She________a party tomorrow A. Has B. Have C. Is having D. Having (2024)

Unit 1: MY NEW SCHOOLA. PHONETICSPut the words with the underlined part into the correct column.. /əʊ/ /ʌ/……………………………………………….……………………………………………….………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. Put the words below into the correct verb group. 1. play: 2. do: 3. have: 4. study: II. School subjects. A. Do you know the subjects? What are their Vietnamese equivalents? 1. Art: 2. English: 3. Geography: 4. History: 5. Maths: 6. Music: 7. PE (Physical Education): 8. Science: 9. ICT (Information and Communication Technology): B. Do you know any more subjects? Write them down. C. Ask and answer the questions.1. Which subjects do you do at school?2. What's your favourite subject? 3. What's your favourite school day?II. Complete the words of school things. 1. t¬¬¬_ _ _ _ _ r2. d _ _ k3. r _ l _ r4. p _ n 5. r _ bb _ r6. s _ _ _ _ _ t7. p _ _ _ _ l c_ _ e8. _ a _ _u _ a _ or 9. b _ _ k10. ch _ _ r. IV. Look at the picture. Write the number of the people and school things. teacher board paper rubber student chair ruler pencil case desk book notebook computer school bag pencil pen V. What are these things? Write the words in the spaces.1. a small book to write things you want to remember : 2. a small electronic machine for calculating figures : 3. a small piece of rubber you use for removing pencil : marks from paper 4. a soft container in which a student carries books and : other things for study 5. a device used for drawing circles : 6. a vehicle with two wheels, which you sit on and ride : by moving your legs 7. a straight piece of wood or plastic that you use for : drawing straight lines 8. a box for storing pens, pencils, erasers, etc. : 9. a tool for making pencils sharper : 10. a book that contains information about a subject : VI. Write the -ing form of the verb.1. watch 2. listen 3. swim 4. go 5. have 6. skip 7. ride 8. sit VII. Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verbs. Use short forms. Example: Come round to my place - we're listening to music. (listen) 1. Look! The dog in the river! (swim) 2. Don't disturb me! I a good book. (read) 3. She her holiday. (enjoy) 4. They a computer game. (play) 5. You your homework. (do) 6. Look! The girls in the schoolyard. (skip) 7. Ssh! They in the library. (study) 8. Listen! Someone at the door. (knock)VIII. Complete the sentences with am, is or are. 1. A: Where's Jack? B: He playing football. 2. A: Let's play table tennis. B: Sorry. We having dinner now. 3. A: Where are Linda and Kate? B: They shopping.4. A: Are you OK? B: Yes, I having great fun. 5. A: Please help me. B: Sorry. I reading a book.6. A: Can I talk to Lan? B: She isn't at home. She riding her bike. IX. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the present continuous. 1. Right now John basketball with the school team.2. Mary breakfast? It's time to go to school. 3. Andy and Amy a DVD. They're playing computer game.4. Which CD you to? 5. Please be quiet! I my book.6. What language she ?X. Put the words in the correct order. 1. my/ I/ doing/ homework/ love. 2. to/ cinema/ They/ going/ like/ the. 3. watching/ don't/ We/ TV/ like. 4. like/ sister/ reading/ doesn't/ My/ magazines. 5. dad/ music/ enjoys/ My/ to/ listening/ country. 6. enjoy/ on/ They/ photos/ taking/ holiday. XI. Write the verbs in the negative form. Example: I'm enjoying my holiday.  I'm not enjoying my holiday.1. He's doing his homework. 2. They are playing tennis. 3. Linda's having breakfast now. 4. Steve's sleeping. 5. We're listening to the teacher. 6. It's raining. 7. The students are doing morning exercises. 8. She's interviewing some students. XII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb: go, play, help, have. l. Our cat football! 2. I computer games in the evening. 3. I my sister with her homework. 4. My sister me to clean my bike. 5. We a new classmate, Mai. 6. We to school from Mondays to Fridays. 7. My father to work at 7 o'clock every morning. 8. On Sundays, my sister shopping.XIII. Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verb. Example: He likes Science, but he doesn't like History. l. She speaks English, but she French. 2. I understand Maths, but I Science. 3. He helps me with Science, but he me with Maths. 4. I borrow books about English, but I books about History. 5. You play the guitar, but you the piano. XIV. Match the questions and answers. Write the answer in each blank. l. Are they cooking dinner? a. No, they aren't. They're cooking dinner. 2. Is he disturbing you? b. No, I'm not. 3. Are you listening to music? c. No, I'm not. I'm doing my English homework.4. Are they watching TV? d. Yes, he is. He loves Italy.5. Are you doing your Maths homework? e. No, they aren't. They're watching TV. 6. Is he enjoying his holiday? f. No, he isn't. XV. Match the questions and answers. Write the answer in each blank. 1. What are you watching? a. I like programmes about History. 2. What kind of programmes do you watch? b. To my friend's house. 3. Where are you going? c. Every day.4. Where does she live? d. A programme about animals. 5. Who are you talking with? e. A friend from school. 6. How often do you ride your bicycle to school? f. 24, High Street.XVI. Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form the verbs.1. They often their parents in the holidays. (visit) 2. I really cooking. (like) 3. He can't speak on the phone because he a shower. (have) 4. Look at that man. He a horse. (ride) 5. We sometimes to the cinema on Sunday. (go)6. I about three DVDs a week. (watch) 7. We tennis now. (play) 8. Right now we French. (speak)9. I sometimes the guitar in a band. (play) 10. When Susie usually her homework? (do) 11. I German. (not understand) 12. they chocolate ice cream? (like)C. SPEAKING I. Complete the following conversations. A.Nam: Good morning, Miss Hong. Miss Hong: (1) , Nam. (2) are (3) ?Nam: I'm (4) , (5) . And you? Miss Hong: (6) , thanks.B. You: Hi, Mai. (1) our new classmate. Her name is Hoa. Mai: (2) , Hoa.Hoa: (3) , Mai. C. Nam: Hello, Hung. Hung: Hi. Nice to (1) you again. Nam, this is Ba. Ba: (2) , Nam. (3) to meet you. Nam: Hi. Where are you (4) ? Ba: I am from Nha Trang. I am new here. Nam: What class are you (5) ? Ba: I'm (6) Class 6A.Hung: Yeah. He is our (7) classmate. Nam: Oh, we are (8) to have you in our class. II. Practice the sample conversation between Tom and Susan. Then work with a partner, prepare and practice a telephone conversation. Use your own ideas. Tom: Hi, Tom speaking. Susan: Hi, Tom. It's Susan here. What are you doing? Tom: I'm playing Super Hero III. It's great. Susan: Oh, can I come to your place?Tom: Sure. III. Fill in the blanks with correct words or phrases, and then practise the conversations. l. TV programmes. A: I'm watching . It's great! B: I'm watching . It's fantastic! 2. Music. A: I'm listening to . It's great B: I'm listening to . It's wonderful! 3. Computer games. A: I'm playing . It's great! B: I'm playing . It's fantastic.IV. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.1. What language do you usually speak with your family? 2. What language are you speaking now 3. What music do you usually listen to? 4. What music are you listening to now? 5. Who are you sitting next to right now.6. Who do you usually sit next to at dinner? D. READING I. Read Tim's diary and decide if the sentences below are T (True) or F (False).Monday: It's Monday evening. I'm very happy. A great day at school. And a good film on TV!Tuesday: I'm so angry. A lot of homework!Wednesday: I'm nervous. A test is on Friday. Thursday: Today I'm OK. Have a good time with my classmates!Friday: I'm not sad. I'm happy. Great test!Saturday and Sunday: Cool weekend. I'm very happy.l. On Monday Tim is happy. 2. On Tuesday he is angry and nervous. 3. On Wednesday he is nervous. A test is on Friday. 4. On Thursday he is not OK. 5. On Friday he is angry. 6. On Saturday and Sunday he is very happy. II. Read the conversation, and then circle the correct answers. Kate: Hello! (Kate's speaking.) Linda: Hi, Kate. It's Linda here. How are things? Kate: OK. I'm doing some homework and I'm not enjoying it! Linda: Oh sorry. Am I disturbing you? Kate: No. you aren't. It's OK. Linda: Oh good. Listen, do you have Jack's phone number? Kate: Yeah. I do. Just a moment. Ready? It's 8693 2210.D. READING I. Read Tim's diary and decide if the sentences below are T (True) or F (False). Monday: It's Monday evening. I'm very happy. A great day at school. And a good film on TV!Tuesday: I'm so angry. A lot of homework!Wednesday: I'm nervous. A test is on Friday. Thursday: Today I'm OK. Have a good time with my classmates!Friday: I'm not sad. I'm happy. Great test!Saturday and Sunday: Cool weekend. I'm very happy.l. On Monday Tim is happy. 2. On Tuesday he is angry and nervous. 3. On Wednesday he is nervous. A test is on Friday. 4. On Thursday he is not OK. 5. On Friday he is angry. 6. On Saturday and Sunday he is very happy. II. Read the conversation, and then circle the correct answers. Kate: Hello! (Kate's speaking.) Linda: Hi. Kate. It's Linda here. How are things? Kate: OK. I'm doing some homework and I'm not enjoying it! Linda: Oh sorry. Am I disturbing you? Kate: No. you aren't, It's OK. Linda: Oh good. Listen, do you have Jack's phone number? Kate: Yeah. I do. Just a moment. Ready? It's 8693 2210.Linda: 8693 2210. Thanks. Kate: Why do you want Jack's number? Linda: It’s Steve's birthday next weekend. I want to buy him something. Kate: Ah, clever you! You want to ask Jack what Steve likes. Linda: That's right. Kate: Ok. But you can't talk to him now. He's playing football. Phone him after lunch. 1. Kate is writing letters/ doing homework. 2. Linda is/ isn't disturbing Kate. 3. Jack's phone number is 8693 2210/8693 2110. 4. It's Steve's birthday tomorrow/ next weekend. 5. Linda wants to buy a present for Steve/ Jack. 6. She knows/ doesn't know what to buy Steve. E. WRITINGI. Make sentences using the words and phrases given to write an article about Nguyen Binh Khiem Primary School. 1. Nguyen Binh Khiem Primary School/ District 1/ Ho Chi Minh City. 2. It/ have/ 36 classes/ over 800 students. 3. School/ have/ contest called “Students Love Science”. 4. 180 second, third, fourth graders/ enter/ contest. 5. School/ make/ each school day/ exciting day/ the students. II. Write a short paragraph about the school rules, using the present simple tense. 1. try to arrive on time for school and lessons. 2. work hard, and allow others to do the same. 3. try to be polite to teachers, each other and visitors. 4. follow the instructions from the teachers.5. wear the school uniform when we come to school. 6. keep the school buildings and grounds clean and tidy.7. have good behavior all the time. 8. not to take foods or drinks into classrooms. 9. not to use mobile phones inside the school buildings. 10. not to smoke at school or at home.Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III. Write about your dream school using the words or phrases given. 1. have good teachers/ help students/ get interested/ subject. 2. have outdoor/ indoor activities.3. students/ try/ be/ active.4. students/ learn/ both/ theory/ practice/ all subjects.5. students/ use tablets/ instead/ books. 6. good canteen/ supply/ healthy food.7. good library/ help/ develop/ talents of students. 8. students/ use/ sport facilities/ free time.  TEST (UNIT 1)I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. nice B. bicycle C. rides D. live 2. A. mine B. history C. exercise D. library 3. A. come B. month C. mother D. open 4. A. hope B. homework C. one D. post 5. A. brother B. judo C. going D. rode 6. A. subject B. club C. put D. lunch 7. A. science B. like C. music D. ice 8. A. fun B. student C. hungry D. sun 9. A. teacher B. chess C. lunch D. school. 10. A. farm B. after C. walk D. class II. Choose the correct answers. 11. Phong is wearing a school .A. shoes B. uniform C. bag D. hats 12. I am having a Maths lesson but I forgot my . I have some difficulty.A. calculator B. bicycle C. pencil case D. pencil sharpener13. In Physics, we have a lot of .A. books - to have B. homework - to do C. science - to study D. vocabulary - to play14. morning exercise is good for you.A. Doing B. Studying C. Playing D. Having15. At lunchtime, you can lunch in the school canteen.A. go B. be C. have D. do16. Mai and Hoa their bicycles to school from Monday to Friday.A. rides B. ride C. is riding D. are riding17. Nam's new school a large .A. has - playground B. have - playgrounds C. is having - playgrounds D. are having - playground18. I often my homework school.A. study - at B. am doing - after C. do - after D. does - before19. In the afternoon, I books the library.A. am reading - at B. read - in C. reads - at D. are reading - in20. Look! They badminton with their friends.A. play B. plays C. playing D. are playing21. What is your subject at school?A. nice B. favourite C. liking D. excited22. Students live and study in a/an school. They only go home at weekends..A. international B. small C. boarding D. overseas23. In the afternoon, students many interesting clubs.A. join B. do C. play D. have24. Creative students drawings and paintings in the club.A. do - sport B. join - English C. do -art D. play - judo25. We are excited the first day of school.A. at B. about C. with D. in26. My parents often help me my homework.A. with B. about C. at D. in27. Nam football now. He's tired.. A. doesn’t play B. plays C. is playing D. isn’t playing28. Listen! Someone at the door.A. knocks B. knock C. is knocking D. are knocking29. My brother and I our bicycles to school now.A. ride B. am riding C. are riding D. is riding30. Mr. Khang our class Maths.A. teach B. teaches C. does D. startsIII. Fill the blanks with am, is, are, do, does, have. 31. How you go to school every day? 32. you hungry? 33. your brother like pop music?34. Where you go shopping? 35. I having lunch with my new friends.36. Now Mai watching a video clip about science. 37. Nam and Duy not doing their homework. 38. We often Maths lessons on Mondays. 39. Mr. Minh our favourite teacher. He teaches Science. 40. What you usually do at break time? IV. Complete each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word. 41. us about your new school. 42. In the afternoon students do sports in the . 43. We are about our first day at school. 44. He looks smart in his new school . 45. In Maths lessons, I bring my calculator, ruler, and . 46. Do you often your bicycle to school? 47. They are going to a new school library.48. The school year in Viet Nam on September 5th. 49. Do you keep when your teacher is explaining the lessons? 50. Do you often help your classmates their homework? Answer A B51. Do you like pop music?52. When does school start?53. What is your favourite subject at school?54. What do you usually do at break time?55. How many students does the school have?56. What is your school day like?57. What are you doing now?58. Do you wear your school uniform when you go to school?59. What time do they go home?60. How do you get to school every day? a. I read in the library.b. Maths.c. It's very interesting.d. Yes, I do.e. We are having a History lesson.f. Over 800 students.g. Yes, of course.h. At 4 o'clock every day.i. By bicycle.j. School starts again next Tuesday.V. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B.VI. Complete the conversation, and then practise it with your partner. Kate: (61) ?Jack: By bicycle. How about you, Kate? Kate: I walk (62) every day. My house is near our school. Jack: (63) ? Kate: It's Maths. Mr. Nam teaches it and he's our favourite teacher. (64) , Jack?Jack: I play football with my classmates in the school playground. Kate: Great! I often play badminton with my classmates. (65) , Jack? Jack: I go home at 4.30 in the afternoon every day. Mary: (66) , Jack? Jack: After school, have dinner and do my homework. Mary: (67) , Jack? Jack: Yes, I remember all our new classmates' names.(68) , Mary? Mary: Oh, yes, When they forget things. I can help them.Jack: (69) , Mary? Mary: Not much. I don't have much pocket money. (70) , Jack? Jack: Yes, I am. Let's go to the canteen and have something to eat, Mary. VII. Make sentences using the words and phrases given.71. They/ often/ morning exercise/ do. 72. Nam/ play football/ school team. 73. My sister/ play/ piano/ weekends/ at. 74. I/ study/ Maths/ English/ History/ Mondays/ on. 75. We/ eat lunch/ school canteen/ lunch time/ in. 76. We/ read/ library/ break time/ at. 77. wear/ uniform/ school/ every day. 78. Today/ Mai/ not/ wear/ uniform. 79. I/ excited/ first day/ school/ at. 80. Susan's favourite teacher/ Science teacher. Unit 2: MY HOME A. PHONETICSTicks () the correct column for the underlined part of the word./s/ /z/ /iz/does gets up Goes Has Lives looks plays starts finishes misses speaks teaches writes thinks watches washes sings walks Sits moves rooms houses chairs attics desks buildings apartments chests laptops clocks B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR.I. In which room can you find these things. 1. cooker, fridge 2. wardrobe, bed 3. armchair, TV 4. bath, bath-tub 5. car, bicycleII. Put the words or phrases in the correct columns. Some words have more than one answer.III. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.l. There are some plates the sink. 2. There is a cat the rug. 3. There is a pair of shoes the sofa. 4. There are some flowers the curtains. 5. There is a man the cooker. 6. There is a door the cupboard. 7. There is a blue coat a red and a green coat in the wardrobe.8. There is a picture the bed. IV. Look at the picture. Write the number next to the correct word. wardrobe fridge sinkradiator bed cooker cupboard sofa tablearmchair carpet curtainchair beside table rug lamp V. Circle the correct answer. 1. Here is/ There are two English girls in my school. 2. Is there/Are there a good film on tonight? 3. There isn't/ There aren't a hall in my house. 4. There is/ There are a lot of chairs in the classroom. 5. Is there/ Are there blue curtains in your room? T6. There isn't/ There aren't a lot of people in the cinema. VI. Look at the house then close your book and say what is in each room. VII. Complete the sentences with There is or There are. 1. a desk in my room. 2. green curtains in his room. 3. a sandwich on the table. 4. a book on the floor. 5. six children in the room. 6. nice posters in our classroom. 7. a cat on my bed. 8. thirty-six children in my class. VIII. Complete the table. Positive Negative Questions Positive Negative(1) a nice big wardrobe There isn’t a wardrobe (3) a bookshelf? Yes, (5) No, there isn't(2) blue curtains There aren't any curtains (4) any good posters? Yes, there are No, there aren't.IX. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are. 1. “ a TV in your room?”- “No, .”2. “ a car in the garage?” - “Yes, .”3. “ two beds in your room?”- “No, .”4. “ a sofa in your living room?”- “Yes, .”5. “ a lot of books in your bedroom?”- “Yes, .”6. “ a hall in your house?”- Yes, .”7. “ a lot of sandwiches in the kitchen?”- “No, .”8. “ a lot of tables and chairs in your classroom?”- “Yes, .”X. Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong ones. 1. There are three black dogs in the park. 2. Da Lat is a city beautiful. 3. There is two good actors in the film. 4. Are there two new DVDs in your bag? 5. There is six books on my desk. XI. Write the conversations using the words below.Example: a new pencil case in your bag/ old.A: Is there a new pencil case in your bag? B: No, there isn't. There's an old pencil case. 1. five DVDs on the tabled/ three. A: B: 2. a man in the garden/ a woman. A: B: 3. six books in that bag/ seven. A. B. 4. lots of cars in the street/ one car. A: B: 5. thirty children in your class/ thirty-fiveA: B: XII. Reorder the words and write the sentences. 1. TV/ big/ a/ there's. 2. city/ beautiful/ a/ Ha Noi/ is. 3. student/ Mai/ new/ a/ is. 4. good/ a/ he/ friend/ is. 5. dog/ it's/ friendly/ a. 6. ten/ are/ desks/ small/ there. 7. new/ four/ there/ cars/ are. 8. green fields/ are/ there. 9. are/ two/ pizzas/ there/ big. 10. DVD player/ is/ new/ a/ there. XIII. Complete the text with the correct prepositions. We have English lessons (1) Room 18. There are 24 tables for students and one desk for the teacher. (2) the walls, there are lots of posters of England. There’s a cupboard at the front of the room and (3) the cupboard, there's a TV and DVD player. Sometimes we watch films. There are some bookshelves (4) the classroom. (5) the shelves, there are a lot of English books. Our books are (6) the teacher's desk. He wants to look at our homework. Our school bags are (7) the floor, and there is some food (8) the school bags. It's now 5.30 pm. We are (9) home, but our teacher is (10) school. He often stays late to prepare for tomorrow's lesson.C. SPEAKINGI. Reorder the phrases to a make a conversation. And have you got posters in your room? Yeah, he’s great. He has air hair and green eyes – wonderful!Theo Walcott is in it! One or two. My favourite is an old Arsenal poster. 1 Do you have any posters on your bedroom? Oh? Why? Yes, I do. Lots. My favourite is the poster of Brad Pitt. II. Complete the conversation with the verbs below and then practice it with your classmates. Conversation 1 Martin What are you doing on Saturday, Susan? Susan Nothing much. I'm (1) some old DVDsMartin Aren't you going to the cinema?Susan No, there's nothing new. What are you doing?Martin I'm (2) into the city centre with some friends. .Susan Sounds good. Can I come?Martin Sure! Good idea! Conversation 2 Pil What are you (3) this evening?Laura I'm (4) my essay for English.Phil Really? Laura Why don't you do your essay too? We could help each other. Pil I'm sorry, I can't. I'm (5) my dad with his new computerD. READING I. Complete the emails with there’s, there are, there’s no, and there are no.From Kristen Hi Gina, Here's a picture of my city - Sydney, Australia. (1) many interesting place here. Sydney has a lot of beaches. My favourite beach is Bondi Beach. (2) a great zoo, too: Taronga Zoo. (3) a small downtown. It's the Pitt Street Mall. (4) four nice cafés and a great music store at the mall. Sydney Opera House is famous. It's a great city. I love it. Come and visit me soon! Kristen From Gina Dear Kristen, Thanks for your e-mail. Sydney is beautiful. My town is very small. (5) opera house here. (6) beaches here. (7) a small. (8) two restaurants and an Internet café. My town is a little boring, but I like it a lot. Bye Gina II. Read the email, match the sentences halves below, and write the answer in each blank. Hello Andrew,There is picture of my new bedroom. It’s not very big. There’s a bed, a desk, and a chair. There are two window. The curtains are new. On the desk there is a computer and a photo of my dog, Blackie. There are six posters in my room. There are animals on all the posters. The posters are beautiful. Best wishes Daniel 1. In Daniel's room a. Daniels’ desk. 2. Daniel’s room b. there’s a bed, a desk and a chair. 3. There are two windows with new c. a dog 4. There’s a computer on d. is not very big. 5. Daniel’s pet is e. lots of animals. 6. The dog’s name f. in Daniels’ room. 7. There are posters g. is Blackie 8. On the posters there are h. curtains III. Read the conversation between four students: Linda, Kate, Steve and Jack. Then answer Yes or No to the questions. Linda: What's your new bedroom like, Kate? Kate: It's not very big. But it's really nice!Steve: Are there any good posters? Kate: Yes, a Coldplay poster and …Jack: Coldplay? Who are they? Steve: Oh, come on, Jack! They're really famous! Kate: And there is a nice big wardrobe, too. Jack: Is there a bookshelf? Kate: Yes, there is. It's next to the bed. It's small, but there aren't a lot of books in my room! Linda: Is there a light for reading in bed? Kate: No, there isn't. Steve: What else is there? Kate: Well, there are blue curtains, two blue chairs and a desk. On the desk there's a …Jack: Computer? Kate: Yes, and there is a DVD player in it!Linda: Great! Can we watch some DVDs at your place? Kate: Sure. Let's get Steve's Coldplay DVDs!Steve: OK! Notes- curtain (n) = màn cửa. - at your place = nơi ở, nhà của bạn1. Is Kate's new bedroom big? 2. Are Coldplay famous? 3. Is Kate's bookshelf big? 4. Are her curtains green? 5. Is there a Coldplay poster in her room? 6. Is there a wardrobe in her room? 7. Are there a lot of books in her room? 8. Is there a DvD player in her computer? IV. Read the article about unusual houses, and then answer the questions. A house? A boat? A houseboat! Pete and Karen Clay are from Kentucky. They have an unusual home. It's a houseboat named Fargo. Their houseboat has a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a bathroom, and three bedrooms. The Clay's children, Andy and Kris, love it. "It's a cool house and a fun boat,” says Kris. Up in a tree! Grant Stone is 12, and his sister, Jenna, 8. They're only kids, but they have a house. It’s a tree house! It's in the country. It’s at their grandparents' house in Kansas. Their tree house has one room. It's a living room with a table and a few chairs. It's small, but Grant and Jenna think it's great. Grant says, "It's my favourite place! That's the name - My Place.”Read the article again. Then complete the chart. Name Kind of house Name of home Number of roomsThe Clays The Stones Are these sentences true (T), or false (F)? 1. The Clay's houseboat has two bedrooms. 2. The Clay's houseboat is small. 3. Grant is 12 years old.4. Grant has two sisters. 5. The tree house is big. V. Read the texts and translate them into Vietnamese. Strangest Houses in the WorldDancing House Located in Czech Republic, the Dancing House was built between 1992 and 1996. It looks like a dancing couple, symbolizing the popular dancers Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Ramot Polin Apartments The Ramot Polin Apartments in Ireland looks like hive of honeybees. There are 720 housing units in the apartments built around 1972-1975.Cube Houses The Cube Houses in Rotterdam look like a bunch of cubes to form a roof of a base building. Each cube house represents a tree and together the houses form a grove, like a village within the city. There are three floors in this house. Enter the house from the entrance on the ground floor. Climb up the first floor to the living room and open kitchen. The second floor has two bedrooms and a bathroom. Some of these houses have a small garden on the top floor. E. WRITING I. Make sentences from the given words or phrases. 1. There/ a bed/ corner/ the room. 2. Shelves/ above/ the closet. 3. Wardrobe/ the center/ the room. 4. Table/ between/ two chairs. 5. Lamp/ next/ the bed. 6. Table/ the right/ the wardrobe.7. There/ some pictures/ the wall. 8. There/ a window/ the left-side/ the room. 9. Bed/ opposite/ the door. 10. There/ some bottles/ the shelf. II. Write sentences about your living room, your kitchen and your bedroom.l. In the living room, there's a sofa, there are two 2. In the 3. In the III. Read Nadia's text about her messy desk. Write a similar text. My desk is really messy! My pen is in my dictionary. My pencil case is on my school bag, and my pencils are on the school bag, too. My English book is behind the computer, My ruler is in my English book. My cat is on the computer. Where is my red pen? No idea! Answer: IV. Read the description of Susan's ideal room. Describe your ideal room.In my ideal room, there's a big bed and there are yellow curtains. There are a lot of posters of pop stars and horses. There's a nice desk. On the desk, there's a computer with a big screen. There are two chairs, and there are lots of shelves for my books and DVDs. There is also a good stereo. Answer: In my ideal room there is..… There are.....  TEST (UNIT 2)I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. beds B. clocks C. walls D. tables2. A. grandparents B. brothers C. uncles D. fathers3. A. mothers B. centres C. aunts D. cousins4. A. cities B. watches C. dishes D. houses5. A. books B. rooms C. walls D. pillows6. A. clocks B. villas C. tables D. chairs7. A. bed B. television C. chest D. toilet8. A. fridge B. light C. living D. picture9. A. poster B. sofa C. own D. laptop10. A. room B. book C. door D. lookII. Find which word does not belong to each group. Then read the words aloud. 11. A. town house B. country house C. playground D. villa12. A. living room B. attic C. apartment D. kitchen13. A. dishwasher B. sofa C. sink D. cupboard14. A. wardrobe B. microwave C. fridge D. cooker15. A. bed B. lamp C. television D. sinkIII. Choose the correct answers. 16. There are a lot of things in Da Lat .A. see B. to see C. seeing D. to seeing17. It is called the Tiger room there is a big tiger on the wall.A. because B. so C. but D. like18. I live my parents and my younger sister in a town house Ha Noi.A. with - at B. at - at C. of - in D. with - in19. We are moving a new house the city centre soon.A. to - in B. at - at C. to - from D. from - in20. We live in a town house, but our grandparents live in a house.A. villa B. country C. apartment D. city21. There are two lights the ceiling.A. at B. in C. on D. between22. There is a family photo the wall.A. on B. at C. in D. next23. There four chairs and a table the middle of the room.A. is - on B. is - in C. are - at D. are - in24. We need some chairs the kitchen.A. with B. for C. at D. on25. There are some dirty dishes the floor.A. in B. with C. on D. for26. There aren't any pillows the bed.A. in B. on C. behind D. in front of27. My bedroom is the bathroom.A. under B. on C. in D. next to28. I’d study hard for the exam.A. better B. like C. be D. do29. There are clothes on the floor – it’s .A. interesting B. mess C. messes D. messy30. There a big fridge the corner.A. is - on B. is - in C. are - in D. are - on31. There are many chairs in the kitchen, there is only one in my bedroom.A. so B. because C. but D. in32. My bedroom is small but it has a window.A. big B. small C. interesting D. old33. Where the living room?A. is B. are C. do D. does34. Where the books? Are they the bookshelf?A. is - on B. is - in C. are - in D. are - on35. there any furniture your new living room?A. Is - in B. Is - at C. Are - in D. Are - onIV. Fill the blanks with is, are, isn't, aren't, do, does, where. 36. In my house there four bedrooms. 37. Where you live, Nam? 38. We staying at my uncle's house in Da Lat. 39. How many rooms there in the hotel? 40. What Mrs. Brown need for the living room? 41. they have the right things for the kitchen? 42. There any furniture in my bedroom. I need many things. 43. There any chairs in the kitchen. We need four chairs. 44. does your aunt live? 45. Which house you want to live in - a town house or a country house?V. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct preposition. 46. The kitchen is to the bathroom.47. We live a town house. 48. Is there a picture the wall? 49. There is a ceiling fan the bedroom.50. My town house is the city centre.VI Rewrite the following sentences keeping the same meaning. 51. There are many chairs in the kitchen. The kitchen 52. Nam lives in the city. Nam doesn't 53. There are four people in my family: my parents, my brother and me. I live 54. The television is in front of the picture. The picture is 55. I don't watch TV in any other rooms but the living room. I only VII. Complete the conversation with the phrase below, and then practise it.Mary: (56) Kate: Well, it's not very big. Jack: (57) Kate: Yes, there is. It's small, but that's OK. Mary: Is there a light for reading in bed? Kate: (58) Steve: (59) Kate: Well, there are blue curtains and two chairs. There's a desk, and (60) VIII. Choose the best answer to complete the text. You can't see our house (61) here because it is (62) the church. When you walk up Prince Street, it is (63) the left, next (64) the Black Cat Café. My room is upstairs (65) the right. I have a desk (66) front (67) the window. And I like looking out because our house is (68) the park. My desk is (69) the bed (70) the wardrobe. 61. A. from B. behind C. on D. in62. A. in B. behind C. on D. between63. A. on B. at C. in D. under64. A. in B. at C. on D. to 65. A. in B. behind C. on D. next66. A. on B. at C. in D. next67. A. about B. of C. on D. with68. A. near B. on C. next D. from69. A. on B. in C. between D. at70. A. on B. and C. in D. behindIX. Read the email, and then decide whether the questions are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM). Hi Marco, We are moving to our new flat on Saturday. The flat has only two bedrooms, and it has a small garden at the back. It's good for me because it's near my school and the city centre.When you come in the front door, there's a long hall with a bathroom at the other end. The door on the right goes into the kitchen with the dining room behind it. The next room is the living room. It's a comfortable, sunny room and from there you can walk straight out into the garden. After that there's my parents' bedroom, and finally you come to my bedroom. It's next to the bathroom. I'm writing this email on my computer at my desk under the window. All my furniture is in my room now and it looks good.Love Alice 71. The flat doesn't have a garden. 72. Alice walks to school. 73. The dining room is behind the kitchen. 74. Her parents' bedroom is next to the bathroom. 75. Her bedroom doesn't have a window. X. Make sentences using the words and phrases given. 76. Mai/ best friend/ school. 77. She/ love/ read/ write/ short stories. 78. We/ often/ homework/ together/ and/ she/ help/ me/ lot. 79. She/ know/ lot/ history/ and/ we/ chat/ it/ hours. 80. Tomorrow/ we/ watch/ new film/ Disney channel/ together. Unit 3: MY FRIENDSA. PHONETICS Underline the sound /b/ and /p/, and then read them aloud. brown, black, blue, blonde, big, book, board, bear, bean, butter, bread, breakfast, begin, become, bring, baseball, volleyball, badminton, basketball, bee, baby, bus, library, librarian, biking, bedroom, behind, between, but, blank, subject. people, person, peanut, pig, pizza, popcorn, picnic, picture, party, part, paper, sport, play, pretty, lip, parents, grandparents, pen, pencil, compass, cap, space, respect, shopping, help, happy, project, appropriate, stamp, experiment, computer. B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. Who is it? Write the correct names of the people. Anita is short and has dark, curly hair. Marion is short and slim. Her hair is blonde and curly. Peter is tall and has short, straight hair. Paul is tall and slim. He wears glasses and his hair is longAlison has blonde, curly hair and she is tall. Roger is short and slim and his hair is black. Frederick is tall and wears glasses. He is quite old. Barbara is a bit fat, and her hair is black, long and curly. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. II. Rewrite the sentences, using have or has face. Example: Her face is round.  She has a round face.1. My hair is black. 2. Mrs. Huyen's eyes are round and black. 3. His eyes are blue. 4. Her cheeks are chubby. 5. Miss Huong's face is round. 6. Miss Thanh's legs are long. III. Fill in each blank with the correct verb.1. She an oval face.2. Mai's hair long or short? - It short. 3. Mai short black hair. 4. He tall and thin. 5. Tan an athlete. He very strong.6. What those? 7. What color those bikes? 8. What color Nam's eyes? IV. Fill in the blanks with the missing words: is, has, or wear(s). And translate the passage into Vietnamese.Kevin (l) short and slim. He (2) glasses and he (3) blue eyes. His hair (4) brown and curly. Tom (5) short and slim. He (6) glasses and he (7) green eyes. His hair (8) long, brown, and wavy. Paul (9) tall. He doesn't (10) glasses. He (11) brown eyes, and his hair (12) brown and curly. Ben (13) short. He (14) brown eyes and his hair (15) long, black and straight. V. Match the halves of each sentence, and write the answer in each blank. Answer A B1. We're leaving a. homework this afternoon, but then I'm free. 2. Are you cleaning your b. room this evening? 3. Jenny's coming to c. to the cinema with Tom tomorrow evening. 4. Martin is going d. my party on Saturday! 5. I'm doing my e. for London next Sunday. VI. Fill in each blank with the correct adjective from the box. 1. It is to sit on the plane with nothing to read. 2. I'm not very at Maths. I often make mistakes in calculations. 3. Everyone is to me. They often help me when I need. 4. She is often at school, and she always gets good marks. 5. The teacher wants the students to feel about asking questions when they don't understand. 6. She always has a smile with everyone.7. Children are often of people they don't know.8. He's a little bit ; he likes to talk a lot. 9. It's a really film; everyone laughs a lot. 10. She's very - she writes poetry and paints. VII. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. l. They are coming to London on Monday. 2. He is finishing work tomorrow. 3. She is spending her next holiday at home. 4. He's leaving for Ha Noi tomorrow. 5. We are going out tonight.VIII. Put the words into the correct order to form the questions, and then write short answers. 1. you/ are/ dinner/ to/ coming/ - no. Are you coming to dinner? - No, I'm not. 2. playing/ the/ are/ next/ you/ game/ in/ - no. 3. they/ tomorrow/ driving/ to/ London/ are - yes. 4. going/ evening/ to/ is/ cinema/ she/ the/ tomorrow - yes. 5. at/ they/ home/ evening/ this/ are/ eating - no. IX. Match the questions and answers, and write the answers in the blanks. 1. What are you doing on Sunday? a. Jenny - she's visiting her mum. 2. Are you helping John tomorrow? b. At the station, I think. 3. What's Sarah doing tomorrow? c. No, we aren't playing any more matches this month. 4. Where's John meeting us? d. No, certainly not. He never helps me. 5. Who isn't coming to the party tomorrow? e. I'm working until lunchtime.6. Are you playing football next Monday? f. She's playing in the basketball tournament.X. Complete the text. Use the present simple. My best friendMy best friend is Hannah. She (1. live) next door to me. We (2. go) to the same school but we are in different classes. I (3. walk) to school but Hannah (4. go) by bike, because she always (5. get up) late. After school we (6. finish) our homework first, then we (7. listen) to our favourite music. I (8. like) R&B, but Hannah (9. hate) it. She (10. think) it’s boring. She (11. love) rock music. XI. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets in the present continuous. Jack: I'm bored. Nick: Why don't you find something to do? Jack: What can I do? Nick: There are lots of things you can do. This is what I (1. do) this weekend. On Friday evening I (2. meet) Jane. We (3. go) to the cinema. Then in Saturday, Tom and I (4. play) table-tennis. Then we (5. have) lunch with Sam. After lunch, Tom and Sam (6. start) their new judo classes. I (7. not go) with them because my dad (8. take) me to a basketball match. It's my mum's birthday on Sunday. She (9. not have) a big party. We (10. have) lunch at a nice restaurant near our house. Jack: Wow. You are busy. Can I come with you to the cinema on Friday? Nick: Of course, you can, Jack.XII. Use the cues to make questions and answers about the conversation, and then match them together. Number 1 has been done for you as an example. a 1. Who/ Nick/ meet/ on Friday? a. He/ meet/ Jane. Who is Nick meeting on Friday? He is meting Jane.2. Where/ they/ go? b. He/ take/ him/ to a basketball match. 3. What sport/ Nick and Jane/ play? c. No/ he/ not.4. When/ they/ play? d. They/ go/ to the cinema. 5. Who/ they/ meet/ for lunch? e. They/ play/ on Saturday morning. 6. Nick/ do/ yoga/ with Tom and Jack? f. They/ have lunch/ at a nice restaurant.7. Where/ his dad/ take him? g. No/ she/ not.8. Nick's mum/ have/ a big birthday party? h. They/ meet/ Sam. 9. Where/ they/ have/ lunch? i. They/ play/ tennis. C. SPEAKING I. Rearrange the phrases to make a conversation. Conversation 1  Christina I'm spending the evening at school.  Michelle Really? A long evening.  Christina Yeah, we're having a video evening with our language teachers. Michelle At school?  Christina Yeah, until midnight.  Michelle Cool. Can I come too? 1 Michelle What are you doing tomorrow evening, Christina? Conversation 2  Oliver OK. See you on Monday then!1 Tim What are you doing this weekend?  Oliver Oh, they're fun! There's a lot of great rides. Tim No, thanks. I don't really like theme parks.  Oliver I'm going to Luna Park with some friends. Would you like to come?  Tim Anyway, I'm going to the youth club on Saturday, then I'm going to football match on Sunday. II. Complete the conversation with the phrases below. Kevin What are your plans for the weekend? Dan Well, (1) DVDs tomorrow night. Do you want to watch them with me? Kevin (2) , but I can't. Dan Oh, why not? Kevin (3) Jenny. She's having a party! Dan What? (4) !III. Read the and tick () the things you are doing. Then make questions to ask your partner to complete the right column. Me My partner meet friends tomorrow  stay at home on Sunday  play badminton tomorrow  do homework on Saturday  go to the party at the weekend  do homework this evening  cook dinner tomorrow  have a campfire next month  play traditional games at the weekend  Example: "Are you meeting friends tomorrow? No, I'm not. I'm visiting my grandparents. What about you? IV. Complete the following conversation. Lan Is (l) your sister (2) there? Hanh Yes, that's my sister.Lan (3) ?Hanh No, (4) . She's tall. Lan (5) or (6) ?Hanh Her hair is long. Lan (7) her eyes? Hanh They are brown. Lan (8) ? Hanh Yes, she has chubby cheeks. D. READING I. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Lan is a student in grade 6. She is tall and thin. She is light but she is not weak. She has oval face and chubby cheeks. Her hair is long and black. Her nose isn't big. It's small. She has brown eyes and white teeth. She's very nice. l. Lan has long black hair. 2. She is thin and weak. 3. Her cheeks are chubby. 4. Her nose is big. 5. Her eyes are black. 6. She has white teeth. II. Read the texts and decide if the sentences below are T (True) or F (False). Farrah (Turkey) Hi, my name’s Farrah. I'm twelve and I have two sisters and two brothers. I live in a village about 50 kilometers from Istanbul. My favourite food is pizza. I like computer games and nature programmes. I also play football and I swim a lot. I don't have a pet because my mum doesn't like animals. Claire (Scotland) Hi, my name's Claire. I live in Dundee in Scotland. I have one brother. He's 21 and he works in Edinburgh. My favourite food is chicken. And I also like chocolate a lot. My friend Monica and I often go to the park and in the evenings we watch TV together. We like sitcoms best. I also like reading (Monica doesn't, she doesn't even want to read the Harry Potter books) and horse riding. I have two pets: a cat and a dog.Maria (Poland) Hi, my name's Maria. I live in Krakow and I have two little brother. I'm thirteen and my brothers are five and eight. My favourite food is fish, but we don't often eat it. I play handball in our school team and I'm also in the swimming team. I love going to the cinema. A lot of films are in English. That's good for me. I can listen to English a lot. I buy magazines with my pocket money. I don't have a pet. Sean (Ireland) Hi, I'm Sean. I'm from Sligo in Ireland. I live on a farm and I really like animals. We have lots of animals, but I don't have a real pet. We have six horses and I really like horse riding. My friends and I also play football and computer games. My dad gives me some pocket money for that.True False 1. Farrah has two sisters and a brother.  2. Farrah lives in Istanbul.  3. Farrah's favourite food is pizza.  4. Clare's favourite food is chicken.  5. Clare loves sitcoms.  6. Clare has one pet.  7. Maria plays handball and basketball.  8. Maria loves going to the cinema.  9. Maria doesn't have a pet.  10. Sean lives on a farm.  11. Sean doesn't get pocket money.  12. Sean doesn't play computer games.  Notes:pet (n) = thú cưng handball (n) = môn bóng némIII. Culture World: USA A. Which summer Camp Is For you? Which summer camp would you like to go to? Why?Millions of North American children and teenagers go to summer camps every year. At traditional camps the 'campers' do outdoor activities, for example, swimming, riding horses, or water-skiing. Many camps specialize in one activity - you can learn about ecology, music, science, and many more things. Check out our selection of camps.Mountain adventure Walk and climb in the beautiful North Cascades (Washington State), then camp under the stars next to a lake. You learn about plants and animals and how to survive in the mountains, Calling all artists! Be an artist at our Arts Centre for students aged 13-18. We have courses in art, dance, music and theatre. Our students have lots of fun and our teachers are excellent. Circus camp Would you like to be in a circus? We have classes for beginners and advanced students. More than 500 young people come every year and have a fantastic time with us. This year you can come too!Whale camp Come to Grand Manan Island (between USA and Canada) and watch whales. Go round the island in a kayak and take photos of other sea animals and birds. Learn about ecology with marine biologists. Fashion design Are you the next Louis Vuitton or Giorgio Armani? Design and make your own clothes, then wear them at the fashion show. Space camp Meet NASA scientists and astronauts. Learn how to walk in space. See the stars in the summer sky. Design and build your own rocket.B. Read the magazine page quickly. March the summer camps with the activities.1. painting: 2. animals: 3. making clothes: 4. walking in the country: 5. sciences: 6. acrobats: C. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F).True False l. A lot of US and Canadian children and teenagers go to summer camps.  2. Campers can do more than one activity at some summer camps.  3. At the Mountain adventure camp you can sleep outside.  4. There isn't a camp for people who like dancing.  5. You can go on a boat at the Whale camp.  6. At the Space camp you can go up into space in a rocket.  D. The project. Work in a group. Find out about activities you can do in different places in our country in the summer. Take Da Lat as an example. Name of place Name of activity InformationDa Lat hiking and climbing Many pine forest, waterfalls.sightseeing Many kinds of flowers all year round. Visit ethnic villages.IV. READ FOR FUN: Teenage web designer Mike Sutton, from Sydney Australia, is a webmaster and he has his own company. The company is called "Whaam! Web Creations." And he's 15 years old. He's in 10th grade at school. We asked him some questions. Here are some emails between him and us. Question: Is it easy for a 15-year-old to do this work? Answer: Easy? I'm not sure - but it's exciting. I'm in the big world of business and I'm only 15. I do a lot of my work on the phone, so many people don't know that I'm only 15. And they don't ask me - so my age is not really a problem. Question: How do you learn the things you need to know? Answer: Experience! It's the best way to learn things, I think. Sometimes I have a problem and I look at other pages on the Web to find answers. I have friends, too. Sometimes, they can help me.Question: What is the importance of the Internet for people? Answer: I don't think it is very important, really. It's wonderful, of course - it's so easy to get information. But I don't think it is a very important thing in the world. Question: Do you do your own programming and design? Answer: Often, yes. It's fun and hard-working. But I also have some people doing the work for me. They're all very creative people. E. WRITING I. Write questions and short answers. Example: you/ play football/ this afternoon - yes. A: Are you playing football this afternoon? B: Yes, I am.1. she/ cook a meal/ for lunch - no 2. they/ have a holiday/ in August - no 3. you/ play computer games/ tonight - yes. 4. he/ draw pictures about Hoi An/ tomorrow - no. 5. we/ have a campfire/ the weekend - yes. II. Read the diary and write what Sarah is doing each evening. Monday go to volleyball practiceTuesday work on Biology project for school with TomWednesday do a writing courseThursday buy Tom's presentFriday meet MonicaSaturday go to Tom's party!On Monday evening, she's going to the volleyball practice. III. Questionnaire & Interview. A. Write the questions to ask people you know about their future plans. 1. What/ do/ this evening? 2. What/ have/ for dinner this evening? 3. Where/ go/ on holiday/ this year? 4. How/ go/ to school/ tomorrow? 5. What/ do/ at the weekend? B. Then write the name of the person and their answer below. Name AnswersTEST (UNIT 3)I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.1. A. kind B. confident C. nice D. like2. A. request B. project C. neck D. exciting3. A. foot B. book C. food D. look4. A. finger B. leg C. neck D. elbow5. A. creative B. think C. idea D. bigII. Choose the correct answers. 6. Can you me the apple, please?A. move B. pass C. have D. turn7. Mai is the phone, chatting friends.A. on - to B. on - on C. to - with D. to – to 8. She is always at school, and helps other students with their homework.A. hard B. hardly C. hard-working D. work hard9. Diana is in the art club. She likes painting pictures, and everyone enjoys them. She is very .A. shy B. kind C. funny D. creative10. The film is very , and we can't see all of it.A. exciting B. boring C. wonderful D. easy11. Our class is going to a picnic at the zoo on Saturday. Would you like to come with us?A. have B. take C. pass D. go12. It's to go home. It's so late.A. now B. sure C. time D. like13. Please turn the lights. The room is so dark.A. with B. at C. in D. on14. Can you the tables and chairs the next room? There are some more students.A. move - to B. take - in C. move - in D. take - on15. Daisy is very to take the test. She is a very good student.A. kind B. confident C. friendly D. talkative16. I like reading "Muc Tim" very much. It's my magazine.A. nice B. quick C. funny D. favourite17. My close friend, Mai, has a face and hair.A. big - black B. small - short C. round - black D. short - long18. My best friend is kind and . He often makes me laugh.A. funny B. nice C. shy D. boring19. My brother has short hair.A. a - straight B. ∅ - long C. ∅ - curly D. a - black20. On Sunday Nam his parents in the field as usual.A. helps B. help C. is helping D. helping21. On Saturday Tom's parents him London to see the new film.A. are taking - to B. taking - to C. are going - to D. are going - in22. Next summer I am working as a teacher in a village near Hoa Binh City.A. good B. nice C. favourite D. volunteer23. The Summer Camp is for students between 10 and 15.A. age B. aged C. aging D. ages24. We are visiting a milk farm to see they milk, cheese, and butter.A. why - do B. ∅ - do C. how - make D. how - do25. Linda has hair an big eyes.A. blonde - small B. a black - blue C. blonde - blue D. black - longIII. Read the text about Alice and correct the sentences. This is Alice. She's English and she's from London. She's thirteen years old. She has fair hair and brown eyes. She has a small nose. Her favourite colours are red, white and blue. 26. Alice is French. 27. She's from Manchester. 28. She's 14. 29. She has black hair and brown eyes. 30. Her favourite colours are red, white and yellow. IV. Complete each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word. 31. During the Summer Camp, we are doing a treasure in the field. 32. We are singing at the school's club: it's so exciting.33. We are a Maths test on Friday. 34. I'd like to become an MC, so I am taking a speaking class at the Youth Cultural Centre.35. If you are born under the of Sagittarius, you are independent, freedom-loving, and confident. 36. In our Biology field , we are visiting a milk farm and we are talking with the workers. 37. It's very to listen to a ghost story at midnight. 38. Peter often plays badminton with his friends. He also swims in his free time. He's very .39. They are going to the library to find information. They are preparing their project. 40. Anita is a volunteer teacher at the village. She's responsible for a class. She gives instructions about different Indian dishes.V. Match the statement/ question in column A with the response in column B to have short exchanges, and write the answer in each blank. Answer A B41. What colour of the eyes does Paul have? 42. Would you like to have a picnic on Sunday? 43. What sort of hair does she have? 44. Can you pass the pen, please?45. Who's she? 46. Does she have a round face? 47. What does your new friend look like? 48. What are you doing tomorrow? 49. Who is it? 50. What do you see in the photo? a. It's curly.b. Yes, sure.c. She has a round face and short black hair.d. The students from your class are playing beach volleyball. e. It's my cousin, Jane.f. Of course not. She has an oval face. g. It's Minh, my best friend. He's kind and clever.h. We're taking part in an art workshop. i. Sorry, we can't. We're visiting our grandparents.j. They're blue. VI. Make sentences using the words and phrases given. 51. We/ visit/ milk farm/ do/ treasure hunt/ field/ tomorrow. 52. He/ play/ basketball/ have/ barbecued/ his friends/ Sunday evening. 53. You/ do/ anything/ this Saturday evening? 54. Our teacher/ ask/ us/ write/ emails/ English. 55. He/ play/ basketball/ very well/ and/ he/ sporty. VII. Write questions for the underlined part. 56. They are visiting a milk farm on Saturday.57. I'm going to the judo club with my brother. 58. I'm not going to your party because I visit my grandparents. 59. We're working on our school project.60. She understands things very quickly and easily. VIII. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 61. He isn't very tall so he is kind and friendly. 62. I'm playing football on my team. 63. We are going to Han River to watch the international firework competition, but you can watch it live on TV.64. She works as a volunteer teacher to a village and everyone loves her. 65. I'm going to the river with my parents watching the firework display. IX. Complete the conversation, and then practise it with your partner. Linda Where's Tom? Peter (66) in the sport centre. Linda The sport centre? I think he is at the judo club. Do you think so? Peter (67) . And Tom's very good at judo. Linda Do you have a new classmate this morning?Peter Yes, (68) a round face and long black hair. Her name's Susan. Linda Would you introduce her to me? Peter Yes, (69) . I think she's very (70) because she paints nice pictures. X. Complete the text with the words in the box. Vicky Gates is a professional football player. She has (71) , (72) hair and blues eyes. She has long legs and very strong (73) . Vicky is American.Anita Mather is a professional sportswoman. She (74) basketball. She has very long (75) and (76) very tall.Joana Smith is an international (77) . She has short, fair hair and green eyes. She's short but she has very big shoulders. She's (78) . Jo Kelly is an (79) . She has long, dark hair and blue (80) . She has very long legs. Jo is from Nigeria. TEST YOURSELF 1I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.1. A. project B. leg C. evening D. neck2. A. judo B. elbow C. nose D. blond3. A. gets B. brings C. takes D. stops4. A. mouth B. house C. country D. about5. A. with B. mouth C. thanks D. threeII. Put the plural nouns from the box into the correct column based on the pronunciation of the final s/es.III. Find which word does not belong in each group. Then read the words aloud. 1. A. fridge B. cooker C. microwave D. sofa2. A. family B. teacher C. engineer D. doctor3. A. his B. her C. you D. your4. A. classrooms B. students C. teachers D. streets5. A. television B. Internet C. telephone D. city6. A. father B. mother C. brother D. student7. A. Hello B. Hi C. Good night D. Good afternoon8. A. Bye B. Goodbye C. Good night D. Good afternoon9. A. chair B. apartment C. villa D. house10. A. confident B. sport C. hard-working D. creativeIV. Write the school things. 1. s _ a _ _ e _ e r 2. r _ _ _ _ 3. _ _ m _ _ _ s 4. _ i _ _ _ l e5. n _ _ e _ _ _ _ 6. d _ _ _ 7. _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ r 8. t _ _ _ _ o _ _ V. Complete the sentences with the words given in the box.1. When we we sleep in a tent.2. Do you want to and dance? 3. Can he with his new camera? 4. It's hot! I want to in the sea. 5. Would you like to ? The chocolate ones are good. 6. You can a treasure hunt at our summer camp. 7. I sometimes like table tennis. 8. You can at the shop in the town. VI. Underline the correct words. 1. In the morning I get up/ go to bed at 6 am.2. At 6.30 I have lunch/ breakfast with Mum and Dad. 3. I go to/ finish school at 6.45. 4. After school, I make/ do my homework. 5. Sometimes I play/ have computer games or go online. 6. I often listen to/ watch music in the evening. 7. On Saturday, I have/ go out with my friends. VII. Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong ones. 1. There are three black dogs in the park. 2. Ha Noi is a city beautiful. 3. There is two good actors in the film. 4. Are there two new DVDs in your bag? 5. There is six books under my desk. VIII. Match the sentences (1-7) with the school subjects (A-G). Answer Sentences Subjects1. "London is the capital of England." A. Music 2. "Turn on your computers and go online." B. Science 3. "How do you spell 'umbrella'?" C. Geography 4. This song is beautiful. Listen to.... D. ICT 5. "In the year 1945, President Ho Chi Minh..." E. PE 6. Water is H20. That's hydrogen…" F. History 7. "Are you ready? Everybody runs…" G. EnglishIX. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the present simple. start not watch have not have speak not do 1. You a nice dog. 2. I any brothers or sisters, but I have five cousins. 3. We TV in the summer, but we play games in the park. 4. homework on Sunday evenings. 6. We Vietnamese. 7. They school at 7 o'clock. X. Underline the correct words. 1. My brother walk/ walks to school with his friends. 2. Sue don't/doesn't like football. 3. Do/ Does he speak French? 4. Our teacher give/ gives us homework every day. 5. She go/ goes to school in London. 6. My mum and dad don't/ doesn't work on Saturdays. 7. There is/ are two English girls in my school. 8. Is/ Are there a good film on tonight? 9. There is/ are a lot of chairs in the classroom. 10. Is/ Are there chairs in your room? XI. Arrange the words to make correct sentences. 1. books/ are/ on/ there/ bookshelf/ many/ the.2. many/ there/ how/ in/ are/ books/ school bag/ your? 3. television/ the/ there/ a/ living room/ in/ is. 4. forty-five/ class/ students/ there/ my/ are/ in. 5. living room/ tables/ in/ there/ the/ are/ two. 6. many/ there/ in/ how/ are/ the/ doors/ classroom? XII. Complete the questions with the verbs in the present simple. 1. When they (finish) school? 2. What subjects you (study) ? 3. What sports they (do) at school?4. you (like) Maths? 5. Where they (live) ?5. Who you (sit) next to at school? XIII. Read the letter from George. Choose the correct answer: A, B or C.Dear Sergio, How (l) you? (2) you want to know about a typical day at my school? I always (3) to school with my brother and my friend Steve. School starts at 7 o'clock. (4) the morning, we have five lessons, usually different subject. Then we have lunch. I (5) have lunch at school, often I go home. In the afternoon, there (6) two lessons. My favourite subject is Geography. After school, we often play football. What about you?Bye for now, George 1. A. do B. go C. are 2. A. Does B. Do C. Are3. A. walk B. walks C. walking4. A. On B. In C. At5. A. don’t B. not C. doesn’t6. A. have B. is C. areXIV. Underline the correct words. 1. This week, he is learning/ learns how to speak in public. 2. In the summer, I am swimming/ swim at the swimming pool.3. What is she doing/ does she do at the moment? 4. I can't talk now. I am having/ have dinner. 5. Are you watching/ Do you watch TV right now? 6. We are staying/ stay at the beach every summer. XV. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B.Answer A B1. What are those?2. Where's your house?3. Where does he live?4. What time does she get up?5. When do classes start?6. How does she go to work?7. Does she live in town?8. Is it noisy in town?9. Does Nam walk to school?10. Are there any stores opposite your house? a. He lives in town.b. By motorbike.c. No, she lives in the country.d. It's on Nguyen Trai Street.e. Yes, there are.h. At six in the morning.g. They're video game rooms.h. Yes, it is.i. No, he goes to school by bike.j. At 7 in the morning.XVI. Complete the six conversations. Choose the correct answers: A, B, or C; and then practice these conversations with your partner.1. What are you doing? A. I often watch TV.B. I'm doing my homework. C. I like listening to music.2. I enjoy playing tennis. A. I don't like reading. B. Where do you play? C. I like listening to music. 3. It's sunny today. A. I like camping. B. How much is the ticket? C. Yes. Do you want to go to the beach? 4. I love football. A. What's your favourite team? B. Do you like football? C. I'm watching the match. 5. Can you pick up the ball, please? A. I play football on Tuesdays.B. Yes, of course I do. C. Yes, here you are. 6. He speaks English very well. A. Can you speak more slowly, please? B. I don't understand the question.C. Yes. His mother's American.XVII. Match the questions and answers, and write the in each blank. Then answer practise the short exchanges. Answer A B1. What are you reading? a. No, they're my old jeans 2. How many books do you read a month? b. About two or three hours. 3. Are you wearing your new jeans? c. Yes, most of the time. 4. Do you often wear jeans? d. It's a film about London. 5. How many hours a day do you watch TV? e. No, that's his sister. 6. What are you watching at the moment? f. The Lord of the Rings. 7. Is Ben playing the piano? g. Yes, she always plays from 4 until 5. 8. Does she usually play in the afternoon? h. One or two.XVIII. Reorder the conversation. I'm nervous. Hi, Mary. How are you? Because tomorrow is the Maths test. Really? What's the matter? I'm not very happy. Why are you nervous? XIX. Reorder the conversation, writing the answer in each blank, number 1 has been done for you. a. Oh, in the country? Is your house big? b. Yes, I do. I live in an apartment. c. I live in the country. d. Yes, I am. My name's Thoa. What's your name? e. No. My house is not big, but my house has four bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Do you live in town? f. Is it noisy in the city? 1 g. Hello. Are you a new student? h. My name's Hanh. Where do you live, Thoa? i. Yes, it's very noisy here. XX. There is ONE mistake in each sentence, find and correct it. 1. What time she start work? 2. Nam live in a house in the country.3. Are there a flower garden behind the house? 4. There is the supermarket near my house. 5. How many floors does your school there have? 6. There is an temple old near our house. 7. How does Mr. Dong travels to work? 8. After dinner, she do her homework.9. She goes to school by a bus. 10. These people live on the Nguyen Trai Street. XXI. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above. 1. My sister goes to school on foot. My sister .2. The garden is behind Lan's house. There is .3. The bank is not far from the post office. The bank is .4. There are many flowers in our garden. Our garden .5. Ba lives in town. Ba doesn't .XXII. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences. 1. near/ house/ is/ your/ there/ post office/ a? 2. school/ go/ your/ do/ to/ how/ students/ country/ in? 3. go/ by/ to/ they/ bicycle/ school. 4. work/ to/ city/ your/ in/ how/ people/ do/ travel? 5. motorbike/ by/ people/ travel/ work/ to. 6. there/ post office/ front/ your school/ in/ is/ of/ a? 7. Hoa/ country/ her parents/ lives/ in/ with/ the. 8. There/ beautiful garden/ left/ Ba's house/ a/ to/ is/ the/ of. Unit 4: NEIGHBOURHOODA. PHONETICS I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. film B. city C. nice D. police2. A. big B. wide C. quite D. exciting3. A. cheap B. sleepy C. near D. peaceful4. A. heavy B. sea C. team D. street5. A. noisy B. expensive C. house D. postII. Put the word into the correct column according to the underlined part. B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. Write the comparative for of these adjectives. 1. strong stronger than 2. crowded more crowded than 3. tall 4. noisy 5. pretty 6. happy 7. short 8. big 9. modern 10. friendly 11. good 12. bad II. Use the words and write comparison. Example: France/ Italy. (large) France is larger than Italy. 1. Scotland/ Athens. (cold) 2. Chinese/ English. (difficult) 3. Jennifer Lopez/ Madonna. (pretty) 4. Football/ volleyball. (good) 5. A novel/ a short story. (long) III. Write sentences, using the comparative of the adjectives. Example: I/ my brother/ thin. I am thinner than my brother. 1. This book/ that one/ good.2. The weather here/ the weather in my hometown/ hot. 3. A mouse/ a cat/ small. 4. A radio/ a television/ cheap. 5. The sun/ the moon/ big. 6. A mountain/ a hill/ high. 7. A child/ a man/ young. 8. A lake/ a sea/ small. 9. Your hair/ my hair/ long.10. French food/ English food/ good. IV. Complete the following sentences with the comparatives of the adjectives. l. This chair is than that chair. (comfortable) 2. Your flat is than mine. (large) 3. Love is than money. (important) 4. Iron is than wood. (heavy). 5. My Physics course is than my Math course. (difficult) 6. The Nile River is than the Mississippi. (long) 7. The dog is than a cow. (intelligent) 8. My mother's cooking is than my father's. (good) 9. My father's cooking is than my mother's. (bad) 10. This dress is than that one. (pretty) 11. A horse is than a man. (strong) 12. A rose is than a weed. (beautiful) V. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. l. Which river is , the Red River or the Mekong River? (long) 2. Which country is , China or Viet Nam? (big) 3. Which animals are , dogs or dolphins? (intelligent) 4. Which animals are , cats or horses? (fast) 5. Which is , water or oil? (heavy) 6. Which month in Viet Nam is , October or December? (cold) 7. Which language is , Chinese or English? (difficult) 8. Which city is , London or Rome? (old) 9. Which city is , New York or Paris? (big) 10. Which mountain is , Mount Everest or Mount Fuji? (high) VI. Write sentences using the words or phrases given. Example: Her new school/ big/ her old school. Her new school is bigger than her old school. l. My father/ old/ Uncle Hung. 2. She/ tall/ her mother. 3. Winter/ cold/ spring. 4. Ha Noi Opera House/ big/ Hai Phong Opera House.5. A house in the city centre/ expensive/ a house in the suburb. 6. My neighbourhood/ crowded/ your neighbourhood. 7. Travelling by train/ comfortable/ travelling by coach. 8. Mai/ young/ her sisters. 9. Hue/ historic/ Hoi An. 10. Living in the country/ peaceful/ living in the city. VII. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Our theater is than our cinema. (big) 2. Museums are than art galleries. (interesting) 3. The market is than the shopping centre. (cheap) 4. The amusem*nt park is than the swimming pool. (noisy) 5. The French restaurant in our town is than the Italian restaurant. (expensive) 6. Sundays are than Saturdays. (boring) 7. My mum is than my dad. (busy) 8. My new school is than my old school. (modern) VIII. Complete the second sentence with the correct form of the opposite adjective. 1. The museum is bigger than the art gallery.The art gallery the museum.2. The sports centre is more expensive than the swimming pool. The swimming pool the sports centre. 3. The market is older than the shopping centre. The shopping centre the market. 4. The skate park is noisier than the amusing park. The amusing park the skate park. 5. The food here is worse than my cooking! My cooking the food here! 6. The kitchen is darker than the living room.The living room the kitchen. 7. I'm quieter than my brother. My brother I am.8. My computer is newer than my mobile phone. My mobile phone my computer. IX. Use the information to make sentences about the Multi-screen Cinema and the Royal Cinema. Use the correct form of the adjectives given. 1. Drinks in the Multi-screen Cinema are drinks in the Multi-screen.2. Drinks in the Royal Cinema drinks in the Multi-screen Cinema. 3. The Multi-screen Cinema the Royal Cinema. 4. The Royal Cinema the Multi-screen Cinema. 5. The seats in the Multi-screen Cinema the seats in the Royal Cinema. 6. The staff in the Royal Cinema the staff in the Multi-screen Cinema. 7. In my opinion, the Royal Cinema the Multi-screen Cinema. 8. In my opinion, the Multi-screen Cinema the Royal Cinema. C. SPEAKING I. Complete the following conversations.ATourist: Excuse me. Can you (1) me the (2) to Ben Thanh Market? Hoa: Ben Thanh Market? Go straight (3) . (4) the second turning (5) the right. Ben Thanh Market is on your left. Tourist: Is there a post office near (6) ? Hoa: Oh, yes. It's opposite (7) market.Tourist: Thank you very much. Hoa: You're (8) .BTourist: Excuse me. Is (1) a restaurant near here? Lan: Oh, yes. But it's not very near here. Turn right into Tran Phu Street. (2) the first turning (3) the left. You will be on Nguyen Trai Street. The restaurant is (4) the end of the street. Tourist: That's so far. Lan: (5) do you go there? Tourist: I walk. Lan: You should go (6) taxi.Tourist: Thank you. Bye. Lan: Not at all. Bye. II. Peter is at  on the map. Fill in the gaps with the words or phrases in the box. APeter (1) . Where's the post office? Man (2) this road and turn right. (3) Green Road. The post office is (4) , (5) the chemist's. Peter Thank you very much.Man You're welcome. BPeter Excuse me. (6) a supermarket (7) ? Woman Yes, there is. Go along this road and (8) . The supermarket is (9) , (10) the bank.Peter Thanks a lot.III. Complete the following short conversations. Example: A: Life in the country is slower than the city life. (slow) B: Yes, it is. The city life is much faster. 1. A: The country is the city. (quiet) B: Yes, that's true. The city is much . 2. A: The streets of New York are the streets of Paris. (quiet) B: No, they aren't. They're much .3. A: Paris is London. (big) B: B: No, it isn't. It's much . 4. A: The Underground in London is the Metro in Paris. (good) B: No, it isn't. The Underground is much . 5. A: The Ferrari is the Toyota. (fast) B: Yes, that's true. The Ferrari is .D. READING I. Read the following passage, and then answer the questions.London and Rome are the two old cities in Europe. Rome is older than London, it is about 800 years older than London. But London is bigger than Rome in area and population. In general, London is colder than Rome in winter and cooler than Rome in summer. Rome is wetter than London and nearer the sea than London. Notes: - area = diện tích - in general = nhìn chung - Europe = châu Âu l. Which city is older?2. Which city is bigger in area and population? 3. Is London hotter than Rome? 4. Which city has got more rain? 5. Which city is nearer the sea? II. Read the conversations and write the letters of the correct building in the signs. You are at the cross () on the street. Conversation 1: Woman Excuse me, where's the post office? Man Go straight ahead as far as the shopping centre. Then turn left. On the corner, there's a large bank. The post office is next to the bank. TWoman Thank you. Man You're welcome.Conversation 2: Boy Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Odeon Cinema is? Woman The Odeon? Well, let me think. It's on Hill Road.Boy How do I get there? Woman Go straight on, take the first turning on the left and go past the police station. Then there's a small park in front of you. Go past the park and straight ahead and the cinema is next to the large music shop. Boy Thank you. Woman Not at all.Answers: : Post office. : CinemaIII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.I live in a small village called Northville. There are about 2000 people here. I love the village (1) it is very quiet and life is slow and easy. The village is always clean; people look (2) it with great care. The air is always clean, too. People are much friendlier here than in a city because everyone (3) the others, and if someone has a problem, there are always people who can help. There are only a few things that I don't like about Northville. One thing is that we have not got many things to do in the evening; we haven't got (4) cinemas or theaters. The other thing is that people always talk about (5) , and everyone knows what everyone is doing. But I still prefer village life to life in a big city.1. A. so B. although C. because D. but2. A. for B. at C. up D. after3. A. knows B. know C. is knowing D. knew4. A. little B. some C. any D. few5. A. others B. other C. another D. one anotherIV. Read the passage, and then answer the questions.Lan goes to Nha Trang with her family on holiday now. She stays at a hotel on the side of the beach. In the early morning, she goes to the sea and swims for an hour. Then she has breakfast in a canteen on the beach to enjoy fresh air in the morning. In the afternoon, she takes some photos of the sights. She is staying in Nha Trang for four days and takes of a lot of nice photos. She is buying some postcards and souvenirs for her friends. It is an enjoyable holiday because she has a lot of fun.1. Where does Lan go on holiday now? 2. What does she do in the early morning? 3. What does she do in the afternoon? 4. How long is she staying in Nha Trang? 5. Why is her holiday enjoyable? E. WRITING I. Rearrange the words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. 1. an/ pagoda/ village/ go/ old/ my/ has. 2. railway-station/ not/ small/ a/ that/ town/ has/ got. 3. one/ Mr. and Mrs. Brown/ only/ have/ car/ got. 4. building/ school/ new/ has got/ my/ a. 5. many/ got/ city/ lakes/ that/ has/ beautiful. 6. London/ parks/ has/ famous/ got/ many. 7. any/ city/ museums/ your/ has/ got? 8. art galleries/ not/ town/ has/ got/ this/ any. 9. buildings/ old/ got/ Hue/ pagodas/ and/ many/ has.10. a/ house/ has/ got/ garage/ your?II. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the sentences and do not change the form of the words given. Example: Tom is taller than Mary. (SHORT) Mary is shorter than Tom. 1. The Central Post Office is bigger than this District Post office. (SMALL) 2. The skyscraper is higher than our office building. (LOW) 3. My neighbourhood is noisier than your neighbourhood. (QUIET) 4. Alice is slimmer than Daisy. (FAT) 5. The Riverview Hotel is cheaper than the Palace Hotel. (EXPENSIVE) 6. A house in the city is more expensive than a house in the country. (CHEAP) 7. The air in the city is more polluted than the air in the country. (FRESH) 8. Life in the city is more interesting than life in a small village. (BORING) III. Write sentences about the city tour of Ha Noi, using the words and phrases given. l. Ha Noi/ capital of Viet Nam. It/ history/ more than 1,000 years. 2. First/ go/ President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum/ see/ stilt house/ where/ he lived/ 1958/ 1969.3. Then/ go/ One-Pillar Pagoda. It/ a pagoda/ over the water/ middle/ a square lake. 4. After that/ have a chance/ visit/ Tran Quoc Pagoda/ on the shore/ West Lake. 5. Then/ have lunch/ restaurant/ the Old Quarter. 6. Finally/ go/ Hoan Kiem Lake/ heart/ soul/ Ha Noi. TEST (UNIT 4)I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. arrive B. quickly C. historic D. city2. A. teens B. see C. coffee D. street3. A. convenient B. evening C. exciting D. eve4. A. expensive B. opposite C. those D. noisy5. A. ideal B. cinema C. exciting D. difficultII. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud.6. A. exciting B. boring C. interesting D. convenient7. A. big B. tall C. wide D. expensive8. A. suburb B. park C. memorial D. market9. A. sunny B. beaches C. weather D. supermarket10. A. cross B. turn C. straight D. buyIII. Choose the correct answers. 11. Is there a theatre your neighbourhood?A. in B. on C. at D. with12. the second turning the right.A. Take - in B. Take - on C. Get - in D. Get - on13. .A. show - road B. show - street C. tell - road D. tell - way14. The map that the art gallery is nearer than the cathedral. Shall we go there first?A. speaks B. asks C. says D. talks15. A is a place where we go to buy stamps or send letters.A. library B. post office C. cinema D. school16. The air in this area is with smoke from factories.A. polluted B. fresh C. noisy D. clean17. There are many shops near here, so the streets are very busy and during the day.A. noise B. narrow C. quiet D. noisy18. It is to live far from the market and the supermarket.A. easy B. inconvenient C. convenient D. comfortable19. The people in Hoi An are incredibly and .A. friendly - help B. friendly - helpful C. friendship - helpless D. friend - helpfully20. The weather is nice, so I enjoy doing activities.A. outdoor B. inside C. outdoors D. boring21. The cinema is the corner of the street.A. on B. in C. at D. into22. Going by taxi is more than going by bus.A. cheaper B. faster C. easier D. expensive23. The streets in the Old Quarter in Ha Noi are not wide. They are .A. exciting B. noisy C. narrow D. quiet24. A is a place where we can buy medicines, soap, and make-up.A. chemist’s B. grocer’s C. square D. temple25. David's exam results are than Nick's.A. good B. well C. better D. important26. Janet is not happy because her results in the competition are than her sister's.A. bad B. good C. better D. worse27. people own motorbikes now than ten years ago.A. Many B. Much C. More D. Some28. This type of car is economical than that type.A. more B. much C. many D. as29. go past the traffic lights, and turn left.A. First - than B. First - then C. Then - first D. Finally - then30. London, the capital city of England, is a city with many old buildings, and beautiful parks.A. history B. historic C. largest D. largerIV. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.31. The Mekong River is the Mississippi River. (short) 32. The Caribbean Sea is the Mediterranean Sea. (large) 33. Mt. Everest is Mount Fuji. (high) 34. Africa is North America. (big) 35. Europe is South America. (small) 36. The streets in Da Nang are and than those in Hue. (noisy/ crowded) 37. Canada is the United States in area. (big) 38. Indonesia is Japan in population. (large) 39. Fruit is for your health candy. (good) 40. This exercise is that one. (easy) V. Complete each blank of the following sentences with ONE suitable word. 41. Every house in Da Nang has a frontyard and a . 42. One thing I don't like about the city is that the air is because of the smoke from factories. 43. The weather in Hue is hotter than in Ha Noi.44. The streets in Ho Chi Minh City are busy and crowded a lot of motorbikes. 45. left and take the second on your left. Go straight and it's in of you.46. The houses, shops, and pagodas in Hoi An are older than in other cities in Viet Nam.47. It is very that you live near your school. 48. Hoi An is a city with a lot of old houses, shops, buildings and theatres, etc. 49. Can you tell us the to "Chua Cau", please? 50. There is a of King Ly Thai To in a small park near Ho Kiem Lake in Ha Noi. VI. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go to their offices, factories or schools everyday by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and come home later in the evening. One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one's own.Then, in the country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Although one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night, and during weekends. In summer evenings one enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one's free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Notes: - even though/ although : mặc dù - advantage (n) : (sự) thuận lợi- rent (v) : thuê mướn - dig (v) : đào bới, xới- water (v) : tưới nước - of one's own : của riêng mình- mean (v) : có nghĩa là 51. What do many people who work in London prefer? 52. What is one advantage of living outside London? 53. What can a person enjoy when he lives in the country? 54. What can a person get in the country with the same money of a small flat in London? 55. What can a person with the interest in gardening do in the country?VII. Complete the following conversation.ATourist: Excuse me. Is there a hotel (56) here? Hoa: Yes, there is one (57) Nguyen Trai Street. Tourist: Could you (58) me the way to that hotel? Hoa: Yes, of course. Go straight ahead. (59) the second turning (60) the right. The hotel is beside the supermarket. Tourist: Thank you very much. Hoa: You're welcome.BTourist: Excuse me. Could you show me the (61) to the souvenir shop, please? Lan: Yes, of course. It's (62) here. It's (63) the corner of the first street. Go straight ahead. It's (64) the bookstore and the shoe shop. Tourist: (65) a lot. Lan: OK, Not at all. VIII. Complete the passage with the words given in the box.My village is about 10 kilometers (66) Da Lat. It is a very beautiful and (67) place where people grow (68) and vegetables only. It is very famous (69) its pretty roses and beautiful landscapes. The air is quite fresh, (70) , the smell of the roses makes people feel cool. In spring, my village looks like a (71) with plenty of colors. Tourists come to visit it so (72) . Nowadays, with electricity, it doesn't take the villagers much time to (73) the roses. And even at night, people can walk along the (74) and enjoy the (75) smell of the flowers. IX. Make sentences using the words and phrases given below. 76. The Japanese Covered Bridge or "Chua Cau" / one/ the most famous tourist attractions/ Hoi An. 77. It/ built/ early/ seventeenth century. 78. "Chua Cau"/ Hoi An/ beautiful example/ Japanese architecture/ that period. 79. It/ built/ by/ Japanese merchants/ make a link/ Chinese quarters/ across/ stream. 80. Inside/ "Chua Cau"/ there is/ temple/ the God of Weather. People/ believe/ he/ control/ all kinds/ weather changes.Unit 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF THE WORLDA. PHONETICSI. Put the words in the correct columns, according to the pronunciation of the underlined parts. coat, coast, but, burst, cot, cost, mat, mast, hot, host, eat, east, net, nest, boot, boost, boat, boast, bet, best, wet, west, lot, lost, pot, post, but, bust, beat, beast.II. Choose the correct italicized word to complete the sentences. Then read the sentences aloud. l. We walked along the coat/ coast for five minutes. 2. Put on your coat/ coast. It's very cold outside. 3. Do you like this hot/ host weather? 4. We thank the hot/ host for the lovely evening. 5. The sun sets in the wet/west. 6. Do you like wet/ west weather? 7. There are a lot/ lost of people here. 8. They always get lot/ lost in London. 9. He brings in a hot tea pot/ post. 10. I will send the photo to you by pot/ post. B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR. I. Use the correct form of the adjectives. 1. city in Canada is Toronto. (large) 2. February is month of the year. (short) 3. Mt. Everest is mountain in the world. (high) 4. Russia is country in the world. (large) 5. George is student in the class. (bad) 6. New York is city in the world today. (large)7. The story you told was of all (funny) 8. The Pacific is ocean in the world. (large) 9. January is month of the year. (cold) 10. Which is way from here to London? (good) II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of comparatives or superlatives of the adjectives.1. The Great Wall of China is the world's (long) structure. 2. Ho Chi Minh City is the (big) city in Viet Nam. 3. The Nile River is the (long) river in the world. 4. Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the world's (tall) building.5. Fansipan is the (high) mountain in Viet Nam.6. Russia is the (big) country in the world. 7. China has the (big) population in the world. 8. Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur is (tall) than Sears Tower in Chicago. 9. Mexico City is (big) than Tokyo. 10. The Mekong River is (long) than the Red River.III. Complete the text about the London Underground. Use must or mustn't. When you travel on the London Underground, you (1) smoke. You (2) always buy a ticket and if you have a travel card, you (3) use it on the same day. When a train arrives at the station, you (3) stand back. You (5) be polite to the staff. IV. Write the sentences to show what you must do in these situations, using the words given in the brackets.Example: I've got an awful headache. (take/ aspirin) I must take an aspirin.l. My hair is too long. (go/ barber's) 2. The kitchen is in a mess. (tidy it up) 3. I've got an awful toothache. (go/ dentist's) 4. I eat too many sweets. (stop eating) 5. I've got a pile of dirty clothes. (wash them) 6. I'm getting too fat. (lose weight) 7. My chair is broken. (buy a new one) 8. My bicycle is very dirty. (wash it) 9. I've got a terrible cold and a cough. (go/ doctor's) 10. I've written three important letters. (go/ post office) C. SPEAKING I. Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation.  Mum And you mustn't eat too much. Or you feel sick.  Rory OK. I'll be careful. Is there anything I can do?  Mum Wait, Rory. You must be home by midnight  Rory I know, Mum. I never eat too much. Rory Oh, is that an order?  Mum You can have fun!  Rory OK, Mum. I'm off to the party.  Mum That's not true. After your last party, you felt very sick!  Rory I know, Mum. Midnight is usual. II. Match the questions 1-6 to the answers a-f, writing the answer in each blank. 1. Oh, what is special about it?2. What is your favourite place in Sa Pa?3. Where do you want to spend your summer holiday?4. It sounds good. What can you see from there? 5. What's it like? 6. Really? Where is it? a) We can see the whole town below in the white clouds and mist. b) It's next to the town of Sa Pa, and it belongs to the Hoang Lien Son Range in Sapa District.c) It looks like a jaw of a dragon opening wide to the sky. It is a beautiful scenery when the whole landscape is in the mist.d) I want to go to Sa Pa.e) It's Ham Rong Mountain.f) It's the most wonderful destination for tourists in Sa Pa. Put the questions and answers above in order to make a complete conversation, and then practise it with your classmate.III. Look at the information about the three national parks in Viet Nam. Use the facts in the table to which national park is larger, higher, hotter, the largest, the highest, or the hottest. Area Height above the sea level Average annual temperatureCuc Phuong National Park 22,000 hectares 300 to 600 metres 24.70CCat Ba National Park 16,200 hectares 150m 23.60CCat Tien National Park 71,200 hectares 100m 25.20CExample:Cuc Phuong National Park is larger than Cat Ba National Park. Can Tien National Park is larger than Cuc Phuong National Park. Cat Tien National Park is the largest. D. READING I. Tom is on holiday in France, and Daisy in Prague. Their postcards are cut in small pieces. Put the four parts of each postcard: 1-4 for Tom's postcard, and A-D for Daisy's. 1 A II. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the word following letter.Dear Mary, I'm very glad to know that you are going to visit Ha Noi this summer. Would you like me to tell you something (1) Ha Noi before you go? Well, Ha Noi is a cultural and political center of Viet Nam. In Ha Noi, you can find ancient houses and modern buildings. Ha Noi is a large city now, and there are many places worth (2) . You can visit Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum, One-Pillar Pagoda, Kiem Lake and West Lake. Besides, you can enjoy the Vietnamese food, (3) , grilled fish, spring rolls, steamed rolls and "pho" - a special dish of Viet Nam. However, I would like to recommend that you (4) visit Ha Long Bay and Sa Pa because these places attract a lot of visitors due to their magnificent caves, beautiful limestone islands and natural landscapes in Ha Long Bay and their tribal villages, nice mountain slopes and jungles streams in Sa Pa. I am looking forward to seeing you in Ha Noi and I hope you (5) have a nice holiday in Viet Nam.LoveLan1. A. about B. of C. at D. in2. A. seeing B. see C. seen D. saw3. A. as B. of C. such as D. such4. A. can B. should C. would D. may5. A. have to B. may C. will D. mustIII. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. Ba Be Lake is the largest lake in Viet Nam. It is a mountainous area, nearly 250 km from Ha Noi. When you get to the entrance of Ba Be National Park, you have another 16 kilometre drive through the park to arrive at the small village "Pac Ngoi" of Tay Minority You can stay overnight in a local stilt house. The next day you can get on your boat and have a trip on Ba Be Lake. You can enjoy the wonder landscape. During the boat trip can visit some caves and the Dau Dang Waterfall. You can also watch the local communities with their daily life.1. What is Ba Be Lake? 2. Where is it? 3. How can we visit the small village "Pac Ngo" of Tay Minority? 4. What can we visit during the boat trip on Ba Be Lake? 5. What can we watch the local communities? IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text. Tra Co Beach in Quang Ninh province is 9 kilometers from Mong Cai. It has the (1) and the most romantic beach in Viet Nam. Tourists can enjoy the (2) of white sand beaches and green sea water all year (3) . Visitors can (4) enjoy the sunset or sunrise in Con Mang islet. You can visit Tra Co Communal House, Linh Khanh Pagoda, and Tra Co Church. If tourists want some fresh (5) , they can find it from fishing boats. They can take part in "Tra Co Festival" from May 30 to June 6.1. A. long B. longer C. longest D. much longer2. A. beauty B. beautiful C. of beauty D. pretty3. A. over B. long C. round D. longer4. A. be B. be able C. then D. also5. A. seafood B. menu C. air D. waterV. Read the passage, and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Ayers Rock or Uluru is 860 metres above the sea level. You have to walk 9.4 kilometres around the base of Uluru. In 1958 it was declared the national park. You are mostly to see many kinds of birds and reptiles and more than 400 types of plants in the national parks. There is evidence to show that the Aboriginal people have lived in Central Australia for at 30,000 years. Uluru's rock art was 5,000 years old. In 1873, William Gosse became the first European to see Uluru, naming it after Sir Henry Ayers, the Chief Secretary of South Australia. Each year more than 250,000 people visit the park from all over the world. True/ False 1. Ayers Rock is 860 metres under the sea water. 2. Ayers Rock became a national park in 1958. 3. There are not many types of birds and reptiles in the national park. 4. The Aboriginal people have lived there for a very long period of time. 5. Every year over a quarter of million visitors come to the national park from all over the world.VI. SOUTH AMERICAA. The South America Quiz. Search the Internet to have the correct answers. 1. How many people live in South America? A. about 400 million B. about 200 million C. about 100 million D. about 50 million2. What are the two main languages in South America?A. Spanish and French B. Spanish and Portugues C. French and Portuguese D. English and Spanish3. Which is the biggest country?A. Venezuela B. Ecuador C. Chile D. Brazil4. Which country is not in South America? A. Uruguay B. Viet Nam C. Colombia D. PeruB. Read the texts about geographical features of South America, and give the correct answer. River The Amazon is a very big river. It is more than 6,400 kilometers long. It flows through Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Brazil. There is more water in this river than any other river in the world. LakeLake Titicaca is on the border between Bolivia and Peru. It is 3,810 metres above sea level. It is also a deep lake, in places about 180 metres deep. This lake is almost a small sea. It is more than 190 kilometres long and about 80 kilometres wide. There are also 41 islands in the lake.Waterfall The Angel Falls in Venezuela is nearly 1,000 metres high. In very hot weather the water can evaporate before it reaches the bottom.Desert The Atacama Desert in Chile is about 1,000 kilometres long. It is also 15 million years old. It is very dry: on average there is l mm of rain per year.Rainforest The Amazon Rainforest covers a billion acres including the countries Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It produces about 20% of the planet's oxygen. More than 50% of the world's species of plants, insects and animals live in the Amazon rainforest. 1. How long is the Amazon?2. What countries does it flow through?3. Is it the biggest river in the world? 4. Where is Lake Titicaca? 5. How long is it? How wide is it? 6. How many islands are there in the lake? 7. How high is the Angel Falls in Venezuela? 8. Where is the Atacama Desert? 9. How long is the Atacama Desert? 10. How old is the desert? 11. What countries does the Amazon Rainforest cover? 12. How many species of plants, insects and animals live in the Amazon rainforest?VII. Read the text and then complete the fact file about Brazil. FACT FILEBrazil is the largest country in South America. Its capital is Brasilia. About 183 million people live in Brazil and the official language is Portuguese. Some important exports of Brazil are oranges and coffee. The important geographical features of Brazil are the Amazon River, and the Amazon Rainforest. One major problem in Brazil is the destruction of the rainforest. Many animals and plants are disappearing as a result. Many tribes that lived in the rainforest don't exist any more.VIII. American National Parks: Read the texts and answer the questions. A. The Colorado Rockies. The Rocky Mountains were the home of the Apache, Blackfoot and Sioux Indians. They stretch from Alaska to New Rockies. The Rockies are high! The Colorado Rockies are the tallest. People call them "the roof of America" because the tops of the mountain here are 4,401 m. The Colorado Rockies are a popular area to go mountain climbing, fishing, hunting and skiing. B. Yellowstone National Park. This is in Wyoming and is older than the other national parks in America. It is famous for its hot springs and for its grizzly bears. Some of the bears are very big. They are 700 kg.Answer the questions. 1. Who lived in the Rocky Mountains? 2. Why do we call the Rockies "the roof of America"? 3. How high are the tallest mountains in the Rockies? 4. What is Yellowstone famous for? 5. Is Yellowstone National Park the oldest national park in America? E. WRITING I. Write full sentences, using the suggested words and phrases given. l. Mexico City/ big/ city/ world. 2. My brother's room/ big/ my room. 3. London/ small/ Tokyo. 4. Hung/ short/ Ba. 5. Fansipan/ high mountain/ Viet Nam. 6. Nam/ tall/ boy/ his class.7 Thoa/ beautiful/ girl/ village. 8. The pagoda/ tall/ the temple.  TEST (UNIT 5)I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. red B. tent C. end D. forest2. A. lake B. bag C. take D. nature3. A. island B. plaster C. cost D. longest4. A. map B. area C. hat D. plan5. A. post B. cost C. question D. coastII. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud. 6. A. forest B. mountain C. lake D. city7. A. walk B. compass C. plaster D. sleeping bag8. A. waterfall B. beach C. lake D. desert9. A. hottest B. biggest C. largest D. smaller10. A. mountain B. valley C. cave D. clubIII. Choose the correct answers. 11. Tra Co beach is beach in Viet Nam.A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest12. Mount Everest is the highest mountain the world.A. in B. on C. at D. of13. The islands in Ha Long Bay are named things around us.A. in B. after C. with D. at14. It is often rainy in Hue, remember to bring an umbrella.A. but B. or C. so D. must15. Which city is : Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City?A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest16. "Do you finish packing"? – "Yes. All my things are in my "A. back B. backpack C. back pack D. plaster17. Ha Long Bay is Vietnam's wonder.A. most beautiful natural B. most natural beautiful C. the most beautiful natural D. the most natural beautiful18. The Amazon .A. Rainforest B. Rainy Forest C. Wet Forest D. Wetter Forest19. is a large thick bag for sleeping in, especially when you are camping.A. A sleeping bag B. A sleep bag C. A sleepy bag D. A bag for sleeping20. If we had a , we wouldn't get los.A. backpack B. ruler C. compass D. painkiller21. You travel alone to the mountain. Always go in a group.A. must B. mustn't C. do D. don't22. People think Ayers Rock is in the evening when it is red.A. good B. better C. best D. the best23. You take a lot of warm clothes when you go to Sa Pa in winter.A. must B. mustn't C. can D. can't24. Ba Be Lake is the largest lake in Viet Nam.A. fresh B. freshwater C. water D. mount25. The Imperial City in Hue is the greatest .A. tourist attraction B. tourist attractions C. tour attraction D. attraction tourist26. Ha Long Bay is the number one in Viet Nam.A. nature wonder B. natural wonder C. wonderful nature D. wonder nature27. You be late for school. It's against the school regulations.A. must B. mustn't C. can D. can't28. You all necessary things along with you before you start your trip.A. takes B. won't take C. must take D. mustn't take29. The boat trip to Ca Mau, the southern tip of Viet Nam, was experience of my life.A. good B. better C. best D. the best30. You must remember to bring a - it's very useful when you go into a cave because it's very dark there. A. scissors B. torch C. clock D. compassIV. Complete each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word. 31. The Sahara is the world's desert in the world. 32. Mount Everest is the mountain in the world. 33. The Imperial City is the greatest tourist in Hue. 34. The travel will give tourists some advice about the trip to Nha Trang. 35. Look at the , and you can choose where to go for your holiday and a lot of information about the place.V. Match a travel item in column A with its meaning in column B, and write the answer in each blank. Answer A B36. compass a) a large thick bag for sleeping in, especially when you are camping.37. backpack b) medicine used to reduce or remove physical pain.38. sleeping bag c) a device for finding direction, with a needle always pointing north39. painkiller d) a device used for cutting materials such as paper, cloth or hair40. scissors e) a large bag used to carry things on your backVI. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B, and write the answer in each blank.Answer A B41. What things can you do in Hue? a) It's Fansipan.42. What is the highest mountain in Viet Nam? b) Travelling by bus is the best way.43. What is the other name for Ayers Rock? c) In Ninh Binh Province, about 130 km southwest of Ha Noi.44. Where is Cuc Phuong National Park? d) We can visit many museums, art galleries, and temples.45. What is the best way of travelling in a city? e) Uluru. Local people call it Uluru.VII. Complete the conversation with the phrases below. Mandy Can I borrow (46) ?Tom My motorbike? What for?Mandy I have to get something from the shop for Mum. Tom OK, all right. But you (47) by five. And you must park it behind the house. And you (48) faster than 20. And you mustn't let anyone else ride on it.Mandy Anything else? Tom Yeah. You (49) any of your friends. And you mustn't take it dirty.Mandy Is that all?Tom Well, let me think. Mandy You know what, Tom Tom What?Mandy Here's the shopping list. Go and (50) for Mum. And take good care of your motorbike .Tom Hey, wait …VIII. Complete the following passage, using the words in the box. Mui Ne is located 24 km north-east of the city of Phan Thiet. It is a fishing village as well as a (51) tourism area in Binh Thuan Province. It is found on Highway N0. 706, and is famous for sweeping sand dunes and beautiful rows of palm trees. The (52) is shallow and sloped, the (53) is clean and blue and the sun rarely hides behind (54) . Besides beaches and sand dunes, there are also beautiful (55) such as Suoi Tien (Fair Spring), the Ong Hoang Building, and the Poshanu Cham Tower. It has long been (56) the "Hawaii" of Viet Nam. It has (57) roads under coconut trees, a beautiful beach and cliffs. The typical scenery of this place lies in the (58) lines of golden sand, and when they are (59) from distance, they look like moving (60) .IX. Read the passage, and answer the questions. The Amazon River in South America is an amazing and important river for the planet. The Amazon River carries more water than any other river in the world. In fact, the Amazon River is responsible for twenty percent of fresh water that flows into the world's oceans.The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world (the Nile River in Africa is the longest), and about 6,400 km long. The Amazon River has the largest area of land that flows into the river, and more tributaries than any other river in the world - more than 200 tributaries. 61. How many percentage of fresh water flowing into the world's oceans is the Amazon River responsible for?62. Does the Amazon River carry more water than any other river in the world? 63. How long is the Amazon River? 64. What is the longest river in the world?65. How many tributaries does it have? X. Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences. 66. Phu Quoc Island/ large/ island/ Viet Nam. 67. Cuc Phuong National Park/ old/ national park/ Viet Nam. 68. Cat Tien National Park/ large/ national park/ Viet Nam. 69. Landmark 72 in Ha Noi/ high/ building/ Viet Nam. 70. Asia/ big/ continent/ world. XI. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 71. Ho Chi Minh City with the population of over 8 million is bigger than any other cities in Viet Nam. Ho Chi Minh City is the .72. Angel Falls is over 1,000 feet higher than any other falls in the world. Angel Falls is .73. Lake Superior in North America is a freshwater lake; it is larger than any other freshwater lakes in the world. Lake Superior in North America is .74. Remember to bring the compass: if not we will get lost in the forest.You must .75. Take a waterproof coat during your trip to Fansipan Mountain because it is rainy there. You .76. It is very important that you arrive on time at school. .77. It is very dangerous to walk alone after 10 pm in that park. You .78. Taking a boat trip around the islands in Ha Long Bay is the most important thing of the trip.You .79. Antarctica is colder than any other place in the world.Antarctica is .80. It is wrong of us to write on the walls or tables in our classroom. We . Unit 6: OUR TET HOLIDAYA. PHONETICS I. Put the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. special B. spring C. she D. sugar2. A. cheer B. child C. peach D. chorus3. A. tradition B. condition C. celebration D. question4. A. blossom B. discussion C. rooster D. compass5. A. rice B. celebrate C. calendar D. smileB. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. Put the words from the box in the appropriate rows of verbs.go to decorate hang buy visit cook II. Answer the questions. 1. Lan's Vietnamese. Where is she from? 2. Alan's Australian. Where is he from? 3. Nancy is from Canada. What's her nationality? 4. Yoko comes from Japan. What's her nationality? 5. Laura and her friends come from the USA. What is their nationality? 6. He's from Hong Kong. What's his nationality? 7. He's Brian. He's from Australia. What's his nationality? 8. His name's John. He's from Scotland. What's his nationality? 9. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are from Toronto, Canada. What language do they speak? 10. But Michel is from Quebec, Canada. What language does he speak? III. Fill in each blank with "should" or "shouldn't'. 1. The students make so much noise. 2. The film is interesting. You go and see it. 3. Tom drive carefully. The traffic is very heavy. 4. You smoke so much.5. You give up smoking.6. You spend more time on your homework. 7. The English girl wants to live in Viet Nam. She learn Vietnamese. 8. He drink so much coffee before bedtime. 9. Tom has a bad toothache. He go to the dentist's. 10. You go to bed so late every night.IV. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't. l. A: I don't feel very well. B: You go to bed early. 2. A: We're bored. B: You watch so much TV. 3. A: There's a new girl at school called Susanna. B: You invite her to our class. 4. A: don't understand my Maths homework. B: You ask your teacher to explain it again.5. A: I can't fall asleep at night. B: You drink so much coffee.6. A: I don't have any money. B: You buy so many DVDs. 7. A: I'm going to live in France for a year. B: You learn some French. 8. A: I got a bad mark in my Science test. B: You study more. V. Write pieces of advice for these situations, using should or shouldn't and the words given in brackets.Example: I feel awfully tired. You should go to bed early.l. My tooth is aching again. (not eat so many sweet things) 2. I have to get up very early tomorrow. (set the alarm clock) 3. I am putting on weight. (do more exercise) 4. I don't feel well. (stay at home) 5. I think I'm short-sighted. (go to the doctor's) 6. I have a pain in my chest. (see a doctor) 7. I lent a friend my English book, but he hasn't given it back. (ask him for it) 8. I have some difficult questions. (work in a group) C. SPEAKING I. Match the sentences to make conversations, writing the answer in each blank. Then practise them. Answer A B1. I'm tired. a. You shouldn't talk in class.2. I have a headache. b. You should take it to the vet.3. My teacher's angry with me. e. You should take an umbrella.4. My cat's ill. d. You shouldn't eat so much.5. It's raining outside. e. You shouldn't go to bed so late.6. There's lots of food during the Tet holiday. f. You should take an aspirin.II. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation between Mai and Michiko. Mai asks Michiko about how people in Japan celebrate the New Year. Write the answer in each blank, then practise the conversation. 1. It's on January 1st. It lasts three days through January 3rd. 2. They watch television and then television will broadcast 108 bells. As soon as the 108th bell is rung, people all say "Happy New Year ".3. What do they usually do next? 4. Yes, they usually decorate their houses with some pine trees on both sides of he door. People also exchange cards and presents. 5. What do people do to celebrate the New Year? 6. They clean and decorate their houses a few days before the New Year.7. Could you tell me something about Japanese Year? When is the New Year? 8. Some families put on special kimonos to go to visit pagodas. Then they come home and eat the special New Year's Day's food and drink a lot of rice wine.9. Do they decorate the houses with trees and flowers? 10. I see. And what do they usually do on the New Year's Eve? III. Talk to your classmates which things you will do or won't do this New Year. 1. Visit your grandparents. 2. Visit your relatives. 3. Go out on New Year's Eve to watch fireworks.4. Go shopping with your mother.5. Buy fireworks. 6. Buy red envelopes for lucky money. 7. Go to the department stores with your mother to buy new clothes.8. Help your mother to cook traditional food.9. Welcome the Tet holiday with your parents at home. 10. Keep your lucky money in the piggy bank. 11. Plant some young trees. 12. Help your mother to clear the table after the meal. 13. Help your parents cook banh chung. 14. Help your father repaint the house. 15. Eat banh chung on the Lunar New Year's Day. 16. Kill a rooster, and take some red feathers from the rooster and stick them to the drawings of the sum in your house. 17. Throw water over other people. 18. Wait for the first footer. 19. Wish your family members good health and good luck. D. READINGI. Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences a True or False.Viet Nam's New Year is known as Tet. It begins between January twenty-first and nineteenth. The exact date changes from year to year. Tet lasts ten days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that what people do during those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible. Vietnamese people believe that the first person through the door on New Year's Day can bring either good or bad luck. Children receive lucky money as they do in other countries. l. Tet occurs in late January or early February. 2. There are two weeks for Lunar New Year. 3. People should not argue with each other at Tet. 4. The first visitor on New Year's Day brings good or bad luck. 5. Only children in Viet Nam get lucky money. II. Read the passage, and answer the questions. It's Christmas Day now. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are buying some presents for the family and their friends. They have got a new TV set and some records for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Green live in Scotland and they are staying the Browns in London at Christmas. Mr. Green is decorating the Christmas tree in the sitting-room. Mrs. Green is putting some Christmas and colourful lights on it. All people are very happy.1. What are Mr. and Mrs. Brown doing? 2. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Green staying? 3. What is Mr. Green doing? 4. What is Mrs. Green doing? III. Read the following passage, and decide the statements below are True (T) or False (F). On Christmas Eve, everything is hurried and busy. Offices and public buildings close at one o'clock, but the shops stay open later. Most big cites, especially London, are decorated with colored lights across the streets and enormous Christmas trees. The trains, and buses are crowded with people traveling from all parts of the country to be at home for Christmas. In the homes, there is a great air of expectation. The children are also decorating the house with colored lights. Christmas cards - with the words "Merry Christmas to You" or "Wishing You a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year", or "With the Compliments of the Season", etc. - are arranged on shelves, tables, and sometimes hung around the walls. Meanwhile, the housewife is probably busy in the kitchen getting things ready for the next day's dinner. The Christmas turkey is being prepared, the pudding is inspected and the cake is got out of its tin. In small towns and villages, one may still see carol-singers who come and stand in front of the house and sing or play Christmas carols. They collect money in a Christmas box. The money collected is to help old people. l. The shops close at one o'clock on Christmas Eve. 2. Colored lights are decorated across streets in big cities. 3. People expect to be at home on Christmas Eve. 4. Trains and buses are almost empty on Christmas Eve. 5. Colored lights are also decorated at homes. 6. Christmas cards only have wishes for Christmas. 7. Turkey and pudding are traditional food at Christmas. 8. We can see carol-singers in the countryside. 9. The carol-singers collect money for themselves. 10. The money collected is used for a good purpose. IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text.It is a custom for all (1) of a Chinese family to be present at home on the Eve of Chinese New Year for the family gathering. This custom is meant to show the unity of the family for the (2) new year. On the (3) five days of the Chinese New Year, no one in the family is allowed to sweep the floor. The Chinese believe that sweeping the floor (4) drive away all good (5) that the New Year can bring.1. A. people B. members C. friends D. characters 2. A. to come B. come C. comes D. coming 3. A. one B. first C. next D. all 4. A. should B. must C. will D. mustn't 5. A. luck B. money C. news D. time V. Fill in each blank of the passage with the words in the box.In Canada and the United States, (1) of the most popular days in the year is Halloween. Halloween is on October 31st. It is a day (2) some people dress up in (3) or unusual costumes. For example, they may dress up to look (4) an animal, a person from a book or a movie or a famous person from history. In some places, children go to school in their Halloween costumes. After (5) many young children (6) on their costumes and visit their neighbors. They knock on the door and shout "Trick or Treat!" Then the neighbors give them some (7) , and the children go on to the (8) house. Adults also enjoy dressing up for Halloween. There are usually Halloween (9) in the evening and usually there is a (10) for the best or most unusual costumes. E. WRITING Write two paragraphs about how people in Viet Nam and in Japan celebrate the New Year, using the information from the table. Aspects The Vietnamese The JapanesePreparations - clean the house- decorate the house with peach blossoms and apricot blossoms - cook special foods - clean the house- decorate the house with pine trees- cook special foodsActivities on New Year's Eve - meet together and wait for the New Year to come- exchange good wishes- give lucky money to children- go to the pagoda - watch TV and listen to the bell ringing- visit the pagodaFoods and clothes - eat banh chung or banh tet- put on best clothes or traditional clothes - eat special foods and drink rice wine- wear kimonos or special dressPeople to celebrate with - among family members - among family members TEST (UNIT 6)I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.1. A. decorate B. market C. resolution D. celebrate2. A. smile B. so C. spring D. noise3. A. travel B. parent C. hand D. bad4. A. love B. pagoda C. mother D. come5. A. lucky B. shy C. why D. buyII. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud. 6. A. blossom B. apricot C. shopping D. flower7. A. decorate B. envelope C. repaint D. decorations8. A. visit B. repaint C. wish D. house9. A. Korea B. Japanese C. Scottish D. Dutch10. A. rooster B. writer C. gamer D. swimmerIII. Choose the correct answers. 11. Do you believe that the first footer us good or bad luck?A. must take B. should bring C. can make D. can bring12. Students copy their classmates' work.A. should B. shouldn't C. must D. not13. People in Laos water over one another.A. give B. throw C. take D. bring14. The American a midnight kiss with someone they love. A. share B. take C. brings D. celebrate15. People in many countries in the world often wear their clothes on the New Year Day. A. tradition B. traditional C. ordinary D. summer16. On New Year's Day, children in Korea make a to their parents or elders and wish them a long and healthy .A. bow - live B. friend - lives C. bows - lives D. bow - life17. I wish you a life and health.A. long - best B. big - good C. long - good D. happy - bad18. We should help our mothers the table after the meal.A. make B. to make C. clear D. to clearing19. I will my lucky money in my piggy bank.A. keep B. spend C. borrow D. give20. At Tet, many people present rice to wish enough food throughout the year.A. in B. at C. for D. with21. We shouldn't play music after midnight.A. careful B. right C. loud D. easy22. Some Vietnamese people don't eat shrimps New Year's Day.A. in B. on C. at D. during23. The Times Square Ball begins its fall millions of voices countdown the final seconds of the year.A. when B. during C. throughout D. because24. Children should help their parents their house flowers and pictures.A. repaint - with B. make - more beautiful C. decorate - in D. decorate - with25. New Year's Eve is a night when members of a family often get .A. together B. another C. other D. others26. January 1st is a day when people in Europe and America New Year.A. see B. remember C. celebrate D. spend27. On New Year's Day, children lucky money red envelope.A. get - in B. ask - on C. take - at D. have - with28. In London people cheer and sing when the clock midnight on New Year's Eve.A. gets B. strikes C. see D. goes29. People believe that water over people will . a lot of rain in the New Year.A. throw - bring B. throwing - bring C. to throw - bringing D. throwing - bringing30. On New Year's Day, many people put on their best clothes and go to or visit their .A. houses - friends B. pagodas - relatives C. pagoda - relative D. the main room – friendIV. Complete each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word. 31. You knock the door before you enter the office. 32. You eat a lot of fast food because it is not good for your health.33. In Viet Nam people shouldn't break things at Tet they believe it will bring bad luck for the rest of the year. 34. Temples in Japan their bells 108 times to celebrate the New Year. 35. It is a in America to exchange a midnight kiss with someone they love.36. Tet is really a time of and festivals throughout the country.37. Nowadays, the Tet holiday is shorter, but people enjoy the festival very much.Answer A B38. eve39. decorate40. gathering44. piggy bank42. celebrate a. a small box often in a shape of a pig that children use for saving money in.b. to do something special or enjoyable on an important day.c. the day or evening before an important event.d. a time when people come togethere. to add something in order to make a thing more beautiful to look at.V. Match a word or phrase in column A with its meaning in column B. VI. Choose the questions in column A with the answers in column B.Answer A B43. When will we visit the pagoda?44. Will we buy ‘banh chung’ for Tet?45. Will you spend all your lucky money46. What will you do to help your parents before Tet?47. What shouldn't we do during Tet? a. Well, I keep it in my piggy bank.b. We shouldn't play games all day.c. No, we will cook them ourselves.d. On the first day of Tete. I help my father to repaint and decorate our house.VII. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following test. There are many Chinese festivals in Hong Kong. The Western New Year starts on the first day of January but the Chinese begin New Year on the first day of the first moon of the Chinese calendar. Before New Year's Day comes, people clean and decorate their houses, (48) a lot of traditional food and go shopping for presents and new clothes. New Year's Eve is the time (49) every family gathers its members together for dinner. People (50) the New Year with a music performance and a firework display to light up the sky. On New Year's Day, they visit their friends and relatives. The children get lucky money in red envelopes. Many people go to the (51) to wish for good health and good luck. Chinese people in Hong Kong celebrate the New Year with (52) and happiness.48. A. take B. bring C. cook D. sell 49. A. when B. after C. before D. during 50. A. meet B. see C. end D. celebrate51. A. houses B. pagodas C. family D. camps 52. A. hopeful B. hopeless C. hope D. hoping VIII. Read the text, and then choose the correct answers. The most important celebration holiday in China is the Lunar New Year. At this time, shops are closed. People celebrate by having parties, by paying friendly phone calls to their neighbours, and by visiting the temples or pagodas to promises for the New Year. Children walk through the streets, carrying colourful lanterns and paper figures. Fireworks are also set off to light up the sky. The time of the New Year is also the time at which Chinese people decorate their homes. For example, the windows, which are made of thick paper are torn down, and new ones are put up. This is also the time during which people pay their debts. Everyone tries to settle all his bills before the beginning of the New Year. Before New Year's Eve, people make their homes attractive by decorating them with flowers and plants, and hanging brightly-coloured decorations. 53. This passage as a whole is about .A. paying debts B. China C. the Chinese New Year D. New Year's promises 54. The Lunar New Year is . A. an important Chinese holiday B. the time for having large meals C. a special time for children D. the time when no one is in debt 55. What can we infer from the passage? A. The Chinese have only one holiday.B. The Chinese New Year is happy. C. The Chinese New Year celebration lasts seven days. D. People don't go to church during the Chinese New Year.56. Which of these sentences is NOT true? A. Fireworks are set off to light up the sky. B. Chinese houses are made of paper.C. Chinese people pay debts at New Year's. D. People also decorate the windows. 57. How can people make their homes attractive? A. By decorating them with flowers and plants. B. By decorating them with brightly-coloured decorations.C. By hanging brightly-coloured decorations outside their homes. D. By decorating them with flowers and plants, and hanging brightly-coloured decorations. IX. Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation between Lan and her English friend, Daisy, about Tet in VietNam. Write the answer in each blank. 58. a. What do you usually do at Tet? 59. b. Oh, that sounds really interesting. 60. c. Well, it's on January 27th this year. 61. d. What is Tet? 62. e. Well, we cook a lot of traditional food, visit our relatives and friends, and we also go to pagodas.63. f. When is it exactly? 64. g. Do you know that the Tet holiday is next week? 65. h. It's the time when Vietnamese people celebrate the beginning of spring. X. Give advice with “should” or “shouldn’t”, using the words given in brackets.Example: You look very pale and terrible. (see a doctor) You should see a doctor. 66. You work until 11 every night. (not work so hard)67. It's Mai's birthday on Saturday. I think we should do something. (buy her a nice birthday present)68. The car did not start this morning. (take it to the garage)69. Our train leaves at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. (go to bed early tonight)70. He always gives you the wrong advice. (not listen to him)71. Everything will be all right. (not worry so much)72. He doesn’t like this job because it’s so boring. (look for another one)73. It’s so late to play music so loudly, we’ll wake up the neighbours. (turn it off)74. Your hair is so long. (have a haircut)75. He doesn’t understand the lesson. (meet the teacher after class)XI. You the following set of words and phrases to write complete sentences. 76. People/ decorate/ homes/ plants/ flowers. 77. People/ try/nice/ polite/ each other/ because/ they/ want/good luck/ New Year's Day. 78. They/ visit/ relatives/ friends/ they/ exchange/ New Year's wishes. 79. Many people/ go/ pagoda/ have/ happy year/ their family. 80. Tet/ a time/ fun/ festivals/ throughout/ country. TEST YOURSELF 2I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. big B. wish C. fish D. high2. A. pagoda B. torch C. overseas D. sofa3. A. temple B. messy C. decorate D. department4. A. museum B. windsurfing C. surround D. diverse5. A. thrilling B. then C. through D. threadII. Choose the correct answers. 6. Hoi An is a city and it is famous for its old buildings, shops, pagodas and houses.A. history B. historic C. historian D. young7. My neighbourhood is great for outdoor activities it has beautiful parks, sandy beaches and fine weather.A. because B. so C. but D. and8. "What are the people there ?" - "They are very friendly."A. love B. liking C. like D. look9. Ha Noi is exciting than Viet Tri City.A. much B. much more C. more much D. only more10. The Nile River is the river in the world, the Amazon is the widest.A. long - so B. long - because C. longer - but D. longest – but11. The Himalayas, a mountain range, is with forests and many kinds of plants and animals.A. large B. wide C. diversity D. diverse12. If you want to go to the Himalayas, I think you take a waterproof coat because it is cold and rainy there.A. must B. mustn't C. can D. can't13. The meeting is very important, so you be late!A. must B. mustn't C. should D. shouldn't14. You take all necessary things along with you before you start the trip.A. should B. shouldn't C. mustn't D. can15. Tet is for family gatherings.A. time B. the time C. a time D. times16. Do you think the time to plant trees is spring?A. good B. better C. best D. well17. In the cinema we eat or drink anything.A. must B. should C. shouldn't D. can18.We keep quiet in the library so that everyone can enjoy reading books.A. should B. shouldn't C. can D. can't19. Many foreign visitors come to Ha Long Bay because of its natural .A. beauty B. beautiful C. pretty D. wonder20. You can have the meaning of a new word by looking it in a dictionary.A. in B. up C. on D. at21. The Himalayas the world's highest mountain - Mount Everest.A. have B. get C. takes D. contains22. New Year is one of four important in the United States.A. parties B. events C. festivals D. celebration23. Is it true that Ha Noi is city in Viet Nam?A. the large B. largest C. larger D. the largest24. Your vocabulary will get by reading a lot of books.A. nicer B. better C. easier D. higher25. " " - "It's one of the most beautiful beaches in the world." .A. What is My Khe Beach in Da Nang like? B. What does My Khe Beach in Da Nang look like?C. How does My Khe Beach in Da Nang look? D. What does My Khe Beach in Da Nang like?III. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that bets answers the question about the passage.Thanksgiving Day is a holiday that Americans celebrate the honor of everything the country offered to their ancestors, who were among the first immigrants to the United States. When they first came to America, they saw that there were enough food and opportunity for everyone. They were even helped by the Indians, who taught them how to grow all kinds of new vegetables, such as corn and yams, or sweet potatoes.On Thanksgiving Day, it is traditional to eat a big meal together. Americans eat food that was found here by their ancestors. They usually eat turkey with sweet potatoes, Indian corn bread, and have pumpkin pie for dessert.Every Thanksgiving Day, a giant parade is held by one of the most famous department stores in New York. It is an annual event. And at the end of the parade, children can even see Santa Claus, who is visiting from the North Pole. Santa Claus is invited to remind children and parents that Christmas is not far away.26. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated .A. to honor the new country B. to remind people of cold winter C. to honor their ancestors D. to remind people of Indians 27. The first white people to America were helped by Indians . A. to know how to grow new vegetables B. to have more opportunities C. to form the new nation D. All are correct 28. The traditional meal on Thanksgiving Day is .A. a big meal with turkey, Indian corn bread, and pumpkin pie B. everything they have C. food provided by the Indians D. food provided by Santa Claus 29. What is the main activity in New York on Thanksgiving Day? A. A giant parade is held by one of the most famous department stores. B. A big march by Santa Claus. C. A giant parade is held by Santa Claus, children and their parents.D. A giant parade is held by the Indians. 30. Santa Claus is invited to the parade on Thanksgiving Day .A. to remind everyone that New Year is not far away B. to remind everyone that a new Thanksgiving Day is coming C. to remind everyone that Christmas is not far away D. to remind everyone of their ancestors IV. Write the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 31. Antarctica is colder than any other places in the world. Antarctica is .32. Doing morning exercises every morning is good for you. You .33. My father has a plan to repaint our house before Tet. My father .34. Fansipan is higher than any other mountains in Indochina (Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia). Fansipan is .35. Nam is the tallest student in his class. Nobody in Nam's class .V. Write the correct sentences, using the words or phrases given. 36. Tomorrow/ Hoa/ buy/ flowers/ her father's birthday. 37. Nobody/ my class/ better/ Maths/ Minh. 38. Twelve o'clock/ night/ everyone/ say "Happy New Year"/ they/ their friends/ relatives/ good luck.39. How often/ you/ go fishing/ your father? 40. New market/ inconvenient/ because/ it/ far/ our flat building. VI. Fill in each gap in the passage with one suitable word from the box.Tet is is a national and family (41) . It is an occasion for every Vietnamese to (42) a good time while thinking about the last year and the next year. At Tet, people (43) streets and public buildings, almost all shops are crowded with people (44) for Tet. Tet is a time for family (45) . At home, everything is tidy; people cook special food. First-footing is made when the (46) visitor comes, and parents give children lucky money in red (47) . Tet is also a time for peace and (48) . During Tet, friends, relatives, and neighbours (49) each other their best (50) for the new year. Unit 7: TELEVISIONA. PHONETICS I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. when B. where C. best D. detective2. A. weather B. newsreader C. teaching D. repeat3. A. clumsy B. cute C. but D. just4. A. earth B. thanks C. feather D. theater5. A. the B. think C. with D. theyII. Put the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. Match the words in A with the appropriate words in B to form the correct phrase. A B Answer1. film channel 1. 2. cartoon control 2.3. international television 3.4. remote show 4.5. game character 5.6. news button 6.7. local director 7.8. volume programme 8.II. Put the words or phrases in the box in the correct column. We can put some words in more than one column.People Programmes Kinds of film………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….…………………………………. ………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….…………………………………. ……………………………………..……………………………………..……………………………………..……………………………………..……………………………………..……………………………………..……………………………………..……………………………………..……………………………………..III. Choose the word from the box for each description below.1. : an amusing play or film with a happy ending. 2. : a funny TV show in which the same characters appear in each programme in a different story.3. : a television programme where people get points by answering questions or doing things. 4. : a television programme that gives facts or information about a subject. 5. : a play for the theatre, television or radio. 6. : a television programme to give the description of the weather for the next few days.7. : a competition on TV in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge. 8. : a television programme telling us about the life of birds, elephants, tigers, lions, and so on. 9. : a television programme for schools, and students. 10. : the important items of news read on television. 11. : a person who introduces guests at the right time at an important event.12. : a programme that tells a story by using moving pictures. IV. Match the questions with the answers. Answer Questions Answers1. What is the name of your favourite TV programme? a) Because they are colourful and funny.2. Why do you like the programme? b) It's Steven Spielberg.3. How many hours a day do you watch? c) In California, USA.4. What time is the cartoon on? d) In 1926.5. Who is the director of the film? e) Because it is very exciting.6. What channel is the film on? f) Twice a week, usually at weekend.7. Why do you like cartoons? g) About two hours a day.8. When did John Logie Baird make the first TV set? h) It's the Science programme.9. How often do you watch football on TV? i) It's on VTV310. Where is Hollywood? j) It's at 7:30 pm.V. Make questions for the underlined part in each sentence. 1. I like TV game shows best. 2. TV viewers can know about the weather in their regions from the weather forecast.3. We go to the zoo twice a month. 4. We can meet in front of the theater at 7.30. 5. Bob likes the comedy because it makes him laugh. 6. The documentary lasts forty-five minutes.7. Steven Spielberg is the director of the film. 8. On VTV3, there are three films on this week. 9. Millions of children around the world enjoy the cartoon "Hello Fatty!" 10. Pokémon cartoons are made in Japan. VI. Complete the sentences with and, so, but or because. 1. I didn't feel well I stayed at home. 2. He liked her she was happy. 3. I liked Spain I wanted to go home.4. She likes swimming jogging. 5. We were late there was an accident. VII. Match the sentence halves, writing the answer in each blank. 1. I looked for the key, a. and had to stay at home. 2. My friends were ill b. because I studied very hard. 3. I got good marks on the test c. so we couldn't be home by eleven. 4. The film started at ten, d. so I couldn't buy anything. 5. She likes you a lot e. but I just couldn't find it. 6. I lost my money, f. because she thinks you are very intelligent.VIII. Match the sentence halves in column A and column B to make correct sentences, writing the answer in each blank. Questions Answers1. The film isn't very good a) so will not watch it.2. That TV channel attracts millions of TV viewers b) so he can't watch his favourite programme.3. Although the football matches on TV are very late, c) and it got many international prizes.4. Life is more comfortable now d) because he likes discovering the universe.5. The film Titanic was directed by James Cameron, e) many people stay up late to watch them.6. That programme is very boring f) but the Science programme is on VTV2.7. Tom often watches the programme "Journey to Jupiter" g) I don't have time to watch it very often.8. The game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" is on VTV3 h) and I don't enjoy it very much.9. Nam is going to take a test tomorrow i) because it offers many different interesting programmes.10. Although I like the Disney Channel very much, j) but neighbours don't spend much time together.IX. Match the beginnings (1-5, 6-10) with the correct endings (a-e, f-j), and write the answer in each blank. l. I want to see a British film and a) I don't know which one.2. I want to see a British film but b) they are always funny.3. I want to see a British film or c) let's see what's on at the cinema.4. I want to see a British film, so d) an American one. I want to see two films. 5. I want see British films, because e) an American one. I don't mind. 6. They're listening to music and f) I don't think it's rock music. 7. They're listening to music, but g) it's very exciting. 8. They're listening to music, or h) watching TV - I'm not sure. 9. They're listening to music, so i) they can't hear me.10. They're listening to music, because j) playing computer games at the same time.C. SPEAKING I. Complete the conversation with the clauses below. Then practice it with your partner. Diana Hi. Jim, did you enjoy the film last night? Jim We didn't see it because (1) .Diana Why didn't you ask someone the way? Jim Well, we asked an old lady and (2) . Diana So what was the problem? Jim She gave us directions but (3) .Diana The wrong cinema? What did you do? Jim We didn't want to see the film there so (4) .II. Complete the conversation with the phrases below. Then practice it with your partner.Lien: (1) of TV programs do you like best? Hong: I like to watch women's program best. (2) ? Lien: I prefer listening to music.Hong: There is a good music performance at Lan Anh Club this weekend. (3) to go with me? Lien: I'd love to, but (4) . I have to go to my cousin's birthday party on Saturday evening. Hong: (5) go on Sunday. Lien: That's great. D. READING I. Reading the passage, and answer the questions. Today, there is a TV set in nearly every home. People watch television every day, and some people watch it from morning until night. Americans watch television about 35 hours a week. But is television good or bad for you? People have different answers. Some say that there is a lot of violence on TV today, the programs are terrible and people don't get any exercise because they only sit and watch TV. Others think that TV programs bring news from around the world, help you learn many useful things, especially children. Thanks lo television, people learn about life in other countries, and it helps people relax after a long day of hard work. 1. Is television very popular nowadays? Why? 2. How many hours do Americans watch TV a day? 3. Why don't some people like watching television? 4. What does television bring to you? 5. What do you learn from television? II. Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Information about what happens in the world comes to us in many ways. Television and radio are two important ways of the news. They get the news out faster than the newspapers and magazines, and they don't have to be read. Television and radio stations broadcast the news several times each day. In America, there are the news programmes every hour. People can choose the favourite TV programmes, such as sports, films, fashion, news, etc. People who cannot read get the news from television or radio easily.True False 1. There are only two ways of getting the news.  2. Television and radio get the news faster than other ways.  3. Television stations broadcast the news several times each day.  4. People cannot choose the TV programmes that they like.   5. Television can bring the news to people who cannot read.  III. Read the text and tell the names of the people in Bart Simpson's family and their jobs. Bart Simpson is the star of the Simpsons, a popular American TV programme. Eleven million Americans watch it every week. The Simpsons live in Springfield and Bart goes to Springfield Elementary School. He's very lazy and he isn't popular with the teachers, but his classmates like him. Bart has two sisters, Lisa and Maggie. Lisa is very intelligent and she studies hard. Maggie is a baby. Bart's parents are Homer and Marge. Homer works at a power station from Monday to Friday and watches TV at weekends. Marge stays at home with Maggie.1. Bart Simpson: 2. His two sisters: 3. His father: 4. His mother: E. WRITING Write a short paragraph about your favourite TV programme. Use the clues given. 1. What is the name of your favourite TV programme? - Game show: Children are Always Right. 2. What is it about? - To test your general knowledge about nature, science, etc.3. What channel is it on? - On VTV3.4. When is it broadcast? - At 8.30 pm on Saturday. 5. Why do you like it? - Useful, interesting, and exciting. 6. What can you learn from the programme? - Interesting facts about the nature, and the world.  TEST (UNIT 7)I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. thirty B. theme C. both D. them2. A. brother B. weather C. through D. than3. A. schedule B. comedy C. red D. when4. A. channel B. game C. national D. relax5. A. show B. programme C. sport D. mostII. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud.6. A. comedian B. newsreader C. film producer D. programme7. A. cartoon B. world news C. studio D. documentary8. A. popular B. reporter C. exciting D. educational9. A. boring B. international C. national D. local10. A. viewer B. audience C. watcher D. directorIII. Choose the correct answers. 11. Disney Channel is one of the most channels children .A. good - for B. exciting - of C. popular - to D. popular - for12. My family enjoys watching game shows they are very exciting and interesting.A. because B. so C. but D. and13. VTV is a television channel in Viet Nam, and it attracts millions of TV viewers in Viet Nam.A. wide B. local C. international D. national14. "What is your . TV programme?" - "It's cartoons"A. good B. favourite C. best D. like15. " do you like the Modern English programme? " - "Because it helps me with my English."A. What B. How C. When D. Why16. My brother wants to become a to tell TV viewers what the weather is like.A. newsreader B. actor C. weatherman D. producer17. TV can join in some game shows through telephone or by mail.A. people B. weathermen C. newsreaders D. viewers18. are films by pictures, not real people and often for children.A. Documentaries B. Love stories C. Cartoons D. Detective stories19. Are there any good programs teenagers on TV tonight?A. to B. for C. of D. with20. My father works late tomorrow, so he will the first part of the film on VTV1.A. miss B. lose C. forget D. cut21. That TV programme is not only interesting it also teaches children many things about family and friendship.A. but B. so C. and D. because22. " is the weather forecast programme on?" - "At 7.30 pm every day."A. What B. How C. When D. Where23. the newsreader on BBC One reads very fast, my brother can hear everything in the news.A. But B. Although C. When D. But24. Children can participate in a TV for a game show or a quiz show.A. channel B. competition C. studio D. cartoon25. Millions of children around the world enjoy the cartoon because it can both and a young audience.A. entertain - education B. entertainment – educationC. entertainment - educate D. entertain - educate26. Many people with different skills work hard quality programmes for television.A. produce B. to produce C. producing D. to producing27. The football match is on at 2 am I can't watch it.A. so B. although C. but D. then28. My father likes watching sports on VTV3.A. matches B. channels C. events D. athletes29. If you want to know what the weather is like tomorrow, watch the .A. weather forecast B. music show C. game show D. quiz show30. " is that TV programme directed by?" - "By a famous Vietnamese director."A. What B. Where C. When D. WhoIV. Choose the right word from the box for each description below.31. : a person who tells the actors, cameramen, etc. what to do in a programme, film, play, etc. 32. : an actor who makes people laugh by telling jokes. 33. : a person who finds and speaks the news on the television. 34. : a person that makes television programme.35. : a person who operates a camera for a film or a television programme. V. Make questions for the underlined part in each sentence. 36. Watching too much TV is not good because it hurts your eyes. 37. We often read books and play sports in our free time. 38. The Wingless Penguin is about the adventure of a child penguin who has no win.39. Children love the Wingless Penguin series because the child penguin is so cute, clever, and funny. 40. The programme is on the Disney Channel. 41. The TV programme "Let's Learn" appears in over 80 countries. 42. Both parents and their children enjoy the programme. 43. The Animals programme is on at 8 o'clock Wednesday night. 44. I watch TV one or two hours a day. 45. I can get enough information for my essay by watching TV and visiting some websites.VI. Match the questions with the answers, and write the answers in the blanks.Questions Answers46. What time is the film on VTV3 on? 47. Who is the favourite VTV newsreader this year? 48. What will the Animals programme tell people about? 49. Why can't you watch the football match on VTV3 tonight? 50. What's your favourite cartoon? 51. How long does the film last? 52. What is the event in the Sports programme this evening? 53. Who is the leading actor in that film?54. What kind of TV programme do you like most? 55. Why do children like the TV series? a) It's the Formula 1 Racing 46 in Malaysia.b) Because they are interesting and entertaining.c) It's Johnny Depp.d) It's the Cartoons programme.e) At 9 pm.f) It's Mr Quang Minh.g) It's about the life of birds, elephants, tigers, lions, etc.h) Because it's too late.i) Of course, it's Tom and Jerry.j) About one and a half hour.VII. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text. Television first came some sixty years ago in the 1950s. Nowadays, it is one of the most (56) sources of entertainment for both the old and the young. Television brings (57) for children, world news, music and many other (58) . If someone likes sports, he can just choose the right sports, (59) . It is not difficult for us to see why (60) is a TV set in almost every home today.56. A. cheap B. expensive C. popular D. exciting57. A. news B. cartoons C. sports D. plays58. A. sets B. reports C. channels D. programmes59. A. athletes B. channel C. time D. studio60. A. it B. this C. that D. thereVIII. Read the passage, and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F).Television is an important invention of the 20th century. It has been so popular that we can't imagine what life would be like if there were no television. Television is a major means of communication and entertainment. It brings pictures and sound from around the world into millions of homes. Through television, viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in distant lands. Television widens our knowledge by introducing new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations. In addition to the news, television provides us with a variety of programs that can satisfy every taste. Most people now seem to like spending their evenings watching television than to go out.61. Television is an important means of communication. 62. Television provides us with a variety of programs. 63. Most people don't like watching TV in the evening. 64. Television can't satisfy all our tastes. 65. People can learn many things through TV. IX. There is ONE mistake in each sentence, try to find the mistake and correct it.66. There are much music programmes on TV nowadays. 67. The Discovery Channel makes education funny for children all over the world. 68. Would you like go to the theater with me tonight? 69. Although I enjoy sports every much, but I don't often watch the Sports programmes. 70. The News programme help TV viewers know about what happens every day in their country as well as all over the world. X. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 71. Cartoons are colourful and funny: that's why children enjoy watching them. Children enjoy watching cartoons 72. VTV Channels offer many interesting programmes in different subjects. VTV Channels are broadcast in several languages. VTV Channels offer many interesting programmes in different subjects 73. That film is very famous in the USA but not many Vietnamese people know it. Not many Vietnamese people know that film 74. Many people think the Fashion programme is only for women; the programme is for everyone. Many people think the Fashion programme is only for women 75. I am going to have a test tomorrow; I can't watch the cartoon. I am going to have a test tomorrow XI. Make sentences using the words and phrases given. 76. Game show/ this week/ test/ knowledge/ rain forests. 77. Questions/ quiz show/ about different subjects/ grade one/ grade six.78. That singer/ live show/ theater/ be/ TV/ tomorrow. 79. That channel/ tell/ people/ life/ animals/ world. 80. Show/ help/ us/ remember/ childhood. Unit 8: SPORTS AND GAMESA. PHONETICS SPORTS AND GAMES I. Put the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. A. hear B. fear C. dear D. wearA. near B. appear C. bear D. ideaA. here B. there C. series D. sphereA. Mary B. air C. chair D. marryA. prepare B. carry C. share D. fairB. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. Fill the words or phrases from the box into the correct go play……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………II. Complete the table with the sports in the box.III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or play. 1. Do you often exercise? 2. My brother basketball for the school team. 3. I like tennis. 4. My friend judo twice a week. 5. My mum yoga at the new sports centre. 6. We gymnastics at school yesterday.7. My dad football for the town team when he was young. 8. My sister enjoys table-tennis in her free time.IV. Complete the sentences with the correct words. You can see the first letter of each word. I usually 1c to school. I have an old bike so I don't worry about it. Sometimes when it is raining, I go to school 2b car. At the weekend, I usually go to my friend's house. He lives fifty metres away from me so I can 3w there in one minute.I often visit my grandparents. They live on the fourth floor. I usually 4t the elevator, but sometimes it doesn't 5t and I 6w 7u the 8s . It's good exercise. V. Complete the sentences with the verb + -ing.1. John loves judo. 2. They enjoy the Olympics on TV. 3. We really like in the Alps in winter. 4. Sam hates rugby but he likes football. 5. I don't like in the pool at the sport centre. 6. Do you like running in the morning? VI. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.1. In basketball you the ball on the floor. 2. In tennis you the ball.3. In football you the ball. 4. In rugby you the ball to people in your team. 5. In football the goalkeeper needs to the ball.6. In hockey you never the ball. VII. Give the names of the sports, using the words or phrases given. 1. : bicycle, pedals, tyre, cap. 2. : gloves, ring, heavyweight, champion. 3. : ball, low net, table, round bats. 4. : ball, kick, score, goal, referee. 5. : large ball, open net, metal ring, throw. 6. : shuttleco*ck, high net, hit. 7. : large ball, high net, hands, hit, (not to touch) ground. 8. : pool, goggles, swimsuit. 9. : skis, downhill, snow. 10. : boat, sails, wind, sailor. 11. : racket, central net, small ball, hit, small ground. 12. : square board, pieces, move, king.VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I (not be) very happy yesterday. 2. I (buy) a ticket for the football match yesterday. 3. Kate (not know) about the exam and she did very badly. 4. I went to the shop but I (not have) any money.5. It (be) a great film in 2010. 6. I (leave) my school bag at school this morning.7. Our teacher (tell) us to be quiet yesterday. 8. The people in the café (not be) friendly when I was there yesterday. IX. Make questions and answers, using the cues given. 1. A: you/ be in the bathroom/ when/ I/ phone? B: No/ not. I/ be asleep. A: B: 2. A: you/ like/ the present/ I/ give/ you? B: Yes/ I. It/ be/ great. A: B: 3. A: Where/ you/ go on holiday/ last year? B: We/ go/ Da Lat. We/ have/ a great time. A: B: 4. A: How many people/ be/ the party/ last night? B: There/ be/ ten people. It/ not be/ a good party. A: B: X. Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs from the box.1. The firemen the woman from the burning house. 2. My father Maths at university. 3. The programme was very funny, we a lot.4. The teacher me lots of questions yesterday. 5. You're late! The lesson ten minutes ago. 6. It was very cold so we the window. 7. After the film, we home. 8. The cat up into the tree. 9. I to pick the bag up, but it was very heavy. 10. We were very tired so we walking. XI. Complete the funny story with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.It (1. be) Sunday, the day of the big game. The players (2. arrive) early. They (3. be) excited. Everyone (4. want) to play. There (5. be) lots of people in the stadium. They (6. wave) and (7. cheer) when the players (8. walk) on to the ground.The referee (9. call) the captains to the middle. The referee (10. ask) . "Where is the ball?" Nobody (11. answer) . All the players (12. look) at the ground. There (13. be) no ball. The referee (14. cancel) the game. XII. Read about Fiona Campbell's journey. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.Fiona Campbell was the first woman to walk around the world. She (1. start) her journey in the UK in 1983 and then in 1985 she (2. walk) across the USA. In 1988 she (3. go) from Sydney to Perth in only 95 days. On April 2nd 1991, Fiona (4. leave) Cape Town in South Africa. She (5. arrive) in Morocco 29 months later - a journey of 10,000 miles. Then she (6. walk) across Europe and (7. finish) her journey in October 1994. She (8. travel) 19,586 miles and (9. raise) £120,000 for charity. Fiona also (10. write) a book about her journey called The Whole Story. XIII. Complete the text. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets. Last year my family (1. go) to Greece on holiday. We (2. meet) a lot of new people and I (3. take) a lot of photographs. We (4. stay) in a good hotel near the sea, and there (5. be) a lot of things to do there. Unfortunately, on the first day I (6. have) some problems. I (7. hit) my head on the bathroom door and then I (8. cut) my finger, so for two days I (9. read) a lot of books and (10. play) games on my laptop. After that I (11. do) a lot of things - swimming, sailing, and so on. When we (12. leave) , I (13. be) really tired! I (14. tell) Dad that I needed another holiday! C. SPEAKING I. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.Pauline: You look tired. Owen: I am. I (1) football this morning. Pauline: What was the (2) ? Owen: 5-1 to (3) .Pauline: Oh (4) . Owen: It's not the (5) of the world. I (6) our goal. II. Match the questions and answers, and then write the answers in the blanks. 1. What's your favourite sport? a. No, not really.2. Who's your favourite sportswoman? b. Three or four times a week. 3. How often do you go swimming? c. She's a skier - but I can't think of her name right now. 4. What's your favourite football team? d. Liverpool. 5. Do you like volleyball? e. Running III. Reorder the phrases to make a conversation. Conversation 1  Christina I'm spending the evening at school.  Michelle Really? A long evening.  Christina Yeah, we're having a video evening with our language teachers. Michelle At school?  Christina Yeah, until midnight.  Michelle Cool. Can I come too? 1 Michelle What are you doing tomorrow evening, Christina? Conversation 2  Oliver OK. See you on Monday then!1 Tim What are you doing this weekend?  Oliver Oh, they're fun! There's a lot of great rides. Tim No, thanks. I don't really like theme parks.  Oliver I'm going to Luna Park with some friends. Would you like to come?  Tim Anyway, I'm going to the youth club on Saturday, then I'm going to football match on Sunday. IV. Complete the conversation with the words below.Nicole What's your (1) sport, Matthew? Mathew Hmm, probably basketball. But I also like (2) . Nicole Are you a good tennis player? Matthew I'm OK, I think. Nicole How (3) do you play a week? Matthew What? Tennis or basketball? Nicole Both.Matthew Well, I play tennis (4) a week, and basketball four times a week. I'm in a team. Nicole Oh really? You do a lot of sport. Matthew True. What about you? What's your favourite (5) ? Nicole Watching basketball on TV. Matthew Oh, would you like to watch tomorrow's (6) with me? Nicole Sure, why not? V. Read the three conversations, and then do the tasks. 1Rosy: Hello, there. Where are you going? Diana: I'm going to the gym. I do exercise there twice a week. Rosy: I went to the gym last month, but I didn't like it. It was full of noisy teenagers. Diana: You can join this gym. It's nice and quiet. Rosy: Really? Where is it? Diana: On High Street. Why don't you come and see it? Rosy: OK, great. Let's go. 2Frank: Hi, there. My name's Frank. Lisa: Hello, I'm Lisa. Frank: Pleased to meet you. How do you know Nigel? Lisa: I'm his cousin.Frank: Oh, right. So do you live near here? Lisa: No, I'm from Banbury but my family are staying there this week so Nigel invited me here to his birthday party.Frank: I'm very glad. Hey, Lisa. Do you play table-tennis? 3Simon: Hello. Are you new here? David: Yes, I am My name's David. Simon: Hi, David. I'm Simon, the teacher here. So, you're interested in judo. David: Yes, I am. I love watching it on the TV and I saw your poster in the shopping centre. Simon: Great. Well, there are nine other people coming here every week so you're the tenth. Let me introduce the others to you. David: Yes. Thanks. Sorry, I'm a bit nervous. Simon: Don't worry. There aren't any exams today! A. Match the conversations (1-3) with the situations (a-d). There is a one extra situation. Conversation 1 a. At a party. Conversation 2 b. At a sports lesson. Conversation 3 c. At a shopping centre.d. In the street.B. Decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1. Rosy went to the same gym that Diana now goes to. 2. Rosy goes to the gym with Diana. 3. Lisa doesn't live in the same town as Frank. 4. It is Lisa's birthday party. 5. David came to the judo lesson because he saw information about the classes on TV. 6. Simon now has ten students in his class. D. READING I. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. Hoa is student in class 6B. She likes sports very much. She goes swimming in the afternoon. She plays badminton on weekend and does aerobics every day. I play table tennis with her. Sports are very good. 1. Does Hoa like sports? 2. What does she do in the afternoon? 3. Which sports does she play on weekend? 4. Does she do aerobics every day? 5. Are sports good? II. Read the passage, and then decide whether the sentences are True or False. Nam and Tan are students in grade 6. They are good friends. At school, they are in the same class. They live near school, and they walk to school every morning. In the afternoon, they often go to their sports club. They like sports very much. Nam plays badminton, and Tan plays table tennis. Sometimes they go swimming or play soccer with their classmates. They don't have time to go camping. 1. Nam and Tan are not in the same class. 2. They are good friends. 3. They go to school by bicycle. 4. In the afternoon, they often go to their sports club. 5. Nam plays table tennis. 6. They don't play sports with their classmates. 7. They go swimming every day. 8. They never go camping. III. Read the story and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). On Saturday, Patricia was in the park when she saw a boy on a mountain bike. He was on the hill when suddenly he fell off his bike. Patricia ran over to help. "Where's my helmet?" he shouted. It was under a park bench so Patricia went to get it. Just then another boy ran past, took the boy's mountain bike and rode away. "Stop!" Patricia shouted. She ran after the other boy and stopped him. He got off the bike and ran away. Patricia took the bike back to the boy, "Thank you, Patricia," he said. "How do you know my name?" Patricia asked. "I live next to you," he said. "My name's Tom". On Sunday Tom left some flowers on her doorstep to say "thank you". 1. Patricia was in the street when she saw a boy on a mountain bike. T/F 2. The boy fell off his bike. T/F 3. Another boy rode away with his helmet. T/F 4. Patricia stopped the other boy and took the bike back. T/F 5. Tom gave Patricia a CD to say "thank you". T/F IV. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. Nam has some plans for this Sunday. First, in the morning he is going to the sports club to play table tennis with Lan and Ba. Next, in the afternoon he is going to buy some books at the bookstore and after that he's going to go swimming with Thanh and Tan. Finally, he is going to the movie theater with his parents and his sister in the evening. 1. What is Nam going to do on Sunday morning? 2. What is he going to do in the afternoon? 3. Is he going to play soccer on Sunday afternoon? 4. Where is he going in the evening? 5. Who is he going to the movie theater with? V. Read the information and complete the table with a tick () or a cross ().Tent Beach Water sports CaféHelen Julia Sara - Helen is having a holiday with some friends at the beach. - Julia usually stays with her aunt, but this year she's camping with some friends. - Swimming is Sara's favourite activity, and she always goes to the beach during the holidays.- Helen's holiday flat is near the Plaza Hotel. - There's a nice café in the hotel and Helen often has lunch there. - Julia goes swimming in the sea every day.- Sara is sharing a tent with two other girls. - Someone is teaching Julia how to water-ski while she's on holiday. - Helen doesn't go in the water because she can't swim.- Sara is learning a new sport - she's having swimming lessons with Julia. - Julia loves the Plaza Café, but she doesn't eat there every day.- Sara never goes out for lunch or dinner because she doesn't have much money. VI. Read the text and answer the questions. Sun, Sea, and SportAustralians love sport. They play it, they talk about it and they watch it on TV. Australian weather is perfect for sport, and there are thousands of great beaches, so swimming is very popular. The population of Australia is only about 20 million, but many of the best sportsmen and sportswomen in the world come from Australia.Young people in Australia are very active. More than 60% of children go to sports clubs. They also do activities with friends such as skateboarding, cycling, and rollerblading. The most popular sports for boys are football, swimming, Australian Rules football, tennis, cricket, basketball, rugby, martial arts, athletics, and hockey.The most popular sports for girls are netball, swimming, tennis, basketball, gymnastics, football, athletics, martial arts, hockey, and horse riding.1. What do Australians think of sport? 2. Why is swimming popular? 3. Which three sports are only popular with boys? 4. Which three sports are only popular with girls? E. WRITING I. Put the words in the correct order. 1. which/ you/ do/ sports/ at/do/ school? 2. do/ when/ do/ you/ sport? 3. favourite/ are/ your/ who/ sports stars? 4. do/ you/ go/ how often/ running? 5. team/ sports/ play/ you/ do? 6. what/ TV/ you/ do/ on/ sports/ watch? 7. football/ is/ what/ favourite/ your/ team? 8. swimming/ you/ do/ go/ how often? II. Read the email, and then follow the instructions. Hi Linda, How are you? Thanks for your email. I think sports at school in Viet Nam are different from sports in Canada. At school we do lots of PE (Physical Education) and in winter we play ice hockey - it's the national sport of Canada. I love going really fast on the ice! At our school girls and boys play rugby too. I don't like because I am very bad at throwing and catching the ball, but I like watching our school rugby team when they play. In the summer, we play table tennis and do athletics. I'm OK at table tennis and I'm really good at athletics because I can run fast. I run the 100m, 200m. There are lots of after-school sports clubs at my school: football, volleyball, basketball, and judo. I do judo on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Sometimes in the summer I go swimming with my friends at the weekend and in winter we often go ice skating. I love ice skating - it's great. Write soon. AmyWrite an email to your friend about the sports at your school and the sports you do. Write about: the sports you do at school the sports you like/ don't likethe sports you're good at/ bad at  TEST (UNIT 8)I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. square B. badminton C. grandfather D. match2. A. idea B. reason C. feature D. teacher3. A. easy B. please C. weak D. pear4. A. goggles B. sport C. stop D. not5. A. match B. machine C. champion D. chessII. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud. 6. A. basketball B. volleyball C. football D. chess7. A. marathon B. running C. swimming D. high jump8. A. net B. ball C. racket D. bicycle9. A. swimmer B. gym C. athlete D. player10. A. sporty B. play C. hit D. kickIII. Choose the correct answers. 11. I usually play football when I have .A. spare time B. good time C. no time D. times12. In team sports, the two teams against each other in order to get the better score.A. are B. do C. make D. compete13. draw on the walls and tables, please .A. Do B. Don't C. Should D. Shouldn't14. Nam plays sports very often, so he looks very .A. sport B. sports C. sporty D. sporting15. Last summer, I fishing with my uncle in the afternoon.A. go B. went C. goes D. going16. I like watching football matches, but I am not very good playing football.A. at B. in C. on D. for17. Team sports are sometimes called sports.A. compete B. competition C. competitor D. competitive18. " do you do judo?" - "Twice a week.".A. When B. Where C. How often D. Why19. sports do you like watching on TV? .A. How B. What C. Do D. How often20. Football is regarded the most popular sport in the world.A. for B. as C. like D. of21. Sports and games an important part in our lives.A. play B. do C. go D. make22. When you go to the zoo, don't the animals.A. play B. do C. tease D. watch23. Playing sports helps us get .A. fat B. free C. fittest D. fitter24. Nam's dream is to become a .A. loser B. champion C. contest D. gamer25. "I'd like to watch motor racing because it is very ."A. frightening B. exciting C. excited D. boring26. My sister often badminton in her free time.A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play27. Marathon is considered a/an sport.A. team B. individual C. indoor D. sporting28. Our school football team the match with Tran Phu School last Sunday.A. wins B. won C. scores D. scored29. Tam three goals for our team and made it a hat trick.A. scores B. scored C. plays D. played30. Blackburn Rover is at the bottom of the league. They most of their matches this season.A. played B. won C. lost D. scoredIV. Complete the short conversations. Choose the correct answer: A, B or C.31. "I enjoy playing tennis." A. - "I don't like reading." B. - "Where do you play?" C. - "In the afternoons." 32. "It's sunny today." A. - "I like camping." B. - "How much is the ticket?" C. - "Yes. Do you want to go to the beach?" 33. "I love football." A. - "What's your favourite team?" B. - "Do you like football?" C. - "I'm watching a match." 34. "Can you pick up the ball, please?" A. - "I play football on Tuesdays." B. - "Yes, of course I do." C. - “Yes, here you are." 35. "What is the most popular sport in our country?" A. - "Yes, I play football every Sunday." B. - "You know I do judo twice a week." C. – “I think football is"Answer A B36. Which sports do you play? a) Once a week.37. What does your brother do in his spare time? b) Just a racket.38. How often do you do karate? c) I play table tennis.39. What should I bring to play table tennis? d) Well, OK.40. Will you come with me this Sunday morning? e) He plays football.V. Match the questions with the answers, and write the answer in each blank. VI. Read the passage, and then decide whether the sentences are True or False. I have three good friends: Ba, Lan and Hoa. They like sports. Ba likes soccer and tennis;
She________a party tomorrow A. Has B. Have C. Is having D. Having (2024)


When he _______ is not known, a will arrive, b has arrived, c will have arrived.? ›

Answer. The sentence would then read: "When he arrived is not known."

Which is correct to have or to having? ›

Having is the continuous form of to have and can be used as either the main verb or auxiliary verb. The children were having a playful competition.

How to use have and has? ›

You'll notice that the only subject you should use "has" with is third person singular (he has, she has, it has). You should use "have" everywhere else. The subject "Al and Sue" is third person plural (the same as "they"), so use "have."

What is the correct tense of he comes tomorrow? ›

He comes the correct form of simple present tense..

Which one is correct has arrived or have arrived? ›

'We will tell him about it after he has arrived. ' That's present perfect tense, and is also correct for the same reason as item 1. 'He have arrived' is wrong. The third person singular, present tense must have a verb ending in s.

What is the meaning of arrive at vs arrive in? ›

We use the verb arrive with at or in to talk about 'coming to', 'getting to' or 'reaching' a place where a journey ends. If we see the destination as a point, we say arrive at. If we see it as a larger area, we say arrive in: …

Is it she has to or have to? ›

In order to indicate the possibility, the verbs are presented like has to or have to. These forms of the verb still follow the general rule of 'has to' is used alongside he, she, and it, while 'have to' is used alongside I, we, you, and they. Example: Everyone is sweating; it has to be hot and humid outside.

What is the rule for using having? ›

We can use “having” when it is used:
  • In the sense of a prolonged event, such as “My wife is having a baby,” “I am having a tough time answering this question,” and “I am having my house remodeled.”
  • As a present participle, as in “Having done his homework, John started watching TV.”
Aug 7, 2017

Who has or who is having? ›

When do we say "who have "and" "who has"? “Who” is a relative pronoun which intrduces a clause which gives further information about a noun in the main clause. When the noun in in the main clause is singular, “who has” is used, when the noun is plural “who have” is used.

Does she have or has a car? ›

It should be, “Does she have a car?” When a sentence has a helping (auxiliary) verb, such as “does,” that helping verb takes on the conjugation for the sentence, in this case “does,” and the main verb, in this case, “have,” remains in the infinitive form.

What are the 10 examples of has? ›

Use of Have
He has five oranges.You have five pencils.
Janet still has a year left on her gold loan.You have lentils in your teeth.
He has blackcurrant ice cream in the refrigerator.They have a beautiful resort by the lake.
She has claustrophobia.I don't have space for planning the ceremony.
12 more rows

Have and has examples with answers.? ›

Has vs. have in different verb forms
Present perfect tenseHe has visited Paris.They have finished their project.
Progressive formShe has been having fun learning to play the guitar.I am having a blast at the amusem*nt park.
Past tenseHe had a great time at the concert.We had a delicious dinner last night.
1 more row

What is the correct grammar for tomorrow? ›

Tomorrow functions as a noun and as an adverb; you should avoid employing it as an adjective or verb.

Is it correct to say tomorrow is? ›

Either is fine, except is is in present tense, and will be is future tense. The more common usage is is, of course, but will be is also used. For example, today is Tuesday, tomorrow is Wednesday, the day after next is Thursday, etc. Another example is if today is Tuesday, then tomorrow will be Wednesday.

What tense is by tomorrow? ›

The phrase 'by tomorrow' in the given sentence suggests that the sentence is in the future perfect tense. The future perfect tense is used for talking about an action that will be completed between now and some point in the future.

Which clause is this I know when he will come? ›

In I know that he will come, the first clause (I know)is the “main clause” or “independent clause”) and the second - that he will come is subordinate (or “dependent”) clause.

Is arrived a predicate? ›

The simple predicate is the verb or verb phrase used to convey the action or state of being. In the example sentence, the word ''arrived'' is the simple predicate. The complete predicate includes the verb and verb phrase of the sentence and any words used to describe the verb or verb phrase.

Is the boy arrived transitive or intransitive? ›

It is intransitive verb as it has only subject and the helping verb not any object .

Is arrived intransitive or transitive? ›

Some verbs, such as arrive, go, lie, sneeze, sit, and die, are always intransitive; it is impossible for a logical direct object to follow.

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