MHA Reacts: Naruto - Chapter 9 - La_gran_diosa_zorra_fantasma - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

[The episode begins with a view of the forest. We see Naruto jumping at full speed between the trees.]

Naruto: I just hope it's not too late [He kept jumping the trees.]

"Yes, let's hope he can arrive in time." Kendo said worriedly.

"Where is he going though?" Eri asked.

"Well, there are only two options, either he goes to the bridge or to Mr. Tazuna's house." Tamaki said.

"I hope he's going to Mr. Tazuna's house." Uraraka said worriedly.

"Yes, someone has to help Tsunami and Inari." Hagakure said also worried about them.

"It's the best thing he can do." Hawks said. "With a little luck Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura can at least hold off Zabuza and Haku, but there's no way Inari and his mother can against those bullies. "Naruto is the only one who can help them."

"I hate to admit it but you're right." Cementoss said. "Naruto is their only hope right now."

"Dear God, let Naruto make it on time." Pray Shiozaki.

[The scene changes to the bridge, where on one side are Team 7 and Tazuna and on the other are Haku and Zabuza. For the moment they evaluate each other without making any moves.]

Kakashi: Wow, wow, so I was right, it was all a farce.

Tazuna: a farce?

Kakashi: With a cute little mask. [Sakura made a bewildered expression.]

Sasuke: Hypocrite ha.

Tazuna: So that whole thing about being a tracker ninja protecting his village was just stupid.

"To be fair that was a very good plan." Yaoyorozu.

"We must admit that it was a very good strategy, they even managed to deceive us as well." Iida said, somewhat annoyed at having been tricked by villains.

"Well, that's part of being a ninja. Deception is one of our greatest tricks, you know." Kushina said.

"It was actually a very good plan."All for One thought. "I really have to take notes. It's really incredible how villains from different universes apply such ingenious techniques and plans."

"They already had it all planned, if Zabuza failed to defeat Kakashi, Haku would save him by posing as a tracking ninja, he's certainly brilliant." Nezu said thoughtfully. "Although I have a feeling they did more than that." The latter surprises the audience.

"Hey? "What do you mean, Director Nezu?" Makoto asked.

"I have my theories but I'll wait to see if I'm right." Nezu said, intriguing the audience.

Kakashi: It seemed very familiar to me, I must say that they have been doing these tricks for years and a long time.

Sakura: He must be nervous about facing us after we discovered his tricks.

"Kakashi is right." Aizawa said. "It's pretty obvious that those two have been up to those kinds of tricks for quite some time."

"Yeah, they're really good at it, they've obviously rehearsed it quite a bit." Present Mic said in agreement with his friend.

"Ha ha ha!" Shigaraki laughs, getting everyone's attention. "The brat seriously thinks anyone would be nervous about facing her?! "It's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!"

"Wow, Shigi really doesn't like that girl." Toga said.

"Well, she's an emo-obsessed brat, what do you expect?" Spinner said. "But then again Shigaraki can be really creepy when he laughs."

"I concur." Mr. Compress said.

"It's true! No, it is not!" Twice said.

Kakashi: And hidden behind that mask who thinks he is deceiving.

"To you." Yanagi responded. "At least at first you fell for his trick."

"Not to mention all those who thought it was a girl." Kirishima mocked. Most of the audience feel embarrassed remembering that fact.

"I still can't believe it's a boy!" Kaminari exclaimed. "Yes it is so cute!"

"He really looks like a girl." Mineta said still in shock at the fact that Haku is a boy.

Sakura: Answer yourself sensei.

Sasuke: Enough, I'll take care of him. Who are you trying to fool? Hiding behind that mask as if he were a clown.

"Oh oh!" Several in the audience exclaimed, concerned about the imminent confrontation.

"It is not good to thrust oneself in a battle." Aizawa said.

"Especially when they don't know what they're going to face." Nezu said. "Underestimating an opponent is a serious mistake that students must avoid." The students nod in agreement, and even the villains agree with this, as they recognize that underestimating an opponent is a grave mistake.

"From what we've seen so far that's a mistake Sasuke makes." Midnight said thoughtfully. "He is overconfident in his abilities and that leads him to underestimate his opponents."

"Honestly reminds me a little of Bakugo, Ribbit." Asui said.

"They're pretty similar, except Sasuke is much calmer." Uraraka said.

"Shut up! That emo doesn't look anything like me! I am much better than him!" Bakugo exclaimed, annoyed at being compared to Sasuke.

"Yes, of course, whatever you say, Bakubro." Kirishima answered, Bakugo gave him a dirty look, but chose not to answer.

Sakura: Sasuke you are so cool.

"Because I'm not surprised." Shigaraki complained.

"Because it was obvious that brat was going to say something like that." Spinner said, also annoyed by Sakura's attitude.

"Seriously, that girl needs to review her priorities." Yanagi said.

"Round two against Zabuza and Haku is about to happen and that's what you have to say?!" Kodai exclaimed.

"I understand that you like that boy, but there are moments and moments for that girl!" Ashido said.

"I still don't understand what she sees. There's nothing cool about that emo!" Mineta complained.

"Although we will explain it to you, you would never understand it, ribbit," Asui said, to which several girls nodded in agreement.

"Women."Aizawa thought.

Kakashi:Wait a second, I didn't say that before, oh they will never change.

"Students." He simply said Present Mic. "But eventually they will grow and change." The teachers nod in agreement.

Haku: It's impressive. Even though he used a tenth of the original water cloning jutsu, he destroyed everything.

Zabuza: That move gives us the first advantage, now use it

Haku: Sure. [Haku began to spin, creating a huge tornado that was heading towards Sasuke.]

Sasuke: What is this? [Sasuke looked at this with a small smile.]

The audience is greatly surprised to see what Haku just did.

"Hey?! "What kind of technique is that?!" Kaminari asked surprised.

"It looks a bit like that Shiketsu student's quirk." Uraraka said. "What was his name?"

"Inasa." Shoto responded that he remembers Inasa perfectly.

"Yes he." Uraraka said.

"Although Haku does it on a much larger scale than him." Sero said.

"Well, he's a hero student, and he restrains himself from causing severe property damage." Thirteen said. "Haku on the other hand doesn't have that limit."

"Although I don't know if Inasa could do something like that, even if he tried." Iida said. "We don't know what the limit is to his and Haku's power." With which several nod in agreement.

"Though that means Haku has a wind element." Midoriya said while writing it down in his notebook. Tsuburaba is surprised to notice that Haku also has wind-based abilities, although he is not sure if he can do something similar to his Solid Air Quirk.

"That's a good observation." Nezu said. "At least now we know a little more about Haku."

[Episode title: Worthy Rivals.]

"So that's the title of the episode." Jiro said.

"It's quite appropriate actually." Kendo said. "Taking into account that we will see round two in this episode." The rest of the audience nods in agreement, as they also think the episode title is appropriate.

[Scene change to Tazuna's house. The two thugs who had arrived at Tazuna's house cut the wall with their swords, scaring Tsunami.]

Thug #1: So you're Tazuna's daughter huh? Too bad, you'll have to come with us now.

[Inari was washing her hands but was scared when she heard screams.]

Inari: Mother?

Tsunami: No, don't come close! Escape quickly!

Thug #2: Don't move. Can we catch this one too?

Thug #1: No, Gato asked us to capture only one hostage. [This scares Inari quite a bit.]

The audience is greatly outraged to see what the bullies are doing. They are furious and helpless for not being able to do anything to help Inari and his mother, they also feel great anger against Gato for sending the thugs. The children on the other hand are quite scared by the situation, Kota wishes that Naruto could arrive in time and save Inari, in the same way that Midoriya saved him.

"How do you dare!?" Mirio exclaimed furiously. "Sending some thugs to attack a woman and a child!" Both he and Midoriya feel like jumping onto the screen to help them, but are stopped by their companions.

"I understand how you guys feel, but there's nothing we can do about it." Nejire said feeling frustrated that she couldn't do anything.

"It's really disgusting, taking hostages." All Might said furiously.

"I really hate Gato and his thugs!" Shoji exclaimed furiously.

"That's not manly at all!" Kirishima exclaimed furiously.

"It is cowardly to take hostages!" Bakugo exclaimed, he is so furious that he produces a couple of small explosions without realizing it.

"I just hope Naruto can make it in time." Komori said.

"Please god, may Naruto arrive in time and save them." Pray Shiozaki.

Thug #2: Let's finish him off! [When Inari heard it, he hid a little against the wall, scared.]

Tsunami: Wait! Don't hurt my son. I beg you, he's just a child, I'll do anything, but don't hurt him, please. [Those words surprise Inari.]

"Don't you dare!" Mirio exclaimed furiously. "Killing a child is a truly disgusting act!"

"But on the other hand it's nice to see how Inari's mother tries to defend him." Ashido said.

"That's how mothers are, they would give their lives for their children." All Might said, remembering his own mother and Nana.

"Yes, mothers are definitely great!" Midoriya said also thinking about his mother.

"Yes they are." Shoto agreed, remembering how his mother supported him in his childhood.

"Yes that's how it is. Mothers love their children more than anything in the world, you know." Kushina said, somewhat excited, although also saddened for not having been able to be in her son's life.

"Not all of them are." Toga said, upset thinking about her family and how they rejected her, as far as she is concerned the league is her only true family.

Thug #1: Apparently your mom saved you, lucky guy. [Inari falls to the ground on his knees as tears fell from his face.]

Thug #2: What a waste, I came here with the intention of cutting something.

Thug #1: Don't worry, you already made blood flow today, let's take it away once and for all. [One of the men had grabbed Tsunami by the arm and then tied her up.]

Inari: Forgive me mom. Forgive me. [The thugs carried Tsunami away, while Inari hugged his knees.] What can I do? I am too weak to protect you, I am afraid and I don't want to die.

The audience is greatly saddened to see this, and they feel helpless and frustrated that they cannot do anything to help Inari and his mother.

"This is really horrible." Uraraka said trying to hold back tears because of this situation.

"No child should be in a situation like that." Recovery Girl said sadly.

"It feels horrible not being able to protect someone you love." All Might said saddened since he knows exactly how he feels.

"It's really horrible to feel helpless and unable to do anything in a situation like this." Midoriya said he understands the feeling.

"Please Naruto, come now!"Shiozaki thought as she continued to pray.

Although the villains are not too interested, they cannot help but feel uncomfortable with the scene.

[Inari remembers Naruto, Kakashi and Kaiza's words. Inari wipes away her tears with her arm.]

Inari: I can, I can be strong too. [He gets up from the ground, stopping crying, with a determined expression.]

The audience worries for Inari upon seeing this.

"Oh oh!" Some in the audience exclaimed.

"Because I feel like he's going to do something stupid." Iida said.

"Because he will surely do something reckless." Uraraka said.

"Yes definitely, ribbit." Asui said.

"Although on the other hand wanting to protect your mother is a very noble feeling on your part." Midoriya said. "But I am worried that he will be hurt by thugs."

"I just hope everything ends well." Hagakure said worriedly.

Thug #2: Hahaha we're going to treat you right, so don't worry, doll.

Thug #1: Come on, keep walking. [They pull Tsunami to walk.]

Inari: Stop! [The three look back to see Inari.]

The audience feels two emotions at this moment, anger towards the thugs for the way they are treating Tsunami and fear for what they are going to do to Inari.

"And he did." Iida said.

"No matter how noble your intentions are, you are only putting yourself in danger." Thirteen said worriedly.

"Not to say it was what his mother didn't want to happen in the first place." Said Mandalay, who although he understands Inari's feelings, can't help but worry about him, especially because of the similarities he shares with Inari.

Thug #1: Boy, boy is he the tough guy.

Tsunami: Inari!

Thug #2: How nice it was to save your mom.

Inari: You should better stay away from my mom. [Inari started running towards the men.]

Tsunami: Inari, NO!

Thug #2: This kid is a little stupid, don't you think?

Thug #1: Finish him off.

The audience becomes very concerned to see that the thugs have their attention on Inari.

"No!" Ashido exclaimed worried.

"Inari!" Kota exclaimed worried. "Please don't let anything happen to him."

"Is Inari going to be okay?" Eri asked worried.

"Probably Eri, heroes always arrive at the last moment to make a grand entrance!" Mirio said making a heroic pose to reassure Eri.

"Yes, I have no doubt that Naruto would come and save them!" Katsuma exclaimed with full faith in his third favorite hero behind Edgeshot and Midoriya.

"Because in the end the heroes always win and the villains don't!" Kaminari exclaimed, provoking the annoyance of the villains, although they support Naruto and do not feel any appreciation for Gato, that does not mean that they like that "villains always lose."

Tsunami: If you hurt him, I swear... [One of the thugs hits Tsunami in the neck, leaving her unconscious.]

Thug #1: Shut up and go to sleep. [The two thugs had drawn their swords and then slashed something. Elsewhere Sasuke and Haku were wrestling their kunai.]

"Eh?" Kaibara exclaimed, annoyed by the change of scene. "Why did they cut it!?"

"Why did they have to cut it right now?! "I wanted to know what was going to happen to Inari." Mineta complained.

"Let's just hope Inari is okay." Nejire said worriedly.

"Maybe now, the focus has shifted to Sasuke and Haku." Midnight said worried about this fact.

"I must admit that I am really worried. "This fight is sure to be very tough." Pixie-Bob said worriedly.

"Yes that is a fact." Tiger said. "And the fact that Haku remains a big unknown is actually very disadvantageous."

"Although we now know that Haku can use wind element, in addition to some of his abilities, it is too little to determine who could win." Midoriya said thoughtfully. "Sasuke is someone talented, but I don't know if he would be a rival for Haku."

"Well, I guess we'll see." Uraraka said.

"Although on the other hand, how old is Haku really?" Kendo asked. "Kakashi had said he should be the same age as Naruto, but he actually looks a little older."

"Now that you say it, it's true." Ashido said. "He looks more than twelve years old but I couldn't estimate his age."

"His appearance is really deceptive." Mineta said, still upset that he thought Haku was a girl.

"Well, more details about Haku will be revealed soon but I can tell you his age, he is fifteen." Felicity said greatly surprising the audience.

"fifteen?!" Several people exclaimed in surprise.

"It's really amazing." Thirteen said surprised.

"This is the age our students were when they entered the UA." Nezu said.

"It's a real shame that someone so young ended up like that." All Might said saddened. "I wonder what would have happened to Haku if he existed in our world."

"As if something like that matters to you, a bunch of hypocrites!" Shigaraki exclaimed furiously in an outburst that even surprised his allies. "From what we already saw of Haku, he was alone and abandoned and only Zabuza helped him! "If Haku had existed in our world he would have ended up exactly the same because none of you would have done anything for him!" At the end Shigaraki sheds some tears, this totally surprised the audience who didn't know what to say for a few seconds.

"Tenko I…" All Might was interrupted by Shigaraki.

"Be quiet! That's not my name!" He exclaimed furiously, as he continued crying to the surprise of the audience, his teammates hugged him to comfort him.

"It's good to see that Tomura hasn't softened in his time here."All for One thought, smiling. "I was worried during Captain America, but this is reminding him of his origins, I don't have to worry."

Zabuza: So, he can match Haku's speed.

Kakashi: Sakura protect Tazuna and stay close to me. [Sakura obeys and stood in front of Tazuna.] Let's let Sasuke handle this.

"I must admit, its speed is really surprising." Iida said surprised. "They still don't surpass my brother but it's still impressive."

"And you say it, ribbit." Asui said, also surprised.

"I worry about those kids." Midnight said worriedly. "Are they really on the level of villains like that?"

"I guess we'll see Nemuri." Aizawa said.

"Of course everything will be fine listeners!" Present Mic said while winking at the audience.

Haku: We want the bridge builder, not you. If you back off, I won't have to kill you.

Sasuke: Shut up!

"Is that guy really such an idiot that he thinks the emo is going to let him kill the old man?" Bakugo exclaimed in disbelief.

"As if something like that were going to happen!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"There is no way Sasuke will let you kill Mr. Tazuna!" Katsuma exclaimed.

"Team 7 stayed to protect Mr. Tazuna and help the people of the Land of Waves, there was no way Sasuke would allow those people's hopes to be broken!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"A hero would never agree to something like that!" Sato joined.

Haku: You're making a mistake. You won't be able to match my speed. And I have two points advantage.

The audience is surprised by these words of Haku.

"Wouldn't your speed count as an advantage?" Kaminari asked confused by this.

"Yes, but it's obvious that he's talking about something else besides his speed." Yaoyorozu said thoughtfully.

"He probably has a few tricks up his sleeve." Mr. Compress said while doing a magic trick with some cards.

"Yes, they definitely made some plan." Naomasa said thoughtfully.

"I totally agree." Kurogiri told Naomasa's surprise that a villain would agree with him. "Considering their previous encounter and the fact that he is an experienced ninja, it would be really surprising if they didn't put together a strategy for round two."

"Just as Team 7 took advantage of the time to train, those two must have put together their own plan for the battle." Nezu said. "I think I know what one of the advantages I'm talking about is, but I don't know what the second one might be."

Sasuke: Yes? Which are?

"That's what we want to know!" Sero exclaimed.

"For once I agree with emo, I want to know what its advantages are!" Mineta exclaimed.

"I'm pretty sure that question will be answered soon, ribbit." Asui said.

Haku: First, we are surrounded by water.

"Oh that's right!" Several in the audience exclaimed upon realizing this.

"How did we not think of it?!" Iida asked, surprised for not having thought of that. "Especially if we take into account the previous fight with Zabuza."

"I think we just focused more on what was happening than on remembering what happened before." Shoda said. "I can't believe we overlooked it, though."

"But then, does that mean he can also control the water element in addition to the wind?" Melissa asked, surprising the audience by realizing this fact.

"It's true!" Midoriya exclaimed. "Although we haven't seen him use water techniques yet, it is likely that he has that element." He has not yet written it down in his notebook since it is not confirmed and he will wait to see if Haku really has a water element or not.

"If it is true that it controls two elements, it is simply fascinating. It's not something many ninjas can do." Kushina said, before thinking about something that just occurred to her about Haku. "Now that I think about it, that boy has traits from the Yuki clan and the fact that he can handle wind and water would mean that he can use that clan's ice Kekkei Genkai. He asked me if he is really a member of the clan or not."Kushina thought, somewhat worried about that prospect, since they are not easy enemies to defeat.

Haku: Second, I have one of your hands blocked and that's why you only have one free hand to defend yourself. [He put two fingers close to his face.]

Sasuke: [Surprised]What? Using one hand.

[Haku began to perform hand positions with his only free hand.]

Kakashi: [Surprised]Single hand positions, I've never seen that before.

The audience is greatly surprised by what they are seeing.

"He…he can make seals with just one hand!" Komori exclaimed.

"Even Kakashi-sensei was surprised by that." Yaoyorozu said surprised.

"It must be something really, really weird for them to react like that, ribbit." Asui said.

"It is. "It's something extremely rare," Kushina said, also very surprised by this fact. "In my life I have only met one person capable of doing it, and he was a really very powerful and experienced ninja." This fact surprises the audience.

"That means that Haku is really very strong." Yanagi said worried.

"Yes, this is definitely not good at all." Fuyumi said worriedly.

Haku:Secret Jutsu: Thousand Deadly Needles.[Haku hits the ground with his foot and the water descended into the air.]

Zabuza:Maybe he doesn't want to kill the child, that means Mmmm.

"He doesn't want to kill him? Don't you know what the name of that jutsu is?!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Besides, what kind of villain doesn't want to kill an opponent?" Monoma exclaimed.

"Well, we are villains and we are not looking to kill anyone, we just want some fame." Gentle said pointing at himself and Brava.

"And we want to fulfill our dreams, we don't kill people for pleasure, at least most of us." Mr. Compress said.

"Yes, of course, they are just pathetic excuses to justify their actions." Vlad said, much to the villains' annoyance.

"Anyway, you wouldn't understand it anyway." Dabi replied.

"But then again, Zabuza isn't wrong." Hawks said thoughtfully. "Despite the name, from what we've seen those needles are rarely fatal."

"Oh that's right! "Those needles are only deadly when they are aimed at vital organs." Tokage said, though this puzzles the audience about Haku's motives.

"So what is he up to?"Several in the audience asked themselves.

Sakura: Sasuke! [Tazuna and Sakura look surprised.]

[The water had turned into thousands of needles, Kakashi was surprised when he saw them.]

The audience is scared when they see Haku's jutsu.

"Ah!" Several people in the audience exclaimed in fear.

"Y…that's too many needles!" Awase exclaimed scared.

"A…needles!" Eri exclaimed terrified, since they brought back bad memories, Mirio hugged her to comfort her.

"How are you going to avoid all those needles!" Jiro exclaimed worried.

Sasuke:Remember the training to concentrate, focus my Chakra.[The needles went in the direction of Sasuke and then Inari's hat was cut off.]

"What again?!" Tsuburaba exclaimed, surprised by the new and sudden change of scene.

"And just when Sasuke was going to do something!" Kamikiri complained.

"I just hope your training helps you." Shiozaki said worriedly.

"I hope Sasuke is okay, ribbit." Asui said.

"But on the other hand I worry a lot about Inari." Midoriya said worried about Inari, as did several in the audience.

"Please make Inari okay."Kota thought worried.

[The only thing the thugs cut off was Inari's hat while Tsunami is replaced by a wooden log.]

The audience is shocked by what just happened on the screen, especially those who have recognized the substitution jutsu.

"Is it possible!" Sato exclaimed.

"Oh yeah!" Katsuma exclaimed excitedly.

Thug #1: A substitution jutsu.

Thug #2: The woman is not here.

Naruto: Sorry I'm a little late. [Naruto was carefully placing Tsunami on the ground and with his other hand he was holding Inari, to the surprise of the thugs]

The audience is extremely happy to see this turn of events.

"Oh yeah! "Naruto is here!" Katsuma exclaimed happily when he saw that Naruto managed to save Inari and his mother.

"Excellent!" Eri exclaimed happily when she saw him.

"It's good that you were able to arrive on time!" Uraraka exclaimed happily.

"And now he will save Inari and his mother!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Those thugs will get the beating of their lives!" Bakugo exclaimed excited about the fight.

Thug #2: Who is he?

Naruto: Heroes usually show up at the last minute.

The audience laughs a little at this.

"Well, young Uzumaki is not wrong." All Might said.

"We always come in at the last minute!" Mirio said making a heroic pose.

"That's a cliche for heroes." Tamaki said.

"But he makes a great entrance!" Tsuburaba exclaimed.

"So manly!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Now save them! Please." Shiozaki said.

Inari: [Surprised] Naruto is that you?

Naruto: Who else? [He leaves it on the ground.] Inari, you did well. When you confronted them, they forgot about your mother for a minute. That gave me a chance to use a super cool jutsu to get her away from them.

Inari: But, Naruto, how did you know those thugs would come here?

"Oh that explains a lot." Iida said.

"Then it's a good thing Inari attacked those thugs, if it weren't for that distraction Naruto wouldn't have been able to rescue them with the substitution jutsu." Midoriya said.

"That could only have worked because Naruto was there to save him." Aizawa said seriously. "If he hadn't been there this could have ended very badly."

"Well that's true." Midnight said. "But fortunately that was not the case."

"Although on the other hand Inari asks a very good question." Said Rin. "How did Naruto know that those thugs were going to Mr. Tazuna's house."

"Yes, I'm intrigued by that too." Kendo said thoughtfully.

"I guess we'll see." Kuroiro said.

Naruto: [An animation of Naruto explaining the facts is seen.] In the forest I found a wild boar that had just been attacked and the trees had also been cut down like when someone has been practicing with a sword or something similar. The cuts were pointing towards the house, so I followed them here.

"Oh that explains it all." Midoriya said.

"So they were the ones who attacked that poor boar." Koda said, very upset by that fact.

"And they also damaged those trees." Shiozaki said very angry too. This greatly surprised the students of classes A and B, since their classmates rarely bothered each other like that.

"That was very smart of him." Shoto said, seeing how Naruto could know that he had to go towards the house.

"Yes, Naruto can be a little dumb, but he is also quite intelligent when the situation calls for it." Shishida said. "Although I'm not entirely sure how that's possible."

"Well, that's a point in your favor." Tiger said.

Inari: That was very clever.

Thug #2: Blah blah blah. He is one of the ninjas that Tazuna houses.

Thug #1: After him! [The two thugs run after Naruto.]

Inari: Here they come.

"Oh oh!" Several in the audience exclaimed.

"Bah, Naruto will surely win!" Katsuma exclaimed.

"Yes, those thugs don't stand a chance against him!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

"Beat them up!" Bakugo exclaimed.

[Naruto threw two shuriken at the thugs but they blocked them with their swords.]

Thug #1: Try something else.

Naruto: [Smiling.] I already did.

Thug #2: I want it, it's mine [Two clones appeared behind the two men and then kicked them, falling to the ground unconscious, the two clones dispersed and Inari looked at everything in surprise.]

"Oh yeah!" Bakugo exclaimed, although the fight seems a little disappointing to him, he is still happy to see that the bullies received what they deserved.

"Well done!" Ashido exclaimed excitedly.

"What pathetic bullies!" Shigaraki complained. "Even the thugs we hired for the attack on the U.S.J. They were better than this scum!"

"Well, those thugs had Quirks, these ones didn't. That's why they seem weaker in comparison." Kurogiri said.

"Still they are really weak." Dabi said.

"They are weaklings! They are very strong!" Twice said.

"Wow blood! That was really very beautiful!" Toga exclaimed, happy to see blood. "This show is really good! There is a lot of blood and Naruto! I love him!" This made the rest of the audience quite uncomfortable.

Inari: Whao! You did it!

Naruto: Yes! Really! [Naruto laughs raising his hand into a fist and puts it in front of Inari.]

Inari: [Laughing.] That was super excellent! Like a real ninja!

Naruto: Stupid. I am a real ninja. That's what I've been saying. [Both laugh.]

The audience is very happy to see this.

"It's good to see that Naruto saved her." Mandalay said happily.

"And that Naruto and Inari managed to get along better." Pixie-Bob said, looking at Kota, who, although he doesn't say anything, is very happy to see this, especially because it reminds him of him and Midoriya.

"It's good to see that kid smile." Mirio said happily, he could never forgive Gato for killing Kaiza and causing the hopelessness and sadness of the people of Land of Waves, especially Inari.

"Naruto finally showed it to him! Real heroes do exist! Midoriya exclaimed, with which several in the audience agreed.

The villains on the other hand don't know exactly how to feel, since although they are happy that Naruto was able to defeat the bullies, they still feel uncomfortable with the fact that he wants to be a hero, but they recognize that he is better than the heroes of his kind. world.

"Naruto-kun is really amazing. Although his desire to be a hero still baffles me…"Toga thought.

[Change of scene. We see the Ice senbon heading towards Sasuke again.]

Sasuke:Focus my Chakra and send it to my feet.[The needles hit the place where Sasuke was, Haku jumped back.]

Haku: Faded. [Look at the place where Sasuke was before. Sasuke had jumped and then started throwing shuriken at Haku who jumped back dodging the shuriken. Haku put his hand on the ground to stop, Sasuke had appeared behind Haku.]

Sasuke: You're not as fast as you think. From this point on you will be the one who will defend yourself from my attacks. [Haku turned around as did Sasuke both stopping their attacks, Sasuke threw a kunai and Haku moved and dodged it. Haku crouched down and at that moment Sasuke kicked him, sending him to the ground in Zabuza's direction.]

"Oh, wow!" Several in the audience exclaimed, surprised by the battle between Haku and Sasuke.

"That was incredible!" Katsuma exclaimed excitedly.

"It seems that boy is not so extraordinary after all." Bakugo said.

"If Sasuke could hit him that means he could beat him!" Kaminari said.

"It's still too early to celebrate." Yaoyorozu said seriously.

"Claiming victory ahead of time is a serious mistake." Aizawa said also very seriously. "Until Haku has been defeated it is unwise to be overconfident."

"Not to say that it is highly probable that he has some strategy planned." Shoto said.

Zabuza: [Surprised.] It's not possible, no one is faster than Haku.

"Welcome to my world." Iida replied sarcastically.

"If you think that's fast, wait until you see Lee without his weights."Felicity thought.

Sasuke: You thought you were faster. Now, what else are you going to get wrong?

Kakashi: You made a big mistake by insulting those ninjas and calling them brats. That alone characterizes Sasuke's character coming out, and he is the best fighter in the village hidden among the leaves.

"Sasuke shouldn't trust himself." Vlad said worriedly. "That will lead him to underestimate his opponents and make mistakes."

"No matter how good he is, his overconfidence is his weakness." Nezu said.

"But on the other hand, it's good to see that Kakashi trusts his students." Nejire said.

"Although it still worries me. "Will it be enough to face Haku and Zabuza?" Tamaki asked worried.

"Surely yes!" Mirio said confidently."I hope so."

Kakashi: And Sakura is our most brilliant mind.

Inner Sakura:Hahaha cha! I'm not bad at all!

"Well, it's not bad." Kendo said.

"If only she would use her mind more and stop obsessing over Sasuke." Kodai said.

"Bah, that brat is a weakling." Shigaraki said annoyed.

"She will grow and become stronger! She just need to learn." Ashido said.

"Surely over time she will mature a little and become stronger." Midnight said.

Kakashi: And last but not least, number one, our imperative airhead ninja, Naruto Uzumaki.

"That's actually a good description of Naruto." Natsuo said, to which the rest of the audience nods in agreement.

"At least it's number one!" Kaminari said.

"That's… bah forget it." Said Jiro who didn't want to ruin the Jamming-Yay moment.

"He too, over time he will mature and improve." Snipe said.

"All three have a lot of potential, but they still have a long way to go." Thirteen said.

"Well these are your first steps." Power Loader said.

"Eventually they will. They will grow up to be great ninjas."Kushina thought, happy to be able to see the life of her son and his friends.

[Elsewhere in Land of Waves Naruto sneezes.]

Inari: They say that when you sneeze it's because someone is talking about you somewhere.

Naruto: You don't really believe that, do you? Hey, by the way, forgive me for yesterday [Inari looks at him surprised] Calling you a coward was very bad, I think.

"Wow, it seems that that cliché that you sneeze is because someone is talking about you somewhere else is not limited only to our universe." Midnight said.

"It seems that in that universe there are superstitions similar to ours." Awase said.

"I'm not so sure that's superstition." Shoto said.

"Well, even if his words were cruel, they helped Inari gain courage." Yanagi said.

"If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have lost his fear and wouldn't have saved his mother." Kendo said.

Naruto: Anyway it's not true, you know. [Naruto stroked her head.] Because you really are brave. [Naruto stopped smiling when he saw Inari crying.]

Inari: Damn, I promised myself I would never cry again. You're going to make fun of me again and call me baby, but I can't stop!

Naruto: What the hell are you talking about? You are happy. What's wrong with that? When you're happy it's okay to cry, Really!

Inari: [Crying.] Naruto.

Naruto: I can very well leave you in charge of everything now. TRUE?

Inari: Yes!

Naruto: Okay, now I'll go to the bridge. It's not easy being a hero. It's hard. Really!

Inari: Really!

The audience is moved to see this scene of Naruto and Inari.

"It's good to see those two managed to get along." Mandalay said happy at this fact.

"Yeah!" Kota said excitedly since Inari reminds him too much of himself.

"And now Inari is in charged up and Naruto is going to the bridge to help, great!" Katsuma exclaimed happily upon seeing him.

"It's really impressive how young Uzumaki has been able to inspire Inari." All Might said impressed once again by Naruto. "And you're not wrong, being a hero is not easy at all."

"It's definitely not an easy job at all." Aizawa said. "Being a hero is not how the media shows it to you. It is something extremely dangerous and you will always be a target. In that we are no different from ninjas. Never forget it."

"Yes sir!" All the students said, at first many of them may have had that vision of the cool hero who always saves the day with a smile, but since they entered the UA and especially with the recent increase in villain activities, they have abandoned that. ideal hero, although their dreams of being great heroes aren't.

"Well that's true." Kushina said remembering her own difficulties as a ninja and jinchuriki, such as being kidnapped, having a large bounty on her head, among other things.

[The scene changes, once again we return to the bridge where the battle continues]

Zabuza: [Laughing.] Haku, if we continue like this, we will be the victims instead of them. End this.

Haku: Yes. [A blue aura surrounds him.]

The audience becomes concerned when they see what is happening on the bridge.

"Oh no!" Ashido exclaimed worried.

"Now Zabuza wants Haku to eliminate him as soon as possible. This is definitely bad." Awase said scared.

"I really have a very bad feeling about this." Tsuntori said.

Sasuke: What's wrong?

Haku: I'm sorry it's come to this.

Sasuke: The air is very cold.

The audience (particularly the Todoroki brothers) are surprised by what they are seeing.

"Cold?" Natsuo asked surprised.

"Don't tell me it can…" Fuyumi didn't finish what she was going to say.

"Let's see so far we saw that he created a whirlwind so it has a wind element and it also has a water element." Midoriya said trying to analyze the situation.

"But then how does he do it?" Kaminari asked blankly. "Does it have a third element?! Is that even possible?!"

"Actually it is possible to have 3 elements." Felicity said, surprising the audience even more."Actually you can have all 5 elements but you will see that later, although only highly powerful ninjas.""Although what Haku is doing is something else."

"So what is he doing then?" Melissa asked curiously

"It will be explained later." Said Felicity, this disappoints the audience a little but for the moment they turn their attention to the screen.

"I was right then."Kushina thought very worried. "That boy is definitely a member of the Yuki clan and knows how to use his clan's techniques. This battle became much more dangerous."

[Haku begins to make some hand signs and ice crystals began to form around Sasuke.]

Haku: Secret jutsu. [More and more ice crystals were forming before Sasuke's surprised gaze, while Zabuza smiles when he sees him.] Ice crystal mirror.

Kakashi: What is that? How does it work? [Haku began to enter the ice mirrors before the frightened look of Sasuke and the surprise of the rest of team 7. Haku's figure was shown in each mirror.]

Sasuke:They are mirrors, but how?

The audience is greatly surprised to see Haku's technique.

"Well, I think this confirms it." Yaoyorozu said.

"Yes, Haku can definitely create and use ice." Midoriya said surprised by this fact.

"He's like you Todoroki." Ashido said surprised.

"Not quite." Shoto said stunned by Haku's skills. "I don't think I can perform a technique like that."

"Don't feel bad about it man. The people of that world are on another level." Kirishima said to comfort him.

"And for you to say it." Iida said remembering the speed of people in this world.

"You have to admit that it is an impressive technique." Fuyumi said still shocked.

"It definitely is, although now Sasuke is in trouble for it." Natsuo said.

[Kakashi ran off in Sasuke's direction, but Zabuza got in the way.]

Zabuza: If you enter this fight, you will fight me. Your child won't stand a chance against that jutsu. It's finished.

"Hey, who are you to say that, bastard?!" Tsuntori asked angrily, surprising her classmates by her sudden outburst.

"Ha! "That's how it's done!" Monoma exclaimed, causing him to receive a karate chop from Kendo.

"Stop bad influencing her Monoma!" Kendo exclaimed.

"This is bad! Ojiro said worriedly. "Kakashi can't intervene in the fight because of Zabuza."

"Sasuke will have to fight Haku alone." Tiger said worriedly. "Who we have already seen is quite powerful."

"Not to mention that this technique he had created is surely something very bad." Pixie-Bob said also very worried.

"This is really a bad scenario." Aizawa said worried about Sasuke.

"I hope Naruto arrives soon." Katsuma said.

"Please god, protect them." Pray Shiozaki.

Haku: Now, we'll begin and I'll show you what speed really means. [Haku started throwing needles at Sasuke causing wounds all over his body. One of the needles hits him in the hand where he had his kunai, causing him to drop it and being thrown towards where Sakura was.]

Kakashi and Sakura: [Worried] Sasuke!

[The needles continued to hurt Sasuke one after another.]

Zabuza: Try to help him and I'll kill the other two in no time.

The audience is left in horrified shock as they see what is happening on the screen.

"This is really bad!" Awase said scared.

"Not only is Sasuke being seriously injured by those needles, but if Kakashi tries to help him, Zabuza will kill Mr. Tazuna and Sakura." Hawks said worriedly. "Damn, those villains played their cards right."

"I must admit, that boy is really fascinating." All for One said impressed. "I want to see what else he can do."

"Divide and conquer." Nezu said. "As much as I hate to admit it, they really did very well."

"But in the end they will lose like all villains!" Bakugo exclaimed to the annoyance of the villains.

"Bakugo, although confidence is not a bad thing, there is no need to rush to declare victory." Said Iida who is more cautious about it, especially because so far things are not looking good at all. Bakugo gave him a dirty look, but chose not to answer him.

"Although on the other hand Haku must have great control over his ice, he can create something as fine as those needles." f*ckidashi said, the rest of the audience is shocked to realize this fact.

"Yes, that's true." Midnight said impressed, while Midoriya takes notes.

"Hey Todoroki, could you do that?" Kaminari asked.

"I'm not sure since I've never tried anything like that." Shoto said thoughtfully. "But even if I could I wouldn't do it, that technique is really dangerous."

"You're not wrong." Recovery Girl said. "To be able to perform this technique you need not only great control over your Quirk, but also great knowledge of anatomy like Haku has. Otherwise someone could be seriously injured." The rest of the teachers and the Todoroki brothers nod in agreement as they agree with this.

Sakura: I'm sorry. I can't stay with you. Excuse me.

Tazuna: I understand you. Go. [Sakura grabbed the Kunai from the ground and ran in Sasuke's direction.]

"I hope she can help Sasuke." Ashido said.

" do you think?" Hagakure asked. "Can you ship those two?"

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure." Ashido said thoughtfully. "Something in me ships them, but they really don't convince me. Although at least I prefer them together so Naruto can be with Hinata."

"I agree with that." La Brava said. "Although Sasuke x Sakura still doesn't convince me, at least this way Naruto x Hinata could happen."

"But yeah, Sasuke, he's not even remotely interested." Mineta said, still jealous of the fact that Sasuke, having the attention of so many girls, ignored them.

"Maybe over time their relationship will, who knows?" Ashido said, in a way it reminds him a little of Tony and Pepper's relationship, since he couldn't see them together at first, but his opinion ended up changing and now he can't stand the idea of them not being together.

"Hopefully that kunai can make a difference." Shiozaki said.

Kakashi: Sakura!

Sakura:Sasuke.[Sakura jumped and threw a kunai at Sasuke, to Zabuza's surprise.] Take this [Sasuke saw the kunai that Sakura threw, but before he could catch it, Haku caught it.] He caught it!

"NO!" Several in the audience exclaimed.

"H…he caught him!" Shoji exclaimed, extremely concerned about this event.

"This is really bad and getting worse!" Kaminari said scared.

[A shuriken had been thrown towards Haku that hit his mask, causing a scratch on it. Haku had fallen to the ground from the impact and then began to rise from the ground, and then an explosion of smoke was seen.]

Sakura: Who is it?

The audience is surprised and feels much more relieved by this fact.

"Don't tell me that…" Shoji couldn't finish what he was going to say.

"OH YEAH!" Hatsume exclaimed excitedly. "Naruto is here!"

"Excellent!" Eri and Katuma exclaimed, very excited by this fact.

"Once again making an extremely manly entrance! Yeah!" Kirishima exclaimed excitedly.

"And he managed to take Haku by surprise!" Awase said.

Sasuke:How stupid, scandalous.

"HEY! "They just saved you!" Katsuma exclaimed.

"You're right, though." Aizawa said, narrowing his eyes. "That scandalous entrance was a bad idea. Hiding and attacking by surprise would have been more effective."

"Isn't that what sensei did?" Kaminari asked confused.

"Yes, but I think Aizawa-sensei had something else in mind." Midoriya said thoughtfully.

"The boy is right." Hawks said. "Although in this way he managed to disconcert and surprise his opponent, he has also lost the element of surprise."

"Naruto still has a lot to learn, you know." Kushina said trying to defend her son.

Haku: The number one imperative airhead ninja [The smoke disappeared, revealing Naruto.]

Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki is here. Really!

The audience is very happy that Naruto has come to support his friends, although they are also worried about the battle that awaits him.

[Everyone stares at him for a moment until Sakura breaks the tension of the moment.]

Sakura: [Happy] Naruto!

Naruto: You know how it is, often the main character of the stories appears and defeats the enemy in an instant. That's what I'll do! Really!

"Did he just make a reference? Again?" Tokage asked.

"Yes he definitely did." Kendo said.

"It seems that that universe and ours share several cliches." Monoma said. "The villain always defeated by the hero and the main characters." The latter makes him feel inferior since he always considered himself a secondary character, although during his time at the UA and in the theater he has changed his mentality a little.

"That seriously is an annoying cliche." Shigaraki said frustrated.

Zabuza: That fool again.

Sasuke:Shut up!

Kakashi: Idiot, if you had stayed hidden, it would have been more effective.

"It seems that Kakashi thinks along the same lines as you Shota." Present Mic said to his friend.

"Yes, he has seen it too." Aizawa said.

"Actually that sensei and Aizawa-sensei are very similar." Uraraka said.

"Are we sure Kakashi is not Aizawa-sensei's counterpart? Asui asked.

"No idea, but the resemblance is certainly striking." Hagakure said.

"Well, more like Aizawa was created based on Kakashi."Felicity thought."Actually many of you were created based on characters and concepts from the world of Naruto, but well you will see later."

Haku: That child. [Haku remembers the moment he met Naruto, in the forest.]

[Naruto does the shadow clone jutsu to the surprise of Zabuza and Kakashi. Zabuza threw some shuriken at him.]

Kakashi: Oh no! [Naruto watched in fear as the shuriken came towards him.] Dodge it, Naruto! [Haku threw some needles stopping the shuriken before everyone's surprised looks.]

The audience is extremely surprised to see that Haku has stopped Zabuza's attack.

"Huh?" Several people exclaimed, very surprised.

"But what just happened!?" Mineta exclaimed. "Why did that villain intervene to save Naruto!?"

"I have no idea." Kaibara said surprised.

"Haku really is a very strange villain. First he didn't kill Naruto even though he had the perfect opportunity to do so, and not only that but he started talking to him, and now he saves him?! What are you playing at!?" Makoto asked surprised.

"I really have a hard time finding a reason for the way he acts." Naomasa said confused, throughout his career he has never seen a villain that puzzles him as much as Haku.

"Unless, your intention is to fight Naruto alone, without Zabuza's intervention. Although for what reason?"Nezu asked himself as he drank some tea.

Sakura: [Surprised] They didn't hit him!

Tazuna: Their weapons disabled each other, surprising.

"Believe us, we are as surprised as you are." Kendo said, to which the rest of the audience nods in agreement.

"Hey?!" But why did he do it?! "He ruined Zabuza's attack!" Shigaraki exclaimed, although he is grateful that Naruto is okay, he cannot understand why Haku would do something like that.

"I really don't understand why he did it." Aizawa said. "By intervening like that he ruined a chance of wining."

"I guess we'll see." Present Mic said. "But I really have a hard time understanding it."

"Haku is a really strange villain." Rin said.

Sakura: But what are you doing, Naruto?

Kakashi: [Annoyed] This is a battle, not a talent show! Never let an opponent see your jutsu.

Naruto: What?

The audience (the heroes and students in particular) are surprised by Kakashi's words.

"Hey? What is the problem?" Ashido asked confused.

"The problem is that your opponent has already seen your technique, therefore he can come up with a counterattack, girl." Kurogiri said.

"Heroes, you are so arrogant that you display your techniques without any concern." Shigaraki said.

"Actually we should thank them for that, they make things much easier for us." All for One said, smiling to the great annoyance of the heroes, although they cannot deny that to a certain extent they are right, since exposing their techniques in the media and events such as the sports festival, (even if it is with the purpose of entertaining the people and intimidate the villains) is also counterproductive since it also allows the villains and other student heroes to know of their abilities and gives them the opportunity to prepare for it.

"And that is why heroes should stay as far away from the media as possible and avoid those meaningless spectacles." Aizawa said, some audience members agree with this.

Kakashi: The essence of the ninja is deception. Your ability to deceive the enemy, when you execute a technique you must do it when the enemy is not attentive, take them by surprise, and think beyond the normal, the way you appeared before, only makes you a target for practice.

"And once again sensei is right." Aizawa said.

"Deception is the basis of a ninja's way of battle. The fact that your enemy does not know what your next move is going to be is something that gives us a great advantage in a battle." Kushina said, to which the rest of the audience nods in understanding.

"By acting this way, Naruto has become an easy target for Haku." Midoriya said worried.

Naruto: [Frustrated] Damn. I came to fight and I ruined it.

Kakashi:But what worries me is.[Looks at Haku.]

Sasuke:That guy.

"Don't feel bad Naruto!" Eri said trying to comfort Naruto, making Kushina soften at this.

"You may have made a mistake, but you can still win!" Katsuma said hopefully.

"Although both Sasuke and Kakashi are right, the one they have to worry about is Haku." Tiger said, observing Haku carefully.

"From what we have seen, that boy is someone who is really very skilled and should not be underestimated." Nezu said.

"I wonder what happened to Haku to end up the way he did." All Might said.

"As if it mattered. He's a villain! "He became one because he wanted to follow someone like Zabuza." Vlad said much to the villains' chagrin, and discomfort to some other audience members.

"Sorry?! Who the hell are you to criticize him!?" Shigaraki exclaimed furiously. "Did you miss the flashback from before or what a hypocritical hero?!" He exclaimed, completely out of his mind, scaring the rest of the audience with this outburst. Kurogiri and All for One had to intervene to calm him down and prevent him from causing an incident that would upset the deity.

"You're seriously an insensitive idiot." Toga said also very upset.

"Heroes are really fools." Dabi said equally annoyed. "But you would never understand it anyway."

"Vlad, you shouldn't provoke them like that." Midnight said, much to Vlad's annoyance. "Remember that we are on a truce."

"That was really scary." Mineta said still shaking from Shigaraki's outburst.

"Yes, it reminded me a little of the U.S.J. incident. ribbit." Asui said, trembling as she remembered how she almost died that day at the hands of Shigaraki and how she was saved only because of Aizawa's intervention.

"That really affected him." Midoriya said."I wonder why. Are he and Haku similar in some way?"Midoriya wondered, analyzing Shigaraki's behavior towards Haku.

Zabuza: Haku, what does this mean?

Haku: Zabuza-san. Please let me take this fight my way.

Naruto: Go ahead!

Zabuza: How?

"Oh, my theory is correct." Nezu said upon seeing this, surprising the audience. "So Haku wants to fight Naruto alone."

"But why?" Ashido asked himself without understanding why Haku would ask that.

"Maybe he want to test his skills against Naruto?" Mandalay said not entirely convinced.

"But if he wanted to fight someone strong he would ask to fight Kakashi, not those guys." Thirteen said.

"I must admit that I am confused." Naomasa admitted. "I have never felt this way with any villain. I really have a hard time understanding his motives here. Even with Loki we at least understood his motivations."

"The only thing I can say about it is that Haku seems to have some kind of interest in Naruto." Hawks said analyzing Haku. "Although I have no idea why."

"Haku is certainly strange for a villain." Uraraka said.

"Yes, definitely." Asui said.

[Naruto and Haku looked at each other seriously.]

Zabuza: Don't you want me to help you...Haku? As usual you are too soft.

Haku: I'm sorry.

"Soft?!" Several in the audience exclaimed in surprise.

"Though Zabuza may have a valid point here." Recovery Girl said thoughtfully. "The fact that he uses senbon, and the fact that he doesn't attack lethal points could be why Zabuza considers him soft."

"That's actually a good point." Makoto said.

"But why? Why don't you kill them?" Shigaraki asked confused, it's not that he wants Naruto to be killed but he can't understand Haku's motives.

"I have no idea, but we'll probably know." Mr. Compress said.

"The music never ceases to surprise, it really frames the tension of the battle very well." Jiro said.

Sasuke: Soft? It certainly is, judging by these injuries. There is no doubt that I am being attacked with those needles, however it did not hit any vital point. Why? [Looks at the wounds on his body.] Are you just trying to humiliate me? [He gets angry when he thinks this last bit.]

Naruto: I'm warning you! One way or another, I'm going to take that mask off and finish you off! [points to Haku.]

"It seems that Sasuke also noticed Haku's softness." Shishida said.

"Although I think he is wrong." Nejire said.

"I really don't think he's trying to humiliate you." Kamikiri said.

"Naruto will defeat him, right?" Eri asked.

"Yes of course!" Mirio exclaimed with confidence. "He'll kick Haku in the butt and break his mask!"

"I don't understand what's so funny about your jokes, Nighteye." Amajiki said, already tired of Mirio's jokes.

"Oh come on! "My jokes are hilarious!" Mirio responded to the annoyance of some in the audience.

Kakashi:Impossible. Naruto is no match for that boy. I should do it...

Zabuza: Don't even think about it. You know the rules, Kakashi. If you move, do you know what will happen to that old man?

Kakashi: [Annoyed to realize he can't be in two places at once.]That's true. If I walk away from here and head towards Naruto and Sasuke, Zabuza will kill Tazuna.

"Oh no!" Katsuma exclaimed worried.

"This is really bad!" Mahoro exclaimed worried.

"He is cornered and there is no one who can help him." Mandalay said worried.

"Curse!" Hawks said worriedly. "This is really a bad situation."

Kakashi:Sakura couldn't do it alone.

"He's not wrong about that." Aizawa said.

"That girl doesn't stand a chance against Zabuza." Midnight said worriedly.

"Definitely, Zabuza is on another level. She has no chance of beating him." Kendo said.

"If Kakashi leaves to help Sasuke and Naruto, against Haku, Zabuza will kill Sakura and Mr. Tazuna." Shoto said.

"Unfortunately you are right." Kushina said worried. "As bad as it is, Naruto and Sasuke will have to fight Haku without further help."

"This is undoubtedly the worst-case scenario." Shishida said.

Zabuza: Relax, Kakashi. Sit back and enjoy the show. How about... Let's see what kind of combat the young people will do?

"This guy Zabuza is really very confident." Iida said watching Zabuza on the screen.

"He really believes Haku will win." Uraraka said.

"To be fair, there is no shortage of reasons." Mandalay said. "As much as I hate to admit it, Haku is actually very strong, from what we've seen so far."

"Haku is definitely someone very strong." Hawks said worriedly. "It's not going to be an easy battle."

"When is it?" Aizawa asked.

Naruto: That mask! After all you were on Zabuza's side! How dare you fool us?!

Haku: [Haku apologizes to Naruto's surprise and confusion] But just as your sensei said, the ninja's goal is to deceive and find a weak point. Please don't take it so personally.

The audience is greatly surprised by this exchange between Haku and Naruto, especially since they did not expect Haku to apologize for his deception.

"Well this is unexpected." Uraraka said.

"Yeah, I've never seen a villain apologize for something." Asui said surprised. "Haku is really weird for a villain, ribbit."

"Because we have nothing to apologize for to you heroes." Shigaraki said annoyed. "Rather, it is you and society who owe us an apology." The rest of the league nods in agreement with this statement since they know very well the flaws that exist in the society of their world and the pain they cause, while the heroes looked at them with annoyance that they consider themselves the victims despite the damage they cause.

"As if something like that were going to happen!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"But on the other hand Haku is not wrong that deception is the basis of a ninja." Kushina said to change the subject. "Using deception against our opponents to try to discover weak points is our specialty, you know."

Sasuke:And while you're babbling, I'll catch you off guard![He threw a kunai in Haku's direction, but he dodges it.]

Naruto: Sasuke.

Haku: Don't think I've forgotten about you. [Naruto, on the other hand, realizes where Sasuke was.]

"Wow that was too fast!" Kirishima said surprised.

"I couldn't even see it." Kaibara said.

"I still never cease to be surprised by the speed of the people of this world." Iida said.

"Even with everything he doesn't let his guard down." Yaoyorozu said. "He was able to dodge the attack even though he seemed to be distracted."

"He's similar to Kakashi in that." f*ckidashi said.

Haku: Some warriors accept their defeat gratefully. They know when they are defeated, others do not. Let's end this battle then. To death. [Haku was approaching the mirrors again.]

Naruto: Hey, you! [Haku stops for a moment and tells Naruto that he will be next. Then he goes into the mirrors to Naruto's surprise.]

"Oh oh!" Several people in the audience exclaimed worriedly.

"This is bad!" Fuyumi exclaimed, worried about Sasuke.

"But that ability is really impressive." Jiro said surprised by this.

"It really is." Shoto said. "I would love to know how he does it." Although he cannot learn that technique, he is still curious to know how it works.

"We are two now." Midoriya said, also interested in how the technique works.

Naruto:What's wrong?

Sasuke:Here it comes...[Looks at the mirrors]That's where his real body is... Ok![Sasuke was going to grab his kunai but a voice behind him surprised him.]

Haku: I'm behind you.

Sasuke:Has it moved? As?[Sasuke trembles and then looks back with fear, more clones of Haku were appearing in all the mirrors, so that later Haku begins to throw needles at Sasuke again, who falls to the ground injured.]

The audience is very surprised to see what is happening on the screen.

"HEY?" Several in the audience exclaimed.

"How fast is that guy?" Iida asked stunned.

"Or is it multiplying?" Midoriya asked. "Maybe he used the cloning jutsu and put them in the mirrors."

"I don't even understand what's happening." Ashido said confused at what is happening.

"You are not the only one." Kaminari said.

"I hope they explain what is happening." Komori said.

"I'm not sure exactly what he's doing but surely the mirrors have something to do with it." Yaoyorozu said thoughtfully. "It's obvious he's using them for something."

"I think they are a form of transportation, but I'm not entirely sure."Nezu thought as he remembered how Haku entered the mirror. "I'm still not sure how they work, but I think that's their main function."

Sakura and Naruto: [Worried] Sasuke!

Naruto: What was that? Sasuke has been seriously injured in just an instant. What kind of trick does he use? Really?!

Sasuke:What kind of technique are you using? There are chances that he has put clones of himself in each mirror and... That they all throw their needles at the same time? No, it's too fast. I can't even follow the trajectory of his attacks. If he is using clones, he has no need for those ice mirrors... There is no doubt that those mirrors are vital for his attacks! But what should my next move be?

Kakashi: Sasuke, Naruto, Think! What they must do is attack from inside and outside, at the same time.

"That's a good plan." Aizawa said, approving Kakashi's plan. "Having Naruto attack from the outside and Sasuke from the inside is a good idea."

"That would give them a great advantage when attacking like that." Vlad said also according to the plan.

"I hope that plan works." Jiro said a little worried.

"Because I have a bad feeling about it." Shoji said.

Sakura:To realize how mirrors work.

Naruto:I'll take care of it from here!

"Because I have a feeling it's going to ruin it." Rin asked.

"Because it will surely happen." Kendo said. "I'm sure he'll act without thinking and mess it up."

"I know Naruto means well, but him acting without thinking is something that really hurts him and his teammates." Yaoyorozu said, to which the rest of the audience nods in agreement.

"Well you're not wrong about that." Kushina said, while thinking how similar she is to her son in that aspect since she also used to act without thinking things through too much and got into a lot of trouble for that, but over time she changed that a little and became more thoughtful at the same time. It's time to act, as your child probably will over time.

Sasuke:It's all a matter of positions, and Naruto and I are in the perfect position. If I attack from here and Naruto attacks from outside, we can achieve it.

"That kid really got it." Aizawa said. "He understood his sensei's plan without problems."

"He's a very smart boy, you know." Kushina said proud of him.

"I just hope Naruto does too…" Midnight was cut off as she saw what happened next.

Naruto: Hey, I've come to save you! [Surprises Sasuke by being in front of him.] Smart move, huh Sasuke?

Everyone in the audience slapped their foreheads with their hands when they saw what just happened on the screen, they can hardly believe that Naruto entered the mirrors without having thought before, and giving up the strategic position he had to attack.

"That was incredibly stupid of him." Aizawa said disappointed.

"And here I thought he understood their sensei's plan." Iida said also disappointed.

"That boy has a lot to learn." Naomasa said frustrated. "The idea is not to surprise your allies and become a target for villains."

"As much as I hate to admit it, you're right." Mr. Compress said, to the detective's surprise. "This way he will only harm his allies."

[Sakura watches everything surprised, while Kakashi is disappointed.]

Kakashi: Naruto, you must surprise your enemy, not your ally.

Sasuke: You're a complete idiot! If you are shinobi you should be more careful!

Naruto: And what's wrong with you? You should be grateful that I'm coming to help you!

"And how do you plan to help him now?" Bakugo asked him annoyed. "You just ruined it!"

"Calm down Kacchan." Midoriya said to calm him down. "Surely they can think of some solution."

"Not to say that Sasuke possesses the element of fire." Shoto said. "Maybe this way I can beat Haku."

"Still, you should not underestimate him." Yaoyorozu said worriedly. "Haku is undoubtedly a formidable rival."

Sasuke: [Annoyed] If you also enter the mirrors... Damn! I've had enough of your mistakes!

Naruto: And I've had enough of your attitudes, really!

Kakashi: [Annoyed.]Naruto is building a solid reputation as the dumbest ninja in history. The more you help, the worse everything gets.

"Why am I not surprised?" Bakugo asked sarcastically.

"Because that is exactly what he has done. "He has made the situation worse by giving the villain the advantage." Vlad said, annoyed by this situation.

"SHUT UP!" Kushina exclaimed furiously while hitting them both. "He just wants to help! You may have made a mistake, but you will learn in time! "He's just a kid and he's still learning!"

"STOP THAT WITCH!" Bakugo exclaimed furiously. The audience is very surprised by Kushina's reaction and wonders why she reacted.

Sasuke: Enough! I will destroy the mirrors this instant! [Sasuke performed some hand seals] Fire style!

Naruto: Hey, what attack are you using?

Sasuke: Those are ice mirrors, so how do you destroy the ice? Go figure. [Sasuke uses the fireball jutsu and directs it towards the mirrors, but there was no result. The mirrors were still intact before Sasuke's terrified gaze.]

The audience is very surprised by the fact that Sasuke's fire failed to affect the mirrors.

"Th…that was really amazing." Kaibara said impressed.

"B…but how is that possible?" Natsuo asked surprised.

"I have no idea." Shoto said also surprised.

"That brat must not be on your level." Dabi said thoughtfully. "The ice type must be stronger than him, which is also not surprising considering that he is Zabuza's ally and most likely trained him." The rest of the audience contemplates this theory quite concerned by this fact.

"So you'll need more firepower?" Ashido asked.

"Not only that, it would also need greater skill. "I'm not saying Sasuke is bad, but Haku is on another level." Shishida said.

"What do you think, teacher?" Tokoyami asked. "Which is what they should do in these circ*mstances."

"I think the best thing in this case would be to try to discover how that technique works and try to devise a counterattack." Hawks said thoughtfully, the rest of the heroes nod in agreement that this is the best course of action they can take.

"Maybe I could use my Quirk to put him to sleep." Midnight said. "Although I'm not sure if that would really work, he can get into mirrors."

"Not to mention that my Quirk is effective against him." Aizawa said, feeling frustrated by the fact that since Quirks don't exist in Naruto's world, his is ineffective against them. Several in the audience share the sentiment. Shoto is surprised and horrified by what Haku does with his ice power, one that he always considered less destructive than his father's fire, but after watching Thor he has learned that it doesn't matter if they have abilities similar to his but how they use them, he is not sure if he could defeat Haku, especially seeing that Sasuke's fire failed to do any damage to the ice mirrors. Dabi also wonders if he could destroy the ice mirrors with his Quirk, which is not only stronger than his father's, but is enhanced by his emotions, although he trusts his Quirk and his strength, he knows that to underestimate Haku. It could be a serious mistake. Shigaraki on the other hand is confident that his Decay could easily destroy the mirrors since he doesn't believe the ice can withstand it.

All for One on the other hand is very interested in Haku's abilities and wants to see more about his power and of course obtain it for himself. "This guy, he's really fascinating. Not only does he have great power and skill, but he is also completely loyal to his master. It's almost like seeing a Tomura doppelganger."He thought fascinated. "Not to mention that his power is even greater than other ice users I have seen in my world." He thought, briefly looking at the Todoroki brothers, Dabi, and remembering some other ice users he has knowledge of like Geten.

Naruto: This hasn't done anything to it!

Haku: You'll need more than that to destroy them. [Sasuke gets angry at this. Haku grabbed his needles and threw them at Naruto and Sasuke, who fell to the ground from the attack.]

Naruto: Damn! Where is he attacking from? Are they clones? [Naruto got up from the ground and looked around, looking for the real Haku.] Where is... What is it?

Haku: There's no point in looking for me with your eyes... You'll never learn the secret.

"Looks like you were right Dabi." Toga said. "Apparently it takes more than just fire to destroy it."

"As much as I hate to admit it, it's true." Kushina said. "That is truly a formidable technique, and the standard fire element is not enough to destroy them." "Although its disadvantage is the fact that it consumes a large amount of Chakra, so you will not be able to maintain it for too long. Please guys resist."

"That's bad news." Awase said worried about Sasuke and Naruto.

"Although on the other hand I am curious about that technique." Midoriya said. "I really want to know how he does it."

"You are not the only one." Shoto said also interested, even if it is a technique that he cannot learn, he still wants to know more about it.

Naruto: Oh yeah?! Shadow clone jutsu!

Sasuke: No Naruto! [Several Naruto clones appear.]

Naruto: Do you have a hundred mirrors?! Then a hundred Narutos will crush them! Then I'll see which one is the real thing! [Haku came out of the mirrors destroying all the Naruto clones, while the real Naruto had fallen near Sasuke.]

The audience is very surprised by what they just saw.

"He…destroy all the clones." Shoji said surprised.

"That was really surprising." Yanagi said.

"Not to say that his speed is surprising, ribbit." Asui said.

"I couldn't even see it." Iida admitted, surprised by Haku's speed.

"Ugh!" Ragdoll exclaimed, surprising the rest of the audience.

"Tomoko, what's wrong?" Pixie-Bob asked his teammate.

"Oh nothing. I'm sorry." Ragdoll apologized as she returned her attention to the iPad, where she was watching Team 7's battle against Orochimaru.

Haku: This technique is a translation technique in which only I am reflected in the mirrors. If you look at it from the point of view of my speed, it's like you guys are stopped.

Kakashi: [Surprised] I knew it! They are blood traits, Kekkei Genkai! [Zabuza laughs and Sakura asks what the Kekkei Genkai is.]

"Oh, so that's how you do it." Midoriya said while writing it down in his notebook.

"Eh? What thing?" Kaminari asked confused.

"Haku's technique. He doesn't have clones in the mirrors. It simply reflects on them and can use them to travel between them. It is very similar to Mirror Master, who used mirrors to travel." The audience is surprised by Midoriya's words.

"Oh that explains a lot." Tokage said.

"So that's how he does it. It is not that he is extraordinarily fast, but that when traveling between mirrors he gives the impression that he is faster than he really is." Iida said.

"That was a good deduction." Nezu said praising his student.

"Not bad kid!" Kushina said.

"But on the other hand, Sakura asked a very good question." Jiro said.

"Yes, what is Kekkei Genkai?" Uraraka said interested in this fact.

"It will be explained shortly." Felicity said making them turn their attention to the screen.

Kakashi: It's like my Sharingan. You can't learn it. You must have it in the blood of your genetic code. [An image is seen that illustrates the explanation.] There are techniques that are only genetically generated and are transmitted from generation to generation within the same clan.

Sakura: But that means.

Kakashi: Yes, not even I am able to copy that technique. There is no way to destroy it or stop it.

The audience is greatly surprised to hear the explanation of what the Kekkei Genkai is.

"Then the Kekkei Genkai is more similar to the Quirks of our world since they are apparently transmitted from parents to children." Shishida said, thinking about it.

"It seems that is the case." Tokage said.

"Although not all Quirks are inherited." Melissa said. "There are some children who do not inherit any type of Quirk, and others who develop Quirks that are unrelated to those in their family."

"Well that's true." Nezu said. "Quirks are a phenomenon whose exact causes of how they arose and how they are transmitted are still unknown today. "It seems that the genetic factor plays a role, but it has not been determined exactly." The rest of the audience nods in agreement.

"Even for me and the doctor, who have done so much research on Quirks, those are questions we still haven't been able to answer."All for One thought.

"Kekkei Genkai are unique techniques or abilities that depend on genetic factors and are usually inherited in the same clan. And their techniques cannot be copied, even with a Sharingan." Kushina explained, while Midoriya wrote down this information in his notebook. "There are three types of Kekkei Genkai, the first is Dojutsu, which are powers that are in the eyes like the Sharingan. The second is advanced nature transformations, which is combining two elements to create a new one, which is what Haku does when combining the elements of water and wind to create ice. And finally there are the unique superhuman abilities, which we will probably see later."

"Oh wow, the Kekkei Genkai are really fascinating." Kaminari said impressed as did the rest of the audience.

"So that means Haku belongs to a clan that has that Kekkei Genkai?" Bondo asked.

"So it seems, ribbit." Asui said.

"But then, what happened to Haku's family?" Uraraka asked. "Because Zabuza doesn't have that Kekkei Genkai so he can't be related to him, not to mention that in the flashback Haku seemed to be alone and abandoned."

"I have no idea what happened to his family. As far as that goes, maybe Haku is an orphan and Zabuza found him and took him in." theorize Kendo, the rest of the audience nods in agreement with this observation.

"It's a good theory." Shoto said. "Although I would really like to know more about how it ended up like this."

"Maybe they will explain it later." Fuyumi said, she, like the rest of her siblings, wants to know more about Haku, not only because of his ice abilities, but because now they also feel a new curiosity about Haku's clan, they wonder if something similar happened to their clan. to his mother's clan, who lost their former influence and ended up scattered throughout Japan.

[Sasuke and Naruto listen to this, frustrated by this information.]

Naruto: I can't break them. And? He's not going to stop me. [This surprises Haku.] I'm not giving up and I'm not going to lose here! I can't die in a place like this... I still have a dream to fulfill and no one is going to take it away from me! Make everyone in the village respect me, that's my dream! My dream is to become Hokage! Be the best Hokage!

The audience is moved to hear Naruto's words and his determination to achieve his dream, regardless of the obstacles in his way.

"It's always good to see that young Uzumaki didn't give up on his dreams no matter what." All Might said smiling at Naruto's determination.

"Will never give up! Like a hero!" Mirio exclaimed.

"YES Naruto!" Katsuma exclaimed supporting Naruto, as did the rest of the audience. Even the villains support Naruto's dream and hope he can achieve it.

Haku: Dreams?

The audience is a little surprised by Haku's reaction.

"Why does he react like that? Doesn't he know what dreams are? Ashido asked.

"No idea." Uraraka said strangely.

[We go back to Haku's flashback where the boy was standing next to Zabuza.]

Zabuza: What a miserable child. [Zabuza approached and crouched in front of Haku.] Nobody needs someone like you. Before winter ends, you will die, with nothing, not even a dream.

The audience is shocked and horrified by Zabuza's words to a young Haku in the flashback, several in the audience even crying at the sight.

"That was really very cruel." Shiozaki said surprised and saddened by what she has seen.

"What can you expect from someone like Zabuza?" Tokage said. "Someone who killed his entire class in cold blood."

"I can't understand how Haku loves Zabuza so much that he said something so cruel to him." Fuyumi said saddened by this fact.

Even Shigaraki is surprised by this, since it is similar to how he met sensei, but so different at the same time, sensei gave him a hand when the world turned its back on him and the first interaction between Zabuza and Haku were extremely cruel words. by Zabuza.

Haku: Your eyes are like mine sir, we are both the same.

[Zabuza is very surprised to hear Haku's words. End of flashback and return to the present.]

"I don't understand what he means." Natsuo said surprised. "Their looks are nothing alike."

"And he doesn't seem so bad either." Kodai said referring to Haku.

"I really don't understand." Hagakure said.

Haku: It wasn't my wish to be shinobi... It's painful. I don't want to kill them, but if they advance, I won't have a choice. [Sasuke and Naruto hear this. Sasuke looks upset and Naruto looks surprised.]

These words greatly surprise the audience, the way Haku speaks is truly shocking.

"He must be the first villain who doesn't want to kill people." Vlad said.

"Well, that's not true." Gentle said. "La Brava and I weren't looking to kill anyone either, we just wanted some fame."

"And we, or at least most of us, don't kill people just for the sake of it, we do it only if there is no other option." Said Mr. Compress, in defense of the league, while Vlad simply decides to ignore them even though he believes he is right.

Haku: Then I will kill the nobility of my heart and allow the shinobi side to follow, and there will be no mercy. There will be no turning back. This bridge is a place of combat where our dreams collide. Now I must fight for my dream. Both of you fight for yourselves and your dreams. Please don't hold a grudge against me. I want to protect a person important to me. I live for him and face death for him. I will fight for that person and make their dreams come true. That is my dream, and to achieve it I will become a shinobi, and I will take their lives. [Naruto and Sasuke smile upon hearing this.]

The audience is greatly surprised to hear Haku's words once again.

"Is that really your dream? Protect someone like Zabuza?" Tokage exclaimed in surprise.

"He must love him a lot so that his life goals are to be what Zabuza wants from him." Melissa said surprised too.

"He's even willing to give up his desire to not kill them simply to achieve Zabuza's goals." Fuyumi said shocked.

"Wow, he must have had a sad life to end up like this. Giving everything for someone who only sees him as a tool." Dabi said, somewhat uncomfortable by this fact since as a child he also shared the same dream, to give everything to fulfill the dream of his father who only saw it as a failed experiment, while Haku ignores the fact that Zabuza sees it only as a tool or knows it and doesn't care. The rest of the audience can't help but feel uncomfortable by these words since they can't imagine the life Haku must have had to end up like this.

All for One on the other hand smiles when he sees this, since although he shares Zabuza's vision of how "soft" Haku is, he is impressed by the fact that he is willing to put these emotions aside and that his loyalty to Zabuza is so big that he is willing to give everything for him, even if he doesn't want to. "This boy, he really is very similar to Tomura. Although Tomura would never be someone as devoted as that boy, as much as he appreciates me Tomura has his own dreams and he wouldn't give up on them even for me, it's really a shame."

Sakura: Sasuke-Kun! Naruto! Finish him! You can!

Kakashi: No Sakura, don't pressure them.

Sakura: [Confused] Hmmm?

KakashiL Even if there was a one in ten thousand chance of defeating that technique, they won't be able to defeat that boy.

Sakura: Huh? How can you be so sure? [Zabuza laughs.]

Kakashi: They still do not possess the spirit necessary to kill their emotions and eliminate someone [Sakura was surprised by what he said.]

The audience is shocked and horrified by Kakashi's words.

"K…kill!?" Komori exclaimed in shock. "We may already know that ninjas kill their enemies but I don't think I can get used to that fact."

"You're not the only one, ribbit." Asui said, to which several nod in agreement.

"To think that someone our age already has experience killing his opponents is…" Uraraka couldn't finish the sentence as she feels overwhelmed.

[The scene changes to Naruto and Sasuke standing in front of Haku and his mirrors.]

Kakashi: That boy had a different upbringing. He knows well the true pain of a ninja. It is different from Naruto and Sasuke.

"Well, that goes without saying." Snipe said. "It's obvious that Haku had a very different upbringing if he was raised by Zabuza."

"And God knows what he taught that boy." All Might said furious at the way Zabuza raised Haku, saddened for Haku and especially saddened because to some extent he reminds him a lot of Shigaraki.

The rest of the audience is saddened by the hard life of the ninjas, even the villains can relate to this as they too have suffered.

Zabuza: That's true. A true ninja cannot train in a peaceful village like yours. They cannot obtain the most important experience for a ninja, the experience of murdering the feelings in their hearts, of crushing an opponent without mercy, of destroying without emotion or remorse. [Sakura was scared by what he said.]

The audience is surprised and uncomfortable by Zabuza's words.

"O…okay that was really disturbing." Ashido said a little scared.

"Why yes." Jiro said.

"Ninjas really are very different from heroes." Uraraka said.

"Destroying opponents without mercy, emotion or remorse sounds more like something a villain would do, ribbit." Asui said.

"But not all ninjas are like that." Midoriya said, convinced of this fact.

Sakura: So... So, what are we going to do, Kakashi-sensei!? Tell us!

Kakashi:If I go towards Naruto and Sasuke, Tazuna will be in danger. Even if he makes shadow clones, he will counterattack with water clones. This way I will only waste Chakra. I do not have any other option.[He reaches his hand towards his headband, which was covering his eye.] I'm sorry… I'll end this in a moment.

"Oh yeah!" Bakugo exclaimed, excited about what was going to happen next.

"The Sharingan has returned!" Hatsume exclaimed.

"Although that can also be dangerous." Hawks said worriedly, remembering how Kakashi had fainted after his fight with Zabuza and how it took him a week to recover. "But on the other hand they don't have many other options."


Zabuza: Sharingan, huh? How unoriginal. Using the same old trick. [Zabuza began to run towards Kakashi with a kunai in his hand, but was stopped by Kakashi, while drops of blood fell to the ground as Zabuza managed to injure Kakashi's hand.]

Sakura: Sensei, no!

"Ah!" Several in the audience shout in surprise.

"That was really unexpected! "I never thought he would attack like that!" Melissa exclaimed shocked.

"That was a low blow on his part." Tetsutetsu said.

"And it wasn't something manly at all!" Kirishima said disgusted by the treacherous attack.

"He's a villain, did you think he was going to warn before attacking?" Shigaraki mocked.

"He is right students." Aizawa said to the surprise of the rest of the audience. "A villain is not going to warn you of his attacks, they will take advantage of even the slightest opportunity to attack, so you should never let your guard down."

"Yes sensei." The students responded, in agreement with this fact.

Kakashi: Even if you call me unoriginal, do you still fear the Sharingan, Zabuza?

Zabuza: A ninja is not supposed to teach his best technique more than once to the same enemy.

"Well, it's obvious that he doesn't like the Sharingan." Yanagi said.

"Can you blame him? I really wouldn't want to face someone with that power." Awase said, scared at the thought.

"It is really a great power." All for One said very excitedly. "How I wish I could add it to my collection." Which scared the audience a little, but they calmed down when they remembered that All for One does not have access to that world.

Kakashi: Be thankful, you are the first to see this eye twice. And there won't be a third.

"Because I have the feeling that this is foreshadowing something?" Iida asked.

"I have that feeling too." Shishida said.

Zabuza: Even if you defeat me, you won't be able to defeat Haku.

Sakura: Eh? [Looks at the place where Naruto and Sasuke were.]Did you say that Kakashi-sensei won't be able to defeat him? That boy in the mask... Is he really that strong?

The audience is greatly surprised to hear Zabuza's words and Sakura's thoughts.

"Eh!?" Several people exclaimed, very surprised by this fact.

"Is Haku that strong?" Kaminari exclaimed in surprise.

"So it seems." Kendo said. "Considering he has a Kekkei Genkai, it's no wonder Zabuza is so confident."

"If Kakashi can't copy his moves, then he's at a disadvantage." Tsuburaba said.

Zabuza: When I found him, he was just a street kid, but since he was a kid I have been teaching him the most advanced combat techniques.

[We see a flashback of Haku training. We see him throwing several needles at some wooden dolls with circles on them, hitting the needles on target, while Zabuza watches him. Then we see a brief confrontation between Haku and Zabuza with kunai]

The audience is shocked to witness Haku's skills.

"He don't miss a single one." Honenuki said surprised by Haku's aim.

"And also Zabuza trained him in advanced techniques since he was a child." Awase said scared.

"No wonder he has so much confidence in him." Ectoplasm said. "He's trained him since he was a child and he knows firsthand the extent of his power."

"And that's not even counting the fact that he has abilities that Zabuza doesn't possess." Mandalay said.

Zabuza: I taught him everything I knew. [In the flashback, Haku makes hand seals creating ice mirrors around him.] Furthermore, he had special abilities that he perfected on his own. [Another flashback of Haku putting on the mask.] As a result, he improved rapidly. [Haku is then seen being surrounded by some ninjas while he simply pulls out one of his needles.] Soon, he was able to face the most powerful enemies. It can attack with perfect precision. It gives good results in any situation you can think of. He doesn't care at all about his own life or the lives of others. [Haku threw his needles at the ninjas who had him surrounded, killing them.] It is a combat machine called a ninja.

The audience is shocked and horrified by Zabuza's words about Haku's abilities.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Haku is actually someone very skilled." Kodai said impressed by Haku's skills.

"Although what is worrying is the ending." Uraraka said. "He call it a fighting machine."

"In other words, he just sees him as a tool." Yaoyorozu said, saddened by this fact.

"That's really depressing." Yanagi said.

"But why?" Shoto wondered. "Why would he follow someone like that? That he only sees it as an object?"

"There are two options." Dabi said, making the rest of the audience pay attention to him. "The first is that he really thinks like Zabuza and follows him because of that, which Haku's attitude belies. And the other is that he just stays with Zabuza because when he was alone he was the only one who approached him and gave him a purpose." The audience is surprised and saddened as they see this second theory as possible.

"And why do you think that, Mr. Dabi?" Nezu asked quite interested.

"Because I lived it, many of us actually did." Dabi responded, to which the rest of the league nods in agreement, much to the surprise and shock of the rest of the audience.

"The league gave us a purpose in life and a place to belong." Spinner said, remembering how empty he felt before seeing Stain on TV and joining the league. "It's better than having nothing."

"Society rejected us and made us feel empty. "We were alone until we found each other." Said Shigaraki, who identifies a lot with Haku and the rest of the league members.

The rest of the audience remains silent since they do not know how to respond to this, since they arrived at the theater for the first time, they began to watch the different programs and coexist with the villains, they began to change their perspective a little on certain things. and to see that things are not reduced to black or white, and that sometimes reality is rather gray.

Zabuza: In the end, his powers surpassed even mine.

The audience is greatly surprised by Zabuza's declaration that Haku is stronger than him.

"The student exceeded the teacher." Tokoyami said surprised.

"So it seems." Dark Shadow said looking at the screen.

"It is undeniable that Haku is a very strong opponent." Hawks said, worried. "Especially if Zabuza himself thinks he's over it."

Zabuza: His blood trait, the Kekkei Genkai, cannot be defeated by anyone.

"Zabuza does have a lot of confidence in his disciple." Tsuburaba said.

"Can you blame him? Haku is really someone very strong. In his place I would also feel confident." Rin said.

Zabuza: Create a tool that can destroy anything that gets in my way.

The audience (except All for One who agrees with what Zabuza has done with Haku) is disgusted by Zabuza's declaration of how he has turned Haku into a tool.

"He's heartless! "How can someone be so cruel!" Nejire exclaimed, extremely upset, scaring her companions a little.

"He just sees it as an object and uses it to achieve his own goals." Shoto said, clenching his fists furious at this, since it reminds him to a certain extent of what his father wanted to do with him.

"Zabuza is really a very cruel villain." Tokage said. "He doesn't even care about his apprentice."

"It's really disgusting." Mandalay said extremely upset. "Haku is a person, not an object."

"It's really horrible that he only sees him as a pawn in his plans. "Though Zabuza's not the only one who does that." All Might said, glaring at All for One who simply smiled upon seeing his enemy's annoyance.

The rest of the villains also feel disgusted by this since they also don't like the idea of being manipulated like objects, and they are experiencing a similar feeling to when they found out what Loki's plan was in Avengers. Toga in particular is very angry with Zabuza for not allowing Haku to have real free will and Shigaraki is surprised by this "difference" between Haku and Zabuza's relationship with the one he has with his sensei.

Zabuza: Unlike that trash that accompanies you.

"Hey, they're not trash!" Katsuma exclaimed, annoyed by Zabuza's words.

"They're just kids!" Mahoro joined.

"They can train and get better every day!" Nejire exclaimed.

Naruto: I didn't hit him! Just because you fail the first time doesn't mean you're going to give up. I'll do it as many times as necessary! Shadow clone jutsu! [Sasuke is surprised and tells him to stop. Several clones of Naruto appeared and went straight to the mirrors, Haku came out of the mirrors destroying each clone.]

"If you continue like this you will only waste Chakra." Aizawa said surveying the scene. "Sasuke is right to tell him to stop."

"Not to say that they should come up with a plan and not act without thinking." Present Mic said.

"Though that won't be easy with that boy and his needles." Midnight said.

"There has to be some way to defeat him, no matter how strong Haku is, he must have some weakness." Hawks said as he tried to think of some possible strategy against Haku. If he were there, perhaps his feathers could counteract Haku's needles, but he can't think of what to do about the mirrors since if the fire didn't do anything to them, they must be quite hard.

[Haku threw needles at Sasuke, injuring him even more, Naruto fell to the ground from Haku's attack.]

Naruto: What?! How does he do that?!

"It seems like they haven't realized yet that Haku actually reflects in mirrors and travels between mirrors." Midoriya said.

"So it seems." Iida said.

Sasuke:It's almost imperceptible[He got up from the ground remembering the attack from before.]But I saw it!

Naruto: Again! [Naruto summons clones again.]

"Looks like Sasuke is starting to get it." Nezu said. "He hasn't fully understood it yet, but he's starting to put the pieces together."

"I hope he realizes it soon, that will give them a big advantage." Pixie-Bob said.

"Although I'm worried that Naruto will continue making clones." Aizawa said. "This way he will only lose Chakra and will be an easy target for Haku and a burden for Sasuke."

"Not to say that both Naruto and Sasuke should work together and come up with a strategy if they want a chance to beat Haku." Midnight said, somewhat frustrated by this fact.

"They are still young, they will learn from their mistakes and grow." All Might said.

[Sasuke kicked the water in the direction where Naruto was and then Haku began to destroy his clones and attack Sasuke, thus falling both to the ground.]

Sasuke:Of course, seeing the trail doesn't mean I can match its speed. The water is being repelled.[Looks at the mirrors that were behind him.]But… What if I tried something else? What would happen if that wasn't water?[He closes his eyes and then opens them.]Well, the next time he attacks will be the opportunity.

"Oh, it's good to see that Sasuke has an idea." Sero said.

"I hope whatever you're planning works." Uraraka said.

"Please god, help them." Pray Shiozaki.

Zabuza: Even if the trash multiplies, they won't be able to defeat Haku. It is the definitive tool.

"Underestimating your opponents is a serious mistake." Tiger said.

"No matter how good Haku is, that overconfidence will hurt him." Power Loader said.

"Stop that!" Bakugo exclaimed annoyed. "That pathetic villain speech. In the end they will kick your ass!" This annoyed the villains who rolled their eyes in annoyance.

Kakashi: There's nothing as boring as hearing someone brag, it makes me want to sleep. Let's get this over with. Right away! [Kakashi uncovered his eye revealing his Sharingan.]

The audience laughs at Kakashi's reaction.

"It seems that Kakashi agrees with you Bakubro." Kirishima said trying to contain his laughter.

"Those kinds of speeches are really very boring." Makoto said amused.

"It's good to see that Kakashi is going to fight seriously." Tetsutetsu said excited about the fight.

"Although I'm still worried about the effects the Sharingan may have on him." Kendo said worriedly.

"Let's hope he's okay." Komori said worried.

"As long as the fight doesn't last too long it will be fine. This way he will avoid excessive loss of Chakra." Yaoyorozu said thoughtfully.

"Then let's hope he can end the fight quickly." Yanagi said.

Zabuza: Okay, but first let me brag about one more thing. In our last fight I wasn't simply defeated like an idiot. I made Haku carefully observe each and every detail of the fight.

The audience is shocked to hear this.

"It seems you were right Mr. director." Midoriya said. "They definitely planned everything very carefully."

"Yeah." Nezu said thoughtfully. "This confirms my theory. Their plan was not only to intervene in the duel to save Zabuza, but they also analyzed his movements and techniques to devise a counterattack. As much as I hate to admit it, it was a really brilliant plan." The rest of the audience nods in agreement because while it is true that they don't like it at all, the plan is really good.

"Damn!" Bakugo exclaimed annoyed.

"This is definitely bad." Hawks said worried about this turn of events.

"The situation has just taken a pretty dark turn." Tokoyami said.

"Although he shouldn't brag like that." Yaoyorozu said in response to Zabuza's attitude. "He almost looks like a Bond villain."

"He really shouldn't do it. It's really bad for a ninja to reveal all his secrets." Kushina said.

"Better this way, they make our heroes' jobs easier!" Bakugo said.

"That really is silly of you." Mr. Compress said. "A magician should never reveal his tricks."

Zabuza: Haku is also very intelligent. Thanks to his abilities, if he sees a movement just once, he is able to think of a counter, it is one of his gifts.

The audience is shocked to hear this.

"What!?" Several in the audience exclaimed.

"It's almost like he has a Sharingan." Yaoyorozu said surprised.

"If that is true, then Haku is an even more dangerous rival." Awase said worriedly.

"That really is a very useful skill." All for One said, impressed once again by Haku. "They're like Hawkeye's eyes. It's a shame that they are skills and not Quirks, they would really be very useful to me."

Zabuza: I've been tempted to copy your words, as you said, "the same technique won't work on me twice" right? Ninja art, hiding in the mist jutsu! [The fog becomes much thicker.]

The audience gets very worried seeing this.

"Oh no!" Eri exclaimed worried.

"The fog again, ribbit." Asui said.

"Though that fog is too thick. How does Zabuza manage to see something there?" Ashido asked.

"He must have some method to fight like this." Jiro said.

Kakashi: It's over.

Tazuna:What's going on? The fog is very dense, visibility is practically zero.

Sakura: Sensei...

Kakashi: Sakura, stay with Tazuna-san!

"That's a good idea." Vlad said. "The girl's priority must be to protect Mr. Tazuna."

"In those circ*mstances it is the best they can do." Hawks said, to which the rest of the audience nods in agreement.

Sakura:That's right. Now I must trust Sasuke-kun and Naruto as well as Kakashi-sensei, and do what I have to do, no matter what it costs![Sakura ran to where Tazuna was.]

Tazuna: Oh, Sakura.

Sakura: Tazuna-San, don't leave my side [She stands in front of Tazuna with a kunai in her hand.]

Tazuna: Yes, understood.

"Yes girl. "Right now it's the best you can do." Hagakure said.

"Everyone has their own job. Kakashi must fight with Zabuza, Naruto and Sasuke against Haku and she must protect Mr. Tazuna." Ashido said.

"Let's just hope everything turns out well." Shiozaki said.

Haku: Zabuza-san I know you need me, I'll finish this right away.

"No please don't do it!" Nejire exclaimed.

[Naruto does the clone technique again, and they attack the mirrors.]

Haku: You just don't learn! [Haku comes out of the mirror and walked towards Naruto without realizing that Sasuke had performed a fire technique. This causes Haku to be surprised.] Huh? a fire technique? [Before the fire touched him, he dodged it and went into the mirrors, then came out again and destroyed the Naruto clones.] This is going on too long! [Haku continued destroying the clones while they disappeared one by one, Sasuke once again launched a fireball which he was able to dodge but burning his clothes a little, while Haku had destroyed the last clone of Naruto and it fell near Sasuke. ]

"Oh that was too close!" Ashido exclaimed.

"This confirms our theory that Haku uses mirrors to transport himself from one place to another." Midoriya said while writing in his notebook.

"And not only that, this time they managed to surprise him." Yaoyorozu said, thoughtfully. "Sasuke has already been able to notice this as well, which means that he can devise a counterattack based on what he has already been able to discover about it."

"Not to say that now Haku is on the defensive, he no longer has the advantage like before." Bondo said.

"This is good. That it is lasting longer than I expected means that his Chakra reserves are decreasing."Kushina thought. "Although I shouldn't trust myself yet."

Sasuke:Good. Although it is gradual, I am understanding the timing.

"Oh good!" Ashido exclaimed excitedly.

"Sasuke is making very important progress, if he can understand their timing, they could defeat Haku." Kendo said, thoughtfully.

"Although they don't have to declare victory yet." Aizawa said with a frown.

Kakashi:Although he is hidden in the fog, it is too dense even for Zabuza. So Zabuza himself can't see anything. How can he fight like that?[Some noises put him on alert, turning back, taking out a kunai and deflecting the shuriken that Zabuza had thrown.]

"That's actually a good question." Midoriya said interested about it.

"Yes, how is it possible that I can fight under those conditions?" Sato asked.

"There must be some way he can fight under those conditions." Kendo said, trying to think of how he does it. "It's not for nothing that they call him the demon hidden in the mist."

"What do you think, teacher, what do you think it does?" Tokoyami asked Hawks, making several in the audience turn to look at him.

"He probably uses his other senses to orient himself. "This way you don't have to rely exclusively on your sight, and you can attack in the fog." Hawks said thoughtfully.

"That's actually a good theory." Nezu said, although he suspects it he wants to confirm it.

Zabuza: Looks like you dodged well. I expected nothing less from Kakashi the Sharingan warrior. [Appears behind Kakashi.]

Kakashi: [Surprised.] His eyes... He has them closed.

Zabuza: However, the next time you see me, it will all be over. You overestimate the Sharingan, without it you are nobody.

Kakashi: What?

The audience is surprised by what they are witnessing.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?!" Kushina exclaimed furious at Zabuza's words, surprising and scaring the audience when they saw her so upset. "For your information, Kakashi became a jounin before he had the Sharingan! And it was thanks to his own ability!"

"Oh really?" Midoriya asked, wanting to know more about Kakashi as did several in the audience.

"Yes, but you will see later." Felicity said disappointing the audience.

"But on the other hand it seems to be true that Zabuza does not depend exclusively on his eyesight. Which makes sense considering he fights in the fog." Tokoyami said seeing that Zabuza has his eyes closed.

"It's true Fumi." Dark Shadow said, agreeing with his friend.

Zabuza: You speak as if you know everything... [Remembers his fight with Kakashi and how he could "see" the future] Kakashi, you can't see the future or read minds. The Sharingan is a trick intended to make you think that. He who possesses the Sharingan has a vision of perception and another of hypnosis. Both skills complement each other. With those two skills, you quickly perform the techniques one after the other. At that moment you just act as if you are seeing the future. First of all, thanks to perception vision you instantly imitate my movements. This is the step of shape manipulation with this first step you surprised me... And once you made sure that my mind was confused, identifying with me you decided my thoughts. This is the mental copy step! After I was terribly confused... You set a very ingenious trap using hypnosis vision, you created an illusion, you made me form the seals and then you copied them - this is the technique manipulation step. Thus, the solution is simple. First of all, I hide my figure in this thick fog, rendering your vision of perception useless. You are a fraud and the Sharingan is just a cheap trick.

[Zabuza hit Kakashi who took cover from the attack, Kakashi was thrown back, but placed one hand on the ground and buried his kunai in the ground to stop.]

The audience is greatly surprised by this, and how Zabuza partially deciphered the functioning of the Sharingan.

"Oh this is actually very interesting." Midoriya said while writing this down in his notebook. "In other words, the Sharingan is actually a vision that allows us to perceive and detect techniques, movements, jutsus, etc. which allows you to "copy" an opponent's movements, but cannot really see the future. And his other ability is a Genjutsu that suggests thoughts and actions to the victim, that's why in his previous fight he was so…" Midoriya was interrupted.

"Stop yapping, Deku!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"Dude that's really weird." Kaminari said.

"I think it's great Deku-kun." Uraraka smiled at him, making Midoriya blush.

"But on the other hand, Zabuza is right." Kushina said worried about this fact. "I'm right about the Sharingan and what it's doing…"

Kakashi: The fog slows down my reaction time.

Zabuza: Next I close my eyes. This way he prevented you from using your hypnosis vision. You can't get into my mind if you don't even look me in the eyes.

"This is what I feared." Kushina said. "What Zabuza is doing is an effective counterattack for the Sharingan."

"Of course, since it is a visual technique, blocking your vision affects its use, and by avoiding making eye contact you avoid the effects of Genjutsu, since you need to establish eye contact." Midoriya said writing this information down in his notebook.

"That's actually a very good analysis." Nezu said.

"This is very valuable information." Yaoyorozu said. "It will help us when we face Kakashi or an opponent who has the Sharingan in the danger room."

"We should devise strategies to be able to exploit this weakness." Said Iida who is already thinking strategies.

"So I am immune to a certain extent to the Sharingan. "Not having 'sight' I cannot fall into Genjutsu."All for One thought, smiling. "This will make things easier for me when I steal it. If only I could access that world."

Kakashi: Brilliant. Except that makes you blind too.

Zabuza: Have you forgotten? I am the demon hidden in the mist. Master of silent murder. I can locate my target by sound alone. [This greatly surprises Kakashi.]

"So this is how he do it." Shinso said. "It is guided through sound."

"It's really a good strategy." Jiro said impressed. "It's similar to a certain extent to my Quirk, except in your case it's an ability you've honed through training and not a Quirk."

"The people of this world are truly formidable." Tiger said impressed.

[We return to Naruto and Sasuke's fight against Haku.]

Haku: Did you see my movement? That's impossible.

"Why do I have the feeling that something else is happening?" Shoda asked.

"The way he saw his movement…" Kendo reflected. "Does he also have the Sharingan?"

"It would make sense for that to be the case since he supposedly belongs to the Uchiha clan that Sasuke is a part of." Yanagi said.

"But what if he does have it, why don't we see it as is the case with Kakashi?" Ashido asked.

"The Sharingan is an ability that must be awakened." Felicity explained, interesting the audience.

"Wake him up? I believed that they were already born with that ability and that they could deactivate it at will." Shishida said intrigued about it.

"Not quite. "Uchihas are born with the ability to awaken the Sharingan and once they awaken it they can activate and deactivate it at will." Kushina explained what she knows about it.

"How do you activate it?" Midoriya asked, interested in knowing more about the Sharingan.

"You will see it in more detail later, but emotions play an important role." Felicity said, surprising the audience, while Midoriya writes this information down in his notebook.

"And why isn't Kakashi's Sharingan deactivated?" Melissa asked, interested in this fact.

"Because Kakashi's Sharingan is implanted and cannot be deactivated." Felicity explained, to the surprise of the audience.

"Implanted? So who was it originally from?"It was a thought shared by several in the audience.

Naruto: Damn! I was so close, but I still can't catch it

Sasuke: Naruto, can you do it again?

Naruto: Of course! Nobody can stop me! Really!

"That boy is trying so hard now." Recovery Girl said worried about Naruto.

"Although he doesn't want to show it, it's obvious that he's exhausted." Thirteen said.

"He's been using too much Chakra, he must be exhausted." Kushina said worried.

"But he still gives his all like a hero would!" Mirio exclaimed proudly when he saw him.

"Plus ultra!" Several of the students exclaimed, cheering Naruto on.

Sasuke: [Smiles]He doesn't want to show it but he's exhausted. The clone jutsu technique uses a lot of Chakra, however thanks to it I found a way to defeat it.

"It's good to see that the clones ended up being useful." Kaminari said.

"Although doing it so many times without a plan was a bad idea." Midnight said.

"Not to mention that the clone technique consumes a lot of Chakra." Uraraka said worriedly.

Haku: It's not possible. He's just getting lucky. [Mirrors begin to glow, Sasuke makes hand seals.]

Sasuke: Naruto, run! Get out of here and attack from outside!

Naruto: R-Understood!

"Luck? Don't underestimate them." Bondo said.

"Yes, Sasuke and Naruto may still be very young but they have made a lot of progress in a short time." Kuroiro said.

"And they will continue to progress much more!" Mirio exclaimed. "At the end of the day this is just the beginning."

"I already want to see what they will do in the future." Komori said interested in this. "What other things will there be in Naruto's journey and in his dream of being Hokage? "If he wants to surpass the other Hokages, the path will not be easy."

"It will definitely be complicated." Shishida said thoughtfully. "Especially with what we have seen of the other Hokages, which although it is little, already establishes them as very strong individuals who have achieved great feats."

"Well, if the Fourth Hokage faced a giant fox, then Naruto would face a giant snake!" Katsuma exclaimed.

"A giant snake? Why's that?" Mahoro asked in surprise.

"Oh I don't know, it was the first thing that occurred to me." Katsuma confessed.

"Or a shark man." Ojiro Adventure.

"Pff, that's why he faced a zombie." Bakugo said.

"Well, but to get to that you must first defeat Haku and Zabuza." Yaoyorozu said, cutting short the possible rivals that Naruto could face in the future, while Felicity laughs discreetly since all of these assumptions are actually correct.

"It's good to see that those two are coordinating to fight together." Mandalay said. "Although they still have to work on it, but they are making progress."

"Not to say that if Naruto had understood the plan from the beginning and had taken advantage of his strategic position, it would have simplified things a lot." Aizawa said.

"When things are simple?" Present Mic asked his friend.

[Naruto started running outside.]

Haku: You can't escape! [Naruto continued running but was sent backwards falling to the ground, he got back up and ran again.]

Naruto: You think you can keep me here! Do not even dream about it! [Haku came back out of the mirror, Sasuke noticed and placed his hand near his mouth.]

Sasuke: There it is, fire style, fireball jutsu! [Sasuke threw his fire in Haku's direction again, Haku dodged it and threw a needle at him, Naruto was about to leave the mirrors, but Haku got in front of him, hitting him, falling to the ground, while Sasuke grimaced. of pain.]

"Ah!" Several in the audience exclaimed.

"Last time it might have taken him by surprise, but this time Haku was already prepared for it." Aizawa said worriedly.

"The same trick doesn't work twice on a ninja." Kushina said, although she is also worried about Naruto and Sasuke.

"Ninja are undoubtedly very powerful rivals." All Might said.

Naruto: sh*t. [He got up from the ground.]

Sasuke: That was good Naruto. [He takes the needle out of his shoulder.]

Naruto: Huh?

Sasuke: Let's do it again.

Naruto: Understood!

Sasuke:His Chakra will probably also have a limit. I can feel it getting slower.

"It's always good to see that they are not willing to give up no matter what." Mirio said proud of Naruto and Sasuke.

"That is the spirit of the plus ultra!" Hatsume exclaimed very excited. "Give it your all and aim for the highest!"

"And their coordination as teammates is not bad either. They still need to improve, but it's not bad at all." Midnight said.

"And Sasuke is right, no matter how strong Haku is, he also has his own limits." Kendo said.

"Although I'm surprised that I can tell he's starting to get tired. "I hadn't realized it until he said it." Said Iida, who can only now notice that Haku is a little slower now.

"Just because he doesn't show it doesn't mean he's not tired." Kushina said. "Not to mention that the mirror technique consumes a large amount of Chakra and he has been using it for longer than he expected."

[Naruto started running again as did Sasuke.]

Haku: No more games, I have to stop this now. The time has come for you to stay still! [Haku threw a needle into Sasuke's leg, who winced in pain, and then Haku started throwing more needles at him.]

Naruto: Sasuke! [Naruto had also received the needles into his body which causes him to scream from the pain.]

The audience is shocked and worried immensely for Sasuke and Naruto upon seeing Haku's attack.

"Ah!" Several people exclaimed, scared at what they had just witnessed.

"Oh no! This is bad!" Awase exclaimed scared.

"Now Haku is no longer playing, he is going to eliminate them!" Mineta exclaimed, equally terrified.

Kakashi:An enemy you can't see or hear. Damn, it's been a long time since I've fought someone this tough. And also Sasuke and Naruto worry me. Calm down, think, where will he attack?[Kakashi opened his eyes and looked back, where Sakura and Tazuna are, Zabuza appears behind them.] The bridge builder! No!

The audience is even more scared to see what Zabuza's objective is.

"As if things weren't bad enough." Kaminari said scared.

"Sakura and Mr. Tazuna." Midoriya said while clenching his fists in helplessness at not being able to intervene and do something to help.

"Oh no!" Nejire exclaims worried. "This is really very bad!"

"It's really a bad scenario." Tokoyami said.

"Yes." Dark Shadow agreed.

[Sakura and Tazuna looked back scared, Zabuza grabbed the handle of his sword, but Kakashi had appeared in front of Zabuza]

Zabuza: Too late! [Blood sprays into the air and Sakura is heard screaming.]

The audience is even more scared by the end of the episode, as they worry about Kakashi, Sakura, and Mr. Tazuna.

"Ah!" Several people exclaimed, still shocked.

"Demons! Because it had to end right now!" Midoriya exclaimed frustrated by this fact.

"This is the third time it's happened that an episode ends on a cliffhanger!" Sato exclaimed.

"Well what are you waiting for!? Play next!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"Well, that's it. "The next one is going to be the last episode of this arc and then there will be an interlude." Felicity said as the next episode begins to play, leaving the audience shocked and eager to see the outcome of this arc.

As the episode started, Felicity could notice a package on the floor. He picked it up and could see its Halloween-themed packaging and a black and white striped ribbon.

"And so?"She asked herself confused, before noticing a note attached to the package, after reading it she understood everything."Oh, so it's an invitation, very well I accept."

MHA Reacts: Naruto - Chapter 9 - La_gran_diosa_zorra_fantasma - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.