receive credit for courses preceding the course for which AP credit has been granted, students must enroll in and complete with a grade of “C” or higher, that course which follows in sequence the course for which AP credit was granted.
*** Not all 4-year schools accept certain Advanced Placement Statistics toward a business degree; the student should check with their transfer institution.

Honors Program

The NWACC Honors Program offers a curriculum of small, challenging classes led by instructors who are engaging and committed to transforming student ideas of undergraduate education. Many classes offer seminar-style discussions, learning through experience and service, and opportunities for rethinking traditional approaches to coursework. The program strives to offer students a feeling of community as they take classes, study, and work side by side on class and service projects. Program members have access to a study area in Burns Hall and are eligible to apply for annual, member-only scholarships. Honors Program students become some of the most engaged, connected, and successful students on campus; they are future nurses and history professors, scientists and English teachers, PhDs and business leaders.

Program Eligibility

Program Admission Requirements

Must be enrolled in an Honors class AND meet ONE of the following requirements:

  • NWACC 3.5 GPA
  • Minimum Score of 23 ACT, or its placement test score equivalent
  • Two NWACC instructor recommendations
  • High school GPA of 2.5
  • Membership in a high school honors program/society

Conditional Eligibility Requirements

  • Demonstration of special abilities or completion of significant projects
  • Completion of at least two honors courses at NWACC with a grade of “A.”

To Apply

Please see the Application for Admission on the website. Applications to the program are accepted throughout the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. If you have any questions about the application or program, please contact Sabrina Chesne, Honors Program Director, schesne@nwacc.edu, Burns Hall 1111, (479) 619-4207.

To Become and Honors Program Graduate

  • Fulfill all NWACC degree requirements.
  • Complete 12 credit hours of Honors courses with a grade of “B” or higher.
  • Compile an Honors Program Portfolio (see website) that receives a satisfactory evaluation.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA in all coursework at NWACC.
  • Members are also encouraged to participate in Service Learning and/or EMPACTS projects (though this is not a requirement).

To Graduate with Honors Program Distinction

  • Fulfill all NWACC degree requirements
  • Complete 9 credit hours of Honors courses with a grade of “B” or higher.
  • Compile an Honors Program Portfolio (see website) that receives a satisfactory evaluation.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA in all coursework at NWACC.
  • Members are also encouraged to participate in Service Learning and/or EMPACTS projects (though this is not a requirement).

Honors Program members are encouraged to take at least one Honors course each semester. Many students begin with a Composition I Honors class, and then enroll in other Honors courses over the next three semesters.

ANTH1023HCultural Anthropology, Honors
ARHS1003HArt Appreciation, Honors
ASTR2004HSurvey of the Universe, Honors
BIOL1544HPrinciples of Biology I, Honors
CHEM1104HCollege Chemistry I, Honors
COMM1303HPublic Speaking, Honors
ECON2013HPrinciples of Macroeconomics, Honors
ENGL1013HEnglish Composition I, Honors
ENGL1023HEnglish Composition II, Honors
ENGL2313HSurvey of American Literature to the Civil War, Honors
ENGL2323HSurvey of American Literature since the Civil War, Honors
ENGL2113HSurvey of British Literature to Romanticism, Honors
ENGL2123HSurvey of British Literature from Romanticism, Honors
ENGL2213HSurvey of World Literature to 1650, Honors
ENGL2223HSurvey of World Literature from 1650, Honors
GEOL1114HGeneral Geology, Honors
HIST1033HWorld Civilizations to 1500, Honors
HIST1043HWorld Civilizations from 1500, Honors
HIST2003HHistory of the American People to 1877, Honors
HIST2013HHistory of the American People since 1877, Honors
HIST2053HArkansas History, Honors
HONR2901HSpecial Topics, Honors
HONR2902HSpecial Topics, Honors
HONR2903HSpecial Topics, Honors
HUMN1003HExploring Humanities, Honors
HUMN2003HIntro to Gender Studies, Honors
MUSI1003HMusic Appreciation, Honors
PHIL2003HIntro to Philosophy, Honors
PHIL2033HWorld Religions, Honors
PHYS2014HCollege Physics I, Honors
PLSC1303HIntro to United Nations, Honors
PLSC2003HAmer. Nat’l Government, Honors
PLSC2403HIntroduction to Comparative Politics, Honors
PLSC2803HIntroduction to International Relations, Honors
PROG1003HProgramming Logic I, Honors
PROG1403HProgramming Logic II, Honors
PSYC2003HGeneral Psychology, Honors
PSYC2103HHuman Growth and Development, Honors
SOCI2013HGeneral Sociology, Honors
SPAN2003HIntermediate Spanish I, Honors
THTR1003HIntroduction to Theatre, Honors

Membership Benefits

Challenging Curriculum

Honors classes are intended to stimulate higher level thinking by offering unique perspectives that will enhance general knowledge and challenge students to consider and appreciate different viewpoints. Because subject matter is studied more in-depth, Honors students find that they get more out of their Honors classes. The Honors Program promotes a learning community environment by linking courses and participating in themed semester projects.


Scholarships are available to members of the Honors Program. Intended to offset the costs of tuition and books, Honors Program Scholarships are competitive and are awarded annually. Application deadlines are usually the first week of April of the spring semester. The NWACC Honors Program also works closely with the Honors Programs of many regional four-year institutions, some of which offer transfer scholarships to NWACC Honors Program Graduates.

Honors Hub

Members of the Honors Program have access to an exclusive study area. Located in Burns Hall 2237, the Honors Hub is equipped with a computer station and a larger area with couches, a refrigerator, and other amenities. The area provides a quiet place to study as well as a place to hang out and get to know other program members.

Enhanced Learning

Enhanced Learning Experiences Honors Program students are introduced to special speakers and cultural events, have opportunities for educational travel experiences, internships, and to participate in community-based projects, like EMPACTS and the Spring Arts and Culture Festival. Honors students take the lead in Service Learning Projects each semester, which provides experience in leadership, public speaking, team building, and community service.


Students enjoy the following recognition when completing the program:

  • Credit for honors coursework on their transcripts
  • Recognition at the Academic Awards Ceremony, the Honors Gala, and NWACC’s commencement
  • Presentation of the Honors Program medallion

Sense of Community

The Honors Program is a community of students and faculty committed to excellence. Students find that they make life-long friendships with other honors students. Honors students also find that they have a family-like support group made up of their peers and the honors faculty, who are some of the best faculty on campus.

Small Class Size

NWACC classes are smaller than freshmen and sophom*ore classes at other local institutions of higher learning. Most Honors classes are limited to 15 students to promote interaction, individualized attention, and community.


NWACC’s Honors Program has articulation agreements with four-year institutions to ensure the transfer of honors credits into university honors programs. NWACC’s Honors Program is a member of Honors Arkansas, an alliance of college honors programs that work together to create a smooth transition for transferring honors students.

Off-Campus Civil Service Classes

Off-Campus Civil Service classes are offered by NWACC at a Civil Service Center/Site in Washington or Benton County and may be attended by eligible students. Eligible students must be current Civil Service employees as approved by the Civil Service Center Supervisor or Administrator (which may include Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Emergency Medical Services (such as EMT), etc…) and must have:

  • Appropriate placement test scores
  • Completed application for admission to NWACC

To apply and register, students should complete the Admissions Application in person at the Washington County or the Benton County locations or online. Online completion of the Admissions Application may also be processed and should be done at the time the student makes contact. Students should register in person at the Washington County or the Benton County locations.

Enrollment, Testing and Registration questions should be directed to Enrollment Services(enrollmentsupport@nwaccedu). 3rd Party Contracts/Billing, Business Services (479) 619- 4221.

Service Learning

Service Learning is an academically based program at NWACC that allows students to engage, network, and work with the community to complete student- driven and developed service projects. Through the development of individual, team, and/or group projects, students are able to apply what they learn in the classroom with “real life” experiences to meet the course’s learning objectives. Service Learning reaffirms the college’s connection to the Northwest Arkansas community, as well as to our larger society, by honoring students’ service efforts in ways that enable them to simultaneously further their education through applied earning while allowing them to reflect on what they learned and the significance of their service.

Service Learning can be used in any subject area as long as the instructor offers this option and it is appropriate to the overall learning objectives of a specific course. All students who complete Service Learning projects will be recognized as “Service Learning Scholars” on their transcripts (with each semester’s completed Service Learning hours listed next to their course grades).

Students who participate in Service Learning projects tend to have a competitive edge when applying for scholarships, for entrance into four-year colleges and universities, and in the job market.

For more information, see NWACC Service Learning or email SL@nwacc.edu.

Study Abroad Program

NWACC encourages you to travel the world through NWACC faculty-led study abroad programs and external partner opportunities. Earn NWACC credit and have the experience of a lifetime!

The program encourages students to expand their education through experiencing diverse intellectual perspectives, active participation in a new culture, andfirsthand engagement with local and global challenges.

Study abroad students:

  • Gain international experience
  • Increase your cultural sensitivity
  • Gain international language skills
  • Expand your career choices and opportunities
  • Expand your global perspective
  • Increase your self-confidence
  • Make friends and create a lifetime of memories

Student Eligibility

Students must meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate in a study abroad program:

  1. Be in good judicial and academic standing at the time of application and remain in good standing prior to departure.
  2. Have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours prior to departure.
  3. Have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average at the time of application and at the time of departure for each program.
  4. Meet all course prerequisites (if applicable)

You can also earn an Associate of Arts, Option in Global Studiesoran Associate of Science, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Option in Global Studies by taking the appropriate degree related electives (Note: courses not in ACTs Transfer System may not transfer to all four-year colleges or universities).

Graduates must complete an approved experiential learning project such as a study abroad program, internship, service learning, or participate in Model UN. Graduates must complete a minimum of two semesters of world language. Students may place into a higher-level language course or out of the language requirement. In that case, graduates replace world language credits with additional elective courses or previously earned credits to equal 60 hours.

The cost of participating in the study abroad program varies with each program. Please refer to the website for program fees.

Financial Aid

Most NorthWest Arkansas Community College study abroad programs are designed so that students who are eligible for financial aid can utilize that aid toward their study abroad program. Students should consult with a Financial Aid adviser once they have identified a program of interest to see what aid may be available. The Department of Financial Aid has more information.

Scholarships: Limited scholarships are available for students who qualify.

For institutional policy, refer to NWACC Risk Management for Study Abroad Policy (9009).

College Credit for Prior Work or Learning

NorthWest Arkansas Community College supports the concept of life-long learning to meet the retraining, upgrading and personal enrichment needs of students. Credit for prior learning provides a means of recognizing alternative educational or experience-based learning that has been attained outside of the traditional college setting. Credit for prior learning may include learning acquired through employment, military training, advanced high school courses, and training sponsored by associations, business, government, and industry. Credit for prior learning is not awarded for experience but for college- level learning which entails knowledge, skills, and competencies that students have obtained as a result of their prior learning experiences.

For institutional policy, refer to NWACC Credit for Prior Learning Policy (3016).

Methods for Awarding Credit for Prior Work or Learning

Credit by Advanced Placement (AP)

NorthWest Arkansas Community College will accept Advanced Placement (AP) Credit based on a review and evaluation by the Dean of Academic Affairs of the student’s score on Advanced Placement course examinations. The Advanced Placement Examinations are prepared by the Educational Testing Service of the College Board Programs. These examinations are administered after the AP course is offered in the upper level of high school. Courses are offered across a broad range of subject matter and are a full year of work at the college level. The AP Examinations “provide an uncommonly rigorous assessment of learning and are internationally recognized as assessment paradigms.” College credit will be awarded for approved courses based on the indicated AP Examination score. A list of approved courses can be found on the NWACC website or may be obtained from the Division of Student Services. College credit for additional AP examinations will be evaluated by the Dean of the appropriate Academic Division and recommended to the Chief Academic Officer for approval.

Credit by International Baccalaureate (IB)

The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is a comprehensive and rigorous two-year high school curriculum offered in the United States and in 72 countries around the world. The IB program provides students with a balanced education, facilitates geographic and cultural mobility, and promotes international understanding through a shared academic experience. The IB program gives students the opportunity to pursue college-level studies while in upper secondary school and to receive credit for final examinations upon entering NWACC. The IB examinations are offered annually, usually in May, by high schools participating in this program. Students seeking credit for examinations must request that a final, official IB transcript of certificate or diploma results be sent by mail to the Office of the Registrar, One College Drive, Bentonville, AR 72712. These materials may be requested from International Baccalaureate Americas 200 Madison Avenue, Suite 2007, New York, NY 10016, (212) 696-4464.

Credit by College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Up to 30 hours of credit may be accepted from CLEP examinations for test scores meeting a satisfactory level on the general examination and selected subject area examinations.

Credit by Defense Activity for Nontraditional Educational Support (DANTES/DSST)

NorthWest Arkansas Community College will accept credit for DSST exams based on a review and evaluation by the Dean of the appropriate Academic Division. Students must submit an official score transcript. Credit will only be awarded for courses which count toward certificate or degree requirements.

English Honors Placement Exemption

Students with ACT English scores of 30 or greater or SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing scores of 690 or greater my enroll in ENGL 1013Hand ENGL 1023Hor elect exemption. Some degree programs require credit in composition, and students should confer with their advisors before exempting.

Credit by Examination

Credit by Examination will only be considered if reasonable proof can be provided indicating that the student has substantial education, training, and work experience related to the course for which an exam is requested. Credit will be granted for scores at or exceeding 80% for existing Career and Technical Education courses in the NWACC curriculum as recommended by the Dean of the appropriate Academic Division and approved by the Chief Academic Officer. There will be one opportunity to test out for credit for any given course. Credit by Examination will be awarded only after a student has completed twelve (12) college-level credit hours toward a one-year certificate or A.A.S. degree. The total credit hours granted to any one student through Credit by Examination toward an A.A.S. degree or certificate is 50% of credits required.

Credit by Examination will be awarded only after a student has completed twelve (12) college-level credit hours toward a one-year certificate or A.A.S. degree. The total credit hours granted to any one student through Credit by Examination toward an A.A.S. degree or certificate is 50% of credits required.

Credit for GED College Ready Scores

Following the Guidance of the American Council on Education Credit Recommendation Service, NWACC will accept GED scores for college level placement.

  • Students scoring 165-174 on the GED College Ready exam are eligible to start college-level courses.
  • Students scoring 175-200 demonstrate skills taught in college level courses and will be awarded the following Prior Learning credits:
    • ANTH 1013Intro to Biological Anthropology (Science Test)
    • 1 Hour Humanities Elective (Reasoning through Language Arts Test)
    • MATH 1203College Algebra (Mathematical Reasoning Test)
    • PSYC 1003Successful First Year Student (Social Science Test)

Credit by Certification

Credit by Certification will be limited to NWACC Associate of Applied Science degrees and certificate programs that have related industry-standard certification or formal apprenticeship training. Credit by Certification will only be considered after the student has applied for admission and provided a completed Application for Credit by Certification accompanied by documentation of successfully passing a certified training program. Credit by Certification will be awarded in accordance with American Council on Education recommendations as published in the National Guide to Educational Credit for Testing. Programs and/or other recognized accrediting bodies approved by the Chief Academic Officer. Credit by Certification will only be awarded after the student has completed twelve (12) college-level credit hours with a grade of “C” or better and has a cumulative GPA of 2.0, in coursework specific to the degree being sought at NWACC and appropriate fees have been paid. The total credit hours granted to any one student through Credit by Certification toward an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree or certificate is 50% of credits required. Credit by Certification will be awarded only when it relates specifically to a program of study at NWACC.

Credit by Certification most likely will not transfer to a four-year institution. Transfer of Credit by Certification to a four-year institution is not guaranteed by NWACC. Credit cannot be awarded toward the completion of an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science Degree.

Credit by Credential

Students who have a current nationally recognized credential may be awarded college credit toward an Associate of Applied Science degree in a related program. The credit hours are awarded on the basis of competencies the individual has gained in the process of achieving the national credential. The following guidelines apply to the granting of college credit to students with a current national credential. The individual will:

  1. Meet all criteria for admissions as specified in the College catalog;
  2. Make application to the Dean of the appropriate Academic Division for college credit by current credential;
  3. Provide official documentation of his or her current nationally -recognized credential to the College at the time of the application for credit;
  4. Complete twelve (12) credit hours of NWACC courses in the related Associate of Applied Science degree before the credit for the credential will be placed on the individual’s official NWACC transcript. Specific programs may have additional coursework requirements prior to the award of credit by credential. The individual’s credential must remain current and be documented at the time this credit is awarded.

Credit by Military

Veterans may receive academic credit for military/educational training earned while serving in the armed forces based on evaluation and recommendation from the American Council on Education (ACE). Veterans requesting credit for military experience must submit an official copy of their ACE transcript to the NWACC Office for Veterans Resources. This information will then be sent to the Dean of the appropriate Academic Division and evaluated. Credit will only be awarded for courses which count toward certificate or degree requirements. Veteran students should contact the Office of Veteran Resources for an appointment to review military transcripts and credit evaluation.
College Credit for NWACC, Non-Credit Apprenticeship and Industry Training

Students who complete industry certifications or apprenticeship programs may be eligible to receive college credit toward a certificate of proficiency, technical certificate, or associates degree for completion of the training program/course. Training and courses that are eligible for college credit will be provided to the Registrar in memo by the appropriate Academic Division Dean. The memo must include the name of training/course, minimum score/grade for credit and degree plans accepting the credit.


NWACC may consider other nontraditional learning experiences, such as internships and learning experiences attained through business or industrial training programs, on a case-by-case basis. The Dean of the appropriate Academic Division will work with the appropriate subject area coordinator and faculty to provide a recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer who will determine if credit for prior learning should be awarded.

Standard for Awarding Credit - Credit from Prior Learning

  • Academic credit will be awarded only for those courses directly applicable to curriculum requirements and to the student’s declared certificate or degree program as outlined in NWACC publications.
  • Certain institutional requirements, such as the residency requirement, are not able to be fulfilled through credit for prior learning.
  • All work assessed for credit for prior learning must meet or exceed designated scores or competency levels.
  • Time limits and credit hour caps may exist and vary by method for awarding credit for prior learning.
  • Unless otherwise noted, at least one credit hour must be successfully completed and transcribed into the student’s records before any credit for prior learning can be awarded, applicable to the degree program at NWACC.
  • If credit for prior learning is applied to degree requirements, transferability to other institutions may be affected. Students should consult an advisor or designated faculty/staff member at the target transfer college for details. Prior learning experiences shall be evaluated only if requested by the student.
  • Certain fees may be attached with credit for prior learning.
  • Minimum credit hour requirements for the degree must be satisfied.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP Examinations Approved and Accepted by NWACCNWACC Course EquivalentMinimum Computer- Based Test Scores **NWACC Credit Hours
American National GovernmentPLSC 2003503
BiologyBIOL 1544504
CalculusMATH 2554654
ChemistryCHEM 1104&CHEM 1124558
Pre-CalculusMATH 1285563
College AlgebraMATH 1203543
College CompositionENGL 1013503
English LiteratureENGL 2113& ENGL 2123506
American LiteratureENGL 2313&ENGL 2323506
Foreign Language FrenchFREN 1003&FREN 1013506
Foreign Language FrenchFREN 2003&FREN 20136212
Foreign Language GermanGERM 1003&GERM 1013506
Foreign Language GermanGERM 2003&GERM 20136312
Foreign Language SpanishSPAN 1003&SPAN 1013506
Foreign Language SpanishSPAN 2003&SPAN 20136612
Human Growth & DevelopmentPSYC 2103633
Introductory Business LawBLAW 2013503
Introductory PsychologyPSYC 2003553
Introductory SociologySOCI 2013593
Financial AccountingACCT 2013&ACCT 2023546
Principles of MacroeconomicsECON 2013543
Principles of MarketingBADM 2633503
Principles of MicroeconomicsECON 2023543
US History IHIST 2003503
US History IIHIST 2013503
Western Civilization IHIST 1003603
Western Civilization IIHIST 1013603
** Transfer of CLEP credit is subject to individual institutional guidelines. For CLEP information visit http://clep.collegeboard.org/

Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)

DSST EXAMS Accepted at NWACCNWACC Course EquivalentMinimum Paper- Based Test Scores *Minimum Computer- Based Test Scores *NWACC Credit Hours
College AlgebraMATH 1203NA4004
Art of Western WorldARHS 2913NA4003
Art of Western WorldARHS 2923NA4343
Human/Cultural GeographyGEOG 1123NA4003
Intro to Law EnforcementCMJS 2003NA4003
Criminal JusticeCMJS 2013NA4003
Intro to World ReligionPHIL 2033NA4003
Technical Writing*ENGL 2013NA4003
General AnthropologyANTH 1013NA4003
Public SpeakingCOMM 1303NA4003
*Verified with department essay.

Credit by International Baccalaureate (IB)

EXAMNWACC Course EquivalentMinimum Score
AnthropologyANTH 1023
BiologyBIOL 1544
BiologyBIOL 1544H
ChemistryCHEM 1104&CHEM 1124
Comparative PoliticsPLSC 2403Introduction to Comparative Politics
Computer SciencePROG 1003& PROG 1204(pending dept. exam)
EconomicsECON 2013&ECON 2023
English **ENGL 1013
English **ENGL 1013&ENGL 1023
GeographyGEOG 1123
History (World)HIST 1033&HIST 1043
History (World)HIST 1033H& HIST 1043H
History (U.S)HIST 2003or HIST 2013
History (U.S)HIST 2003& HIST 2013
MathematicsMATH 1285&MATH 2554
PhilosophyPHIL 2003
PhilosophyPHIL 2003H
PhysicsPHYS 2014&PHYS 2034
PsychologyPSYC 2003

** Either the Language A: Literature or the Language A: Language and Literature tests will be considered.

Digital Learning

NorthWest Arkansas Community College maximizes student access to our highly qualified faculty and courses. Digital Learningsupports faculty and student success in this online space. Online learning courses use a variety of technologies and methods to facilitate communication and interaction between the instructor and students.

For institutional policy, refer to NWACC Distance Learning Policy (3015).

Academic and Student Support

NWACC offers a wide range of online services for students;including online tutoring, Library resources, advising, registration, and technical support. More information may be found within the Canvas Resources for Students.

Online Degrees

NWACC offers online degrees as well as a wide variety of online courses that can be applied to most degree programs. Online degrees are noted on the Degree Plans webpage on the NWACC web site.

Online Courses

Online courses use a secure learning management system that is available using a web browser. All NWACC online classes require regular class participation; they are not self-paced. Some coursesmay have requirements such as proctored testing (including all science and math classes) or local field trips.Some courses have instructionalmaterials (Ebooks and publisher system access) included in the tuition costs.

Online courses are charged an additional $50 distance learning fee per class.

A general FAQ about online classes can be found online. NWACC Digital Learning can be contacted at dl@nwacc.edu.

Remote Courses

Remote courses use video conferencingtechnology, such as Teams, to meet online at a scheduled time. A webcam and online meeting attendance is required. The rest of the classwork is done in the online leaarning management system.

Remote coursesare charged an additional $25 distance learning fee.

Hybrid Courses

Hybrid courses have both in-person class meeting times and online course work. A hybrid course will usually have fewer meetings than a traditional course and will utilize thesecurelearning management system for the online portions. Remote hybrid courses will use video conferencing, such as Teams, in lieu of attending in-person, but will haveset meeting times.

Hybrid courses are charged an additional $25 distance learning fee.

Online Out-of-State Student Information

Students who reside outside of Arkansas and wish to enroll in distance learning courses or an online program of study should be aware of different requirements related to non-residents. This includes programs that lead to licensure and grievance procedures for other states. More information for out-of-state students can be found within Canvas. For institutional policy, refer to NWACC State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements Policy (3030).

East/Empacts (Educationally Managed Projects Advancing Curriculum, Technology & Service)

NorthWest Arkansas Community College faculty and administration developed a curricular- driven, andragogical model that integrates project based and collaborative learning and the use of technology to incorporate service learning into the curriculum. The EMPACTS model is an adult level adaption of the highly successful K-12 pedagogical model known as EAST (Environmental and Spatial Technologies). EAST is a pedagogical model designed to engage students in student-directed, performance-based, active learning projects where technology is used as a tool for solving a community-based problem. EMPACTS is an adaptation of the EAST model driven by curriculum and the specific needs of adult learners.

Overall Program Learning Outcomes:

  • Promote deeper, self-directed learning of course content.
  • Engage learners in active, project-based learning through application of course content to real world, community based problems (service learning).
  • Develop/refine critical thinking skills of learners through collaboration in service learning projects.
  • Improve communication skills through oral and written presentations.
  • Develop networking and interpersonal skills through collaboration with various constituencies including peers, faculty, staff, and community contacts.
  • Professionalize learners to enhance opportunities for learning, employment and success after graduation.
  • Develop network of internal and external educational partners within the community.
  • Course applications of EAST/EMPACTS at NWACC:
    • Infuse the EMPACTS teacher decision-making model across a broad curriculum.
    • Use the EMPACTS delivery system to engage students in active, relevant learning of course content.
    • Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among learners and faculty to create and enhance learning communities.
    • Access and apply cutting-edge, emerging technologies in a variety of service learning opportunities.
    • Support community connections and outreach through service learning and finding solutions to community based problems.
Special Learner Programs - Northwest Arkansas Community College (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.