Dreamscape: Tower of Illusion - Chapter 1 - WinterAura (2024)

Chapter Text


Welcome, Sakura Haruno, to the Tower of Illusion. You may call me Soul.”

Sakura blinked, confusion written on her face, “Where am I?” she asked, panic rapidly building inside her as she looked at the ball of light in front of her.

Do not fear, for you’re still asleep and safe in your room.” Soul told her, “This place is the dreamscape that resides inside you.”

“R-resides inside m-me?” Shock filled her as she tried to comprehend what that thing was saying. Sakura finally observed her surroundings, taking in the beauty of the dreamscape. The sky is a swirling canvas of purples, pinks, and deep blues, where the stars shimmer with an otherworldly glow, casting a gentle luminescence over the forest surrounding her. However, what stood out was the tower that was in front of her.

This is where the boundaries between your dreams and nightmares blur, creating an embroidery of surreal landscapes, fantastical creatures, nightmarish beings, and more. This world came to be because of you, Sakura Haruno.

“I-I don’t understand.” Sakura was even more confused, “Did I create this world?”

I shall explain in simpler terms.” Soul said, “This world was born from your desperation. That feeling of being let out by your teammates, inadequate, not feeling part of Team 7, and useless when your sensei trains your teammates before you. The culmination of all these things unlocked the latent bloodline limit within you: Dreamscape.

“I think I understand now,” Sakura said shyly after some time, “But what is that tower right there?”

That is the Tower of Illusion,” Soul said, moving aside so she could get a good look at it.

The Tower of Illusion is a colossal structure that seems to pierce the heavens. Sakura looked at its architecture, which perplexed her with its ancient and impossibly futuristic walls.

The tower is built from an iridescent stone that changes color and texture, creating an ever-changing façade. It is made from your dreams and solidified into a tangible form. The tower is alive, its corridors and chambers shifting and changing like a living maze. It’s the place where you must go to become stronger.”

Sakura sucked in a breath, “Can I get stronger?” she asked Soul with a hopeful voice.

Yes, you can, but to become the best version of yourself, you must master this tower by reaching the 100th floor, fighting demons, monsters, and more, and defeating the boss on each floor.”

“That sounds scary,” Sakura murmured, biting her lip.

Each floor is different, with hallways stretching into infinity, staircases spiraling into the void, and doors opening into realms of fantastic impossibilities. If you’re injured while in this tower, it doesn’t affect you physically but mentally, leaving scars that may never heal.

“Is there anything good about this tower?” Sakura was starting to think this was a mistake.

Of course, it is good,” Soul swirled around her, “This tower was designed to strengthen you mentally, and whenever you clear a floor and kill its boss, you will be given a skill of your choosing…. sometimes.

“I’m not strong enough, though…” Sakura looked down, her bangs covering her forehead. She had been on her team for three months and only recently learned to walk on water and climb trees using her chakra. The other stuff she knew was academy-level at best.

That’s why you’re here,” Soul told her, “You don’t have to worry about anything as I’m here to assist you. I know it's been hard for you. I know everything about you, Sakura Haruno. That’s why you manifested this place: to become stronger and catch up with your teammates.”

“I-…” Sakura remained silent, thinking about what Soul had said.

Will you master the Tower of Illusions?” Soul asked her.

I want to become stronger, but I’m afraid..’ Sakura thought, ‘I’m afraid of failing and dying.’

Their last mission involved an encounter with Zabuza, and she felt like the claws of death were creeping at her throat the entire time she was on that mission. Much to their dismay, her team had to protect her. She was painfully behind on everything due to her weak personality and civilian origin.

“I will do it,” she decided, steeling her resolve.

Wonderful!” Soul glowed brightly, indicating it was happy. “Before you enter the tower, you should remember two things!”

“What should I remember?”

Once you enter a new floor, you cannot leave until you have beaten the boss. Once you beat the boss, you can continue, return here, or wake up from the Dreamscape.”

“I understand.”

Secondly, always remember that whatever you encounter in the tower is a dream or nightmare you have already experienced. It would help if you remembered this so you don’t panic because the tower can be very fickle and take advantage of any opportunity.”


Follow me to the entrance,’ Soul said, guiding her to the tower's entrance. Guarding the entrance to the tower is a pair of enormous, intricately carved stone statues. These guardians have eyes that seem to follow every movement. There was a standing mirror at the corner near the door.

A sudden memory came to mind, ‘It's said to judge the worthiness of those who seek to enter. Only those with a pure heart or an unyielding will can pass through the gates unscathed.’ Sakura recalled a storybook she once read that had something similar.

“I remember those stone statues,” Sakura said softly.

“Those statues are from a book you read when you were seven called The Seven Trials.” Soul told her.

“I remember now,” Sakura smiled, moving toward the mirror as she recalled the exciting book. Suddenly, she gasped as she looked at herself in the mirror, “Why do I look like this?”

That, Sakura Haruno, is your dreamscape form.”

Sakura looked at her dreamscape, devoid of the colors that defined her. She lifted her bangs and seeing the words ‘Inner Sakura’ written on her forehead was a little surprising. “This is unbelievable…” Sakura whispered before turning to Soul. What is this mirror for anyway?”

This is the Mirror of Creation and Suggestion,” Soul informed her, “You can use it to equip suitable weapons to take before you enter the tower. You can also ask it to find a suitable weapon based on your current skill set. Why don’t you try it out?”

“Okay, um..” Sakura stared at the mirror, “W-what is the most suitable weapon for me?”

Finding the most suitable weapon for Sakura Haruno based on her current skillset.” The mirror wrote on its reflective surface.

Give it some time.” Soul reassured her before she could panic.

“It's just…I’m weak… so I don’t think there is a weapon that is suited to me.” Sakura murmured, kicking at the grass at her feet.

Primarily a genjutsu type with excellent chakra control and intelligence. There isn’t a weapon that is most suitable for you yet. You must clear the first floor and return. This mirror suggests you use the basic tools you’re familiar with.”

Suddenly, she was equipped with a leg holster and a ninja pouch. “I’m a bit disappointed,” Sakura sighed, knowing it would turn out like this.

Don’t be disappointed,” Soul told her, trying to encourage her, “Clear the first floor, get your new skill, and then return here.

Sakura looked at the tower's door. “I’m going in there myself?” she asked softly, looking at Soul.

Yes, however, I can still communicate with you, offering any advice you need.” Soul reassured.

“Alright, wish me luck,” Sakura said, taking a deep breath. Pushing the doors open, she was greeted with a blinding light.

When the light clears, she finds herself on the tower's first floor, in a dimly lit, cavernous space. The air is thick with an unsettling silence, broken only by the faint echo of her footsteps on the cold stone floor. The tower's walls are lined with ancient, crumbling tapestries depicting scenes of forgotten battles and mythical creatures. In the center of the room, a grand spiral staircase winds upward, disappearing into the shadows above.

‘This place is familiar,” Sakura thought, looking around at the walls, distracted by everything.

STAY ALERT!” Kakashi’s voice barked in her head, snapping her out of her stupor.

On high alert, Sakura stretched out her senses as she cautiously approached the staircase. She heard a rustling sound from above as she took her first step. Her head snapped upward, and she came face to face with glowing red eyes peering at her from the darkness. Out of the shadows leap ravenous rabbits, their eyes filled with an evil gleam.

After seeing some cute rabbits, she suddenly remembered a nightmare when she was eight. They were exactly like this. These were no ordinary rabbits; they were creatures twisted by dark chakra, their fur matted and their teeth sharp like daggers. They move with unnerving speed and coordination, their claws scraping against the stone as they charge down the stairs at Sakura.

Focus, Sakura!” Soul said in her head.

Sakura quickly drops into a defensive stance, remembering what Kakashi tried to teach her, her mind racing as she calculates her next move. She was fighting on winding stairs with little room. Her only choice was to rush them as well. The first rabbit lunges at her, and she sidesteps using what little room she has on the stairs, delivering a swift kick that sends it tumbling down the staircase. But more rabbits are already closing in. She reaches for her kunai, slicing through the air with precision.

I can do this!’ Sakura thought with relief as each strike was met with a spray of dark, smoky essence as the rabbits dissolved upon being hit, a clear sign of their illusory nature. She was glad that fighting these rabbits didn’t require much skill, and it was something she could handle.

Despite their numbers, Sakura remained focused as she kept moving up the stairs before whipping out an explosive and throwing it toward the anticipating horde. ‘I’m taking a gamble!’ She thought, hoping the stairs were sturdy enough to handle the explosion.



Great job, keep going!” Soul cheered on.

She darted through the stragglers, slicing and stabbing as many as possible, gaining some scratching and bites. She channeled her chakra through her limbs to move faster and hit a little harder, a skill she discovered after practicing with chakra control.

The rabbits were relentless, but so was Sakura.

As she ascends the spiral staircase, the attacks become more frequent and aggressive. The rabbits seem to multiply, emerging from the shadows in waves. Sakura calculates the distance and force she would need to go through explosive tags at multiple points on the stairs and quickly throws all the available explosive tags, each with a different force. Multiple explosions rang through the floor, moving upward in a chain as it obliterated the rabbits.

Sakura's breath comes in ragged gasps, but she doesn't falter. She knows she must reach the top to get stronger. She grows more determined with each step, and her strikes become weaker but precise. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Sakura reaches the top of the staircase.

She is bruised and battered, but her spirit is unbroken. The last of the ravenous rabbits’ dissolves into smoke as she stands before a massive, ornate door. Carved into its surface are intricate designs of twisted vines and eerie faces, their expressions frozen in eternal torment.

You made it, Sakura.’

Soul’s voice echoed in her mind. “I did it,” she repeated, “but we’re not finished.” Pushing open the door, the room was vast, with high ceilings that disappeared into darkness and walls lined with eerie images. The air was heavy with the scent of old books, and the only light came from flickering, ghostly flames that cast long, dancing shadows across the stone floor.

This is the first-floor boss, a formidable opponent known as the Shadow Weaver.’ Soul informed her, ‘This being is born from a nightmare you once had at three years old where you thought a shadowed man was watching you from the corner of your room.’

“That’s so long ago…” Sakura said, staring at the shadowed figure that made the hairs on her neck stand up.

Be careful; this being can cast powerful genjutsu!” Soul told her.

The Shadow Weaver stands at the center of the room, a tall, cloaked figure wreathed in darkness. Its eyes glow an evil, sickly green, and its presence exudes an overwhelming aura of malice and power. As Sakura approaches, the figure raises a skeletal hand, and the shadows in the room begin to writhe and twist as if alive.

The Shadow Weaver starts by casting a powerful genjutsu, and Sakura immediately feels the world around her warp and distort. The chamber walls seem to close in, the floor shifts beneath her feet, and the eerie flames grow brighter and more chaotic. She closes her eyes momentarily, focusing her chakra to disrupt the genjutsu, bringing her hands together.

“KAI!” she yelled, shattering the illusion.

With a deep breath, she reopens her eyes, her vision clear and her resolve unwavering. It responds with shadowy tendrils that lash out at Sakura with incredible speed. Sakura dodges and weaves through the onslaught, her movements a blur as she channels and releases her chakra in quick bursts from her feet. She pulls out a kunai coated with chakra as she counters, striking at the tendrils with precise slashes that cause them to dissipate into smoke.

Realizing the direct approach won't be enough, the Shadow Weaver summons shadowy clones of itself, each one moving independently to confuse and overwhelm Sakura. The room is filled with the flickering forms of these clones, each one indistinguishable from the real one. Sakura narrows her eyes, focusing intently on her surroundings. She remembers her training and uses her keen analytical skills to look for discrepancies or patterns in the clones' movements.

Suddenly, she spots a faint glimmer around one of the figures – a subtle difference that reveals the real Shadow Weaver. “Shannaro!” she shouted with a burst of speed; she darted towards it, throwing chakra-coated shuriken at it. The shuriken lands and sinks into its midsection, causing it to respond with an otherworldly hiss. The clones vanish, leaving only the real adversary standing before her.

Angered, the Shadow Weaver conjures a swirling vortex of darkness, pulling Sakura into a disorienting, nightmarish realm. The floor beneath her feet becomes a void, and eerie whispers echo in her ears, attempting to sap her willpower.

‘You’re weak.’


‘You don’t belong on Team 7.’

All the insecurities and things she heard assaulted her. She could only fight against the oppressive genjutsu; her inner strength and determination were her only anchors. She focuses her chakra, creating a protective barrier around her mind, pushing back against the invasive genjutsu out of instinct. In displaying her growing prowess, Sakura breaks free from the illusion.


It reels from the disruption, momentarily weakened. Seeing her opportunity, Sakura charges forward, her chakra blazing around two kunai she gripped tightly. She unleashes a barrage of slashes and stabs, each landing with precision and power she summoned out of pure willpower. The Shadow Weaver tries to counter with shadowy tendrils and dark energy blasts, but Sakura’s relentless assault gives it no respite.

“I. HAVE. TO. WIN!” She shouted out each word with every slash.

With one final, vicious stab to its head, Sakura channels all her remaining chakra into the kunai, driving it deep into its body. This suddenly creates a shockwave that ripples through the room, causing the walls to tremble. The Shadow Weaver’s form shatters like glass, dissolving into a cloud of dark mist that dissipates into the air.

You did it, Sakura!” Soul cheered happily.

Breathing heavily, Sakura stands victorious. Shimmering words appeared before her as the last remnants of the Shadow Weaver faded.

The first floor has been cleared, and the boss is defeated. Please choose one of the two fighting styles: Dreamwalker Style or Shadow Illusionist Style.

Sakura briefly pondered the choice before asking Soul, “Is that Shadow Illusionist Style used by the Shadow Weave?”

Precisely.” Soul responded.

“I choose the Dreamwalker Style,” Sakura said, unsure what that style entailed. Suddenly, information was loaded into her mind.

The Dreamwalker Style is a sophisticated genjutsu fighting style that focuses on infiltrating and manipulating others' dreams and subconscious. Practitioners of this style, Dreamwalkers, can bend the realm of dreams, using their mastery to alter dreams and exert control over their opponents. This style is particularly effective against targets with strong emotional or psychological connections.

You have gained basic understanding of two unique techniques: Genjutsu: Lullaby of the Dreamwalker and Genjutsu: Dream Infiltration.

Genjutsu: Lullaby of the Dreamwalker can incapacitate opponents or initiate dream infiltration by sending those around her to sleep. The user can employ various methods to induce sleep, such as direct contact, sound, smell, or visual stimuli.

Genjutsu: Dream Infiltration can gather sensitive information, plant ideas, or manipulate the opponent’s emotions and actions. The user can subtly alter the dream to lead the target towards specific conclusions or behaviors.

You chose a great style!” Soul told her, “The other one would have been a good choice, but this one keeps up with the theme.”

Sakura was glad she chose this one, not because of Soul’s reasons but for multiple reasons. Because of her inability to make friends and her timid personality, she spent much time in the library reading books, specifically those on psychology. With this style, she could gain a psychological advantage over a person. This allows her to gain insights into her opponents’ psyche by accessing their dreams and subconscious thoughts. This can provide valuable information on their fears, motivations, and weaknesses. Finally, she can understand and exploit psychological triggers by creating highly effective, personalized illusions that can break her opponents’ will.

What will you do now?” Soul asked her. “Should I continue to the next floor or return to the entrance?”

“I’m going to return to the entrance,” Sakura replied, wondering if he would be teleported there. Nonetheless, she wanted to see what weapon would be most suited to her now that she passed the first floor.

“Just enter through the door, and you shall be taken back to the entrance.” Soul told her.

Sakura nodded, pushing the doors open just as a blinding night engulfed her. When she came to, she found herself at the entrance. She immediately went to the mirror, staring at her reflection.

“Can you tell me what weapon is most suitable for me now?” She asked the mirror once more.

Primarily a Dreamwalker Style user with excellent chakra control and great intelligence. The Hypnotic Bells are a suitable weapon for you. When moved, these bells produce a gentle, melodic sound, which can be infused with chakra to enhance or cast genjutsu techniques.”

Two small bells appeared on her wrists like bracelets, giving off a melodic sound with every slight movement of her hands. “I hope this isn’t all a dream,” Sakura whispers, hoping that when she wakes up, this won’t be some elaborate dream.

It is a dream, Sakura,” Soul told her, “Fortunately for you, the knowledge of the skills you gained here will remain with you even after you have awoken. But the weapons you gain here will not return with you. You must acquire some bells in the real world.”

“I understand, Soul-sensei,” Sakura replied, thankful for its help.

S-sensei!?” Soul exclaimed, glowing brightly before its light dimmed, “I like the sound of sensei.

Sakura giggles quietly, “Is there anything else I should know?”

Remember that the dreamscape only strengthens your mental capacity and strength over time. It does not strengthen your physical body in the real world. So, you will need to train your body on your own.”

“I guess I have to start running more often,” Sakura chuckles, knowing she has been avoiding physical exercise for a long time.

“Great! Are you ready to wake up now?” Soul asked her, watching her intently.

“Actually, no. I want to challenge the second floor.” Sakura amended, determined to get another skill and test her new techniques.

Alright, prepare yourself before going through the door once more. It should take you directly to floor two.” Soul said to her before she restocked on explosive tags and other tools.

Sakura opened the door again, the blinding light transporting her to the second floor. Sakura stepped cautiously into the dense forest of floor two, feeling the fresh breeze dancing across her skin. Towering trees blocked the sky, and the air was thick with the scent of damp earth. Every step she took was accompanied by the soft jingle of the bells on her bracelet, their melody calming and sharpening her focus.

Spiders.’ Soul told her, making her shiver.

‘I hate spiders!’ Sakura screamed inwardly.

She knew she wasn't alone thanks to Souls’ hint; the glinting eyes of spiders watched her from the shadows, waiting to strike but waiting for some reason. As she advanced into the forest, a group of six spiders, each the size of a large dog, skittered out from the underbrush. Their venomous fangs gleamed menacingly, and they spun webs with alarming speed. Without hesitation, she sped through hand signs; “Genjutsu: Lullaby of the Dreamwalker.” She channeled the chakra through her bells, and they produced a soothing melody that echoed through the forest. The spiders, entranced by the sound, began to slow their movements, their aggression waning as drowsiness overtook them. The spiders fell into a deep sleep, immobilized and harmless.

“It worked!” Sakura sighed in relief.

Try to infiltrate their dreams mind now.” Soul recommended.

Sakura nodded, knowing she needed allies to navigate the forest safely and challenge the boss. “Genjutsu: Dream Infiltration.” Her bells rang once, and suddenly, it was like she could see six different dreamscapes in her mind but still somehow be present in the forest while navigating the dreamscapes of the spiders.

This feels weird, Soul.’ Sakura bit her lip, concentrating. The spiders were all dreaming of eating meat and serving their queen.

It's because you’re trying to control all six simultaneously. Sakura, I don’t think you understand how strong your mental fortitude is already. It's why you’re a genjutsu type in the first place. Right now, you have split your dreamscape form into six clones. What do you usually do with shadow clones?

You order them,’ Sakura smiled as she got it. She ordered her dreamscape forms to alter the dreams so the spiders saw her as their queen and must follow and protect her. Suddenly, the spiders got up and moved toward her robotically, in which she shivered from their proximity.

“Are they sleepwalking?” Sakura questioned, the bells on her bracelet ringing ever so often.

This is the effect of dream infiltration.” Soul told her, “They will remain in that state once they are near the sound of your bells. If they stray too far from the sound of your bells, they will awaken.’

“Understood.” With her new allies at her side, Sakura proceeded deeper into the forest. The controlled spiders fended off attacks from other, more aggressive spiders, using their webs to create barriers and trap their enemies before sinking their fangs into them. She didn’t’ sit back and let her spiders do all the work. ' She sent enemy spiders to sleep before finishing them with explosive tags.

She went deeper into the forest and felt the vibrations of many legs skittering across the ground. Another wave of spiders emerged, surrounding her, their bodies glistening with venom and their multiple eyes fixed on her. They suddenly charged towards her with alarming speed.

With a swift motion, she performed her lullaby jutsu and swung her arm, causing the bells to produce a soothing melody that echoed through the forest. The spiders, entranced by the sound, slowed their movements. Their aggression waned as drowsiness began to take over. But some spiders resisted their predatory instincts, which were too strong to be quickly subdued.

“I didn’t know it could be resisted!” Sakura exclaimed.

You must be prepared for the unexpected!” Soul advised.

Sakura quickly adapted, focusing her chakra through the bells and channeling it into the spiders' minds. She infiltrated their dreams, altering them so that she was their queen and must protect her. The sleeping spiders got up and started attacking the more resilient ones who continued their advance.

A spider broke through her defense and lunged at her, causing her to sidestep gracefully, the bells jingling softly. She threw a kunai, its trajectory enhanced chakra flying toward the spider. The kunai found its target, sinking into its head, causing it to vanish in black mist.

Another spider dropped from above, its fangs bared and ready to strike. Sakura leaped back, somersaulting over a group of spiders, avoiding the attack, and spun around, creating a wide arc with her bells. The sound waves resonated through the air, silently ordering the spiders under her control to converge around her and shoot their webs to trap the enemy spiders. They obeyed, quickly forming a protective circle around and shooting webs.

She seized the moment, launching a barrage of shuriken. Each shuriken was wrapped in a thin layer of chakra to maximize impact. The trapped spiders couldn’t move, and the shuriken embedded themselves into their bodies.

“I’m tired…” Sakura panted, trying to focus on the wave of spiders.

Oh!’ Soul exclaimed in surprise, ‘I forgot to tell you that while you’re using chakra in your dreamscape, it uses the same amount in reality.’

“So why did you forget such important information?” Sakura nearly screamed, “I can die in my sleep from chakra exhaustion.”

You don’t have to worry.’ Soul told her happily, ‘I have been monitoring your levels for a while now. You have excellent chakra control, using just the right amount every time. However, after you clear this floor, you should wake up.’

More spiders emerged from the underbrush, attracted by the commotion. Sakura needed to act quickly and get this over with. She pulled out multiple explosive tags, aiming to burn the forest down if she had to. Soon enough, Sakura was running for her life with a small army of twenty spiders as numerous explosions rang behind her, decimating all the spiders.

The ground trembled as a massive spider, easily three times the size of the others, emerged from the earth. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent intelligence, and it hissed menacingly. It let out a loud screech for its fallen children before rushing at her, crushing trees in its wake.

How am I supposed to fight that?!’ Sakura knew this was a more significant challenge and didn’t know if she was prepared. She landed on another tree and rang the bells again while performing her jutsu, their sound now amplified with her chakra. The melody reached the giant spider, making it hesitate, but it refused to fall asleep.


That won’t work on the boss, Sakura.’ Soul told her.

She commanded her controlled spiders to attack, and they quickly swarmed over the giant spider, their webs binding its legs and distracting it. The big spider thrashed, its powerful legs breaking free of the webs. It lunged at Sakura, not wanting to kill its children; its fangs aimed for a lethal strike.

“Are you sure I won’t die if this thing kills me in my dreamscape?” Sakura questioned once more, thinking of a ridiculous and crazy plan.

‘You won’t die,’ Soul reassured.

She focused her chakra on her feet, dodging the lethal bite. She flung an explosive tag on it, causing it to explode on impact. She was proving effective between ordering her spiders to shoot webs at the monster from a safe distance and dancing around the spider while attacking it with weapons. Despite its size and strength, the giant spider faltered under the relentless assault, too slow to capture its target.

Try sending it to sleep now since it has been weakened,” Soul advised her.

Genjutsu: Lullaby of the Dreamwalker.” She rang her bells, sending the spider to sleep

Now, before infiltrating its dream. Tell me what else you can do instead of having it under your control?” Soul asked her.

I can lead it to a specific conclusion,” Sakura amended, “What I have been doing so far is controlling its behaviors.

“Great, why don’t you lead it to the specific conclusion?” Soul told her excitedly.

Sakura slightly altered the dreams of those under her control, including the mother spiders, so that they would sacrifice themselves for her, their queen. She thought this was a cruel way to die, but they weren’t real. Soon enough, the spiders started to kill themselves one by one, piercing their bodies with their sharp front legs.

As the spiders fell, the forest lightened, lifting the oppressive atmosphere. Sakura stood victorious, prepared to get her next skill.

The second floor has been cleared, and the boss is defeated. Please choose one of the two jutsu: Summoning Jutsu: Dream Sheep or Summoning Jutsu: Dream Specter.

“I never thought I’d get a summoning in my lifetime,” Sakura said excitedly, “I pick the second one.” That one was more interesting than the first one.

This allows you to summon a Dream Specter from your dreamscape or subconscious. These specters are ghostly, humanoid figures that can infiltrate dreams and turn them into nightmares, psychologically damaging and weakening them. However, their presence alone allows them to terrify and incapacitate opponents quickly through fear. However, they cannot interact with the physical world or attack living beings, which makes them useless if the opponent can overcome their fear of them or isn’t sleeping.

Unlike the summoning jutsu, you know where to offer blood. This one isn’t like that.” Soul told her, “This summoning is tied to your dreamscape and subconscious, so no blood is needed. However, a summoning like this puts a mental strain on you.’

Sakura returned to the entrance of the tower and almost screamed in fright. “What are those?!” She pointed at the ghostly figures roaming the forest around the Tower of Illusion.

Those are the Dream Specters.” Soul told her.

The Dream Specters are wispy, translucent humanoid figures with a black billowing cloak. Their bodies shimmer with a faint, ghostly light, and they float around with an eerie, fluid grace. When visible, their eyes glow with a soft, otherworldly light, adding to their unsettling presence.

“Now that I look at them closely, they look quite familiar,” Sakura said as she pieced together the puzzle, “I’m not a huge fan of horror, but I remember reading a book with creatures with this exact description.”

The Midnight Haunt,’ Soul supplied, “it’s a book you read when you were nine years old.”

Sakura nodded, “I remember," she said softly as she walked towards the large double doors. Books were her gateway from reality so she could forget about the bullying she suffered.

‘You’ve cleared two floors so far. You should wake up now.’

Sakura nodded and proceeded through the door. ‘Thank you, Soul-sensei,” Sakura smiled as the bright light enveloped her.

I’ll see you again when you dream!’ Soul shouted happily.


Her eyes snapped open as the morning birds sang sweetly outside her window. The memories of her triumphs and her acquired skills fueled her resolve to embrace her new path to become stronger.

I need to get some bells.’ Sakura thought as she quickly showered and threw on some clothes.

The bustling marketplace was as sounds and sweet scents assaulted her. Merchants called out to passersby, showcasing their wares, while shoppers moved through the crowded streets. Sakura navigated through the crowds of people, focusing on her mission.

Her first stop was a small, dimly lit shop known for bits and baubles. The scent of incense filled the air, and shelves lined with trinkets and talismans surrounded her. The shopkeeper, an elderly woman with a knowing smile, greeted Sakura warmly.

“I'm looking for tiny bells," Sakura explained softly, trying to look everywhere but at the woman, “that I can wear as an accessory.”

The shopkeeper's eyes sparkled with understanding. “I have a pair of bell earrings if you’re interested.” She led Sakura to a display case containing intricately designed bells. Sakura's gaze fell upon the pair of small, silver bells adorned with delicate moon phases and star engravings. She tested out their sound, which was soft yet resonant, perfect for her needs.

“I’ll take them,” Sakura said, paying the woman before leaving with a fresh pair of earrings in her ears. Checking the time, she quickly darted off to the training grounds where her team was supposed to meet.

She felt nervous meeting her team as she didn’t have a good relationship with them in the first place. Sasuke barely spoke to her unless necessary; Naruto thought she was weird because of her timidness, and Kakashi-sensei was neutral.

She arrived at the training ground and found Naruto and Sasuke chatting. She stood by the bridge, close to them but not too far. Being on the team with Hokage’s son and one of Uchiha’s prize sons did her no favors in terms of her popularity.

Sakura closed her eyes, enjoying the morning breeze; the melody from her swaying bells soothed her. She didn’t care if they noticed her as her thoughts returned to her time in the Tower of Illusion. The knowledge of her jutsus remained in her head, but she was too afraid to perform them, hoping it wouldn’t be a dream.

“Yo!” Kakashi said, popping into existence.

“You’re late!” Naruto shouted, glaring at Kakashi.

“I’m going to tell Itachi-nii about your tardiness.” Sasuke frowned.

“Kakashi-sensei,’ Sakura said softly, moving closer to the group.

“I have some news for all of you,” Kakashi said with a gleam, “I’ve signed this team up for the Chunin Exams.”

“Awesome!” Naruto cheered happily, slapping Sasuke on his arm.

“Stop it, Dobe!” Sasuke hissed in pain, a small smile playing on his lips.

Sakura remained silent, not having much to say.

“So,” Kakashi’s eye landed on his lone female student, “Sasuke and Naruto, I have left your training up to your families for today. Tomorrow, we will practice some team exercises. Sakura, you will be training with me today.”

Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other, “Can’t we stay and watch you train with her?” Sasuke asked, glancing at the pinkette out the corner of his eyes.

Sakura gulped, feeling nervous at his words. She knew that he wanted to make fun of her, and that is why he wanted to stay. However, she didn’t have the willpower to speak up or go against them.

“Sakura, do you mind?” Kakashi asked her softly.

“I-I don’t mind.” Sakura ducked her head, biting her lip hard.

“Alright, boys.” Kakashi clapped, “You stay on the side and observe.” Kakashi soon bit his finger and summoned all his dogs.

“He’s doing that training with her?” Naruto frowned. " I understand she’s weaker than us, but isn’t it too much?”

“I will help her in the long run if she’s going to be with us for the chunin exams,” Sasuke replied.

Naruto almost sounded concerned, but she knew better. ‘He doesn’t like me,’ Sakura thought, glancing at the boy whose sunshine smile was reserved for others, not her.

“Sakura, I’m sure you know the rules of this training.” Kakashi told her, “You must dodge whatever attacks these boys come at you with, or you can respond in kind. If you don’t have what it takes, you can give up. We don’t need little princesses on this team who only care about their looks and jewelry.”

Sakura felt her heart drop, ‘He thought I bought these earrings to look good?’ Sakura thought, feeling beaten down by his harsh words.

“Pakkun.” Kakashi called out.

“Yes, Boss?” The small dog readied himself on all fours.

Suddenly, she remembered her time in the Tower of Illusion, where she fought ravenous rabbits and giant spiders. She breathed deeply, hardening her gaze on the dogs before her. Noticing the look in her eyes, Kakashi was surprised, as he had never seen that look in his female student the entire time he had known her.


She weaved through hand signs, knowing the dogs would surround her before attacking. “Genjutsu: Lullaby of the Dreamwalker,” she said inwardly, and her bells let out a resounding melodic sound. Suddenly, the dogs that surrounded her fell asleep.

“No way!” She heard Naruto yell but paid him no mind. She wanted to return the favor to her sensei, so she ran through another set of hand signs. “Genjutsu: Dream Infiltration.” She infiltrated their dreams, seeing their dream of bones, treats, and her sensei. She quickly altered their dreams to suit her needs.

“It's finished.” Sakura smiled softly, looking at her sensei as his summon dogs got up and stood by her side. “Go!” She said, pointing at the grey-haired man. Suddenly, the dogs rushed at Kakashi, viciously attacking him.

“What did she do to them?!” Sasuke shouted in surprise.

Sakura debated trying out her summoning jutsu but opted not to do it. ‘I need to save it as a surprise for the exams.’ However, Sakura underestimated her sensei, who wasted no time knocking out his ninken.

Sakura swallowed hard as Kakashi-sensei approached her. “Great job, Sakura,” he said, praising her for the first time and making her heart swell. What genjutsu did you use on them?”

Sakura cleared her throat, feeling giddy from his praise, “I’ve been reading up on genjutsu a lot since you told me that I’m a genjutsu type, and I created the style that allows me to infiltrate dreams using the sound of my bells.”

“Infiltrate dreams?” Kakashi pondered, his eyes crinkling at his student, “That’s incredibly useful. You will be training with me until the start of the exams. Tell me more about it, and we can hone it even more.”

“Yes, sensei!” Sakura replied, feeling happy for the first time since joining this team.

“Woah, Sakura!” Naruto bounded to her, “That was amazing the way you turned sensei’s summons against him.”

Sasuke remained silent, simply watching her.

“Alright, you both should leave while I have some alone time with my cute little student,” Kakashi told them, pushing them along.

“Now, let’s resume training. You’re fighting against me this time.” Kakashi told her with a sparkle in his eye.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.