Chronicle from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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CHURCH INTELLIGENCE 3 he fallowing pneMnal item appear in Um May Moa of TralA and "Joy Nath Babu who recently visited Um oolonM a has joined the Salvaeton Artny in Indie Or Head has been aerioaaiy 5e ol blood poisoning He wee staying with Mr Albion William Stroud Green mdco but deemed i beet to enter Hospital for treattnunt He VM elightly better when the mail left but feeling naturally muoh in Ircadoa Mm Meed visiting in the Went of England The Rev IL Sexton will enter upon biff pastorate at Mur pbett Vale next Sunday Mr 3 owler ia expeoted to return to Adelaide in Jun We regret say that the Ker 3 airey continum to be in very indifferent health and that it ia doubtfal if be will be able to rnauine his pas toral duties at Parkside The Rev Taylor of Petersburg bar been invited totlleo Osmond The editor of Truth and Pmjrtn has been appointed a member of the Advisory Council of the World's Coogeeaa Auxiliary to be held at Chicago USAaaone of the representa tives of the religious press of South Australia Tbe editor regrets that he will be unable to attend Ifa will however accept the appoint ment and send a abort papT on the piffitioa and prospects of tbu religious press iu this Tbe opening services of the new chapel for the Christian Church at Virginia were held on Sunday May 7 whin Ifaator of Hindmanh preached io the looming on as Loni" and in tbe cveoirgon ia The building was tl on each occasion On Monday a tea was held in the chapel which wm well attend and was followed by a public meeting over which Mr James Vawner pn sidtd Mr Tames Diy the traeurer ad rhe report which ehowid that on January 31 1H92 eihe persona were baptised and the Christian Cliun with 10 memb km established in Virginia Services had been regularly held in ti wooden cottage at Mr XV King's The church and congregation im reased until tbe cottage oouM no longer contain them and as no place in the township could be obtained it was decided to erect a ohal They secured an all tment of laud and had plans prepared for a building 30 ft 21 ft 17 ft 0 in and the teudet of Mr Samuel Kennett of Hindmarah wm accepted in ebruary Addrroren wore given by Mew Ames Hughes Tnos Jones and Lees Anthem wru rendered by the choir from the Hiudmarsh Christian Churob Mr Vaw er presiding at tbe organ The fallowing nal items are taV from theChnXi'aH HetHy of May lhe Rv Neuiin has an cearifully np'nnd his Home Minion campaign in th" i Ao article on the rrenrreotinn of Jeu io the April number of tbs Prroekirt' Magazine is from the pen of the Rev JosejJi Deny The IlerW Taylor of tbe York etrect Minion has taken hi passage by the Omha instead of the Orizaba an mentioned last wet He may possibly spend a few days in de en route In a fatter to the Rev MauLnd tbe Kv Rows refers to Iris rafe arrival in Perth Western Aurtrslia ai the excellent reception be met with He ia exceedingly pleased with tbe Landaom church spacious and elegant and general priect of work Mr ko'oert" and her child tbs wife and eon of the Rev Vivian Robert of Magill whose illness from tyihoid fi rre we previously re ported are we are glad to say pnigreenin favorably Dr Shepherd states that iu a fow days they will tx exit of danger A a clrirt we are sorely bereaved by the death of the Rev M'ifa He bad only yean in tbo ministry and wt in the prime of life This i the eewnd of our picked and pro tnieing men whom we have eeut to JVeefc Australia to die young Th Rev IL XV Jrimpbell wLo hffd travelled 17 years wm the tret God knows WEEKLY RAINALL The following shows the quantity of rainfall at tbe undermentioned htatiuis lox tbe week ended Thursday May Adelaide 0 40! Angaries 010 App le Ardromaa 0 Auburn 033U Alice Springs r''2'l Balaklava SM ikabpnrt Ol1 Btecchctowo Ots) Bilninaa 0 175 Blum teiy 6W B)Lh 0 12" toolrrco Centre 0 600 Buns OlSu flute 0 26j 0139 Caltoaie O'OJ Cape Borde 8 Cave Jeivu 1120 CNortn iniberlxad Cape WiliougLby lM! Clare OSiu Cwrieton 0 'Jt Obaxlotte Water OlrO Cisreadoe 1 Sl'l Oo Orafsva 1 HiS Crystal Brook 01M Curratnutka 0 7M krtliinga 0 050 Kdiv rw Euduada 0 H3S Eureha 0 arreli'ff lat 0440 owl r'By erine 0 i'7u reeling 0x311 Uawler 0170 Qeonr towa Otio CUersQ 000 Uoalea 0 170 Qreiaock 0 Ureeu'e 04 0 Uinnwacbe OaK) HUmdcrl 1 K0 Ilenntt 0130 Hatnley Bridge 0130 llaesuMUd 'I Hekt OXA Heyktaa OSLO Jaicerowa 0'3t0 Kulma 0 al0 tLepoade 0 8u) 0 370 so lung a 0 310 Laars 0 270 Lolethe1 1VI0 Lucindale 0 440 Lyndocb O'lSt OfKa Maidaad 7u3 Ualtala 0 2tO MaiU 0'670 Man num Maeoora OlfO Marrabet IC Uradowe 00 0 Melrose OMU Menlrigie 0'010 Milan? 0 ter MU Inset 0 350 ll tfinla' 1:15 Ulatem Central 0 415 kit eiam t'Mj Mnouta Masuabil' 0160 Matphe'X Vale 03:16 MouutBerkrr unt Gainbier 0 6 Mount Pleaant O'CM Murray BriXa'4 i Naimo O42o Nenaooor'o 5 NaMflj I3 Noarluoya 2 5 No nonvllie iao A O'Kti Oro oj I 243 UOdiaUtta O3i5 Pevria i i eceisirirg 0 10 Krt Aurosta 375 Port Augusta eat 0 4 langhxua'sB ide 0 (70 ooui 0 245 Pon BraaghtMi tM Portlltiut 071 PovtG rL01a t325 Port Linoda 1'4 1 Port 1'irie 03 5 Port 0 Pt Wakefield 1 9'teenaoUfle 1 6 0 9 orn 75 Ke 030 Keumark I'ilc Kivcrtau 0'2 'o kalie 25 wworlhy 0'100 SedCl vorth 0 421 ftoi lriry souWtowa 026 Htarsbury 1150 Slockf Oito etnokwell 0 S'oekterJ Crrek 01 C6 Strathalbvn O' 40 ntseakr May Vite) TsnunOa U41 Htr ingwajsptuigs Triee 013 Tesnwio 0 17'1 Truro 05 Two Wells SnO Victor Harbor Osst Virginia 0 Wsliaroo 0 3 0 Wetonka 1'491 Watvrvafe 0 545 Wellington i 60 WUlunrw 0 M5 Wilmington 0 63 Wilson sTS Wirraira 0'440 WoodtWs O'fS5 YanksJille 1 Yanka 7'i Yatcowle 0'2'0 ngala (1040 Yorketown 1 C5 Waukariiige OOM) Yuula OktO RILE MA TCIIES MATCH AT THE BURRA An interesting litio match was tired on the Burra rille range on to all txtmtrn A large number of prizos warn offered having been eubeenbed tor by the tradespeople Th ranges were 5 0 and 7X) yards seven shnta at each Wimbledon target and scoring The weather wws bad for riifasbuoting and the ecorM were not eo large ae might have been exwted The to'al scores were Corpnel A Jesniogo (bndlwp 6) trs1 4S Mr 0 rroc (l) 43 Hr O' Herbert () 11 Private Itos 46) 6 Lieutenant a Witt (soretcbl 44 Mr Tiddy (6) 44 Plvato 0 Gemmell (St 44 Private Parks (5) 4 Prime OebhMd (7 41 Mr Vivian 0 Mr Bentley (S) 3J Sergeant Bloit (7) bS Private A Millar 84 Private A Havles (It) 8 Mr Burns (ajJ Mr Davey (18) £7 Private 11 Dawee (iff) 7 iivate Schulis (20) 2S Private A Presk'k (UX Mr Builder 2 On Thureday afternoon tbe Ministry chose two new ool leagues to fill the vacancies caused by tbedefwat at the late elections of Mw nZ XV Rounsevtll and Grayson Treasurer and CommiBbioner of Public res pec tivaly Mestre Moule and XV Castine went offered places in the Ministry and both accepted portfolios Mr Moufa take the (josition of Commissioner of Pnblio Works and Mr Castine that of Minister of Agriculture and Education This ne cessitated reconstruction of tbe Cabinet so that tbe portfolios will be held as fallows Premier and Treasurer Sir XV Downer KCMG Chief Secretary Hoo XV Copfay MLC: Attorney General Hon Ilomhurg Commireioner of Crosrn Landa Hun Howe MP Commissioner of Public Works Hon Moule MP Minister of Agriculture and Education Hon Castine MP Mr XT Solomon MP was offered a position in the Ministry but declined as he thought he could serve bis party better in hi preeenl positkm as Guverament whip wfv 7 pg HWY iwlB IlTOBKlOVB What mo nveetbroeda Rwtathreade are little Uungandnot THE MARINE BOAR'n tn revenue of £1 per acnora required £100pen npoa it in repair The Government ndvtaed tbe Marine Board that they had do fund for tbe purpose I was dnotoi'd to rooommoad that the worn out rails be replaosd and Mdere be called for tbe leaie of tbe jetty A nrettingof the Marian JfcDrt tbaOunotaHctatarPoe Adelyfa rre Thure day when there were pramt the Premdvm (Mr Sanderson) Wardens ormby Hobbs Phillim XVbitahili Lsffoe tad Hamil Smaad ttoesaeretsry (Mr Arthur Seamy) "Tf? 1: ii for a term of five years deputy Euginear io Chief laid bo in tended to commence dre peoina a obsaoet a No 12 beacon in tbe Port Adelaide River at an early date To make tbe cutting be sug gested it would be necMBary to po up dredging marks and wba working nrtj Md late Lghre also would have to ba exhibited propmed to uto two red and two white lights if it met vrith the approval of the hoard Tbe harbormaster said he aaw no ob jection to tbe temporary light provided proper notice was given before they wie exhibited and tbe board decided to norify tbe Engineer in Chief to that effect Tbe beadkeqnr at Point Charite lighthouse reported on the working of tba light at that place that the lamp after being lighted burned very unsteadily and finally tbe overflow of oil caught fire and fell blazing into the natch pan which made it necemry to put out tbe lamn After various experiment bad been made to remedy the defect it was found that the light would burn steadily if low but ns soon as the wiok were turned up the burner bM atoe heated ga would rise aud the Hatue go up tbe Hue in long gaseous peaks After burning five wicka without euuuess it derided to try four only The four sicks gave a light a little inferior to the first order and kept pretty steady in fairt gave tbe beet light they had bad When five and six wioke are mad the flame ts quivering and unsteady and thus did no: give a steady ray Subse quently a telegram was received stating that toe ligntkeeper had succeeded by burning five wicks in producing a light superior to say in Routh Australia A very fair light sufficient for all purposes was produced by burning four wick The board derided to communi cate with Mecsro Chance Bros the manufao turere of the limn and with tbe Enrioeer in Chief whose oflic iak had pasted it alter being erected satisfactory Ao otftr to lease the Nosrlunga jetty at 3(h per annum with right to collect tolls was re jected as unsatisfactory Tbe Eagiceer in Uhief said he had no use at present for the tinilier uf the jetty which is in a dangeroustote but he discouraged the idea of leasing it as toe timber might be wanted st any time by bi department for works elsewhere The wardens in dealing with a request for lights at Balt Creek adhered to their former decision not to place any there a they were not wanted It was the opinion of tbe law officer of the Crown that pilotage in tbe harbor at Port Adelaide except in tbe case of exempt vessels oouJd be made compulsory It was auggepted that by law be passed making It oompuLsory for sea going vessels to employ a tng when moving from one part of tbe harbor to another but thia course was regarded a bring too severe and was aban doned for a motion which was approved that the harbormaster be instructed to prose eute the master of vessels wb they on Deoewarily blocked the fairway of tbe river Ths buard were requested to take over Marion Bay jetty a private structure which they bed no power to do Tbe harbormaster reporting on a buoy constructed to burn eight days without atten tion aud which recently arrived from Wash ington said that it had acted sattsfactorily but would do be so economical to use as other classes of light which they had in work It was derided to plaoe the lamp in the light house at tbe end of tbe Semaphore jjtty to further tee its efficiency The bead magazine keeps reported that there were in stock at the North Arm 17 tonn explosives on shore and 17 tons afloat At Gawler thete were 45 tons explosives 6 tons of which was powder The Adelaide becamabip Company wrote asking for a refund of dure paid by them at ort German The request was not enter tained CENTRAL BOARD HEALTH Wkunrspat Mat 10 Dr (president) Dr Patereon Messre Henry Rymill rederick Wright Geo Yeung and tbe secretary (Mr Ayliffe) Tbe acting health officer at Port Adelaide (Dr Teiohelmann) reported the arrival of the steamer Victoriafrom Australia Sbelafs remantle uu April 12 went np north along tbe west coast aad on her return left Geraldton on April 27 and arrived at re mantle on the 2ib where she landed pas sengers and cargo on the jetty which was strictly quarantined The steamer then pro ceeded to the anuboragc where strict quaran tine rules ware observed until she let far Ado laile on tbe3rd instant ThePsKSiDENTeaid the only possible danger was that persons might have gone from remantle to Geraldton and there biwded tbs steamer and come on to Adelaide To provide againrt this danger it bad been arranged that tbe ship be kept in quarantine till ths litb insk when if no pas sengers from the infected districts were on board and if after cartful examination no symptoms of disease were discovered amongst the psreecgen or crew pratique would be awarded Approved Smallpox at rnside XV RoOertaon wrote reporting an un doubted ease of smallpox tbe nstient iog bliss Birks daughter of Mr XV Birks of Burnside Tbe Prisidxxt vtare i fully the action that bad been taken Gfateii bare already appeared iu the press) Approved Tbe board confirmed by laws for toe local board of health of toe town of Clare The Chief Inspector reported that he bad visited Mr Shillabeerb paddock the district of Woodville where nightsoil from tbe town of Hindmanh is deposited He (ouud wiihiu Go yards of a public road and not more than 200 yards from Mr Sbillabeer's extensive dairying premises a large quantity of uigltaoil expoeea oa the urface of th ground and emitting strong tfthivium The Pkesides reaidhe local board had been informed and urgently requested to take immediate action to abate the nuisance The board expressed surprise that the local board had permitted conditions so filthy toaxiet in proximity to a dairying establishment Reports were received of typhoid fever at MagilLroad one at State School Department Magill one at Wright stret Adelaide one at ield street one at Nor wood one at Murray Bridge and one at iccadilly Action bad been takcu iu each Tbe infections diseare mortuary book showed 12 deaths registered during tbe week viz ne from typhoid fever at Glenville one at XViiliatuRbown one at Piccadilly and two at Ahwrtou one from diphtheria at Claris two as Kaonnda one at Mount Gambier and one ar Mount Gxmbier one from whooping oHigb at near Mouus Gatubier and oue a hlyior DAMAGED AT 1'ORT UA WLER Ci Ahreaithj Davin Eister aad to1111 Vbterisnsrpsrt (Me Bubl About IC months ago a quantity of damaged rMinite was taken into the magazines at ihu North Arm witbconsideratale risk of explosion This ootujrund bad been damped with sea vat which caused tbe nitro glycerine to i xude from tbe cartridges Some of tbe vksg were badly damaged that they had Vi be (fafftroyed Others after being dried were allowed to be put into store with the remainder which apparently had ai oned no injury By tbe operation of ordinary phyei al cau cs tba bulk of this omsignroect terio ated until it nt lart conia daagtroTiff Tbe matter wm reported by tbe besdkeeper at the ort Gswler maga zine to th Manne BoNd who communicated with tbe Government expert Professor Rennie and the owners of the property Meeera E'der Smith Professor Rennie visited Port Gawler and inspected the explosives He was dissatisfied with them that he took away samples of 40 case of the injured shipment which wm delivered ex Pori Adelaide and rehar samples from a shipment of 85 caei uf the same matenal lauded from the steamer Ctilgoa Tbe profeevur repucled to the board that the material ex Pure Adelaide was lieginmng to give off exudation badly that there was no alternative bus to have it destroyed Tbe two cartridge he took with bim to test were only ju over toe best test limit Tbo 85 rs cf tbe same material ex Culgoa wm all right with regard to the best tret but they choired signs of comtneooieg to exude so that lie recommended tbeir removal as soon jtoamble wish a view to the ne of tbrir am tents before further deterioration Gelignite is insoluble so that it will not be sutErieul to throw it into toe gulf Io fact Mr Hake of Victoria recommended that a maa aceus touted to torpedo be engaged to handle it in order to prevent acrid ent but it was suggested as an altumativo that it be taken to sea by a cargo boat and dropped overboard somewhere outrida toe Altocxpes Menan Elder Smith and Co expioaivea expert has tbe matter in band with view to a satisfactory disposal of the damaged artiste At present there ia it ia stated do danger but tbo gelignite will not be allowed Io go into urnamptius A party of offiriMs from Mean Elder 00 riday morning launch for Port Goatee in order to mate enquiries into the state of tbe dawcod griignrte stand at that port Md Mke 'ar THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN' CHRONICLE SATURDAY MAY 19 1833 ADELAIDE GOL CLUB The April handicap competition for the silver medal was played on the park leads course oa April 22 and 32 wish the result that Mr Baker won for tbe nennd time with tbe excal lent gromaoore of J6 strokes nrt N5 strokes for this 18 holt Tbe following are tbe full scores Hep Orees Nri Bsktr Il 5 Barr Smith It to) O'H QUaa tt 11 red Dyera IS lui Wl AwfarsM (oapt) ecr 97 97 Strachan 24 Izz I 15 IB let BM0W 27 141 114 Browne 136 l5 Goosen IS IU HD (Eountrn ctus or other Cbwatr see page It) Port Pino May 11 William Marebail aged ID yi are was ad mitted at the hoaHtxl on Monday (rum Port tfannem suffering from a fractured lg He diel today after the limb Lad been ampu tated Tort Augusta Slay 11 Tb wcathr iff fin far tbe o'intry it bring showery and warm ued is growing very fust XViiodride May A dinn was givr on Thursday evening May 4 to Dr Ouckburn tlm Hun 11 Gordon and Mr Lemd ecr ab the Stirling Halfway Huuw in honor of their return to Hie chair was tcoupied by Mr Milf'ird (ohairiuan of Stirling District Council) Un tux right sat the guests of and on bis left sat the lion CbarL stun MLC atid Messrs Batchelor tud Price Over 60 were present Afu tbo tuxt of had eu honored that of was given by Mr rance which wm replied to at length by Messrs Ch rfaatou Batchelor and rc The chairman next gave the guests of tbe evening in highly ulogiffliu terms and eprtas a hope sliat at the end of Cue pteaent Parliament they would still le on tbe Hvno tenuff with their cin titui ucy wnich bad dune lli tn the honor of goiug to the poll io euch force In fact they bad pcilltd more iu numbers propor tionate to any other member iu any other district 'asid Gurdon Cuekburn sud Lsiidsuer replied at length tuauking those pn iit foi the vmli ouie way in which th had eutercaiued tbtm aud xpres tug a Lope that at the eud of the present 1'urha uient they would be on the Name good tercif and cliuuug that they had Lt returned on tfa ir itirs mid not through any popularity Mr Bowen gave tho "Town and 'in jug out tin reqiiir ntent i of th district which wa Ptipp rt by Mr Councillor Rudd During the 1 vtuing p' Qo wro rtudi'r by asre ILklds Marchant IT mov Wilson aud Holrerland Renmark May 9 A enoeessful entertainment held Lure on riday last in Messrs Chnffi large store in aid of the local Loffpi'al funds The first iera oa the pi ograonne XVx wm well carried out Mr sang death ol in good sty fa and MG Clark vnneared to advantage in the tableau Little Miss A pianoforte solo by Mn Ifab'rtson wm fallowed by the tabh su BLinls ard and by Mr rancis and Miss 01urenliaw which was evcrilently staged Mr Cox played a violiu eolo and Mr Hint sang Many The tabh au Present and uture caused great amusene nt ana Mr Sbailand brought th" fret far) uf the programme to a vtnse by singing 'appy After the interval a pianoforte nolo uy Mr A Hollingdmke was folluwi'd by the tableaux Youth Courfahip and Old and and Ohl A (Into solo wxs nontribtiud by Kir Turner and Mr Barrell i anred hearty applause by the oiMtermonger's song What Tne concert was closed by the ringing of theNationnl Anthem I luring the evening the Renmark In trutuental Club gave several ecleoti'ns in a prauewoithy tuann' Th nutortainmeot was repeated on Saturday evening and the proceeds amounted to abiut £25 eteamr Gm arrived at 10 pm cn Sunday and after lauding 11 tuns uf cargo she eded up stream towtug the Nellie Th steamer Cerou a Nrrivud here cn her ay down etrenm on Monday morning Tiic Moira pveed hr fug tip stream yes terday towing a heavily I1ei barge Mr Pi ters mot with a accident yes terday sustaining injury unuuf Lis by a kick from a hoiso Th ffthvi ia very cc'd and it is likely that rain will fall shortly Epriugton May 9 An old resident of this district Johiun nafario Appl' Liiuin met wih a must peculiar yt ef riom accident some few days ago Whilst engaged in thatoiiing a haystack a cow chased by a du? ran up against tbe ladder ou which Applebamn waa standing a'isiog the old min to la'l busvily to the grutiud So riuu were the injuries hesui Lii'ied is is doubtful whether hu will be uLfa to wrk Berlin and the district council is prai 'iwi iidoly endeavoring to get him admitted to the Adi Lidc Destitute Ary lum Georgetown May 12 The ri constnivlion eclieme of the National Bank ih unfavorably commented upon par ii 'tilarly iu re'ereieo ti current aooouuta upl are wondering how long the Govern ment are going to keep 30 highly iaid officials Li look after a feu ballast heajis and whether the Blylh and Gladstone railway will aver advance further than it is at ireent Terowie May 12 At the Twial Court to day before Meeers Hill and Stephenson Michi 1 McKeougb a youna man was charged with obtaining money by false pretences from Mrs John Wood The evidence showed that the defendant with a man named Ellison succeeded io inducing Mr Wood to aeree to transfer life policies in the Citixeos Life Assurance Company to the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Company which according to opinion was illegal Tbo proceeding was never suggested by either uf the ottiues Ellison has ab noonded THE VERMIN COMMISSION Tero trie May 11 Many farmers who came to the township to day to attend tbe sitting of the X'ernun Commiseion were greatly disappointed to find that only Mr Kirkpatrick the secretary was here Some of tbe visitor had come 20 mile for the ptirjioe ol giving evidence and much aonoyauim was felt It is hoped that the C'jmmtMion will see its way clear to visit Terowie as it in thought that valuable infor matiuQ cau be given THE GEORGETOWN BURGLARY CASE CONDITION CRITICAL Port Pine May 11 rank Dinglaa who was admitted to the hospital yextentny afternuon suffering from a wound received in connection with the at tempted robbery at Georgetown ia in a very condition Dra Stewart and Walker probed the wound this morning but failed to extract the bullet Little hopes are entertained tor the man's recovery and uHriug extreme pain A RAUDULENT YOUNG WOMAN Mount Barker May 11 At the Police Court today lefore Dr Weld and Mr A XV Richardson Mildred Rnretll a young woman wm charged by illiam Wiedemann landlord of tbe Mount Barker Hotel with fraudulently obtaining It) days board and lodging The accuaed who told the plaintiff that her father would pay the hotel bill suddenly disappeared Three weeks after he left she wm traced to tbe Marry rille Hotel where she was arrested by an Adelaide cons'uhle The defendant did not attempt to explain her behavior but pleaded guilty and wm sentenced to seven days' imprisonment THE CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL BUREAU PENOLA RESIDENTS DISAPPOINTED Penola May 11 The members of the Central Agricultural Bureau arrived this morning by train from Mount Gambier They were met by the secretary nd chairman of tbe local branch bureau and oonvayed to Yallum where they were entertained by Mr Kiddocb Tbe party again pawed through the township at I o'clock and lunched at Katnook enroute for Narracoorte Much indignation is expressed here at the way Penola hM been passed over Tbe reeiduata consider that tbe members ap pear to be out tor a picnic party only Narracoorte May 11 The members of the Central Agricultural Bureau arrived at Narraonorte to night having driven through from Penola A meet ing wm held in the council chamber to receive them and Mr Attiwill (the chairman of the local bureau) presided over a good attendance of farmers ana fruitgrowers Interesting and instructive add reeees were given by several of the visitors and several quearions affecting agriculture and honieultare were anked and answered Tbe visit ot the Central Bureau member wm greatly appreciated TWO HAYSTACKS BURNT Nameoortat May 11 Mr Henry Smith a wall known farmer of thia district suffered a heavy lost yeatasday Two of his haystacks containing aboot 200 tonn were sntirely destroyed by fire Tbe stacks were not inawed How tbe fire originated Lm not yet been definitely aeoer taatd GAWLER NEWS GxwLw May 6 A derratatfan from the Soaiol gical CIsm waited on the Trades and lAbor Council last night regarding the proposal to form a two native party in GawDr Tbe meeting which ad been called to specially oonid the matter decided after a great deal ot dis ousrion to support the movement which will take definite form in a few days The Bocioloriosl Association met in the Institute on Wednesday evening when 20 or SO member were present Mr Ix wii presided An interesting paper wm given by Mr More on which cauaed considerable discussion The election of officer for the sILyear resulted Presi dent Mr Coombe (re efacted) vice pri aulent Mr Carpeuter bun aeoro ten Mr Beasley The Gawler Agricultural Society derided at their ftnuual meeting on Wednesday to receive tba rep irt aud bataoce shcet Much dicu us sion took place on the noss of omit ting tbe show mainly on aocouut of insuffi cirttt support from the It wu eventually decided that the show should lx) held an uua) and the date wm fixed for Sap tember 27 The bon aea (Mr 0 owler) aud Lon treasurer (Mr 1 Burton) were re ekened and the usual eommiueee appointed Principally on account of his action in ccn nectiuu with tba late elections Mr Pott' (who occupied the position of secret iry to Sirhi comiuiuei was a iiied to resign Lin otHc as delegate by the A ia'gamted Society of Engineers wUch position Le held in coDii 'utiOD with the local Trades and Lilr Council The niemfaire exp' ess tLniel as die 'tjetied with their atti tude towards th lutbir irty at that tune The usual in pectiou of the local corps nf volunteers took place on ridy evening by members of the staff from bead qur iters who expre tl ir pleasure at ih effi 'ieney and mutu ot tin: muu in Otic various evolutions Gawfar May 10 returrfng home on Tuesday evening two of esrs Msrtin Cu'h mployes who ru bring dnv iu a spring dray by Mr reak jun iu tbe employ of Mr John Martin farmer ucr Gewier thrown out of the dray on to the rrutn) read I appears that when they reached the top of Caltoo road hill the horse comtnnjsd ki king and amathed tbe front aril The dr ver tried to turn the li' rso along a crous roid I adug to the Ja d' but in doing so one uf the whori cangiit io a rnu and the Ji upiuta re thrown heavily to the metal the dray le ing completely overturned and the horse on his Lack Mr Juiu' Butriruan received never! nasty cuts afjuut th" faje greatly dis figuring it and bad oue of his finger nearly out nd as writ austaiu'ug a severe haking Mr reak fared rather worn being thrown on Lis head lie received a very naicy cut above tlm ear and uturioru all over tbe body The ttb occupant Mr Drafter who eeoaped with a Howtc shaking after freeing the Oorsa turned h's attrition to the driv who was un msciotis Mr John Martin who had been told ul the rocdeut arrived uo the scene and imveyed Mes trs Herriman and reak to Dr pham's tirgry where their injuries were dressed Jl th aro progressing favorably A special meeting of the Gawler Corpora tion was held this evening to consider a fatter from tbe Attorney General which came under notice at the council meeting on Monday nigbt regarding the tesfan of the Government and the Land tiou whiefi th have erected a pumping station In this Ouimnuni oatiou the Attorney General stated that be had con sidered tbe council's objections and tie was uf th" That the provisions uf section cxi of the Landa Clauses Consolidation A't are not applicable as it wm not a question ui iiiadvert' Doe on tbe part of the Government 'bat a title was not asked far but that on the xvutrary tbu whole of tbe proceedings show an absolute disregard of the provisions of secti id 1 4 et asq which is explained by tbe Engincer ii Onio: i l)pvrttinut ori tbe ground thit the land was a gift and as it tix always until recently bc on treated 2 Thao the council cannot acquire a poxa exory titfa to laud of the descripti and cnara ter as Um land un which tbu works are treoted mid the council did not iy euoh lawful enupation' of the land for 20 years xs would tiubfa them to giro a liol jiiig title and 3 That the Governaitmt already have a ri holding titfa and that the council sr unable to adduce any legal ttle to the land or if such title oould ba adducod th it that the conned er prohibited 'indut teclion 15 of tbe Lands Clauses Consult it imi Art from selling the laud in dispute to the The Mayor (Mr Hnggettd that action be taken against th" GuVel linient eldmiog year' untaL run dbi Burton pr' pW' hat the cor poration tffke aoli against the Govern ment Li nimr half rent and thst uoti of action be sent to the G'lV rnnietit and thrt they be a ke(i to naniff a nominal defendant1' Coun cillor Lucas 0 "ndinR the motion said he oould eee huv the rernment when given permission to sink a bore fur water iu the first could ci iifftruo it loto a possessory title The motion was declared carried Dr Craig who some yars past has preached in St Gorge's Church (Uwler gave tu farewell rnmu on Sunday last to a large uougregation Tbe rev gentle man thanked the members of th congregation far she kindly tvelmj that be bad always met with on viaitiug their church Mr A Wyatt Mortimer held a preliminary meeting io the institute oorarnittee roooi on Munday evening to form a Philhartn'inio Society in Gawfar Mr XV Croft uA upi''d the chair About 30 ladms and gentlemen gave in their names its wilhng Co join Bujb a erciety and a provisional com mittee was appointed to arrange for a general mat ting iu St George's whoolroom on Monday next Mr Tutton was apjiuiuted secretary pro tom SPRINTING AT KADINA Radina May 10 A api iuting match of IBTiyardstook place this afternoon rm the show ground between George i'ruvao aad Charles The ground wm rather heavy after tba recent rains with four yards start best his oppo nent easily Time 15 I eeo This is con viderod a good amateur timo district CToundls for other LHltrirt Cvincilt tee vajt 12 PORT OERMMN My Ail i runi Angst rt aem mrnten land at Wilmington ahersdorit vtfeoted in tbe tmck k'rcui Colonial Mutual Una'SDteo Hocitty forwaidiog receipt tor erh'e pienixuu on £8'X rom thv nianaxer union tort Melrose re iuiereet cbergrd overdrawn iu a Reeolvd thitenp )y of deg 'liens eral reitln dic be procu'f rom mWorwr nwri luuidB diltlrx pectl grout cf Absi tor the Port Garme Uorg" reed Overseer to attend to rtrelut ad neo' preper'y Stone rom Sliarp ttoolvroo applying for 0to ard if wire nerilcic no foods avaUaM and to intte a fresh application to the Uovirumeot for erant tor ab've tuirpte Thos Solardere ra kr of Port Qermefa tendered hie resignation sh vta wes accepted rcm ratvprrs of the northern end of UaroMa Mking toe repairs to road nae Blanfasy Greek to be attended to at cnee Speoial nt tire i hsgi eo to ail defaulting ratepsjeie Mr A appoint inspe toe under tbs Vennm proot encing Act Tend te tubs Celled for strwebairt of road ner Maroney a on the Wilmlnptca and Wil lowie road work on main road from Yarrowi lo Taroowle 2 ohatavof road by Usnhair abp about 1 chain of road in creek by Kelly's whim Loo'eri tv or ll chains road on tbu east end of Kel y's work at Ysndta Gap St cu lo yards ot meial for read se of ullerv He on tbo bfte CI'lTe end Murray road Tenders ar pted CorVec No UP 1 UvHnaoe rt ted per cuLlo yard No 162 Mcdbaar £3 17s Bd per otein Na 163 Krily £6 Us cbaln No 104 G'goey st £2V No 165 Kell per chain No Uro Keliy at £9 per hai No 7 ba by 1 iif per poet ba UJ B'ore £9 MaBIOX May 6 Preetnt Ai' Work ordered Msiate na ire metal to be it on soon ae (he weather I tuitable terseer to get rubble for liltinc holes to be cleaned snd bole Oiled betwren Guidye and Copley Bey road Or Bandleoa wsapnointad to represent the couecil at tbe next meet i of he IHeirk Uotuie Association Tbs chair man (Mr A Copley) headed in bi reripnatioo wbirt wm are pted Ore yron ivetera to retire by rotation and Banriieoa by flo Psynenia Oinerai £96 7 Id main road £149 its tud Bsieiptn bistrio £77 fa main toads esuu SPALDING April IX Presamt AI' Menm Bara Dunvfan'S tender for bu'ldlnc oou ril eba uber and a room foe an institute at £C2 12a was accepted rom Mr Melman Mtnplaiamx ot stat thi ties in tbs hundred ofKeyuclde Resolved that tbs cour ell nucha lot 9 township of Trslyn Uie chairman guaranteeing to rls the cot by eu wcriptlan Legal action to tak tor tbs recovery of all rate ns paid wietaa 1 date from Anal ootto PaymaQta £44 IA tnsio road do I ts Meettan heM May 4 AU bat Or Ittelta mortal from ratepayer re destroying staetMsttes to to eent on to tbs Comtnhsieoet of Crown Landa The chairman to opsa a tnm aoncuat at tbe MaMnat Uuk Ola Maia road work accepted fjyttrUln ties (too Uaitet £4 ita par cbala OLl IO May AIL rom A fflmpaoa A fan StaUfeg tba council' ebsqos bad been returned owing to tba suapsaeica of tbs bank Tbeebslrma rep wted that oeiag to til suvpeoMoa of both local bainks 6e bad been OBH to amass for paying acoooate this month Resolved Ural ootstaadlrg rates be collected a soon as possible On Loogmirs sad TrswraU repotted that Brink wortb ford bed bssn wasbsd away teadarete caBsdfoe rspoirteg saw Clerk pro lured oopise of revised aasessBeal to bo duly advevtised Cro Johnson and Tres'fsll to wire hy total toa a Or Williams by baUok Mato road retn down taodsMfr otafsnntog Council teat Um tospaetor gsntral of roads bod oomp'aiasd at tbotefarisetoaoad tar saato tota turpccea to ttoaaalng that good Umestooe vu petfsrable Board of Health totpoctes ngwtoffa once tf typhoid to theSMrtBK wtaite Iwd ban oootsnstod a rsstes kmc Tksdtatetetwaeta agood eaotawy Madfttea yon pride yowroelf on saying what yon like yon spill often bn mortified by os ringbnl yea fcrt life lining intelligence (or otaer Mining ctot foot 16 BLOCK MINE MEETING SHAREHOLDERS A COMMITTEE APPOINTED A meeting of rbreholfara of tbe Block 14 mine cunwned by Miners Laughton XV XVhite Brand in A Palurer Stuckey A McDonald MP JI Gel! and A XV iLbie was bi ll on riday a(t rnouo aS th Arbitration rom Piric street ExUiange to ounuder th of alfairs an I the numi naii'Q of directors in place of the two re tiring There was a largo attendin' of eharo bol'fare Mr A XV DvLUtu beUb voted to the chair The CnttRrtAN said they had mot tn take iuto ounritterariun the getmral tateof at? tire in eonriectiin with Block 1 Hebtd no atatu mrnt to make but is was cp far any one in the room to make any propoial and Le would aek ruaiu uii tuun to luake a cfatiui'u pro (o ition far the luertini to con mfar Mr Ei'Waiii) Lavgiikis eaid hi felt lio wm expreMing the vtewri ot Sj iUi Au Ualiiui sharoh ld generally wb he said th rn was a foebtig of piufatiud diirttidfactiou abroad at the mauner tn which th all airs of the Bfa 1 1 tninn far! fa en conducto (Hear hear) Tim ci use of ore at diff rent Broken Hillmiu worn 'tom carried a gn at rival ot lead and uthcre littfa Tlu in lfl were much raor profitably emeltei at tlm tea board thin at Bcalren Hill Tiiit was known many yearn euro aud imaller were 'Oto queur cTv't' DryCr't Pirte and Adefaidr oth Lad th heavy lead ore like Block 1 I ie pie ett liairmaii of director Mr X' igg ha I call it a Jnad mine i) irri with it the fact thal the nu no ought always tj have bven enrrii out entirely nt tle sea su'ing dilfaretitly had rimply boeu throwing the ehareholdvn' money awny Thu ctore had alwaya br'l tin rn ot know ing the o'st of at ddb rent putss th rgh the fftiffri Lolders had and any one toMthec etof co*ke coal limw me irniitoue water aud uarti tge could ertnin the eamo in tive ruiriiteff (Hear hear) lutliree out of the last four half yearly reorte which cover a rfadof two vi are tlu ij wi a cfaar avenge Li i efa'wn of lid Id j'r tu on themeltings at Br ikcn Hili when compared with at tbo same tiiuu at tbe sea board Thin fact The figuree were supplied to tbe eharohobfara by the and signed by lhau conduct ing the work viz Mr Lari" Mr trihlapp and Mr Board Ttii was cbarly shown in the printed doou nt ut ditnbufed in th ro'im and the avtirai ot rhe unt showing a loen of 12 I ton for iot df year whn sub mitted to Mr Wipe was a lmi'ted by him to correct at the public nn eting list Novvmber Tho only exeuw made by Mr XVigg and tbe other Mrltonrne director for not melting at the seaboard waa that the South Walw rvemmtifi might put a duty upon ore Nearly lleis were working at I )ry Port Adriai'fa and Prt Pirie and the Proprietary Cjmpa iy of which Mr XVigg was a director not only purchased the four Dritirth smelters hut wire now budding re alongside them at rt Pirieo that dearly tbe excuse was untenable and should never have un mafa far it amounted to spying that IVunk 14 should not have tho two smritcre required at) thu seaboard though it was most necessary cu account of her oru bring so extra heavy iu lead but all other eotrpanio might Lave as many as they like though not needing them ro much from having a ffmallar proportion of lead to tteat Their Adelaide director Mr inlayson told bnn a long time ago that Mr Lane bad reooirmeuded the erection of two smelti at the sea board The rcffp'inribility of the matter beiug neglected rvid'ntly thetef ire rested entirely with the buard It hmld be rt snerabrred tl st th drectora id had SHVei al opjxjrtunities of stopping tho Vs by buyinff tbe Junction eimlrer Hi'cctid by buying the Brierh smelters and nrain by having smelters built at tbe seaboard Had ihi ifaae cither of the sethiugu the saving effected in one year would have paid all the cost However as far they knew they did not even yet propose doing anything In con nection with that it wm worth notmg that Dr Schnabel in advising about tbu sulphide ores proved conclusively Unt the heavy lead ore be Bmr ltod at tho seaboard To arriie at thu total bum which had hen puffi rc through not amelring at reabosrl it unft fa iub red thita'i ut lli'fiOi) tons cf ore bad lu in trtated at the ruins atidv i kon inc thu lo it only 10s per ton lliiil if the sharebold re' tuooy Im I been wasted Put quite iriesneotive of this over 17000 tone of ure wore sold to the Dry Creek Compeny on which morn than £1 per ton additional profit would rtaibly have bom made had tbe Hock i Curupauy smelted it On tl'vaa two items alone which might have en earned far tbe shareholders bad sacrificed (Huar hear) There was Hiijh way iu which lie believed waste had bo and was still going that was up the chimney (I bar Lear) In rtcput ii' wspa rs it had been stated that Mr (idling and Mr Howell were sncceKefuily i xp rimtiiting to save Hue dust Now in (uniff of the American mine ll pur cent of the quantity of ore smelted was saved in Htiedurt At Block I I saving equalled 7 per nt and if the additional 4 percent could savbd this would amount to £200 wtekly or £IOj'()i tier year an item which wa certainly well worth looking after (Hear hear) They were not now considering the I'iC'prietarv irinu but he mentioned that tho saving of dust shown in tbe last two half yearly reports was only 2 per cent of the ore Binritud and as each percentage equalled £100 if 9 per cent more could be eaved that would amount to £3 GOO weekly or £189000 a year The ueoeBsity for saving all the tiue dust posrible Lad been long admitted and it seemed strange that it should be neglected br so many year numerous effective devices had fa en st work in America and clsewhvru for twenty yosrs and more There was yet another wav in which waste was going on at Bl'jck 11 The carbonate ores in tbu upper levels of the tuiuuwereeaay to smelt and bad special value for fluxing refractory urea with They ought to be better turned to a'nxnint than they were by having a ptopertion of the sulphide ores from the deeper levels which were richer in silver smelted with them Smelting the carbonate ore alone wan a great waste (Hear bear) There was more in this question than shareholder realised Mr XV XVilon when chairman of tbe Proprietary board 18 months ago informed bim that enquiries were being made in Western Aus tralia about lead ore which later on the Pro prietary mine might nave to buy and import lie wonld say a word abuut their only Ade laid director Mr inlayson The remunera tion for his services was per year but be had to jiay hie own travi Hiug tuqieneea so that if he went often to Melbourie to attend board meetings not only fart bis time but money as well fault of the present state of things fay much wi tbe shareholders in not putting more Adelaide directors like Kir mlsyeun on the lioard so as to bsve some power (Hear hsr Mr Xrigg was origi nally put on the board as an Adelaide direc tor but he now resided in Melbourne He noticed recently when the Hon Baker etmvd for tbe position ot Adelaide director on ifa Proprietary lioard that be bad a strong opponent in Mr XVigg who was reported in the new? paper a saying at the public meeting he would oppose any more Adelaide memlierH going on to that which seemed extraordinary when more ebaree were bald in thia colony than in Victoria (Hear bear) On May 5 over 5SCV0 Block 14 ehare were held in this colony and by adding the Broken Hill shares over GO 000 against 22000 held in X'ictoria By acting unitedly South Aus tralian shareholders could return a fair pro portion of directors on tbe board (Hear hear) Hitherto they had not acted unitedly tending much to their own injury and as fie thought to lowering the statue and prosperity of the colony Had more South Australian director been placed upon tbe Broken Hill mining boards there would be wm convinced have been more uniform success and leas ot the ups and downs involving great loss and in many oases ruin upon shareholder Tbe Block 14 mine had been run on wronff lines otherwise it would have paid better dividends snd been dividend paying all along Enough bad been eaid to convince any share holder of the wisdom of putting more Booth Australian directors oa tbe board (Hear hear) If tbe present opportunity wm neg lected it would perfaape be their last chanee for doing anything Recently tbe following paragraph evidently inspired appeared in tbe tpirter is stated that steps ar being taken with tbe ultimata object ot tne Block 14 mine being to all practical interests and pure pcsee absorbed by tba Proprietary company The negotiations have not vet emerged from the chrysalis ettge but should they reach maturity of which there is every probability tbe idea so far a can be ascertained is for the Proprietary company to purchase tbe reservos of carbonate ore in Block 14 mine snd to com bine them with the dry silicious ore of the Proprietary Tbe question wsa Wonld tbe Bontb Australian shareholder who bold most interest in tbe mine quietly acquiesce in anything that might be done without having any voiee in it? It would not be wise to do am and tbe only way they could get their interest con served wm by putantf more direeton on tbe board It seemad a case of now or never Lately he had been approached and asked to go on tbe board it being even intimated to nim that Mr XVigg would bo wilting to resign in his favor Heconsulted other sbareboldee and it was considered beet to call tbe meeting and let aharebolder know bow matatt stand He wm very unwilling to go upon the board but if Mr Wigff really made bun that offer be thought be would noeepe it Two director were now retiring (rein tba board and it VonM only bo oomaoa prndtaw fa Australian abareholdet to elect others in tbeir eaoe To ensure euucen oummittoe abcrild i appointed to act for tbe shareholder in securing candidate )oxic and getting guntiemen to attend tbs coming half yearly meeting in Melbourne That meant considerable erpeuffs or tbe Im two year be had worked to gut matter put upon a better basis and had spent a considerable sum in trying A year ago an effort was made to reconstruct IJc board and though it did not anooeud it sbowsd that by a united effort shareholders oould aojumplifh their obfact A number ot gentlemen bore part of lal year' expunere but meet had fawn by bimtelf If shareholder each subscribed a little it would be all chat wm neowwary and he hoped they would do ao promptly 11 willing to subaeribe towards the object but cuuid nut do more Hu moved lbs the chtlnnas Mcesie Wm Whrte A Double MoruoierSmrtey andlbs uiAverwito power to add to tbeir nuoilier lie a committee to take kiicb step a ttey oou'tffir nroeiary at present jimeitiie in th harebri'lere and to return South Aurt aliao recter io place of tiie is' trine (mtn the arrt and (Me meeiin yfaltro itaeif to ad in ctaia'Dj th luna lo cany out lha jrt An to the election of candidate for thf direototahip that should be left tothecuci rn it tee luin ulf he would rather not art an hoed the committed would arraon with tome cue else Ifa would always be willing ti aid anything for the ehareh jider' niter eat to the utmo nf hi ower (Ubeere) Mr XVm XVhytk seconded the motion It was quite time so ne new blood waa infuMhl into tbe directorate of the Bim 1 1 mine ifa thought Che Adelaide shareholders should have a fair represeotatiun on tnu boanl (Hear ht ar) They would be neglecting Cheir duty if they did not jiirt in a man now a they would not have cu ih a chance agou ai Mr Laughton had point'd out Pe maliy would like to Mei Mr Jaiihton on the board (Cheer) Mr IutghViu wa prtted up in tho affairs of the mine tlun auy tn other shareholders than oven the director tbcniM lves (Laughter and TboV el'otild now make ovnry exertion to got Mr Laughton or any ber i uiupeteut gentleman to sit on the board a iue representative of th Adelaide ehsru hojilers Now WA4 their opportunity and it tle only united they would have what they waute ifa augmented that Bonn one should go to the nrighitoring colony aimed with eutficieut pr ixie" to gain two real on the board aud Lu only hoped they wonld Lave auffioient fore eight to make Mr Iugb'on one of them Ah regards ex penaea tbu Adelaide Mr only got £109 a year and if Im wanted to go backwards and forward to Mri Uiuruo Le would have to pay his own tmvel hug "xpfnrs This was very unfair and Cue Adelaide director wa always out of jxxiket Mr Buaslix supported the inoiinu and (aid a tribute to the abilit of Mr Laughton and hi titn'rtff for the iti of one uf the director uf the mine Dlr Laughton bad studied tbeqnertiui) very deeply and bad col lected far fa winch nrned him Mr XVltat wunl be the pre expenses? Mr About £25 The Tiiat is not a very reriotrs matter Mr Mi I)o the director) resident io Melbourne got the mow aalarj aa the Adelaide one Mr LaI'Chton There are wv directors and £1000 i voted for them The Mellruirn dirctri gt £7C'i and the £V0 i voted for these wlm attend the meeting course the Adelaide director cannot attend tbe meeting The Oilier niinee pay tbe travelling tzjenrt Mr LaI'Uiton Block 11 to pay exn iea Mr 1 thonght it wm neoro rtry that Mr Laughton should be on tho board but they should have his full consent first so that they would know what porituin they were in Ilu thought the AdufaideHharc holders wu ld bu well represented by Mr Laughton Mr Lwuhton If Mr Wigg will resign I ill otter myrelf nt Mice Several Shareholders fay yon will now Mr Lai X''clf il ueoussary 1 will (C'iwre) The motion was carried A vote of thanks to Mr Laughton ci the meeting BROKEN 11ILLBLOCK5 CO3IPANY TO EE WOUND VP Melbourne May ll The shareholder of the Broken Hill South Block 5 Silver Mining Company Limited i day decided to wind up the oomf any The directors bad failed iu their endeavors to obtain a ffiifaidy (riu tbu Now tiuutb Walu Government BROKEN HILL SOUTH MINING COMPANY Sydney May 11 In the 'ul I Court to day a care was concluded in which the director uf thu Broken Hill South Silver Mining Company appealed against an ordrr of the chief judge in Equity in reffpect rd the application for fee made by tbe formrr directors It appearbat the gentlemen wbo artea ae director from the registration of the com isny until 1890 ha uot received any freer tbeir eervioce although one of therticlee of association provided for the dis tribution of £500 pur annum among the direc tors euoh amount however to be taken from the profits made by the company and to be a first charge thereon Although they did not take any fee the sums claimed by them as remuneration were entered in the took as a contingent liability and also appeared on the balance sheets presented to tbe share holders In 1K38 (he director eold Block 5 for £25000 the payment to extend over a term The whole of the money had been received and the ex director considered that their fees should be paid A new Mt of directors had come into power and they denied the liability Tbe chief judge in Equity decided iu favor ot the ex director and the present directors appealed After lengthy arguments the appeal wm dismissed with costa against the company BULLION RETURNS Nkw Milo Gold Result of a trial crash ing for tbe 10 day ending May 6 102 tons uf ore treated yielding 50 oz of gold In this crashing the Berdan pans were not need the result given being from the batteiy only New Alma and Victoria Ore treated 209 tons producing 179 ox 11 dwt smelted gold Broken Hill Ore treated 7518 tuns producing 'X3 tous bullion con taining 22" 750 oz silver Block 10 Ore treated 29 tons producing 34 tons lead containing 32504 oz ailver Ore treated 621 tons producing 141 ton bullion containing 9106 oz ailver Ore treated 369 tons producing 151 tone bullion containing 7 192 oz silver aud 150 tons lead One furnace full time Block Ore treated 914 ton producing 224 tons bullion containing 17323 silver including 36 tons containing 4999 ox from Block 10 Ore treated 136 tons producing 31 tone 13 cwt bullion ooutatning 359t) oz of silver MISCELLANEOUS Tbe amount of flux aad firewood seat away from the Mount Barker railway station 1m( wet Ironstone and marble flux 50 tons firewood 31 tons 23 oreV under tiaaginx wal! reaia WMt Kusottn Uual topdy isr gad eaibeutJ brekeeantf aaetZtonacttw Hovel Ba ate a 2 lereL Ko a croecrt Uraai tup(4eoond oiined nu et lo rein fare look abatu lhaante Oc l0U floor fa! et drive aad about 6 ft frost fao tel started crosscut aoaifc vart whiali drtveo by axtnctor30ft a1pd throrhroai rvillmg ore Lyr No 4 Mat' artad to closeup tail vhait jsj will Meaatart tecvoavculesataod area to i r'coljjefn til pan Block 14 tk Mrok ry eoarfMtinre total p'k ft Lkokkx litiL Itareaierxar Bay BoOnUooh' new abate rw Station No level iwaiptWtri No 2 level of nc Contseacad eoeth drive a tvanoed itm cn ft tatnaalt lev! No fl eat croim ut racetwl' 't 11 ft total Mt ft Ko 4 reoav OtriiKoc truth i f0 cocaeot with No fl vruvtcut auC ararced ni SutL attenin' No il1 1 weet craauul evendtd lift total Wl fctariK diat lavl jaweni ed rth dm frai cvr ti to crtrtrt wrh NcCuilocii a aouiii tpea ad'Uieed fmu fu Nrw abaft uunb him an timber It total depth an ft tsiuirrou 4 tou div eteorded 31 total 3it It 7 level work doo irowo it men ciitliag srouud fur donkey puup aud iwuiplr ai same No 4 No 1 upraise from ito tn cit riteu 8 ft total reight Ls tt Saaft retnuic nff fttlow No 7 level Dr tv's Nc 4 level 2 wt orowoot ex tended lo it total oHtance ite Bock ll new Eotfa*gvd lo e'lUiag gr iuna tor Na 3 onapact wm" 8: suarrr tla Put rin six men stoplag O' er In of No 3 IvveL fe ope rin usual ap PMiarKe No 5 Cuattac' or tualin fr headway ountiy ory tiifb' Httriad hetn on Jl i'dai la for company woikiec 12 huiira par Jay arid iru h'rj tor Nee tiak t'e Crerk taVvli taloJ OM Oottpaoy triiiutcr with £0 liuadt fa btute ad expect tar aootber ir headj tti ute arty ar tramline com pleted 6i AsnnA a tp Ami" xr up to day to)2os 71wr Ir trern too ernahof 11 tot vrr from ItielH) ton from No s3 wirklns and ill too ev fumte etjne Throun 'idem to piv'oia eorina Ire tlt hour cu blnz OS 1 Hid 5 ton coooentrate vilue ii lo ot par ton 8trteJ to work oae cotaentra print Wcd rreby and obtain 3u rut oirert ae value 7 cr perion Or furs aca cti In tt utp'p lor tor'cl ht tons rniiK Al 4 0 kvel north dm a OU tried 11 ft total ft'ill LanL to cat wc then get on baot of oll South div 1 eeiried 9 total 'IC tt firntetion 3 ft wide looks pr im in' Kt above nrlh drive about sama epi JCy (or irn'd lioio izo anti'uony reef ti fa houtu vi vt mi Hud nuderhand aiopirx toirr No 2 Midi atoplnr li' i lo I aliafu no cliatk'e to TIk' I a'la innel ir now iu fat ft exrenffiun tor 'log it luttry harder cr faj through iw Tbo meeting of thu National So iuty wa hrid cm Wednesday At tiiu head office square Mr Audervou presided and there was a small atteudsueo uf slisruhridur Nomins tioua were received for tlm ulecttua uf one director The Chairman ex 'famed the nritioii of the society with re ereucs to the National Ifauk whor* the society kept its acoount and stated that shortly arrangements would fa made that would to sarirtactory to all partfa At present pay rmuits iiy the board would to nduoed to the aiuffifart i inpare 11 greeted the state ut iitiauuial all sirs but it was uusvuidablu HAIR th? tnlrfrmu becuUiiug lUiii laded its rich nes lux rlnnco uiilioliir to an ad vanced ix riod of Ufa Tt Hiros (t hn humors Mid keeps ll seal oo nici it nnd he itlhy Tba I te Atcrfa Jiitir Vi ir is a refined ariii ste nm wliii does riot soil or lo rin' i Iiy exposure to th" air and vfib Kus jiertort it substitute lor Ute oil ff pulled by unt tre i i jniiMi and lieUUi at nuilui riuiniisU can supp1) Hair Vigor riti AREP nr The Best Brassing frsg VISOR reren' Dl AYE3 CO Uwfi1 Mass Itewnre vf chnap imitation Ti'u name Ayer is prominent on tli vv rapper and is blown in the glass uti th' buttoiu of cadi of vur buttle Late Advertisem*nts Rtostvso too Lata res OuaasirnjxTio flViiREK YOL'NG NEN good OrcutbS'Mow vire I MstiUuoaial Uorreipiadaaoe with THUKK GIBL3 17 18 and 19 good koktvg fond chiulrea No rlirta'ioa but gvnulu AdJrew "KY (fa PO xl33v Business Partnerships ZtaN AOCOUNE THE DEaTH or TUB fig OR BALt or TO LET tbe onl BLAUKSMITH'3 8UOP silusu laTARLEBM a (teioif concern (took at vtluun terms It re qulred ao Dwelling ot th room Apply co oc betoc 8tiudj Nay 2U lo IL tvull maohlala he Onoroa iffi9l( 79xlU Miscellaneous JOB BALK th Oribrald DRAUGHT entib B0H8E Young Murray Prims Apply Brogan Georgetown xllto BEAUTIUL SILVER WAT0M GIVEN AWAY every Booth amcaret the current tnonib' purohaaero of my Imm lifelong Mhabto UmekMpero Mat regiaterad poat tre Wit O'rt yat Kuarant for I la WlasW oama aad addreta appears bet flrvt flatuday ot every mooth Send for circular (poet fr coBtalainc important particular taeiimootata Ao sad you will buy eely from SHEPPAAD th Aroad Adalald Wtilt Bute i entitled to th £3 3 Lady' titv wueb givM away Mnoacl th April purohimr of my £1 la Watches GUNS BBKBCHLOADEBS is hammerlw ptstcl trip ebokad 24a Kitte Wfaobatae £3 Martini 42a Bireaa Alma Chamber xl40 Before purchasing gun apply tor mw prio lit to Bitaea Alm Usambera Op pout A Widows' und Bocity Greatvll trw xflt 147 Birds and animsls io li bi arrows and MIOt Wanted at th Zoo 180 COMORT OB Out thB out aad m4 te ut with la lid and you will receive by return of pon a pair ot Colored Balmoral or Buuoe Boot tor bound patent fari' bright hurtle oa trout im 1 84 Addrvaf BO 78 Buaci Pearoa Meeagrr lOflowertnvKU 6 BMt GUNS Rifle aad Revolvara la Brest variety at lowest pricer Bteen Alma Qhambaca opposite A Widow und Sovitty Oretifell etreer x3 17 BUST ARRlVED AterreOocUKOment ofOUNdJ RILES and REVOLVEBS Pnoa litt Oc ap plication to BtSSKN Alma Chamber opposite Australian Widows' und 8odiy OrntU trvt93147 GAL sod other TANKS reduced pne IvirV fld it Jamtt task maKar UConaaU trat North Adelaide lAQua'crtl nt PAERHANG1NQ8 tro axpeoc pat roli at KutenaP Piaao Daaot Pirietetrert al9flo MANAGERS' REPORTS Business Notices ftasTOU KlSUfty STAMPS! STAMPS! PaWee'e gTVE ORIGirLif Uaaal am piy lead rtokea Lem rtowiit rod third flmva Paeaa teoktaw better at aaaa Wart Send trial ocodoavat pv regtrtared ItttM Prempl cash or other artfafo tt dtaM I retara OLD ISSLTji at rEU PtkSTAOK STAMPS tfl South Aottralb aad the other Australlaa CtteaW BoUOST la way qroatfty lha bijhaatprioar paid Of the PRESKN ttsUB th Stamp at Si td aad tba hitter valum purahid STAMP ALBUMS ItOVCWTa Buxta 14 Nay abaft tOO ft NerUrrn atop very low In lead bat reiurntnc fait araraga ailvar middle acd arataer per un changed aad ytold'nc ocd average lead era toe ai eittiig aa required riee on louit level aoath ot mala atert riaea ft tai frm ItV'l 11 It oreill parr North Wtaaa from Co fi level to cooMet latetmedlaie stops sow dewa it th expert to hole tkrowrM mat week nee la back ef luu tt level outh tero Vtappid a th ere ba completely cat out total tefohi rieaa 0 fte Nea will rBbia tbddttg aad prvpatiafbaft for double harttavaed Making" Bbiypiw Baoaru Hrou May Meebwcad iSa 1) abaft Na ft At petal flflo ft math of la 1 abaft wa to erwoout wat drive by rrxs Bx New Lmumberg Queen Be ebaft sub 6 ft total 117 fa la Out throogh to foot wall ot lode Ixxle pinched to 18 la at ibis point No chance in det of lud ma ter entry took changed llu 1 Into uilctceoue achlrt with lain ot boa ani q'Mrtr bewtug HUI native copper" Moi'ffT Moo April 29 Main rhvft Monarch reef eat not ft total depts 299 fte and I It fl in wtatb la very hard roontrr Dynamite requirite tor further progrera art beta Immeolawy peoourablr thia work abcoatlauod for a tbnrt period and vtopiag out at 260 ft level cOBsenocd sod con tinued 22 use of ore raited herefrom ahowieg eome what better qgallty liwa at preeMt hoiteta of ahal Croaking from tbi porttoa of tn I or etart during current week Six tone of coacaetraua treated by Wataoe and Denny pan reanlt I oa fl dwu 12 gr retorted and 7 ot of pyrite aaved for futthr treatment" NokT Btoxxa nux My ft inter ediate driie d'heo 7 ft tai 31 ft from pwe Coneequrecr of footwall eteainp round pinctud body co miall ria about i ft thick now ararted to rin on ore about ft back from face of dm Native airier roniinuse to bo aa rive ex'ended Nowvpdleteacoef 4 rt 100ft Nreth drive exteedrd 6 ft total 71 ft oa oro lody Mi re quarts hoi tn fce than wroal Wi a oown ft from Acor of drive strong body carbosatee ebonie Pump idle coup of deva in conequiHje ol breakage write aweep rod aad aia ea teudaj laat LUDWIG ZZSSZSB! STAMP MERCHANT AILING BANKS Our patron ere advised rot to entroit toetr mroey with tbe a'lova but to peril it kh ue to exehanre foe DBAPEBY New Extraordinary 'aloe IRON MONGERY CROCKERY BOOTA Ba Ortal Baigaiu with aheotutely uw risk JO HARRY A CO Yte CaMi Stoea Crfttal Brook are xnemt AfLVlMQ wntea jS DI) DD A 7HD At tlMBlNg na Mr.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.