The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)



out square. 7 8 55 Lia 1,99 4,25 2,62 8,00 8,88 8,40 1.133 8,10 8,50 4,00 b. 1,57 8.18 8,70 4,87 6,62 6.75 7,04 6,25 8,15 4,50 0,25 60,09 0,25 6,12 7,00) 7.89 4,00 4,00 7,8 8,10 7,00 9,00 3,00 10,25 9,00 10,00 11,00 6.00 9,00) 10,60 12,01 15,141 1, 5,00 Aj 8,00 14,0, 16,00 18,00 20,00 1,00 10, 12,30 15,10 11,50 20,00 22,50 29,20 20,40) 8,19 16,55 19,30 22,15 26, 15,75 24,50 26,25 80,00 88,75 15, 4, 21,040 025.00 10.440 45,00 1 02.10 81,20 14,15 50,26 48.00 00, M) 67,00 30,2 4:,.0 82,00 01,25 78,75 60,00 70,100 1 A placed in Sin cal columns 1. nt- mall more than naual rates. Ally Stied will to to supis poginad of the Advertiser, aud all our 4A.

At by Adverseer will be m. with written directiona, will bid and charged a m.ents tor ax. nue rud twelve months, tweut; Mintary, Charitable and Me column will be charged al the us ouit. call martion, under head buss to be prud for in advance. 4t the On: Muti, or luBe, for three one square ur for a tree than three Haily.

cent discount. Workly, one aubare one work, ingeruon; each miditional 10 parable quarterly. conte. BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RIDDLE, No.

80 Su, er'or CLEVELAND, OLIO. 20, 1 :8 G11 AND KINSMAN, Attorney at Law. A OVER CITY 1866. BANK. ti Ohio, Oct.

80. Slade, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Saint Minnesota. tHe give protupt attentiou Land to the offices in transaction Minnesota. ul Legal Also busi- in 10 411 Court Courte of the United Suates amu the General Land the and he supre lie the come that was tormerly occupied by Decker. M.


LOKS AT LAW, Prut tie in the United Sta Pa and Atale Courts. OFFICE, Franklin lou 25 Superior Street. 1 F.1. CLEV ELAND, olio. 21y P.

the of and Euclid Sta, Ul Jan? LITHOGRAPHING, rainerd cv. burridge, Bank Cleveland, 0. SAWING, AND ALL and FaLCy Scroll works ICT a done by HENNA l'ower Block. Cleveland. Onto.

dc BROTHERS, Vealers in Leather, Hides, and vil, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bloch, Fair OP SUPERIOR STREET. I. BeATENAHL. 1 C'HAM. A US.

THOMAS MANNING, MACHINIST AND ENGINEER, AND Ur Stron Engines clachinery of every Description, SCKEWS, FOR BRIDGES AND OTHER IRON ORATING and BLACASMITIAG MiALLY. and Block, West Nt. CLEVELAND, OLIO. Engines taken 10 exchange for new work on Paper Box Manufacturing and Ruling, Lone on ort notice and in the best style, at THE PLAIN DEALER OFFICE. 1- the country will receive prompt atteution, 1 1:11 WADDELL HOUSE BARBER STREET.

SHOP, NU. HEARTH, COMFORT and Strangers 1: NOTIFIND Fridner's Warm and Cold Baths, clean, comfortable and a'nve rout HE DYING, AND DEPARTMENTS ARE UNRIVALLED! CHARLES LEIDN EK, Wotdell House Bank 6t. EN. AMBUSH, hionable Hair Cutter. Dresser Dyer.

I PARTICULAR Hair. ATTENTION GIVEN to tall description ustantly on land. Sha ora always employal. 101 next Jewett's Book Store. boy 1 1 J.

WANSOR to do all kinds of; 3 KIN G. EL WORK SOLICITED. Li 1 tr. ent througn the l'ist Office will be pacmply attened wary 27. GAMING MOUSE WASON, EVERETT CO.


AUSTRALIA, ARGENTINE REAND CHILI. For asle at. the LOW ESt BATES. I made to all the principal cities of Europe. NO.

SQUARE. 1: Me: Bride, WARDING, MERCHANTS, AND WHOL WALK DRALEL 1. Flour, Perk, Bacon, Butter, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Lime, Pig Copper, No. 1 in the Duck, and Nod. 2 and 3 Oviait's Exchange, foot of Superior Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO.

got La for all Steamboats and in the Lake 8.10 jal ly A. M. BANKERS, Superior Street, Cleveland. )hio. REFER TO I 1-1 ('tv Bank, Cleveland, Ohio.

AL es' and Traders' Bank, New York. on rat. uncarreut Moucy aud Exchange bought and sold at .1 of C1 M. veland, PORTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AN: COMMISSIONER FOR OHIO, 217 Broalway, over Ball, Black CITY. de NEW YORK WAGON, EVERETT 102 superior Street.

11 d. March 20th, w20 lain, Vi uP, Job Chains, KevA, Sea SOLD CURE CHAINS AND LADIES NION MAT lIVEr A ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. To 1, oner Napkins, Marseilles nore, Breached L'ottone, Woulen aud Cotton rorrived. TAYLOR. GREWOLD CO.

NOR RENT. -Th: STORE No. 101 River sire tin Block. Posse: ston giv April 1st. For further jaru.


FEVER AND AGUE CURED WITHOUT ARSENIC OR Dr. Leed's Quinine Substitute, Or NERVE TONG is a positive Cure for CHILLS AND FEVER, And all Diseases arising train Derangement of the Nervous System, and very succ: salul in preventing YELLOW PANAMA AND CHAGRES FEVERS. THE RECEI'E WAS DISCOVERED BY A REGU. LAKIY RADUATED PISICIAN, and la therefore intitled to the same conddence as any other I byelcian'e perscrip tin. A single trial will prove its flicacy.

One b. ttle in ord' nary of Fover and Ague will elect a cure. All that is n. bed is a fair vial, all who have used it speak loudly in its favor. Read the circular.

J. I. HAZARD, Sole P'roprictor. No. 121 Maiden Lane, New York, Agent (: BREW EL, (West Side,) Cleveland, O.

The International Hotel. BROADWAY, CORNER FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORK, HAS BEEN RECENTLY REFITTED. The Rooms are all Newly Carpeted, Tre Furniture and Beds are Superb, And the Baths Unsurpassed. TAILOR'S CELEBRATED SALOONS ARE CONNECTED Here is concentrated all the lu curies of a palace, WITH THE HOTEL. comforts of a hom*o, with the THE SPLENDID LADIES PARLOR Commanda an Unequalled VIE 11 OF 4 THE INTERNATIONAL the meat central of any of the FIRST CLASS HOTELS for busior places of and oil.

re unsurpassed advantigC3 to Families and Gentleme. visiting New York.1 ALFRED FREEMAN, Proprietor. IMPORTED WINES. I. W.

acery, 98 CANAL, AND 719 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Established in 1804.) IMPORTERS AND VEALERS IN FIRST QUALITY FAMILY GROCERIES! TO TIIE TRADE, HOTELS, own importation. front vitro SCHMIDT, Or GRAND AND SQUAKE AUTION PIANO FORTES, No. 423 BROOME STREET, one Block East of NEW YORK. Private Families, and all who are choice in their taste, aint desire ORNUINE ARTICLE, large variety of TEAS- -reen and Black, Souchong, Ponchong, English Breakfat, Oolong, Imperial, Hysou, Young lly.

son, in chesta and halt chesta, COFFEE and Java. Porta, lucks, very old and high grades, in original packages, demijodus, magnums and bottles. BARTON and GUISTER'S CLARETS. and Chandon's. Cabinet Imperial Verzomay do- Heidsick, G.

I. do. do, do. Brandie, Rums, Whiskey, Gin, Arrack, Alainthe, in original packages, also, Curacio, Marchin, Anis tie, Nozeau, Bitters, c. MALAI London Brown Stout, Scotch and EnAles.

-A variety of choice Grands. and French. For Fish, Currie. Game, Meat, ac. CHEESE -Suiton, Chedder, Royal Victoria.

P'rince Albert. Gruyerr, Dutch an Ameriean. Crushed, St. Croir, it barrels and halt barrels. and American.

Sperm and Our Liquore are warranted unadulterated and of our WE attention WOULD amateurs INVITE and critics to THE the inspection of our unrivaled Stock of l'ian0 which tor TONE AND DURABILITY OF WORKMANSHIr, not been surpassed by any in this whole sim and study has boon devoted to the construction of a Piano insed on principles, we ourselves with having obtained the most happy resulte in our operatione, which the reterences in our PRICE wIN tully And Dealers will and it to their advar tage to call and examine for themselves. 11 :26 vivo ly Paris London Medical Adviser Marriage Guide. 20 TIE Electrotype EDITION, Pictures, cloth, 400 41 and four PAGES, letter stampe. 100 at ailed tree. Among its contents ia the nuatomy of the al otzans of the mate and female, all their uisensca and weak.

no: discoveries in reproduction: a new and healthy male of preventing conception; quacks, their recites and spec the author's unequalled and London Treatment of Gonorrhea, (leet, Strictures, Syphille, Primary aud Cosntitutoual, Impotency, cc. -at 82 opposite AL. Nicholas Hotel, New York. Address letters to box 814 N. Y.

P. 0. We commend Dr. harmont to the dry Flats Unis, Stasts Zeitung, I remocrat. Day Book, Atlas.

l'olice dazotte, ac. GOLD MEDAL PIANOS! 81 STREET, NEW YORK. ing First P'rize THE Medals Competition -E with the best mater of Boston, New York, Philadelphia 31ml Baltin.ore. TWO FIRST PRIZE MEDALS! At the Metropolitan Fair, Washington. March, 1855.

A GOLD MEDAL! At. the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 1565, the only cold Medal given for within the lasi aix years. A GOLD MEDAL! At the Staryland Institute, Baltimore, ext. 1856. THE FIRST PRIZE MEDAL! At the Fair, Crystal l'alnco, Now York, November, Among the judges were the first Musical Talent of the Country Macon, and many St.

(with and without the Jrou Frame,) are for three years, and a written Karantes KiveD. l'ian08 and without charge. molecnte. (1024 1v COAL! COAL! RETAL DEALERS IN 4 STIED VEIN COAL ALSO, Yaru NUT on the east COAL alde of FOR the de SMITHING. l'itta.

K. 16. Joal l'ler, (toot of Water areet. Uleveland, (.) yd NEWBERRY COAL. IRON MOUNTAIN COAL COMTANY are again prepared to supply the increasing dewand for this favorite Coal which is believed to be the most durable of auy of the free burning bituminuous coals brought to this market, particularly adapted to the sick rooms where moderate heat is required through the night.

Orders solicital at 81 Kiver Sireet, Rail Koud p1 or Gaylord Hammond, No. S0 Superior Street Jon. 11. 1357. SCOVILL Agents.

RHODES CARD, DEAL IN ALL TUN VARIETIES OF BITUMINOUS COAL, A LEUIGH, LACKAWANA BLOSBURG. IN TANGING ROCK, 7 RON. (COLD OR HOT Niconstantly on hand. Jong! of 1'10 IRON solicited. Particular attentum mail to the sale of Iron Lere and in Chicago, being with the bouse of Dewey of that City aleo lesters in Pix Iron and A ext River at the Cleveland, Ohio.

DAN'L P. RHODES, J. F. CAKD. March 25.

k4 ly A SUKELNED, I MAHONING VALLEY, BRIER HILL, CHIPPEWA, MASSILLON, COALS, Will he kept constantly on hand for wholesale and ret ul trade. Orders left with D. W. CROSS, No. 8 tront Union of street.

Jonson (Curtom TiA daW' House Dry Dock, West Side, will receive protupt attention. Building.) or at the Dork. in Coni delivered in auy part of the City. CROSS PERRY. WANTED.

NOTES SKIE CITY BANK. $109,000 llunoi. Wisconsin and Virginfavorable ratta. LAND WARRANTS of all de nominations. A.

M. PERKY feh3-dow Bankers, 97 MI ILLINERY OPENING.Shaw Co. WIll open en THURSDAY ANd FRIDAY, (cL. 8th and 9th, Fall Styles ladles Hata, Head Cape, 1 the lalent and mort approved styles, to which they invite the attention of all. New Millinery Stare.

ocL7 129 SUPERIOR STREET. SPRING E'ec*nt Silk Vestings, All Wool Donn Marie," for Vella, Spring CORSETS! Together with an see Diment of French, English and American Prints. Keceived today per Express. fet17 I. D.

KE CO. ROCERIES, -Syrup, Molasses, Redud and law Sugars, Choice Tear and embra cite A full ANd ot fresh Groceries, Drugs, Medicines, Fancy and Tullet Goods as the lowest rates. EDWARD' KINGSLEY, der16 Daturio Street. TONLY move carcaases SAVED. dead GEO.

Horses. SCHMIDT or logs will free ing charge, order at the -tore of an ex BENION A 20 and Du of thereby aving of $4,10 or by leav troit atropt, west side, PRIME OLD JAVA, LAGUAYEA and RIO COFFEES, for sale at aux I'. M. BABco*ck, If. HURD, Ja.


DEALER IN Flour, Feed. Groceries Provisions NO. 4 LAST SIDE PUELIC SQUARE, Cleveland, August 18. Wholesate or Retail, at FLOUR The best in market GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! No. 6 East side l'ublic Square.

AU2 M. HICKOX. WEAVEIL BROTHER, DEALERS IN Groceries, Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Bird Cages, WOOD, WILLON WARE FANCY BASKETS, 131 Superior Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. BRANDY, Catawba, WINES, Heidsick to. Blanche -SPARKLING ChamS.

Jules Rohin and Unite! Branches, stomach Bitters, London Porter, Brown Stout end Scotch Ale, Bourbon. Monongabela Whisky, FURNIER'S BRANDIES, WINES, Ginger, Native Port, Blackberry, Claret, Madeira, Sherry and Sweet Malaga Wines, Blackberry, Strawberry, Pine Apple and Cherry Brandies, by gallon, keg or barrel, at mannincurera prices. PICKLES, LOBSTERS, CLAMS, OYSTERS, AND MUSCLES. A full assortinent of Fresh and P'reserved Fruits in cans and bottles. We oder doglere a large selection of domestic and imported Market.

Clothes and Travelling Work, Peach and Splint 'Tin and Wood Bird Cases, Children's Chairs, Willow Cale, at low prices. Sago, Maccaroni, 'l'apioca, Vernacelli, Corn Starch, Wheaten Grits, Hominy, Aplit Peas, Getitine and Burnett's Extract, all of which we otter at wholesale or retail at reduced prices. Oranges, Lemons, pates, Figs, l'ine Apples, Lauannas, Nuts, August 25th, 1857. Houschold Ware. at Or APLIN offer the following Clothes Frames.

Water l'ails. Skirt Flour Pails. Bosom Boards. Sugar P'aila. l'astry Boards.

Butter l'rinta. Clothes l'ins. Butter Ladles. Rolling Pina. Steak Pounders.

Towel Rollers. P'otatoe Mashere. Biop Sticks and Heade Wood Spoons. Wood Bowls. F'aucete.

Wash Tube Wash Boards. Keelens Tube. Zinc Wood, Chopping Trave. Matchea. Clothes Insketa, De Dusters.

Market Baskets. Common Dusters. Fancy Basket. Crumb Brushes. Shoe Brushes.

Stove Bruslics. Scrub Brushes. Also, very full Supply Choice Groceries. All the above a will deliver free of cartage in any part of the city. Pianing Mill Sash Factory.

in full COBB operation, in their have new their location at the corner Dreas of Lumber Columbus Centre Street, where they are prepared to to order, and keep conetantly for sale, Dressed of all kinds, Sarh, Blinds, Door, Fence Pickets, all nf org 1uX I 11 UNDERSIGNADE informs the inhalutanta of Cleveland and that he has open Dis place of busineas AT 135 ST. CLAIR STREET, Where he is prepared to do PLUMBING. He abl Having shin to ha I execute eleven work tears in the eXponence most in approved Bo: ton, now wanner. er Any intormation given concern ug his vrauch ANTHONY F. STRATER.

Plumbing Works, ATWATER BLOCK, FOOT OF SUPERIOR STREET J. B. Barnes Proprietors. 'NIE ATTENTION OF THOSE INTENDA to use the waster from the WATER WORKS, is cal. led to the great facilities of the above tor doing every description PLUMBING WORKS, Including the UP OF lot Water Fixtures and Mountains.

'The Proprietors beep coustautly on hand every description of the BEST FINISHED PLUMBING MATERIALS, for doing the must perfect work, comprisiug their choice selec. ton of Of dittereut patterns Fountains, BAT HI TUB Or Won, Lined Tinned Copper and Zinc: head and Galvanized Pipes, And the best and latest improved WATER CLOSET FIX. TURES, HYDRANTS, POROUS GLASS FILTERS. BEANS AND PLATED co*ckS, including the t'alent belt Close co*cks recently introduced and niguly recommended tor non-liabili, to get out of order. STEAM HEATING APPARATUS, For leating I.

wellings, llotels. stores, of the latest improved alud, put up and warranted to give astisfaction. A large and eflcient force of experienced worzmen kept on haha, expressly to attend to repairing worke. Particular attention is invited to their facilities for du ting up MOTELS, DWELLINGS, SHOPS, SALOONS, BATHING SALOONS, 10 a perfect wander, and on the oui merienttic plao. iv13 HATS, CAPS FURS.

R. Stair Are preparad to furnish THE SPRING FASHIONS FOR GENTLEMEN'S HATS. The Quality, Suyle and Finieh of our HA'TS are, as usual UNSURPASSED! March 9, 38. SPRING STYLE OF SILK HATS. Gentlemen, you are invited to call and buy one of Spring Styles of Dress lag, winch beauty, style or durability, Johna on muri louse.

BENTON'S. cannot assed in tho city Superior street, under the Those Spring Styles of THEY MAVE Gent's Silk and Cassimerc Hats, FOR 1858. light and beautiful article. Gents awaiting their arrival cal': now be at DOCKSTADER'S, No. 9 Street.

1855. 1858. 13 SPRING STYLES OF ILITS. ARE INVITED TO CALL GENTLEMEN styles of DRESS HATS a for style SI'RING- of our embracing the together Now cannot tail to please the most last ious. York, and own, the: CASSIMELE HAT AT much admired and worn.which HATS.

Our with a spring a yle of Choi aud VELVET CAT'S, assortment of choice at vies of FELT of various colors, al our own manufacture, under the super viaion The of T. quality and pr C. our Hate will ho found equal to S. PADDOCK. are now ready.

any house in thiger any other ei and our $3,00 all sold in aby The llata prout of the pudding is in the eating of it, then xiveus a cannot be au Country Dealers are Invite! to call and examine our stuck of' gouds B. BUTTS 25 before purchasing elge re. Superior mbto Formerly occupied by Collins Co. LAW'S IMPROVED attention SELF of the l'ublic is particularly invited to the celebrated GENERATING SPIRIT GAS lig equal in every reeruct to the bust gas light and costing less Self Generating Sprit Oma Lamp. This 1e a safe and brilliant per hour.

The chamber of this trimming lamp Is for Alled one with year. as: ebestis, cola quently it will need no invited to k. Law's Improved Glase Lamp, for burning the Carbon Oil 'The Carton Oil will Your attention is also ru tart times as long de Burning Fiuld gives safe vary to and good light with the Improved Glass to eve Lamp, nud 18 per ad burn fresh bard oil. Price reduced Bu. altered for Fluid the at above six burners.

A larve of Fluid, per gallon. All kinds Carbon The above 'Dil and articles will he round at R. Law's Lamp Store, il Lampa for mile, No. 60 Ontario Street, And No. 7 PEARL STREET, OlIO CITY, near De roit.

re' Ageuts wanted. do R. LAW. TO LIFE AGAIN. John Schrink SOUTH SENECA STREET, now ready to furnish SODA WATER, MINERAL, WATER, PORTER, Al.E, AND LAGER BIER, In any quantity, and on short notire.

supplying private families. P'articular Will alga furnish Soda Fountalus ready attention paid to Cleve and, April 21, 013m 11 W. Manufacturer of LOOKING I'LAIN GLASS. AND PORTRAIT ORNAMENTAL AND PICTURE FRAMES. No.

72 BANK STREET, a few doors North of St. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Old antecriber, Frames havi-x removed from the Weat Side, la nOw u'ac ure all a vita of Frailes, 3 the sh The prepared at to New 1031 York prices, having served his time in that cl.y. 110 lich ard Elegant Spriog Bonnet at less The largest assortAment of quality of goods were ever in this prices tha the the kibocu nad Trimming Store, No. 1 Public Square.


S. RAYMOND CO. DOZEN KID conte very 50 best imported and, will be bold S. at 75 RAY A pair. CO JEWELER'S STOCK.

CASH: I GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH CREDITORS AND LANDLORDS SAY they must have the t'ash. consequently we shall offer great inducements for the Cash, by SELLING AT' NEW YORK COST! During the month of December and the Holidays. Gold and Silver WatcheR, Kitchen. Parlor and A Solid large Siiver Stock of New and Fashionable Jewelry. Spoor Forks, Knives, ladles, Cups, GobletA, Napkin Kings, Tea Silver Se'R, Plated Tea and Forks, Cottee Snoons, P'ote, Castors, Trays.

Baske'8, Fine Ivory Haudle Table Anluvs, Gold and Silver Head Canca. er Curd Cases and P'ort Monaice, Work Boxes, Dressing Traveling Bags and Reticules, Fine Soave and l'erfumeries, And a great variety of Fancy articles selected Holiday Gifts and Christmas Presents. Now la your time to get a Bargain! COME SOON -Select your Goods early, and avoid the RUSI during the Holidays, at on the corner of Superior street and the Square. J. K.

ALBERTSON COWLES CO. Have among their One Stock of Silver Watchea, the tol lowing celebrated makers: E. BAFFINI, Geneva. OLIVER QUARTIER, Loche en -S M. J.





ADOLPII Le. MUNK. JAMES PERKY CO. All warrant. of which knyer we are will sell requested at tee lowest possible to enquire tigurea, and ge HUMBUGED by sales of "Assignce's, our prices Selling before for cost be with a added," 49 WEDDELL HOUSE.

CLOTHING. Koch, Levi Mayer KTOULD INFORM THE PUBLIO that, now facilities having god for greatly doing enlarged their business, and requiring the same, they have removed from their oll stand to NO. 72 SUPERIOR BLOCK: The largest and mort, elegant Clothing Ware in the now superate and distinet branches of the business in thie C.ty of (leveland. The A nolesale and Retail in Departmeuts house, and our customers may he sure to And a general and full and manufactured in each of All desirable Gooda and Styles of piece uts. We have secured the valuable services o' MR.

A. S. 1'OW. who, as a cutter and finished workman. is too wall known to require especial nark.

THE CUSTOM BUSINESS Will be under his personal and exclusive control. Cheap goods, quick gales and small profits shall govern om action. Remomber. NO 73 SUPERIOR BLOCK. Jan.


PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! tai We land are now in recoint of WhICh our in Spring variety Stock for ic qualled west of the Atlautic cities. Spring Clothing at Wholesale, Spring Clothing at Retail, SPRING CLOTHS, CASSIMERES VESTINGS For Custom 'Trade. Our pumerous cue' omera and the public ge-ra'lly are invited to examine our new and extensive stock, wiien in CLOTHING FOR MEN, CLOTHING FOR BOYS, CLOTHING FOR CHILDREN Is th' most complete ever offered here. Foruishing Goods in great varicty, and a new article (lately patented) of PAPER COLLARS, Just the thing for the season, with other new and novel articles in this line. and we ask nothing for showing Goods.

(live tia a call: our stork 18 open for the inspectiod of a all, GEO. A. DAVIS OAK HALL, 318 Corner Superior and Water 81 reets. NOTICE -SHORT CREDITS: Aer this date CREDIT THREE MONTIE ONLY will he given on all accounts. A' persona now indebted to me must settle within the next thirty day 8, or 1 shall be obliged to leave their aceounta tor collection.

January 6, 1858-3m JOHN SHELLEY Nebraska. All kinds of Real Katate and Land Warrants bought and sold on Commission, In the entry of Land special care will be given to its selection, as one otour drip wili devote his entire attention le to desired looking will up be desirable Lands. Any information that may cheerfully given. CLEVELAND REFERENCES. HON.


April 8. k59 Cloaks: Cloaks! UST RECEIVEIA LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Heavy Cloakings, from which I am manufacturing SEASONABLE COMFORTABLE WINTER CLOAKS, made in the best wanner, in the most approved sty lea, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE Heavy Reaver Cloaks for Heavy Beaver (looks for Do. P'lain and Ribbed do. With a full Block of more clegant goods, which will be fold at lower prices than ever before offered. J.

H. Cloak and Trimming Store, No. 1 Public Square. CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF CLEVELAND, OlIO. Bank House.



Ja2) lyw h80 F. BRAYTON. Soc'y. A MERICAN TRIMMINGS, FLOWERS, Nc. RUSCHES, The subscribers beg to draw attention to 'Trimmings, their whica department will le of American Flowers, Rusches and found complete toe dewing being amaned token to their from oun the fashionable French, and the manufacture Buyere only are MENDERSON examine the samples.

JNU. U. mari-b90-9m 200 New York. RICHARDSONS LINENS, DAMASKS, 'The public will please tear In ind that the of the GENUINE firm, GoODS are always sealed with the full signature vIz: RICHARDSON, SONS OWDEN. J.

BULLOCK J. B. LOCK Agents, York. 30 Lear New CROOKER Glass Ware. Looking Zinc Toilet Setts, REAL ESTATE, CLAVES, LEE 00., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Omaha City, Nebraska Territory, IN LANDS, CLAIMS, AND PROPERTY Investin es paid in Western lows and Solar Lampe, l'eaco*ck Feather Dusters, Plated Goode, r.

Felters, Table Cutlery, Water Fruit Jars, Together with every thing usually found at a ENSWORTIL Crockery Store. J. W. 6'12 1019 Superior Street. TO BRIDGE Sealed of Sandusky Prosals will he received by the Commissioners County until the 2G: in of ril next.

as 12 ck conf nor bmi. miding a Bridge per. ea Sandusky River at Ballville, in ty with a and Arecitica inr8 on tile in the Auditor's five. The Mastury to Consist of' Two Piers 21 "eet in 8 ftet on bottom 5 feet on top; done aburmeut. Tre supers' ruc ure to catist, of Wancen attice.

Double Track bridge. 300 tect lorg and 13 feet wide; all the Timber to bc White FiLe By order of Commissioners. WM. E. HAYNES.

Co. Aud. Auditor's Office, Fremont. April 1.1858 TOL SALE CHEAP AND ONLY A small amount of cash -some of the most desirable Lots for Private Residences, on Encild street and Hudson near head of Prospect street, Enquire 01 LITTLE KEITH, or Dr. U.


TILATING Boynton's HEATERS New Ave and different Improved sizes- adapter! VENo all classes of public and private buildings. This Furnace ditfers frown anything ever before otfered to the and public. It le peculiarly adapted to the use of bituminous coal, the consideration, construction 38 it of its self clearing radiator is an important effectually obviates the necessity of clear. ing. These Furnaces have been thoroughly tested the past winter In Instance New have York, Philadelphia, Bufalo, and Detroit, and in every given the most entire satisfaction.

For gale by SMITH KELLOGG, Railroad block, Water Street. -We are nOW offering Cleveland. greatest We will bargains in BLACK SILKS ever teen iu cent. be ow the New York sell our entire stock of the pat 15 per COst. mari6 Corner of Superior Or St.

And l'ublic Suuare. S. HYMAN AND have in store and tor sale a choice lot of sugar cured Hains and a gout eupply of fresh Eggs. M. H.

HIOKOX, 19:2 No. 6 Block. GOODS.Black Velvet Kibbons, extra quality. Faucy Dress ButtoNs. Velvet Siik.

Drop Buttons, Cloak Tassels. Dread Fringes. Beaver Cloaking, reccived this day. J.H DEWITT. dec19 No.

1 l'ublic Square. NOTICE, TO following WHOM I'T wiil MAY CON. and property be sold for Freight charges, at l'ublic Auction, at 0. CUTTER Bank SON'S AUCTION STORE, Cleveland, on On Saturday, May 15tH, 1358, Unless previously called for by ners and Charges L'aid therein. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 10.

O'CLOCK A.M. 1 'Table, 6 Youngall, Chairs. Norwalk, 2 Foxes IT. 11. Go de, 1 Gheet, 1 Stove 11.

dle. James Luau, elphia Croesing, 1 Saddle and J. L. Townsend, Huron, 2 Casks Glass Ware. Mind J.

Bodley, 2 Boxes Cloth deo. Lightuer, Fremont, 1 Box Books. J. Van Blacum, l'ortage, 8 Boa l'atent Medicine, D. Ec.

Furnell, Fremont, 2 Bundles 1 Chest. A. veloud, 1 Trunk. Clark, 1 'Trunk. W.

CooK, 1 Barrel Hickory Nuts. J. Vose, Albany, N. 3 Boxes. J.

D. Iliybee, Bellevue, 1 Baru Duster. Love Kearney, Sullivan, 1 Looking dc Elyria, 1 Barrel Patent Aledicine. J. Joel 'Turrell, North 1 Barrel Patent Medicine.

W. Bullock, Elyria, 1 Piece Flow. Castings, 8 Bundles Castings. D. I Wright, 1 Stove Hearth.

11. Browu, Cleveland, 1 Cultivator, NO MAKES. 1 Bcx, 1 Fanning Mill, 8 ('hesta, 18 Bead l'low tead, Points, 2 1 Barrels, 8 bals Corn l'lanters, 1 glow, 2 bhi Truuka, Iron Ore, 2 Bundles l'aper E. B. PHILLIPS, April 8.

Sup't. C. de T. K. K.

FANCY SILAS, very cheap, MORIAN at 50 ROOT. cents NEW SPRING GOODS! NO. 169 SUPERIOR STREET, Are daily receiving Dry Goods of the latest importations, Mat manutucture, aud most choice, novel and desirable styles. LOW PRICES RULE! Buyers are invited to Bromine, Compare and Judge, WE NOW OFFER BALGAINS IN 8 a Quille, French P'rinta, Valencia bey, Anglisb l'rints, P'olie de Chevers, Americau Prints, de cloths, er 0, Spring de Lainca, hita Goods, all Brilliant (hall de Laines, Kimbronderice, Ottoman Poplins, Lineus, A large of Domestics, Glarg. 2 Russet 'Trunk, markop Capt.

Bartholenew. 8-Large live Box, maraed (:. W. Batca. 4 lurset Valise, marked Q.

M. Cause, b- -islack Trunk marked A. Chase, contains Women Clowning, betters, vc. -Jilt Trunk marked B. F.

Grapman, contains Mene 0l thing. Letters. Ac. 7 Back Punk marked Castiho, contains Mons Letters, NC. -Hair Truck marked O.

Goiburu. market H. Doyle. 11 Kole of marked A. Elwell.

black marked Jot Fuller. 1: Pine Chest marked Mr. J., contains Tin Ware. Box marked J.

D. Ford. 15-Dry Good Box marked Mra, C. I. Ford.

Trunk marked A. F. 17-Ruset Value I'. E. Fox.

10- Black Oil Cloth bag marked Mr. Ford. 19-black Bay. marked S. B.

Cooley. 2) Large Iny Good Boa marked Garte, contains led. ding, de. Hit marked Gilbert. Trunk marked Mariah Henderson.

2-Long Black 'Trunk marked o. F. H. 24 el Bag marked Mary A. Hobson.

23- J.usset Vallar marked B. Hull. Trunk marged P'almer (:. liunt, contains Mons Clothing, Letters, 27-Black Truck marked Joseph are, contains Mona Cloth Letters, Clock, White Box ma ked D. Harper.

29 la Trunk marked James Jounsou. 8. -Black Valise marked C. 4. King.

-Black Trunk marked A Kellogg. 32 -Blu: Chest market Thomas Kean. Pine Hos Kellogg Co contains Light Stande. 31-Unpaiuted Wood Chest marked Mina Containg Olathing, Lu tors, Ac. 35-Red bu ch Chest marked Johana Kropf.

30 Valine warkeu U. M. Jackey, contains Linca Shirts Letters, dc 37 Black Sail.i's Bags marked Peter Wa'son, conta'ns Books, LeuciE, vC. Black oak Chest marked Marshal, containe clothing, bed ding, dc. 39 Black Dad inarked lieury Misegatdes, 40-l'ine Box marked ilenry Mier, 41-Dry God liva marked McCurthey, cinnati.

Lick Trunk marked Mra. l'ease. Box marked I'. D. 11- White Sack marked Nathan Reed.

4-Cirudca Llue Chest, marked Cath. Schade, contains 410K. 44--Small l'ine Box traiked Thomas Seohler, en. taior clothing. Trunk marked D.

contains clothing, Binx marked A V. contains leat tobacco. A marked She, Contails books. 5-Red Word Chea. marked A.

0. Smen Sole Leather Valise Valise marked A. D. S. Thompson.

Turner, 6c-Small Wood Word, contains clothing, A C. 54- lough Pine 4 'heat marked a mas Warbutod. Covered Cheat mark. Waburton, contains clothing. book, dc.

Valise marked don W. Willey. 'Erm marked Jot.n If. Woolseu. 55 Russet Trunk marked Albert Going, contains clothing, bo.ks, Violin, ARTICLES WITH MARKS.

69. Carpet S. ck, contain 8 rag carpet and lug chain. Sinall Black 'Trunk, contaius eggs, dagueretypes, fancy box, clothing, c. 61-Black 'I ruuk, contains coate, 1 ants, boots, carpenter's tools, scale, Ac.

62- French 'Truuk, contains old clothing. german looks, 63. Colored Chest, contains catravo balls, de. Linen Bag, contains clothing. 65- Sailors Linen Bag contains clothing.

67-Liten Bag, con'alu8 clothing. 03-Flour Bag, Contama women clothing. 69 Black Trunk, contains contains womeus pillows, glass clothing. ware, g. boote 50- Dry Good Box, band box, 71-Bila Bag, containe woolen b'a: ket, clothing, Frunk; l'edlar'a Goods.

73-Carpet Bag; contains Music Boa contaius Base Violin, Groen woods chast white shirte, looking glass stluds, AC. 76-lilack wood ('het, contains Buckscina, Roots, Lat, lineu clothing, 77- Blue sack, women's clothing. Chest, paint black, containa men's clothing. 79 -White Sa. contair a Bedding.

80-l'ine chert, women's clothlag. 8'- Carpet coutains women's clotbing. hay, contaius women's clothiug. 81- Carpet bay, womens clothing and children 58-Carnet containe meu's clothing. shore, BI ch oil Bag, conta na men's clothing.

Carpet lax, contain, mene clotbirg, Blue Banket, Trunk, contains mens clothing, 88 Black oil cloth covered trunk contaius womeng clothing. 89 -Out Scy the and spathe. vU--Small l'ine box, containes Masons tools, 91-Carpet Hav co taing mena g. 92-Blacz oil cloth bay containg men clothirg. 93-Emegrant chest, ptains tin ware and German's goodle.

91- Bundle of Beddirg. 94-lair truck, containe bedding. 96 Linen sack, contains bedding. 97 bite pine box. Dutch clothing, 95-Graiu bag.

contains a silura clothing. sack, containe xe and tin ware 10 Box, bag. contains beddi. rides, gun bag, Meus clothing, boota, 101- Long irons, clothing 102-Blac't Trunk, womens letters, are requested to come forward and claime this bag. 08 or re the 27th of July, 1838; otherwise it will Id at auction by U.

Mollen, on account of whom it ray coucern. H. NOTTINGHAM, Supt. C. E.

1. R. E. D. PAGE.

Leet baggage Agent. April 12-013-td. Very cheap for C'ASH. apl LEWIS 00. LIST OF UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE Remaining in the C.

F. K. K. Baggage Room. CLEVELAND, April 12th, 1558.

1 Small l'ine Box, marked F. contains French Perone addressing bor. P'. by mail, expecting a reply, will please enclose a postage audressed stamp. Dr.

I. D. PALMER, No. All communications Melodeon Block, Clevelaand, Ohio, will mect with prompt attention. w9v TOE PURE LAKE COMPANY.

10E 1 THE CLEVELAND ICE SP'ANGL PROPRIETORS, Are prepared to furnish unou Railroada, the most and regarnable Families, terine, with a superior of Lake or Ice, 100 pounds All orders will meet by with prompt attcation. Otice 33 street the season contract W. W. GAINES. Agent.


Continue to dispense his invaluable remedies to those afflicted with Secret with the success attendant upon twenty years of ersonal expert ence and practice in hi: profession None leave his treatment half cured.He always gives the best of satistaction. Glect, Syphilis, Stricture suppression of the Menses in Feruales. successfully treated. Young men, who by indulzing in cret habita, have contracting that soul mind-prostra ting, truly -destroying, should apply to DR. PALME3 without delay.

leware of Empirics and itinerant self styled Profeerra whO ATTEMPT but never buc eed. Dr. P. is the only establishmed and responsible physician to Lia peculiar line la Northern Ohio, and hie praciice extends through every state in the Unive and the British P'rovinces. N.

-Da. is sole agent for FEMALE MONTALY l'ILL9. Among the many thousand boxes of these Pills annualls eold, not on. compimiut has yet been made against tuem. Ladies in certain situation abould lint use them--the particulara of which will be found ou the directions accompanying anch lox.

I'rice Sent by wali to auy' part of the world. DRY GOODS. MORGAN ROOT. NEW GOODS NEW. GOODS For Cashi.

OR Al'PROVED CREDIT! A Hortery. Hosiery, NNOUNCEMENT.Hosiery, Our Stock la C'omplete, Ladies' White Cotton Our Stock is Complete. sP, Ladies' Brown Cotton loss. Ladies' P'ink Cotton ITOpP, Ladies' Mix. Cotton Hose.

Ladies' Sla'e Cotton lose, Ladies' Mode Cotton lose. Ladies' Rib. Cotton Hose. Ladies' opeuwork Hose. Ladies' Black Cotton lose, 1 sadies' Black Silk Hose.

Ladice' Pearl Silk lose. Ladies' White Silk lose. Mia' White, Misses' Brown, Misses' Slate, Misses' Fancy, BoTs' White. Boys' Mixed, Boy's Brown, Gent's White ard Brown, Boy a' Fancy, Gent's Slate and Mode, Meu'a Mixed and Farcy. Men's kng.

and German. the Drac By the Dozen. By l'air, By the Pair. TAYLOR, GRISWOLD CO. MILLINERY GOODS At Wholesale.

AMERICAN FLOWERS, Very cheap: BONNETS, In great variety; RIBBONS, the Juteat importations; FRENCH FLOWERS, A choice assortment; RUSCHES, In great, variety of styles; ENGLISH in all Colors; FRENCH CRAPES, ARAP'HINE CRAPES, TARLETONS, BLOND EDGINGS, JOINED BLONDS, Black, White, Gray; CAPE LACES; CROWN LININGS: WHITE CIlI'; STRAW BRAIDS; BONNET FRAMES; WHALEBONES, REEDS, WIRES, We have a large stock which we offer to the WHOLESALE DE' ou the vicat favorablo terms. The attention of those wiching to purchase Goole very cheap is called to stock. consisting o' Goode bought of the late Arm of LEWIS BURTON, at a large discouut from coat, and NEW in great varieties now being, reculved, bought of the importers and manufacturers or 118 equivalent at very low Our rents are 4 350 per year, and the same amount of room on Superior atreet coats over $8,000. and our other exprEss in doing business is in the saine proportion less. Va account of these facts we are enabled to undersell all con titors over the river: aud we do now promise to EaVe to our customers at least 20 per cont.

on their NO HUMB.O ABOUT THIS! We will do we say. Call and ace the NEW GOODS! LEWIS SHEPARD, mh2G-1yd 34 Detro street, West Side. Your Life Insured PRESENTING YOU THIS STATELieut of the "MUTUAL BEL EFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, our juteut ion is to alow on what basis it stamie and also that conduenct can be placed its eolvency. The law of New Jer. cy require.

all Anuu .1 port of the con. of the Colupauy, sworn to by the Directors. Below we EVe the tor 1-08. prius, containing full intormation of the working of this Institution, can Ire and by calliug on Yours A MAY, Ag nts, 97 Superior Street, Cleveland, o. lI remove about April lat, to the dice formerly ocby I'.

Anderson, corner superior street Dock, 11 Exchange. In CoIl pliance with the provisions ci an Act of the Legial tura of the Stale of New Jersey, entitled An Act In relation within the State," the um President had Direc: ore of THE MUTUAL BANErIT LirE INEUBAN COMPANY. incorporate by an act of the la gelature of the state of New ret do litreby certify the lollowing to be a true statemeut of The condition of said Compauy, ou tac diret day of Jaduary, 1555 1. The Company is Mutual, no Capital Stock or Guarantee Capital. The Let accumulations of the Company at this time, amount to the sum FOLLOWS: 73 INVESTED AS In Cash in 60,716 23 Brooklyn 65,000 00 Albauy 25,000 00 4.

Tio) 25,000 22,000 00 00 Newark ond secured 1 aunuity bend of tue State of Massachusetts and Lie S00 00 7. Honda and M. rigages on lical Estate we rib doubl the awouut 1,496,851 49 Kcal Estate occupied in part by the Co'py 26.27x 99 Premium A. 994 205 23 Luaus on 6,555 b1 11. Premiums, Notes, and Casu in course of 21,929 29 $2,749,825 78 1.

Tue number of P'olicies in force, Amouut at 00 Ill. The A wount luceived for Premiums during tire $587.144 78 The amount rec.ved tor Interest durug the 182,878 21 'The amount received for Annuly to. durit a the 5,000 00 IV. "The amount of losses from Jau'y 16b, 1567, to Jan'y lat, 221,014 95 V. The amount of Colulu and other ex.

08,300 C2 VI. The amouut of tuna reserved tor 1,811,458 17 VI. Tho amount of Premium Notes on account c1 Policies in 981,203 28 VIIL. Tre of L'Eciium Notes on which the rika love 8,707 01 IX. The mamtr of Policies now force, all settled for through the ago ncica, and dir.ctly with the principal oftce in the The a'nourt at risk 758,450 00 The grOaN amouns of Premiums received the 21,947 58 X.

The number of losses, and the paid in the State, during the year past, Wid Three, (8) .91,600 1.0 STATE OF NEW JERSEY, 89. sax COUNTY, We. the undersigned. the 'resident and a majority of the Directors or THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY," do solemnly swear, and each for himsef saltb, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the adairs of said Company, in the particulars therein a4 appears by the books of the said Company, according to the best of their knowledge and belief. Rob's L.

l'atterson, Joel W. Condit, Lewis U. Grover, A. S. Spelling.

Chas. 8. Mackuet, J. H. Frothingham, Nenemiah T'erry, Edward A.

Strong. J. K. Weeks, Henry McFarlan. sworn and subscribed betore 1119, this 26th day of January, 1938.


11 OREGON STREET. CLEVELAND, 0110. SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTtully call the at ention of a liberal public to the fact that he is now pared. for a reasonab compensation, to execute all kinda of Frearo and Ornameutal l'aiating in a style oth elegaut and artistic. Hie manner of Painting and Orr amenting Side Walls and Cellings of Churches, Halla, l'arlora, etc.

wil not only be rich, tagletud and attractive, but aloo durable. no he is able so to round his paluts etc, that the clothed therewith nay be washed off and cleated at any time, without destroying or inpairi the lustre and bri' liar cy of the color He will this he is also able to do even when using dat colore Ornament Ceilings to match any wall paper. He Also will Ornament in the new French. Jul'en's Style, with Landscaper, Statuea, it' de-fred; alto indow Shades, Flags and Banners made to order, in any style. of his work may be seen and examited at the fo! owing places: In Cleveland -At the houses of Meegra.

Hilliard, W. Case' Northrop, Culliban, 11. B. Payne, Odd Fellows' Hall, the State Bank of Ohio. Bauk of Commerce, the P'lymouth Church, tLe Bethel Church.

the First P'resbyterian c. In Bethel Church, the Baptist Church, the Ger. Inau Roman Catbolic Church. the Congregational Church. the Methodist Chureb, and the Banking Room of the State Bark of Ohio.

In Adrian, (Jhurch and a Concert Itcom. In Armard. OvioThe Court Koon. la Mansdeld, Odd Fellows' Hall. lilladale, Congregational Church.

In Fremont, Ohio -A Doucert Hail and the Meth. Church. In Delawa Ohio- -The Methodist. Unurch. In Bucyrus, Obio-'The Court Koom.

In Ravenna Ohio The Baptist Church. lu Canton. Ohio -The German Koran st holic Cr urch. In Sandusky City, Ohio -Tue Roman Catholic burch. FRANCIS EMMER.

VETERINARY JENNINGS ROCHESTER SURGEON Also, in connection with lila practice, THE PRICKING AND DOCKING OF HORSES. Prompt attention given to all Horses left in is care and 3 hose saving tu dispose of would do well to give him good Stabling furnished on reasonable terma. A call. a8 be is the best salesman in town. He mAt be ecen at All thine: at No.

10 Sc. Clair street, opposite Sheldon's Livery Stable. DR. G. HI.

Dapp's celebrated horse medicine, and plates de scribing he parts of the horse constantly on hand an for fa'e. 1 also have an improved method of breaking and 1 aiming young or wild horses. feb28 b15-ly now located himself in Cleveland, and would respectfully inform the public generally, that ha la prepared to attend to all DISEASES OF HORSES. DRUGS FRUTT. Layer and at R.

Kaisins, whole and quarter la keg Raisine, P'runt8, and Figs, and Almonds. Just nevived at dec16 HI WAARD KINGSLEY'S. Cloves, Nutmegs, Cital run, Casein, Mace, Flavoring Extract for ea KINGSLEY'S, deci6 87 Ontario -treet Farina, Corn Starch, Arrow loot, Sago aud tree Oat Meal, at KINGSLEY'S. LAUNDRY Ash, PURPOSES. Chemical, Colgates -Surch, and Bommor Indigo, Soaps--for cale at A INGSLEY'S.

NILS, Wimer-bleached, and Lard oils Burning fluid; Taliow, cur, Sperm and Wax Candies, al KINGSLEY'S. OILS. DISTILLED FROM COAL. Secured by l'atcut. BROSENE ILLUMINATING the light obtained front this Oil exceeds in brilliancy tuat of any ether oil or duid heretolore discotered; is inexple.

ave, and will main lumpid ih the very coldest weather. Company recommend a tie larups best adapted to unL Gil, the her sene Lainpa, manufactural by the tonowing par tics: (CORNELIUS DAN also, ef phia, E. V. WOUT 455 Broadway, the GLANS No. 13 Broad street Dims to.

102 Willian At. tet L. 187 Him Sweet and M. bu 11 Imam N. Y.

Samples of diderent It Jalape can on at the Office of the Company. 6 KB LUURICATING OIL, No. 1. Prepared to suit ThE and all other biuds of Afachinery; brilliantly 14: tive iload Lighta, Car Lawye, and all the ordiuary So tar and land LamiA, and abands ns great a degree cold the tweet Sperm and Is admirably mulapted to Railroad asl Steamship use. TURNATING OnA, Nos.

2 and 8. Lu bricators, litt will to round to proses advantages over Vis ate market at the prices -will not burn LaVE been thus prepared meet the re of and others. LEMURNS BINNACLE OIL -Prepared expreesly for use, and will be tound admirably adapted for use of Men of War, Merchaut Lake and River Craft and burns in all the Cabin, Stateroom, Biuuadle, Forecastle Signal Lanterns, N.C, Binnacie Oil will remain duid as long as lest Prerm, and wit. burn all night without requiring .0 to trimmed, au that will be obvious to every The Kerosene Oil- con he obtained of all the Wholesale in Dealers, Ship Cha die rA, Druggists, and Grocers in New and the regularly appointed Agents of the Company in mall vi the principal Towns and of the United later, 11.4 Canadas, and the Island of Cuba. Local Agents amanuted (in conformity with the rules ist.ed by she Board of Trustees) ou application to AUSTENS, General Agents buroRene on No.

60 Beaver st. N. N. Gaculars with full particulars, is prices, will be forwarded ou appucation as above. n48 lv SILVER L'LATED WARE OF ALL KINDS CHEAP'.

Shiver l'lated Tea Setts, Silver P'lated Tru) 4 Silver Cake Baskets and Castors, Silver Liquor Stands. BENTON MATHIS ATS. REMOVAL OF JOIN GOODMAN Square 170 Superior Street, door to S. lyman's. In cone Zuence of the of the times with regard to money, J.

Goodmau will take any of the tollowing articles exchange for ('locks, Watchts and Jewelry, or Clock, Watch aud Jewelry re pairs. Hard Brick, Grocerica, Aculer Stone, Dats, Caps and Silt Straw. Timber, Hay. Joice, Worat, A c*ntling. Harley.

I'me Boards, Fresh Lard and W'irst rate Shingles, Jitter, Slaw, Cheese, Stoue Base, Indiau corn, in cob or ground Iron Hailing for fence. E3 With regard to the quality of the work, he reters to lie 13108 customers up to Dre. 9th, 1807. 150 Superior Ftrrot, Dec. 16.

1857. PUT CLEVELAND, (. 1st. ON United AND States Mails AFTER will arrive THIS at, and DATE, depart from THE the Cleveland st Outer, as the following Eastern through mol from Buttaw, Albany, Boston, will arrive 8:05 A. M.

9:00 I'. M. Close at 7:00 A. M. 8:140 L'.

M. Now York and vicinity, arrive at 9:00 P.M. at 7.00 A. and 5:00 P.M. way Rital from and intermediate places, will arrive at 6.06 P.M.

('lose at 7: I A. M. Western through mail from 'Toledo, Chicago, Dotroit and St. Loule arrives at 8:00 I'. M.

and 9:55 1'. M. Close at 1'. M. Northern Division 8:00 J'.

M. (low, Southern A st Western way mail arrives, Southern Division At 9:0.5 1'. M. A. Northern Divivion at from Columbus Ciudunau Louisville 8:80 J'.

M. Close at 75 A. M. AT 4:00 1'. M.

Way mail arrives at 9:45 I'. bI. Close at 7:80 A.M. mail from arrives at 8:30 I'. Mr.

'ore Through mail maud arrives 080 aL 9.30 A.M. Cleveland and Mahoning Hail Road way mail arrives A.M. Closed I I'. Mt. Cleveland aid Miillersburgh Kail Road way mail airives Gl 9:80 A.M.

Closes at 8,00 I'. M. DUs. 4:80 I'. M.

CLOSE, SIN A. M. Rockpurt, Lover, (Monday, and Val. day,) 9:00 P. M.

Cuss, Thuradav. and 4:00 A DUR, hast Cleveland, and Collamer, 103 A. CLues, 1:80 1'. at. Doz, Granger on'iley, and Friday.) P.

M. Cross. and Saturday, 6:80 A. M. Lou 4, Copley, Brecksvile.

Tuts. 6:00 l'. M. A. M.

CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIAN. MRS. Medical, P. M. Clairvoyant and THE Natural l'hysician, CELEBRAT- has spent over tv years in the practice of Medicics, with extraordiuary success, curing many dificult and complicated discarra which bad deded the skillot the most Incouraged by her success aid literal patronage, she will remain pirmanenly localed in Clevelaud, Residence No 96 Knee Street, where the will promply atteut to the calla of the Sick and Atlicied.

I'. is In P'ractice, her Medicines are Vegetable: selected with care, and compounded by Having wuch time in the ca and treatment of discasta weil. adhet her sex. She luela in eying ale cannot be excelled in the treatment of this claes of Dinners, Particulsr attention paid to the practice of Uh tetrica Patients who attend in person, Cal be ca by luck of Charge for n. with Diagnosis written out, for prescriptiou with all written out 5 to t10.

Terms stricaly iu advance Letters of enquiry enciosing a postage will receive attention. Mre. M. J'. PRICE.

NUT LEI. in TO TIE RECENT 111 thin an dealer Optical Instruments city, sion may have gone abroad that N. I. SOLOMONSON was the mia lle hereby large leave to state that he HAS NOT FAILED, and that with Hm there is SUCH WORD AS All in want of any thing in his line will always find SOLOMONSON at his vid No. OS Superior Street, Where he will be prepared to show then one of the largrat stocka 'u the est, of SPECTACLES, TELESCO'ES, SPY GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, MICROSCOPES, MARINE GLASSES, P'HILOSOPHICAL A LARGE VARIETY OF LENSES, And everything usually kept by Opticans.

odera his stuck at prices to aunt the times, and will sell as low for (ash as the articles can be purchaad In auy day in the United States, IP had MICROSCOPES Suited to all purposes for which ware uard; and there is nothing in tris line that he does not keep tor sale on the moni reasonable tornis. Also. Artitical Eyun at the lowest rates. N. cular attention paid to Spectacles.

The only place whole by and of a superior kind of glasses can be exp with perfect eatety, is he Optical Establishment of Mr. N. ll. under the American, 38 whose proprietor has won for himeelt the tull condence of the people of ou: butte. Kemeruber she place, 38 under the American.

fo! 20 MARKHAM (SUCCESSORS TO HARTNESS, HILL BANKER HAVE Banking REMOVED Odice, to situated their on the new corner and of com- River and Light House Street, n. erchant's Block, and hey to assure all those who entrust buries in our bands, PROMPTNESS and on the incet LIBERAL TEEMA. We are buying and telling LAND WARRANTS at beet ratca. be New York Exchange bought and sold. Fiver and Uncurrant Bank Notes Wanted.

Having ANI are prepared to make COLLECTIONS in this and adjoining Slates, with de pau and al low rates. REFEREFCES; J. 1. Everitt, F.sq., Cashier Broadway Bank, N. Y.

J. P. Handy, (aphir Commercial br Beok, Cleveland Mesare. Carpenter de Ver nilye, Bankers, iN. Y.

Santord de Co. Maukers, Butlalo, N. Y. Carey, Howard Sauger, Merchauts, N. Y.

Green Newell, Bankers, N. 1. Day, Bankers, N. Y. lt.

11 J. I. Steveus, Bunkers. N. Y.

Cook Sargrot, Baukers, Daren; ort, lowa. Marshall de Bankers. Milwaukee, Wis, Hotman delpeks, Bankers, Chicag Ill. W. 1.

P. Little Bankers. Mich. Fallie, Browu Baukers, 44 W. I.

Willians Bankers, Pittsburgh, W. Curry ra, Erie, l'a. Theron L'ardec, Cashier McLean Bank, Blooming. ton. 111.

W. 0. Cashier Auburn Exchange Lauk, Auburn, N. Y. G.

Leonard, ('ashier Auburn City Bank, Auburn, N. Y. Nelson Beardsley, 'resident Cayuga Co. Bank, burn, N. Y.

O'eveland, March 24th, exiling between LEWIS la this day di4- The Partnership heretofore solved by mutual consul. The of the old Armi w.l tre felled by either or the partners of the Arm, at the old place of burluces. E. H. LEW T.

M. BURTON. Cleveland, March 1st. 1848. CO thin day formed a t'o-P'artnership -The under the undersigned drin of SHEPARD, and will continue the business the old placd, No.

31 Letroit a. rett, Cleveland, West Side. K. I. E.

K. SHEPARD, ('love' and, Afarch 1at, SOLID GOLD JEWELRY made 10) order HAIR l'atticular aliention given to the repair of JEWELRY made to order. Watcher. Clocks and Jewelry -Work warrant41l. BENTON A MA MEDICAL BOOKS--A J.

U. Large COBB Stork. Co..

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.